|30| "Emergency snack bag"

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You crossed your arms as you pouted, sitting across from Katsuki and Mitsuki as they blew up balloons.
"Why can't I help?!" you yelled.
"Because!" Katsuki yelled back.
"Because I said so!"
"That's not a reason!"
You pouted as you continued to watch them.
"I can't believe it's only a week away...." you mumbled.
"They can come any day now," Katsuki added.
Your face flushed.
"W-well! Of course-"
Mitsuki growled, hitting her son on the top of his head.
"Ow! Damn hag!"
Katsuki growled.
"It's fine! Really! I'm..just nervous" you admitted.
"I'm sure you are. But we'll be with you every step of the way" Mitsuki said to you.
You smiled and Katsuki took your hand.
"I'm not leaving your side. I'll be there for everything" he said.
"Thank you.." you chuckled, before putting a kiss to his lips softly.
He cupped your face, before kissing you slightly harder.
"We can't make out..in front of your mother" you laughed, pushing him away.
He blushed, before looking down.
"But...Ilovekissingyou.." he pouted.
"I know you do...but still" you said, leaning and kissing his cheek.
"Oh no! Don't mind me love birds!" Mitsuki teased.
You both blushed, before you stood up.
"Well I'm going to start getting ready...I want to look my best" you said, beginning to waddle over to your room.
Katsuki put down the balloon he had and stood up, walking over to you with an arm extended when he saw a pained expression cross your face.
"Let me help you," he said.
It was true, after reaching thirty four weeks into your pregnancy, your hips and back made it that much harder to walk around.
Katsuki accompanied you everywhere, helping you get around the house.
"Thanks love."
He nodded, before opening the door for you and helping you to the shower.
"Thank goodness we have a nice bench in the shower for you to sit on."
He walked you to the shower, opening the door for you.
You held onto his hand as you began to get out of your clothes.
"I'll be in the living room with my mother, please call me when you're done so I can come help you" he said, before he took his leave.
You smiled, before waddling over to turn the water on.
After that, you went to sit on the bench and shower.
Bakugo's POV~
"Why are you sighing?" the hag asked.
"No reason. I just can't wait till they're out of her. I can't see her in pain like this anymore" I said, sitting on the couch.
"I know it's hard...but that's what we sign up for when it comes to family" she admitted.
I sat in silence, waiting for (Y/N) to call for me.
"Have you thought about getting her something for her carrying your children?" she asked.
"Yeah. I already have them with me" I said.
I grabbed the two gifts I had prepared for (Y/N) for after the birth and handed them to my mother.
"Oh Katsuki, they're wonderful," she gasped.
I smiled.
She handed them back to me and I put them away when someone called for me.
I smiled, before standing up and walking back to our room.
Your POV~
Your husband helped you to the bed, where you put on undergarments and bra on, and looked at your closet.
"What?" Katsuki asked.
"Get me that dress please" you said, nodding and pointing to the closet.
Katsuki walked over to the closet and grabbed the dress you asked for and brought it to you.
"Thank you" you mumbled.
You stood up, and lifted the dress over your head and slid it on.
It covered everything, and fell below your knees.
It was a high-low maternity dress that was (F/C).
You looked in the mirror, before Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and hid his face in your neck.
"Beautiful.." he whispered.
You smiled, before melting into his embrace.
"You ready? Mother is outside finishing the decorations. Guests should be coming soon."
You nodded, before he let go and you walked to the bed.
You grabbed foundation from the nightstand and applied a little to your arm unintentionally.
"Hey! No!" Katsuki yelled.
He ran over to you, snatching the bottle from your hand.
"You promised me you wouldn't cover it!" he yelled.
You looked over at your arm.
"No (Y/N). You can't cover it everyday. It's something that makes you you, and I love you."
He wiped off the foundation and you watched.
"Now, let's go before you do it again" he said, grabbing the wheelchair by the bed.
You sighed, before sitting in it and letting him push you outside.
You looked around at the nicely decorated outdoors.
Mitsuki and Katsuki had decorated the gardens with balloons and string, making it look like a party in your backyard.
"You did such a good job you two!" you applauded.
Katsuki chuckled, before pushing you to a table for you to stay at.
You checked your phone, only ten minutes till people are due to arrive.
You sat down and heard your stomach growl.
Hungry are you?, you smiled, putting a hand on top of your swollen belly.
"Want a snack?" Katsuki asked, offering you a granola bar.
You nodded, and snatched it, unwrapping it and stuffing it in your mouth.
"Uh-" he said.
You blushed as you put a hand over your mouth to chew.
"Where'd you even get this?" you asked, mouth half full.
"I carry around an emergency snack bag since you're always snacky."
You giggled, before swallowing the rest of the granola.
You took his hand and held onto it as you heard your gates open.
"The party has started now that I'm here!" Mina shouted with a blush on her cheeks, walking into view.
"Mina!" you laughed.
Eijiro followed after her, followed by Momo, Kyoka, Denki, Izuku, and Shoto.
"Whoa! Did you all show up together?" you asked.
"Yep! We picked them up on the way!" Mina smiled, before running over to you.
"Congrats! You ready to be a mother?" she asked.
"Yes...and no. Nervous for the birth...but I can't wait."
She smiled, before Eijiro accompanied her.
"We're happy for you two! We know how long you've wanted a family, and we can't wait to meet the little ones" Eijiro said, his sharp teeth making a toothy grin.
"Thank you both. That means a lot" Katsuki said.
They both bowed, before walking over to a table.
"I'm hungry again" you said.
Katsuki chuckled, before handing you a candy bar.
You unwrapped it and ate it at once.
"Damn, they're hungry aren't they?" he asked.
You nodded, before you saw more people walk through the gate.
"Dads!" you smiled.
Aizawa looked over to you with a smile, and Mic walked over to you with Eri.
"Hey kiddo!" he said with a smile.
"How are you feeling?"
"Eh. My hips and back hurt to even stand. I barely manage to waddle anywhere if I'm being honest" you admitted.
"Rest! You only have a week!!" Aizawa yelled.
"Ugh.." you rolled your eyes.
"I already have Katsuki on my ass about that dad."
You all laughed, while they walked to get their seats.
More and more friends arrived, and the little party began.
After mingling with friends, and opening any gifts they brought, which took a while, a small lunch was being served at a different table.
There were little snacks, like cotton candy, pretzels, candy apples, caramel popcorn, and small snacks.
You grabbed a stick of cotton candy, and shared it with Katsuki.
You went in for another bite, when Katsuki did too.
Your lips ended up meeting his as you both bit into the cloud like food.
"M-my bad.." you said, pulling away and blushing.
He used his index finger and pulled your chin back to face him.
He put his lips back on yours, before looking into your eyes as he put his forehead on yours.
"Don't apologize for something so small..." he mumbled, kissing your nose.
You blushed.
"You look so pretty like that," he said.
You pouted.
"Don't I look pretty all the time?"
"W-well...yea..b-but-..sigh. Damn you, you little tease."
You smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
You kissed him gently before laying your head on his shoulder as the sun set.
Everyone had taken their leave, and now you pack a hospital bag for the day.
"You nervous teddy bear?" Katsuki asked.
"A little...what if something goes wrong?" you said.
"Nothing will go wrong...I promise."
He looked at you as he sat on the bed.
"What if something happens to them...what if one of them-"
"Nothing, and I repeat, nothing is going to happen to any of you."
You looked over to him, shocked.
"How can you be so sure? You aren't the one who's going through the surgery" you said.
"True, but I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now