|21| White Kitsune

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"Wake up~"
You opened your eyes hazily to see Katsuki nuzzling your nose.
"Mmm?" you groaned.
"Wake up hotshot. Breakfast is done" he said, sliding off the bed and walking to your side of the bed.
You yawned, before sitting up and rubbing your sleepy eyes.
"Cutie~" he teased.
He reached a hand out to you, helping you out of the bed.
"Goodmorning~" you slurred.
"Heh. Morning" he chuckled.
You kept your hand in his and the two of you made your way to the kitchen.
Sighing, you sat down at the table where plates of food were presented.
"Our first breakfast as husband and wife" you said, reaching for Katsuki's hand across the table.
He took it with a smile and he looked at you.
"I h-hope you like it.." he shyly said.
You grabbed your chopsticks and began to eat the breakfast Katsuki had prepared for you.
"What's on the agenda today?" you asked.
"Just another day holding each other closer than over."
"I know today is supposed to be our honeymoon..but we can't exactly do much of anything because of me.." you said, lowering your head down sadly.
"Hey..it is not your fault we can't do anything. We both signed up for this. Not just you. It takes two to make a baby. We'll figure something out to do here in the city."
He squeezed your hand in comfort.
"I'm sorry..we can't really do much.."
"No! It's fine! Completely. When they're out, maybe I can take you on a real honeymoon?"
You smiled.
"That'd be nice" you said.
You sat browsing on the small chair in the nursery, folding some baby clothes Mitsuki had gotten you.
You thought for a minute, staring at the small onesie that had a small lion on it.
You shook your head and folded the piece of clothing.
"What are you doing, my love?" Katsuki asked, taking a seat next to you.
"Folding the clothes for the babies" you smiled.
"I see..you can't wait to meet them can you?" he chuckled.
"Can you? I still can't even believe we're having babies. After so many years..we'll finally have a family to call our own.."
"I know. I can't wait to meet them either."
You both sat in a comfortable silence, until you looked at Katsuki, who was staring at the piece of cloth in your hands.
"Remember..when you told me you had never seen a white kitsune?" he asked.
You looked down and saw a white fox on the cloth you held.
He looked up at you.
"Would you like to go see one?"
Your eyes widened.
"They have them here?! Since when?!"
"Well how long has it been since you went to the zoo?" he questioned.
You thought.
"At least sixteen years..since my mother and Kai took me. And Uncle Chrono" you said.
"Wow...then we have to go. They just got two rare white kitsunes."
You stood up and grabbed his hand.
"That is..if you're o-okay with that?" he stuttered, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"I'd love nothing more."
You both took a shower together, him getting embarrassed by his 'little Bakugo', which seemed excited at the sight of you.
Now, you were changing into a nice shirt, and some leggings.
You were having a hard time getting your shirt to button at your chest.
You tried once more, before sighing and giving up.
"What's wrong?" Katsuki asked, walking over to your frustrated form.
"I can't button the last button. My bust has gotten a lot bigger.." you blushed.
"Well what do you expect? Your body has to make enough milk in order to feed three babies. So of course your bust will be a little bigger. It just makes you even more...beautiful."
He pulled the shirt together and buttoned it with ease.
"Watching you..mentally and physically turn into a mother has been a blessing. You're going to be the best mother in the world."
He put a hand to your cheek.
You put a hand on top of his and looked into his red eyes.
He placed his lips on yours for a quick second, before placing his forehead on yours as well.
"Let's get going now my beautiful wife."
You giggled.
"Alright then. My husband."
You looked out of the window, seeing the gates of the zoo in your city, opened.
You smiled as Katsuki pulled the truck to the side and parked, before opening the door and going to the backseat to grab a wheelchair for you to be pushed in, since he didn't want you to stand for long today.
You unbuckled your seatbelt, and just when your hand touched the door handle to open it, your vision changed and you were no longer in the car.
You looked around in this new area, before seeing someone in a green jacket with purple fur at the neck standing next to you.
You slightly panicked as Kai began to talk.
"Kage, you're taking too long" he said.
You questioned, looking around but seeing another woman there, only, her face wasn't seen.
"Sorry Kai. But be patient. The end result will be worth it, I swear" the woman said.
"It better be."
You gasped, slapping a hand to your mouth as they both turned their heads towards you.
"Did you hear something?" she asked.
"Not at all."
You blinked again and you were back in the car, a single tear falling from your eyes.
You took in the sight before you, seeing Katsuki looking worriedly at you while holding his hand out to you.
"(Y/N)!" he yelled.
You flinched, and your breathing began to get heavier.
"Are you alright?" he asked, taking your hands.
"No...he can't..there's no way.." you managed to get out.
"What is it?" he yelled.
You flinched again, this time squeezing your eyes shut in fear.
"Oh..I didn't m-mean to make you cry! Don't cry! I'm sorry" he tried to comfort.
At that word, Katsuki stopped apologizing and stared at you.
"Is it possible for him to have lived?" you asked.
'What?! No! Of course not! He was burned alive years ago! There's no way he could've lived."
You looked at him.
"He's trying to scare you (Y/N). I promise you, he is in no way alive."
You nodded your head.
"Will you be alright? Or should we go back home?" he asked.
"No no..I'm fine. Let's go.." you shook your head, before getting down from the truck and taking your place on the wheelchair.
"'You sure?"
After strolling around the zoo, looking at all the wildlife they had, you had finally made it to the kitsune paddock.
You stood up as Katsuki pushed you to the front.
You looked around for the two foxes Katsuki had told you about.
"They said they had two white kitsunes here" Katsuki said.
You looked around, before you say a flash of white.
You looked closer, before your eyes landed on the white fox that was now at a tree, along with the second fox.
"Katsu! There!" you pointed.
His eyes made contact with the foxes you were looking at.
"Uh..look a little closer hotshot" he chuckled.
You looked a bit harder at the foxes, until you saw three little heads pop up from one of the foxes tails.
"Oh my.." you said, putting a hand over your mouth.
"There's three little kitsunes..babies" he said, pulling you closer to him.
"A kitsune family.."
"That's right! Good eye sir!" a zookeeper said to Katsuki, before going into the paddock.
You watched with careful eyes as the man picked up a kitsune baby, before coming back up.
"Our two kitsunes were here to breed! Surprisingly, they were pet foxes this zoo adopted! So they're extremely friendly."
The man held out the small baby to you.
"Wait..what?!" you asked.
"You're allowed to hold them! The parents don't mind!" he said.
With shaky hands, you reached out for the kitsune, before you grabbed it gently and brought it to your chest.
It's soft white fur, it's piercing blue eyes.
"Hey there little one! You're so cute!" you said, booping the small foxes nose.
It made a small crying noise, before putting its head on your chest and cuddling to you.
Katsuki chuckled as he took a picture of your blushing face as you looked down at the small sleepy fox.
"Sleepy are you?"
You looked up at Katsuki, who was petting the fox in your arms.
"So..how do you like the white kitsune?" he asked.
"They're..magical almost. Like..I can't believe I got to see one, let alone hold one!"
You both pet the small kitsune as it yawned and looked up at you.
It put it's small paws on your chest, lifting itself up and licking your nose.
"Heh..looks like that little guy likes you. Good thing they don't like you as much as..I-I do.." Katsuki argued.
"Are you jealous of a baby fox?" you teased.
"So what, I got jealous of a fox!" he blushed.
You kissed his cheek, making him blush even more.
You looked at him, before getting an idea.
You took your phone out and looked at the zookeeper.
"Could you take a picture please? I want to remember this moment forever" you asked.
"Of course ma'am!" the man said, taking your phone and readying to take a picture.
"On three!" he said.
The small kitsune laid down in your arms, facing the camera.
"One, two, three!"
Before the picture was taken, you turned your head to kiss Katsuki, only for him to also turn his head, causing you to kiss.
"Aw! That's very cute you two!" the man said, before handing you your phone.
"Th-thank you sir" you stuttered.
He bowed, before taking his leave.
You looked at the picture and smiled.
"That's so cute! It came out perfect!" you said.
Katsuki chuckled, before kissing your cheek.
"We'll be like that little kitsune family..three little blessings.." he said, hugging you from behind and putting his hands on your belly.
"A family."
Your eyes watered.
"I've always wanted a family.."
You scratched behind the kitsune's ear, earning a small bark.
"We'll have one soon..real soon."
You now ride in the car with a blindfold over your eyes, since Katsuki told you to put it on for his own reasons.
"Explain to me why I'm wearing a blindfold? And where we're going?" you asked.
"I told you. I can't spoil that for you" he laughed.
"Hmph. Can I at least have a hint?" you pouted.
"Hmmm...it's a gift to our babies. That's all I'll say."
You pouted.
"Another hint?"
"Hmm let me think..no."
You giggled at his action, before the car came to a stop.
"You can take off the blindfold now," he said.
"FINALLY!" you laughed, slipping the piece of cloth over your head.
You looked out of the window and saw the store you were now parked outside of.
"Wait..you..brought me here?!" you said shook.
He blushed as he walked to your side of the car and opened the door.
You put a hand to his cheek.
"It will be a nice addition."
You kissed his forehead, before grabbing his hand and getting off his truck.
"Hello! Welcome!" the cashiers welcomed as you walked into the store.
"Thank you!" you said, holding onto Katsuki's hand and walking over to a small section of the store.
You browsed through all of the little stuffed animals they had to offer, and settled for a little light brown teddy bear.
Katsuki has called me a teddy bear before..so why not?
You giggled to yourself as you walked over to the stuffing, and began to stuff the small bear.
After stuffing the small bear, you walked over and began to sew it shut.
A stuffed bear..he's so cute with his little ideas!
You finished sewing the back, before you turned around to show Katsuki, who you nearly ran into.
"Whoa!" you yelped.
"Heh..look out there love."
He chuckled at you, before he held a teddy bear out to you, a blush creeping onto his face.
"Awee.." you said, putting a hand to your heart and grabbing the bear from his hands.
Returning his bravery, you held out your bear to him.
His expression changed into something a little softer.
"You...made me one?" he asked.
You shyly nodded, your cheeks heating up.
He smiled.
He grabbed the bear softly and smiled bigger.
He took you into his arm and kissed the top of your head.
"You're my teddy bear..." he mumbled.
You both shared in that moment, before looking at each other.
"Let's start making one for each of them."
You nodded, before you both walked over to grab three more little bears to stuff.
"Have a great day!"
You both walked out of the store, bears in hand.
You got home, and you walked into the nursery with the three little bears.
You placed one in each of the small cribs.
Momma loves you all already. With all of her heart.
You smiled, before walking out of the room and turning the light off.
You sighed happily as you walked into your room, noticing the slider door open, the curtains swaying to the cold breeze that hit the window.
You saw Katsuki laying on the ground looking up at the stars that lit up the night sky.
You quickly changed into a nice purple robe, before walking outside, closing the door behind you.
"What are you doing out here?" you asked, taking a seat next to him.
"Not much. Just..getting some fresh air and watching the stars" he said calmly.
You laid down on your back, looking up at the stars.
"It's so pretty."
He scooted closer to you, wrapping an arm around you.
"The stars hold our past..our family. The ones we lost, the ones we loved.." he said.
"You never forget those that truly matter" you mumbled.
"I wonder..if my mother and father are up there..somewhere."
He looked at you.
"They are. Watching over their little girl as she grows up" he said, kissing your forehead.
"You say little. But look at me. I'm huge" you blushed.
"Hugely beautiful. You'll never be anything less than beautiful."
You smiled, cuddling into him and yawning.
"I'm sleepy.." you sighed.
"Go to sleep. Put your head on my chest and fall asleep" Katsuki said.
"Y-you can't carry me!"
"And why not?" he asked.
"I'd be too heavy!" you said.
"You are not heavy," he argued.
"I'm heavy enough.."
"(Y/N) Bakugo. I will not let you hate on the perfect person you are" he said sharply.
"Hmph. Fine."
"That's what I thought."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now