|37| Don't Mess With The Bakugo's

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"Raagh!" you growled as you used an explosion to fuel yourself towards Katsuki.
He dodged, before grabbing your arm.
You wasted no time in twisting your arm out and lifting your leg to kick him.
You landed a solid kick, before jumping out of the way.
You wiping the sweat off of your cheek, before jumping into the air with your wings.
"Phoenix Fire Whip!" you shouted, setting your wings on fire, before flapping them forward, a whip of fire following at the tip of them.
Katsuki quickie regained his composure, moving out of the way.
He used his arm to block, only resulting in a scorch on his arm.
"Ow!" he yelped, before cradling his arm.
"Oh I'm sorry!" you apologized, landing on the ground, going towards him.
He smirked, before using his leg to aim to kick you.
As he kicked, you dodged and grabbed his shin, pulling it up and into the air as you took off.
"Whoa whoa!"
You brought him up into the air, before letting go.
He fueled himself up into the air with his explosions, smirking as he looked at you.
"Good job, you've gotten sharper on being observant."
You nodded, before grabbing a dagger, and launching it at him.
He caught it, and you smiled.
"What?" he asked.
The dagger beeped, the ice covered his hand and the dagger.
"The hell?!"
"They're called timed daggers. I had Mei make me some as an extra with my hero costume. I paid her extra."
He began to fall to the ground, before you tried to help him.
You grabbed his hand and flapped up, but the weight of your ice was too heavy, bringing the two of you down.
You used Zero Gravity right before you landed.
Katsuki wrapped both arms around you, before you released the ice from his hand and quirk hold.
He quickly threw the dagger away, and you both landed on the ground softly.
"Gotcha," he said.
You looked up into his eyes, before he kissed your lips.
"You did good. You've gotten so much better with your quirks" he complimented.
"Thanks. It's all the training I've been doing with you" you smiled, before straddling his lap and smirking.
You rocked your hips, making Katsuki let out a small groan and grip your hips.
"Frisky are we?" he teased.
"Mhm.." you said, putting another kiss to his lips.
"I go back to work next week. We need to find a babysitter and maybe a few maids. Just to keep the house clean and tidy" you said, getting up and off of Katsuki, walking over to grab a towel and wipe off the sweat from your face.
"My mother had a few that've been working for them for a few years now. They're top notch."
"I didn't know you guys had maids.."
"Eh. They have a maid's quarters. Which would be why we have one two."
"We do?"
"Yeah it's outside, that other building is the maids quarters."
You thought.
You threw him a towel, and he wiped himself.
"Well, we can still interview them. I'll call people I know with children to see if they have any recommendations."
You and Katsuki took a quick shower, rinsing off any dirt and grime you had built up during combat practice.
You walked into the nursery smiling as you saw your baby boys laying down wide awake in their dockatots.
"Guess who's hereeeeeeee?~" you purred, before stepping in front of them all.
"It's momma!"
You heard Kosuki let out a little coo, before you giggled.
"(Y/N), have you seen my sweats?" Katsuki asked, stepping into the door frame with only boxers on.
"No. You think they're up my butt or something?" you asked sarcastically.
"Yeahhhhh no I don't think so. Dumbass.." he muttered.
"Oooooooooooahaahahahaha!" you heard.
You looked over to your sons, seeing them clapping and laughing at Katsuki's curse word.
You turned your head slowly to look at Katsuki.
"I told you not to curse in front of them."
"Oh...my bad. You know how hard that is!" he fought with a pout.
"THEY THINK IT'S FUNNY!" you yelled, before turning to the babies with a smile.
"Goochie goochie goo!" you said playfully as you tickled their little tummies.
They laughed with smiles on their faces.
It was only five in the morning.
How were they so full of energy?
You had set up a schedule for them, from nap times, to breakfast and dinner, and story and song time, and of course play time.
You left them to laugh while you got changed.
You and Katsuki were going to have a nice breakfast date before you interviewed people to help.
You got dressed in a nice sweater dress, making it easy to breastfeed your children if you weren't home in time.
You looked in the mirror, this time smiling as you saw yourself.
"Lookin' like a snack, love" Katsuki said as he walked in the room with a black turtleneck shirt on.
"You're one to talk" you teased, looking up and down at Katsuki, stopping at his belt, which had GZ in the middle.
"S-stop checking me out like that...it's e-embarrassing.." he stuttered with a blush.
"You look like you're going to eat me.."
"I just might devour you when we get home~" you said, kissing his neck, taking a little bite on his weak spot.
He blushed and you giggled.
"I know allll your weak spots~" you whispered.
You stopped teasing, before walking towards the door of the room.
You grew your wings, sliding a feather under his chin as he fawned over you.
"I'll be getting the babies ready. You can come help if you can."
You walked over to the nursery with grace.
You opened the door, only to see Mitsuki already putting new diapers and clothes on the triplets.
"Mits, you didn't have to," you said.
"I know, but I figured I'd help since I'm leaving today. It was the least I could do for you guys. You let me live here for a while."
You hugged her, before grabbing one of the triplets, making him giggle.
"Thanks for everything Mitsuki."
"Not a problem. I'll send some of the house maids over when you guys interview them."
You thanked her again as she got them in the stroller, packing rattles and extra binkies for you.
"Thanks mom. Help yourself to anything before you leave" you said, kissing her cheek, then taking the babies downstairs.
"You ready?" Katsuki asked.
Ring* Ring*
Your phone vibrated, and you picked it up.
"Hello you've reached Overhaul?" you said.
"(Y/NNNNNN)! I heard you guys were looking for a babysitter!" Akito's voice sounded on the other side of the phone.
"Yeah? Why?"
"My sister is a nanny! She is looking for a new family to nanny for! She was the nanny for my children, and I had sextuplets, so I'm sure she'd be more than happy to be a nanny for you guys!"
"I didn't know you had a sister.."
"Yeah! Well she's always busy so I never talk to her. But she's amazing at her job! I can send her over if you'd like!"
"Uhhhh sure!"
You hung up, before sighing.
"Akito is going to send her sister over to be a nanny. But we can hire her as a babysitter."
"Akito has a sister?" Katsuki asked.
"She said she did."'
"Well okay then. Let's get going love."
"Table for five," Katsuki said.
The waitress looked, before her eyes landed on the stroller that contained your three sons.
"Congratulations Mister and Misses Bakugo. Right this way, we have a room special for you."
You nodded, before Katsuki pushed the stroller for you as you breastfed Katsuro, since he didn't eat enough earlier.
You walked down the lanes, people minding their own business as you passed by them, a blanket covering over you.
You accidentally kicked something, and you looked down to see a bag.
"Oh I'm sorry!" you apologized, looking over at the person.
"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?! Breastfeeding your child in public?! Why don't you go do that in the bathroom?" she complained.
Katsuki and the waitress turned around.
"O-oh well, h-he didn't eat enough earlier and-"
"I don't care! That's disgusting! Aren't you ashamed?"
Your eyes stung, but you ignored the hurtful words and felt anger boil up instead.
"Excuse me?! Is this how you treat every mother? When you can eat your breakfast in the restroom, then I'll breastfeed in there too. I'm covered and not making anyone else disgusted. I'm not ashamed of being a mother and feeding my child. Babies have to eat too, you know" you snarkly said, before following Katsuki.
The waitress that was escorting you and Katsuki walked over to the woman that caused the big deal with you.
"Ma'am, you can take your items and leave. People like you are not welcome in our diner. Have a nice day."
The woman rolled her eyes, before taking her stuff and leaving.
"Jerry follow her out please" she asked another waiter, who nodded and followed the woman out.
"I'm very sorry about that miss, please forgive me. Let's continue to your table."
You brushed off the fight, before Katsuki wrapped an arm around your waist.
"You stood up for yourself."
"Well yeah. You're going to judge someone for feeding their child?! Am I harming you in any way? Was my breast popping out and making you uncomfortable? No? Then shut the fu- front door and pee off" you said, having a hard time thinking of replacement curse words.
"It's hard not to curse isn't it?" he snickered.
"Shut- hush up!"
"Let the first person in," you said.
You now sit on the floor of the nursery while little toys sing songs for the triplets.
They laughed and clapped as they laid on their tummies.
You let them play separately with different toys, a play mat on the floor to make sure it was nice and comfortable for them to lay on.
This wouldn't even be a proper interview, but a test to see how long they can go without being annoyed.
"Hello! I'm Aimi! Misses Bakugo sent me and my three sisters over to be your house maids!" she said.
The other three women stepped inside.
"I'm Aimi, the oldest, then there's Akasuki, Daitan, and Madoka."
You smiled.
"That's great! It's wonderful to meet you all! I'm (Y/N)."
They all bowed.
"Master (Y/N), Master Katsuki, and of course Master Katsuro, Master Kosuki, and Master Kazuki."
"We will be your maids."
You smiled.
"We'll be sure to pay you for all your hard work."
They all bowed, before taking their leave.
In walked a small woman, blond and with glasses.
You smiled, before one of your sons grabbed a rattle and shook it, interrupting your conversation.
"Ohhhhh gooo!" Kosuki cooed, making you giggle.
You turned to look at the woman, who looked a bit frustrated.
"You can leave."
She looked surprised.
She walked out of the door, and you put a hand to your chin.
"We're in for a long day."
After hours and hours of dismissing the women, one last woman walked into the room.
She had long straight dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes.
"Good evening to you all!" she said immediately, bowing down in front of you two.
"Good evening. We'll just be asking some questions, please answer as truthfully as you can."
She stood up, before nodding.
"Oh blehhhhh" Kazuki blew a little raspberry as he reached for a toy.
You both giggled.
"What's your name and birth date?" you asked.
"Shinrai. My birth date is April second."
You nodded, looking down at Kosuki who was giggling at the sight of a rattle.
"Blood type? How much do you like to babysit? Have you ever done it before?"
"Blood type is O-"
A loud laugh that came from Katsuro cut her short, but she laughed at his little outburst.
He looked up at her questioningly.
"Hey there little cutie!" she said in a high pitched voice.
He cooed at her, before she focused back on your question.
"Yes I have babysat before. The most I've babysat was six at once. I love little kids!"
"Uppa!" Katsuro demanded.
Katsuki chuckled as his son looked up at Shinrai.
She went over to pick him up, and you smiled.
"I guess Akito was right about you!" you laughed.
Shinrai looked up at you with a questioning look on her face.
"Akito talked to you guys?" she asked.
"Yep! It was a lot of help too!"
She looked like she was questioning what was going on.
"Well, this is the Bakugo Estate. You're hired" you said, standing up with Kosuki in your arms.
"Oh! Thanks so much!" she smiled.
"You're very welcome. But betray our trust and there will be hell to pay" you said sternly.
"And mess with my husband and I'll kill you. And he will too."
She smirked.
"Wouldn't dream of it ma'am."
You nodded, before Katsuki went over to get Katsuro from her.
"Your living area has already been figured out. The maids quarters are lovely, and I think you'll find it to your liking."
She nodded and bowed.
"Thanks again."
She took off, and you and Katsuki smiled.
"Well, there. Everything is figured out" you said, breathing a sigh of relief and exhaustion.
"Our time?" Katsuki asked, wrapping his open arm around your waist.
"Cuddle time?" you giggled, looking over at him.
He nodded, placing a kiss to Katsuro's cheek as he yawned, putting a hand to his mouth, getting ready to suck on his thumb.
You smiled, before looking at Kosuki, who did the same.
Kazuki yawned, before clapping his hands together.
"I guess it's everyone's nap time" you both chuckled.

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now