|1| "Let's Try Again.."

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TW: Mention of miscarriage and sexual themes.
It has been 6 years since your graduation from UA High. After your graduation, you had begun a new life. You have started your career as a Pro Hero, working alongside your fiancée at your agency. Soon after graduating, you and Katsuki had decided to create your own agency, taking on interns and work study students from UA. You and Katsuki have had your ups and downs, dealing with the stress of being the Number One Heroes, and dealing with your own problems. Katsuki has tried his best to be the best Number One, and the best man for you. Everything that he has done for you, has gotten you to where you are now.
"Do you want to try again my love?" Katsuki asks as he wraps his arms around you from behind.
You had just gone through your fifth miscarriage. You and Katsuki had been trying for a baby for the past few years, but every time, you had failed and lost the fetus. The first time was hard to get over, but the more times you lost, the harder it became to keep up the hope. You had been wanting a child for so long, and would stop at nothing to get one, but you didn't want to face the hurt of losing it over and over.
You shake your head as a silent tear drips down your cheek.
"I-I don't think I can handle another loss Katsu" you said as you looked down.
"Hey, don't cry! Like I said I don't blame you, it wasn't your fault" he said, moving one hand to wipe your tears.
"But it was my fault! Every time, its been my fault! It's my body, and it's my health that's killing them. It's all my fault" You cried.
"Shh shh shh no it wasn't! I love you, and I promise you, no matter how long it takes, we'll keep trying. Though, I won't do what you're uncomfortable with. It's your body, your choice" he says.
You cry another tear, when he turns you around to face him.
"(Y/N) please don't blame yourself. We're in this together. I love you, so much. No matter how many times we lose them, I won't ever stop loving you. I don't want to pressure you, so when you're ready, we can try again" Katsuki said as he put a hand on your stomach.
You continued to sob into his chest as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
"I-I do want to try again..but I'm scared to..to.." You stuttered as you sobbed.
"Shh shh..it's alright. I'll be with you the whole way again. I promise" he whispered as he ran a hand threw your hair.
"I-I know. But that was our fifth try..and we failed again" you said.
"Well you know what they say, sixth time's a charm" he chuckled.
"No one says that honey."
You smiled and laughed, looking up at him.
"Thanks Katsu..I love you" you said as you placed a soft gentle kiss to his lips.
"I love you too. So much" he said.
You allowed him to hold you for another few minutes, wiping and kissing your tears away as they fell. After the minutes passed, and your breathing became steady again, you were ready.
"Now..shall we?" You asked as you pushed him onto the bed behind you, smirking as you crawled over him.
As the both of you smirked, Katsuki put a hand to your tear stained cheek, wiping a fresh tear away.
"Only if you're ready" he said, putting his forehead on yours as you loomed over him.
Instead of replying, you placed a kiss to his lips. You felt him smirk as he put his hands on your waist, making you fall over and land on top of him.
"Mm!" You yelped.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" Katsuki asked, pulling away and staring into your eyes with honesty shining in them.
"No. Just surprised" you said, a blush creeping on your face as he smirked.
"Surprised at how much your fiancée wants you?" Katsuki whispered in your ear, making you blush even more.
He chuckled, and began to kiss your ear.
You ran your hands through his spiky yet soft hair, slightly pulling as Katsuki began to kiss down from your ear, to your jawline.
"Mmm" he groaned as his lips moved to kiss your neck, sucking and biting slightly at your sweet spot.
You let out a content sigh, closing your eyes as Katsuki's hands went under your shirt and into your bra, kneading the small hill of your breast.
"Mm.." You breathed out, laying down on your back.
"Heh..cutie" Katsuki chuckled, before taking his hand out and burning the shirt you wore above it.
"HEY! I LIKED THAT SHIRT YOU ASSHOLE!" You yelled as you sat up, dusting off the ashes of your old shirt.
Instead of him making some kind of snarky reply, he pushed you down, then attached himself to your collarbone.
He gently bit at the soft, supple skin, licking and sucking slightly, leaving little love marks.
You closed your eyes again and relaxed, letting him have his way with your chest.
"No matter how many times we do this, you never let me take this off" Katsuki said, snapping one of your bra straps.
You tightened your eyes shut, and shook your head.
"First of all, you burned my bra-"
"That was years ago!"
"STILL! And second, you know I-" you said, before stopping and looking at Katsuki, who was staring at you with apologetic eyes.
"I know..I would never make you uncomfortable. I love you" he said, taking one of your hands.
You smiled at him, and he let go of your hand, now placing a gentle kiss to the hill of your clothed breast.
Taking his hand, he kneaded your breast threw the fabric, and placed kisses along the top of the bra.
You let out a quiet moan and relaxed your neck, laying your head back on the pillow.
"I'm the only one that gets you like this..mine..all mine" Katsuki whispered, his hot breath hitting your body, making you shiver.
He kissed down from your chest, to your stomach. He covered your entire stomach with kisses, gentle and soft.
"Maybe there will be another little baby in here after today.." He whispered as he placed yet another kiss to your belly.
You ran one of your hands threw his spiky hair, watching as Katsuki placed a kiss right where the swell of your belly will be if the two of you succeed.
With gentle eyes, Katsuki placed a hand on your stomach, then looked up at you.
"I can only imagine having a little Katsuki running around the house" you said, smiling at him.
"It'll be a little (Y/N) too you know. Not just a creation of me..but of both of us. Ours" Katsuki said in a gentle tone.
You smiled at him, before tugging at his hair.
"My turn?"
Katsuki took your hand off and shook his head.
"Not yet..I want my dessert.." He mumbled, moving down to your jeans.
He put a hand into your pants and you sucked in a breath when his finger brushed over your most sensitive skin.
He unzipped them, tantalizing you, going slow.
"Ughhh! Hurry up!" You groaned.
Katsuki chuckled, before sliding your pants and underwear off, leaving you in only your bra.
He kissed the smooth skin and teased you.
"Now is it my turn?" You whined.
"Not yet!" He laughed.
He opened your legs slightly, making you blush as he stared right at your center.
You covered your face and felt a hot breath on you, making you squirm.
"How is it you have such a beautiful body?.."
You looked threw your fingers, to see Katsuki closing in on you.
"..down here too."
You felt his tongue connect with your nethers, making you gasp and try to close your legs.
He kept his hands on them, firmly making sure they wouldn't close.
"Ah~" you moaned softly, putting a hand in his hair and grabbing a handful.
"Damn..so fucking sweet.." He groaned as he began to slurp slightly, making you groan a little louder.
As he continued, you felt a familiar knot form in your stomach, getting ready to burst with every flick of his tongue.
"Shh..just..do it..in my mouth (Y/N)" Katsuki said.
"That's e-embarrassing!" You moaned, before throwing your head back further and closing your eyes.
Katsuki groaned your name as he began to drink your juices as they came.
You panted, trying to catch your breath as Katsuki came up, wiping his mouth as cum dripped from the corners of it.
"Out of breath hotshot?" He chuckled.
Your eyes opened and you stared at him.
"Still using that old nickname?"  You laughed.
He laughed, and you took the chance to push him over, and straddle him.
"My turn~" you whispered, before kissing his lips as he lay there.
You traveled down his face, then got to his collarbone, which was still clothed.
Smirking, you put both your hands on his clothing, his belt, and his shirt.
You quickly disintegrated it.
"OI! THE HELL YOU DOING!?" Katsuki yelled.
"You burned my shirt, payback!" You said.
He growled.
You laughed, before going back to what you were doing before.
"Thought you'd just get to the point" he pouted.
"I wanna tease you like you teased me."
"Tease ME? Good luck hotshot."
Once you reached where his belt was, you got an idea.
Seeing the small hill in front of you, you put a hand on it, then put pressure, palming his little..friend.
"Ah~" Katsuki groaned.
"Hey no fair!"
You laughed, before taking your hand off and replacing it with your mouth.
You began to lick the dry material, right where the little mountain was, begging to be freed.
"Fucking little tease.." He said as he looked at you.
Abruptly, you pulled his jeans down his legs, taking his underwear down with them.
Seeing his long and thick member sprung out in front of you.
"Excited?" You teased.
"N-no!" He yelped.
"Then what is all..this?" You said, lowering your head towards his tip, gently licking it, tasting the pre as it dripped.
His breathing stopped and stuttered as you groaned at his taste.
You went lower, putting your face right in front of his base. You began to kiss the lightly scattered veins that ran up.
"Tease. You are~" he said, before trailing off to a moan as you took his tip into your mouth.
You went a bit lower, before pulling up, taking a breath, then going back down, bobbing your head as you picked up your pace.
His hands found their way into your hair, following your movements as a few curses left Katsuki's mouth.
"F-fuck!" He groaned.
Smirking, you went faster.
A twitch in your mouth, signalled he was about to cum, making you go a little faster.
"Ssshit- I'm g-gonna" he tried to say, before being cut off by a muffled moan.
Letting his warm seed fill up your mouth, you pulled up, cheeks puffed out, filled with his warm liquid.
You swallowed as much as you could, before wiping your mouth and trying to keep a calm expression.
That shit's nasty.
"Done~" you said, climbing over him.
He panted, staring at you.
"Damn..so fucking sexy aren't you?" He mumbled.
You blushed, before hovering yourself over his member.
A sudden brush of it made you shiver and take a breath.
"Heh..guess he's excited" Katsuki blushed.
You laughed, before grabbing his length and lining it up with your entrance.
"Well, little Bakugo is bout' to be even more excited" you said.
Gently lowering yourself down, you took a deep breath, but Katsuki stopped you.
He put a hand on your cheek, and sat up, having you sit on his lap, with his member slightly penetrating you.
"I-if you're uncomfortable with it..at anytime..please..this is about me making you feel good. I get you wanna make me feel good too but- I feel good when I get to see you, drowning in pleasure" Katsuki said, looking into your eyes.
You placed a kiss to his lips, continuing to lower yourself onto his length.
Once he was fully inside, you took a second, to let yourself widen and stretch out.
Once you were fine, and the uncomfortable feeling went away, you began to gently bounce, up and down.
"U-ughh...I love you" Katsuki groaned.
He placed his lips on yours as you went faster.
Your moans were muffled by Katsuki's lips, which were still pushed on yours. His tongue slipped in, making your kiss a lot sloppier and messy.
"Mm!" You moaned louder as Katsuki began to move his hips against yours, hitting your 'spot'.
"Y-yes!" You moaned, your release coming, right before Katsuki's did, making him pant into your mouth, his warm cum filling up your insides.
You stopped kissing him, placing your head on his shoulder as you both struggled to catch your breath.
"That..*pant* was incredible my l-love" you both panted.
Smiling, you pulled back and looked at him, then put your lips to his in a gentle kiss.
"Can you stand?" Katsuki laughed.
You tried to move your legs to get off his lap, but a sudden soreness made you just plop back down.
"Uh..n-no I can't" you shyly admitted.
Katsuki laughed while you blushed, and lifted you off of him, setting you on a towel next to him.
"Let me get you something to wear" he said, standing up on his own shaky legs, to walk to the closet.
"Get me my robe please babe" you said as you poured some water on the towel and began to clean yourself off.
"Anything else baby?"
"Water please!" You yelled.
Katsuki chuckled, before throwing you your robe and beginning to walk down the hall and down the stairs to get water.
You made yourself some underwear, and tried your best to slid those on, then put your robe on over.
"I'm back" he said, carrying two cups of water.
Unfortunately for you, he was still naked.
"Thank you love but..uh..put some clothes on!" You cried, averting your eyes.
He smirked.
"You literally just saw me naked and now you're flustered about it."
"Hello (Y/N), you miss me?" A familiar voice said.
You looked around, walking in what seemed to be a giant puddle of water.
"Kai?" You asked as you walked closer to the figure that spoke to you.
"Yes, my daughter, my little monster.." He said.
As you inched closer to him, you noticed another figure on the ground below him.
You put a hand to your mouth as you noticed who it was.
"I-is that?" You said, shaking as you spoke.
"Ground Zero? Yes. It is. Now you see, this is what your future is. I tried to warn you before, but you didn't listen.  And it'll happen, because you're a monster, and it's in your nature to kill the ones you love" he said.
You fell to your knees as your eyes watered.
"No..please don't do this. I would never kill Katsuki! I l-love him!" You pleaded.
"Do you (Y/N)? Do you love this man? The man that broke your heart all those years ago. Said you were in his way, useless, he even called you a villain" Kai said.
You shook your head, tears escaping as silent sobs left your mouth.
"You love him, don't you?"
I do..I love Katsuki, with all my heart...don't I?, you thought to yourself as you looked back at his bloody corpse that lay on the ground.
Some sick, dark and twisted part of you, wanted to smile, because deep down, somewhere buried in the darkest depths of your heart, you knew he deserved it.
"S-stop it" you mumbled.
Kai laughed, his body beginning to fade away.
"Try all you want to change this outcome, but the longer a monster, no, a demon like you stays close to him, the shorter his life becomes. Because, you kill everyone you love" Kai said, his last words echoing as he disappeared from existence.
Your eyes opened, coming back to reality.
You cautiously took Katsuki's arm off from around you, and got out of the bed.
Walking towards the kitchen, you turned on the light, dimming it slightly so it wouldn't wake Katsuki up. Inching towards a drawer, you reached a hand out.
Grabbing a knife..you brought it up to your chest, silent tears dripping down your cheek.
This is the only way I can protect Katsuki, from me. If Kai was right, then I have to, I have to kill myself. Before I hurt him, you thought.
The last words, echoed in your head.
Hurt him..hurt him.. Hurt him like he hurt you, he hurt you..hurt him.
Stopping the knife before it could do any damage, you began to walk back to the room, tears no longer running down your cheeks. Your eyes now burned with hatred.
He lied to me..after all these years. He hurt me..
Opening the door to your room, you loomed over your sleeping fiancée, knife in hand and tears dripping down your cheeks.
You love him, don't you?
You stared at him, crying more tears as you lowered the knife..were you really going to kill him? Quickly, you stabbed the knife into his chest, and ran, grabbing your phone and running.
I'm so sorry my love. My world.
You ran into the living room, hearing a scream of pain come from the bedroom.
You felt your heart pang with hurt as you looked at the window, and jumped..landing on grass below you.
Using your phone as you ran, you dialed 911.
"911 what's your emergency?" A man asked on the other side of the phone.
You told them your situation, saying your fiancée was stabbed, and gave them your address.
"Thanks, we'll send a team your way" the man said, before hanging up.
You threw your phone, hearing it break and crack.
I'm so sorry..but..now..there's no more..
No more Ground Zero

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