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"Katsu" You called out as you gagged into the toilet again.
"What is it? Are you alright honey?" Katsuki asked as he walked into the restroom.
He ran towards you, and crouched down on his knees, then grabbed all your hair and pulled it back out of your face.
"Let it out (Y/N)" he said as he used his other hand to rub your back.
You gagged again.
"Your children are being little assholes" you said as you calmed yourself down.
"They ARE our children. We are both assholes" Katsuki laughed.
You smiled.
"We have an appointment today with Dr. Akito. She wants to do another check up" you said as you grabbed a towel and wiped your mouth.
His face changed to a small smile.
"Okay. Let's get you showered and changed then" he said.
Standing up with shaky legs, you walked to the shower and started the water.
You turned around and saw Katsuki taking off his shirt.
"W-what are you doing!?"
"Getting in the shower duh" he said.
You blushed.
You looked at the scar he had on his chest.
"I'm sorry for giving you that scar" you apologized.
He looked at you, and smiled.
"It's a beautiful scar. From my beautiful baby. You'll have one too! From our kids" he said.
You grew embarrassed and hid your face.
Katsuki removed your hands and kissed your nose.
"Now come on. Let me see that beautiful body of yours~" Katsuki teased as his hand rid up your shirt.
You and Katsuki both waited in the hospital room.
You lay on the chair while Katsuki sits next to you.
He held your hand.
"Ready to proply meet them?" You asked him.
"Never been more ready."
You put your forehead to his and placed a kiss to his lips, right when the door opened.
"Awe well look at you two being all lovey dovey again!" Dr. Akito said as she walked into the room.
You and Katsuki both blushed.
"I know I know. But y'all are too cute for your own good" she snickered.
"How you feeling (Y/N)? Any other symptoms starting to appear?"
"Uh..not much. Just a lot more morning sickness" you said.
"That does happen to a lot of people once they hit the double digit mark. Congratulations on being ten weeks! Finally past the worst part or so they say" she said as she got all the machines ready and snapped on a pair of gloves.
"You been eating a lot of healthy foods? Things with the nutrients I told you last time. You haven't been using your quirk have you?"
You shook your head.
"No I've been trying to avoid it. As much as I can. I'm eating food with everything you told me. No fish, no cheese" you said.
She pointed at your shirt and you pulled it up.
"I see your bloating has gone down. You do have a very tiny bump though. Cute and tiny, just like the small babies" Dr. Akito smiled.
She applied the cold gel, and you gripped Katsuki's hand a bit tighter.
"C-cold" you mumbled.
She rubbed it around a bit, then began to go with the next step.
She turned on the sound once she found them after a few minutes of searching.
You held onto Katsuki's hand.
God..please let them still be okay..
As the silence was broken, fast little heartbeats were heard and you looked at Katsuki, who looked to be wiping a tear away from his beady crimson eyes.
"There they are Katsuki..our babies" you said as you put your forehead on his.
"O-our...b-b-babies?" He asked.
You brushed your thumb over his cheek as another tear fell from his eyes.
"OUR babies" you said.
"I never thought I'd see the day..when I thought I lost you..when I thought I'd never see you again..I thought I'd never see those happy days we always dreamed about" he said.
"We've got them..those happy days are coming true baby.." You said, placing a kiss to his soft lips.
"Babies are doing just fine Ms. You're doing great for a first real pregnancy. I'll take another picture, since all of them are much bigger than last time. They were tiny compared to now" Dr. Akito said.
As she took the picture, you and Katsuki whispered back and forth.
"Damn hotshot..getting even hotter."
You heard Dr. Akito gasp and squeal.
"Ohmygosh! Bakugo did you get that for (Y/N)?!?!?" She said as she picked up your left hand.
"Heh..yeah. Only the best for my fiancée" he said, putting a hand behind his neck.
"It's gorgeous! And the one with the little birds! I'm guessing that has something to do with the babies!?" She asked.
Katsuki blushed.
"What a big softie! Soft spot for his babies already, or maybe for his fiancée.."
"Alright Akito. Stop teasing before you kill the man" you laughed.
"Heh. Let's get that gel off of you and get you both outta' here."
"Hey (Y/N)?" Katsuki called from the kitchen as you walked inside.
"Yeah babe?" You asked.
"Wanna go to my parents house?"
You looked at him.
"What made you wanna go?" You asked.
"Well, the old hag hasn't seen you since you disappeared, and we should break the news to them. I think my mo- hag would be over excited" he sighed.
"Ah. Yeah sure! I wouldn't mind seeing your parents! They're so sweet! AND WOULD IT KILL YOU TO CALL HER YOUR MOTHER!?"
You growled and hit him on his head, making him growl.
You smiled.
"Damn cutie..now go get your butt dressed before I get it dressed for you" Katsuki said as he left towards your room.
He looked over his shoulder and winked, making you blush.
"You're w-way too naughty!"
You looked threw your what seemed, endless closet and couldn't find a single thing.
"Ughhhhhhh nothing in this closet will even look good on me!" You complained.
"Lies. All lies. You look good in everything.." Katsuki said as he walked in.
You turned around and saw him in a nice shirt, black jeans, and shoes. You blushed at how good he looked.
"...and in nothing" he winked.
"WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?" You laughed.
"You're just too god damn perfect and sexy. Your fault" he said, booping your nose.
"No boops" you laughed again.
He smiled and looked at the shirts on the rack in the closet, and grabbed one.
"Put this on."
He handed you a small dark purple shirt and walked off.
"And be sure to get a scarf, it's chilly outside."
You giggled and looked at the shirt he gave you.
It was fuzzy, like peach hair, and it had fur at the end of the long sleeves. Turtle neck.
You took off your own shirt and put on a maternity bra like Dr. Akito recommended, and put the shirt on over.
You looked in the mirror and smiled.
This is cute! How'd he know th-that..whatever! It's warm!, you smiled.
You grabbed a pair of black jeans and put those on, but the button wouldn't button.
You struggled until realizing, they'd never button.
Damnit..I've out grown my jeans already..
You threw them on the floor and grabbed a pair of leggings instead, sliding those on instead.
You grabbed a pair of dark brown boots and socks.
You grabbed a dark brown scarf to tie it all together.
"I'm ready lovey" you said as you walked towards the door, where Katsuki was waiting.
He took one look at you, and he blushed.
"Y-you look..stunning" he shyly said.
You pinched his cheek and kissed it.
"Let's go before you get horny again hothead."
"I AM NOT HORNY!" He yelled.
"You were!"
Knock* Knock* Knock*
You brush yourself off and that's when the door opened.
"Hello? Oh-" Mitsuki said as she looked at you.
Instead of saying something, she threw her arms around you and she began to sob.
"I thought I'd never see you again. The news..I- I missed you. I was so scared.." She said.
You smiled and your eyes began to water.
"You too my son" she said, holding out her arm to Katsuki.
He joined into the hug, and Mitsuki began to cry even more.
"Please don't cry Mitsuki. We're safe..and home.." you said.
She pulled away from you two and wiped her eyes.
"Come on inside! We've missed you both!" She said.
You both walked into their house.
"Katsuki!" Masuru said as he saw the two of you walk inside.
He ran to his son and wrapped him in his arms.
"I'm so so glad you're okay" he said.
Katsuki nodded and smiled.
"We both are" Katsuki said, pointing to you.
"You're back? You're back!" Masuru smiled.
You smiled, tilting your head to the side.
"Allow me to go get dinner started" Masuru said.
You all let him go, and took a seat at their couches.
"Sooo...how y'all doing? Anything exciting?" Mitsuki asked.
You looked at Katsuki who looked at you.
"Um..we both got new rings!" You said.
"Oooh! Let me see!" She squealed in excitement.
You hands her your left hand and she looked at the ring Katsuki had given you, two weeks ago.
"Ohmygosh it's gorgeous..." Mitsuki said.
She let go of your hand and went to inspect Katsuki's ring.
"They're both gorgeous!" She said.
You felt your face heat up.
"W-we haven't really talked about it.." You both shyly admitted.
"UGH! GET A MOVE ON LOVEBIRDS!" Mitsuki yelled.
"I want to plan and make your guy's outfits! I'll help decorate too! And damnit! I want grandbabies!" She admitted.
You put your face in your hands.
"MOM!" Katsuki yelled.
"Well?! Y'all have been trying for years!"
"Don't pressure my love! It's not her fault!"
"I know but still. Stop yelling at me brat!" Mitsuki yelled as she grabbed Katsuki's wrists and fought with him.
You cleared your throat.
"Dinner is ready everyone!" Masuru called.
You shook your head with a smile, before standing up and walking to their kitchen.
After a very good dinner, you all sat in he living room, talking and playing games.
Once the games had finished, you handed Mitsuki and Masuru an envelope.
"For us?" She asked.
"Just..open it" Katsuki sighed as you both watched them.
They ripped it open, and took out the small picture that was inside.
"What's that?" They asked.
Mitsuki looked closer at the picture and she put a hand over her mouth.
"No way..y-you aren't" she said as she looked at you.
You smiled.
She stood up and pulled you to your feet.
She looked at your stomach.
She even put a hand on it.
"Are you really?" She asked with tears in her eyes,
You nodded, and she wrapped you in her arms.
"My gods! I- I don't even know what to say!"
She cried tears of joy.
"Congratulations!" She yelled as she let go of you.
"What is it dear?" Masuru asked, still clueless of what was going on.
Mitsuki turned to look at him and she melted.
"(Y/N) is pregnant.." She said.
Masuru turned to you and smiled.
"Congratulations! To the both of you!" He said.
"WE ARE GONNA BE GRANDPARENTS! *Gasp* I'm gonna be a grandmother...I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMOTHER!!" Mitsuki yelled as she cheered.
"And not to just one grandchild.." Katsuki said, standing up and wrapping an arm around your waist.
Mitsuki stopped and stared at you both.
You grabbed the picture from Masuru and turned it to them.
"..but to three" you said as you pointed to each baby.
She put her hands to her mouth.
"THREE!?" They both yelled.
You nodded and Katsuki pulled you closer.
"Three grandbabies..." Mitsuki cheered.
You and Katsuki both laughed as Mitsuki freaked out.
"Take a breath hun" Masuru said.
Mitsuki sat on the couch and caught her breath and squealed.
"How far along are you (Y/N)?" She asked as she calmed down.
"Ten weeks" you smiled.
She gasped and laid down on the couch.
"MY GOD! MOM CALM DOWN BEFORE YOU PASS OUT!" Katsuki yelled, before breaking out into laughter.
Masuru grabbed Mitsuki and walked off with the woman.
"You guys are welcome to stay!  You both still have clothes upstairs!" Masuru said, before going to their room and closing the door.
Katsuki looked at you, smirking.
"Wanna go have some fun?" He teased.
You blushed.
"AHHHHHHH!" You sighed.
You lay in the big bed that was in Katsuki's room.
"Think about it Katsuki. Are you ready to be a dad?" You asked as he joined you in the bed.
"I've been waiting for six years, hell yeah I'm ready. Just..not ready for three little kids" he said.
"I know. One is what we were trying for, but now we have three little miracles. Three little babies inside of me."
"It's...so weird. Knowing we'll be parents in months to come. It's almost like.."
"We're getting three of the lost ones back" you both said in unison.
You blush and Katsuki chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, spooning you.
"Goodnight dearest. I love you so so much."
"Goodnighty. I love you too much damn hothead."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now