|27| The Death Of A Demon

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"Overhaul, do you copy?" Izuku said over the ear piece that you provided him.
"Yes?" you answered.
"Group B has sighted Kai, but he isn't alone."
"Who is it that's with him?"
"Some woman."
"Hmm. I'll figure out what to do with her when we catch him. Where is Group B now?" you asked.
"They went for the immediate capture, so they're moving closer to the target."
You nodded, before going silent.
You looked at Mina's location and touched your ear piece again.
"Follow after them. They'll need backup. I'll get the police to follow in."
You called Group C, D, and E and sent them the location so they would attack in waves.
"I'm on my way."
You stood up from the seat you were stationed at in your house, closing the laptop and walking for the front door.
"You are not going anywhere!" someone said, blocking your exit.
"Get out of my way Shota."
You growled as your father shook his head no, still standing in the way.
"Let me pass."
"No. Bakugo would kill me if I let you risk yourself like this!" he argued.
"He isn't even alive Shota, get out of my way!" you snarled, pushing him away.
He didn't try to get in your way again, and you stopped walking.
"If I don't kill him myself, then he'll kill you next. Even if I'm furious with you, you're still my father. I vowed to protect my family."
You drove off into the night in the car on your own.
He said unforgivable shit..I don't even want to see him right now.
You bit your bottom lip as you thought.
But so did Katsuki..he said things he didn't mean back when I ran away.
I forgave him.
You shook your head.
A father-daughter bond is completely different than a lover to lover relationship.
You came to a stop when you saw flames in the near distance.
There they are..
Shoto's POV~
"Midoriya!" I yelled, before sending ice at Chisaki to stop the ground from getting to Midoriya.
"Damnit! Who would've thought he'd be able to use his quirk with metal limbs?!"
I jumped out of the way, grabbing Midoriya's unconscious body.
Damnit..he took out our next strongest..
I looked around and saw people hiding in the shadows while we fought.
Probably waiting to ambush under Overhaul's orders..
I put Midoriya down, before jumping back into the battle.
I shot fire at Kai, only for him to dodge it all and attack with his quirk again.
"Die you bastard!"
"I DON'T FEEL LIKE DEALING WITH THIS MANY HEROES!" he screamed, veins popping out of his head in anger.
We need more power...
He'll never give up!
We need Overhaul!
Your POV~
"Is it possible to use my quirk? Just once. Not a very strong attack."
"Hmm..you shouldn't risk it. But from where I stand and to my knowledge, you should be alright to use one attack with no risk."
"Thank you."
"Might I ask why you asked?"
"No reason."
You ran to the battle, seeing Kai facing off against Shoto.
You screamed, making everyone stop fighting and look over at you.
"Look who showed up" Kai mumbled.
"Shut the hell up!"
You walked semi-calmly towards him.
He used an attack to throw Shoto out of his way so he could fight you.
"You'll die where you stand!" he yelled, using Overhaul to send sharp pieces of ground to you.
You remained calm, before someone jumped in front of you and used their own quirk to stop his attack.
"Dark Shadow!" Fumikage yelled.
Dark Shadow quickly swiped the attack, breaking the ground and sending debris everywhere but you.
"Thank you Fumikage."
He jumped out of the way.
Kai looked furious.
He sent out another attack, but you were gone.
"The hell?!"
You appeared right behind him, reaching a hand out to his shoulder.
That wasn't a quirk! But this'll kill you for damn sure!
As if in slow motion, he turned around and jumped.
His arm replaced where you were reaching out to, and you ended up disintegrating his arm.
"I was hoping to kill you with that strike, but it looks like that'll have to do."
You whistled, catching Kai off-guard.
Shinsou came up from behind him and tied Kai's other arm with his cape, pulling it towards him.
"Wha-" Kai tried, before his other arm was completely cut off.
You smiled as you watched Hama slice his arm off with her blades.
Thank you both so much.., you silently thanked.
With Kai distracted, you kicked him in his back, knocking him to the ground.
Hanta and Tsuyu appeared.
Tsuyu quickly turned him around to where he would face up, and Hanta taped him to the ground.
"Let go of me!" Kai screamed.
You quickly sat yourself on top of his stomach.
"Man you're heavy" he gasped.
You felt the anger boil up, and you slapped him.
His plague mask flew off of his face as you screamed.
Tears fell from your eyes.
"How dare you kill him! How fucking dare you! All you've ever done is cause hell for those around you! Even mother knew you were a bad man! A demon!"
"I-" he tried to speak, before you slapped him again.
"You killed my lover! Just when my life was great, you went and ruined it again!"
He spat blood as you continued.
"Why?! Why'd you kill an innocent man that had absolutely nothing to do with you father?!"
You looked at him.
He stared at you with pleading eyes.
"If you think for one second I'll let you live, you're wrong."
"It...it was never my intention to kill-"
You slapped him once more.
"It was never your intention to kill?! Don't lie to my face damn you!"
"I wasn't the one that killed him!" he screamed.
You opened your eyes and stared at Kai as tears now fell from his eyes.
"It was all her! That woman! She is the one responsible for his death!"
You looked around, seeing a woman on the floor with blood all over her.
"She's already dead."
You grabbed a dagger and aimed it right over his heart.
"I don't ever want to see you again."
You put the lightest amount of pressure.
"N-no! I-..I'm sorry!"
You stared back up at him.
"Please..I never meant to harm-"
"Stop lying, Chisaki," Hama said.
"Don't believe him (Y/N). His heartbeat changed."
You nodded.
"Don't do this.."
You looked into his eyes.
And, your past came back.
"Daddy!" you smiled as you ran up to Kai.
"My little angel, how are you?" he asked, picking you up into his arms.
"I'm good!" you giggled.
Kai smiled at you, a pure smile.
"Where is your mother?" he questioned.
"Mama is making dinner!"
Kai walked towards the kitchen.
He walked into the room, still holding you in his arm.
"My love, I'm home."
Your mother looked up.
"Kai..you're back?" she asked.
"I wanted to see my little girl again," he chuckled.
"You can't resist when it comes to her can you?" she laughed.
"I'd do anything for my little angel."
Tears filled your eyes.
"You can't do it, can you?!" Kai began to cackle.
"You're too weak!"
You had pushed the dagger all the way in, going through his chest.
And into his heart.
Tears streamed down your expressionless face.
You didn't know what just happened, or how to feel.
You sat, still straddling his lifeless body.
No words were said as someone crouched down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
You threw your arms around the person behind you and sobbed into their chest.
"You're okay sis...everything will be alright.."
The next day, after being interviewed with the police and giving them information, you sat right next to Katsuki.
You had gotten news that his surgery was a success, and now you waited till he woke up.
You ran your thumb up and down the side of his hand as you held it.
He's gone Katsu...
I did it..
We're safe.
You kissed his hand as the nurses brought you food on a tray.
Your eyes watered as you watched Katsuki's chest rise and fall.
I'm so glad you're okay...
How I've missed you by my side..
You put the ring Ishi gave you before his surgery, back onto Katsuki's ring finger.
"I-I'm no superman...I can't t-take your hand.." you began to softly sing as tears filled your eyes.
You placed another shaky kiss to his hand.
"And f-fly you anywhere..y-you wanna go.."
Days and nights have passed, three to be exact, and everyday you'd sit next to Katsuki, talking to him about your day and sing to him.
"Hello?" you said.
"Can I talk to you outside of the room?"
You froze at your dad's voice.
You hung up and kissed Katsuki's forehead when you stood up.
"I'll be right back, my love."
"What do you want dad?" you asked, crossing your arms after you closed the door.
"I wanted to say...that I'm sorry. I went too far..I never should've said what I did."
You tilted your head down and closed your eyes.
"I never meant to hurt you."
"Don't say those words."
You gritted your teeth as Kai's lie left your fathers mouth.
"I never..wanted to be the bad person and say something like that. I know how you feel about that kind of stuff, especially after what happened to you. It was wrong of me as a father, as a person."
"It was."
"C-can..you forgive me?" he asked.
You looked up with your eyes open and glassy.
You smirked.
"On one condition."
You smiled as a single tear fell.
"You have to apologize to your grandkids as well."
He chuckled as tears fell from his eyes.
"Of course."
You opened your arms, and Aizawa stepped closer to you and embraced you.
You embraced him back and cried.
"Thank you dad...for everything."
"Anything for you my beautiful little girl..I love you."
You let go of him and he put a hand on your bump.
You smiled.
"It's fine dad."
He blushed lightly as he put his full hand down.
"I'm sorry for hurting you all too. Will you forgive your grandfather?" he stuttered.
A light kick hit his hand and you giggled.
"That's a yes" you giggled.
He chuckled, before removing his hand.
"Well, I better get home before Hizashi bites my head off," Aizawa said.
"Heh. Okay. Tell Eri I said hi. And tell her that her big brother is okay."
Aizawa nodded, before putting his hands in his pockets and walking off.
You opened the door to go back inside the room.
You sat back down next to Katsuki as the sun set.
You grabbed his hand again and put a song on with your phone.
"You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.."
You sang along with the music as you squeezed his hand.
Once the song finished, the door opened, startling you.
"Oh! Sorry ma'am! Didn't mean to scare you!" a nurse said, bringing in a tray of food.
"Not a problem!" you laughed.
"I couldn't help but overhear you singing. Your voice sounded wonderful."
"Awe thanks! It's nothing special!"
She put your food down, before heading to the door.
"I'm sure he just adores your voice. And I'm sure they do too!" she smiled, before closing the door and leaving.
You smiled, putting a hand on your bump.
A sudden shift in your hand caught your attention.
You snapped your gaze over to your hand.
Was it...no.
You sighed sadly as you took another breath and changed the song.
You saw a small movement and you looked over to see that Katsuki's leg had shifted slightly.
You looked up at his face and saw his eyes fluttering open.
You immediately stood up and gasped.
His eyes opened, and you put a hand to your mouth.
He looked around, before turning to you.
"Katsuki?" you whimpered.
You watched his red eyes.
His pupils dilated at the sight of you.
Bakugo's POV~
Where am I?
I looked around with my hazy eyes.
It looked like a hospital room.
But...wasn't I dead?
How am I alive?
I looked around and my eyes landed on a familiar figure.
Is that....(Y/N)?
My mind was still so foggy, and I didn't remember everything right away.
It was then that everything came rushing back to me.
I...I went after Kai...to protect my love.
Then...a woman.
She killed me.
I left (Y/N) alone..
"Katsu? Are you there?" she asked again.
Something cold fell from my eye and down my cheek.
I looked up at her and saw tears in her eyes.
Was she sad?
Did I hurt her?!
Damn it!
You damn idiot!
You hurt your wife!
"I-.." I tried.
Her head snapped up.
"I..I'm sorry."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now