|38| Sway

211 11 10

TW: Mature content
Your eyes fluttered open as you woke up.
You took a deep breath, trying to stretch, until you felt something.
You looked down and into the blankets, before blushing and whining.
"Katsuki...honey wake up" you said, putting a hand on his cheek and brushing slightly.
"Mmm?" he groaned, his sleepy red eyes opening.
"We uh.." you tried, before blushing and shutting up again.
"What?~" he asked.
Your legs were intertwined, along with your arms wrapped around him.
"J-just get up..."
He opened his eyes fully, before moving slightly.
You let out a soft moan as he moved slightly, your love knot from the night before still intact.
He smirked, before pulling himself out and cuddling back up to you.
"Now go back to sleep" he purred.
You blushed as you felt his little friend caress your stomach.
You removed yourself from his arms, causing him to groan.
"Come back honey bearrrr" he whined.
"I have to get up, and you should put some clothes on" you told him, petting his hair before going to the restroom to take a shower.
He groaned, before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"We had a fun night didn't we?" he snickered.
You glared at him.
"Your fault. If I get pregnant again, it's your fault because you didn't wear a condom" you growled.
"Isn't it my fault in the first place?" he asked, before getting up and walking over as you ran the hot water.
You opened the shower door, letting yourself and Katsuki inside.
He kissed the back of your neck, before grabbing his shampoo and washing his hair.
You did the same, before washing and shaving your body.
"Want some help?~" he purred in your ear, causing you to yelp and hit him lightly on his chest.
"N-no thanks!"
He snickered, before you felt his...little Bakugo against your back.
"Well when my wife is naked in front of me it's hard not to get excited."
He let you go so you could finish cleaning yourself.
You turned the hot water off, before grabbing a towel and drying yourself.
You stepped out as Katsuki dried himself after.
You put on underwear and put on the robe Katsuki had bought you a few weeks back.
You put on thigh high socks, just to keep your legs warm.
You rushed to the nursery to feed your sons.
"Good Morning! Katsuro, Kosuki, Kazuki!" you cheered as you entered their room, earning smiles and giggles from them.
You walked over and opened the curtains to the room, letting the lights you and Katsuki had set up shine into the room with dim lights.
Coming back to reality, you grabbed all of your sons, and carried them downstairs bundled in blankets.
You placed them all down on a blanket, before leaving to make them oatmeal.
Akito recommended that you start to feed them something other than breastmilk, and she said oatmeal was a great first meal.
You grabbed an oatmeal packet and poured it into a bowl, adding a little bit of pumped breastmilk to make it watery for them to be able to eat.
Of course while they would eat that, they'd only get two spoonfuls of it, and the rest would be their normal milk.
You warmed up the oatmeal with a quirk, making sure to make it not too hot for them.
You sat them in their little chairs, before you heard them babbling and laughing with each other, as if having a conversation in their own language.
After the oatmeal was ready, you placed the bowl down on the counter, and prepared a breakfast for you and Katsuki.
You grabbed some fruit, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, bananas, and oats to put on top of the parfait you were making.
You chopped all the fruit, adding yogurt to the bottom, and adding your fruit.
You drizzled honey over the top before putting oats on top to top it off.
"You made breakfast?" Katsuki asked, walking behind you to see you finish the meal.
You nodded.
"Yeah I figured we could eat with the kids, that way we don't have to stress about eating after the hectic day we have ahead of us."
You brought the bowl of yours and your kids breakfast, placing your own down before crouching down in front of the triplets.
"Breakkkkkfasttttt" you hummed with a smile.
You grabbed the spoon and looked at Kosuki.
"Ah blehhhhh" you joked, making him laugh and giggle.
You put the spoon in front of him, making him stop and stare in awe.
"There goes the hero....pshhhhhh" you played, making little waves as you moved the spoon towards him.
"Ahhhhhhhhh" you said, opening your mouth.
"Ah-" he copied.
You put the spoon in his mouth, and he closed it, taking the oatmeal into his mouth.
"Is that yummy? Yummy for your tummy!" you squealed as he smiled.
You took the spoon out of his mouth and gave him another spoonful, earning a smile.
"You're a happy baby! Aren't you! Yes you are!"
He giggled happily.
"I'm a happy momma when you're happy!"
You moved onto Katsuro, using the spoon like a little airplane and landing in his mouth.
"Happy Katsuro. Happy baby!"
You giggled as you saw Katsuro bounce slightly at your little song.
"Ka-Kazuki!" you sang.
"Oooooooooga!" he squealed.
"Ba-baby b-boys!" you sang to all of them.
You gave him a spoonful of oatmeal, earning a little squeal of approval.
You finished feeding them their oatmeal, and breastfed them the rest of their breakfast.
After they were full and happy, you sat at the table with Katsuki, who had been watching you the whole time.
He looked at you with loving eyes.
"Wh-what?" you asked, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
"You looked like you were having fun" he smiled.
"I w-was" you admitted.
He chuckled, before handing you a spoon.
"You didn't eat?"
"I waited for you."
You smiled.
"You're sweet, you know that?" you teased.
You gigged, before taking a scoop of your breakfast.
"Mmmm I did good wit brafas" you said with your mouth full with granola and yogurt.
"Yes you did" he smiled, before kissing your cheek.
"Thanks for making breakfast love."
You heaved a sigh, sitting down on the bed.
"I'm tiredddd!"
"Master (Y/N)," someone said as they knocked on the door.
You looked.
"Master Katsuki left this note and bag in our possession to give to you. I just stopped by to give it to you as instructed."
You thanked Aimi for dropping off whatever she needed to, and let her leave.
You grabbed the bag, before looking in it, seeing a note placed at the top.
My beautiful wife..
Being able to watch you grow, not only as a lover, but as a mother.
Being able to watch you play with Katsuro, Kosuki and Kazuki, is a true blessing.
Being able to be next to you as you sleep at night, only wanting to rest after a long day's work.
I love you so much.
You've given me the greatest gift that life could offer.
And that's you.
You wiped away a tear from your eye, before putting the note down.
He's been doing stuff like this since we started dating..
After reminiscing in the past, you grabbed whatever was inside the bag.
You smiled when you saw a (F/C) two piece bathing suit.
This time it was high waisted little bottoms, and a regular bikini top, which made you a bit...weary.
Your mind started to wonder.
Where'd he go if he gave me a bathing suit?
You shook off the thoughts, before walking to the restroom to change.
You slipped off your robe and undergarments, before sliding the bikini on.
You tied the back of the top, before looking at yourself in the mirror.
You saw that you were actually covered, showing a bit of cleavage as expected.
Hands were placed above your eyes, and you gasped.
"Guess who?" a voice asked.
A strong scent of caramel hit your nostrils, and you smiled.
"Katsu?~" you teased.
He removed his hands, kissing your cheek.
"You look gorgeous" he complimented, before looking in the mirror.
He was dressed in black swim trunks, an orange stripe going down the middle of the sides.
"A beach day?" you giggled.
"In a way yes..."
He smirked, before he looked at you.
"It fits perfectly..~" he said, kissing your neck lightly.
"I love it.." you said, wrapping an arm around his head and tugging on his hair lightly.
He let out a seductive pur, before removing himself from you.
"Let's go get the kids ready."
"We have to make sure they're nice and warm, it's getting colder and we don't want them to get sick."
"True. Even if they did, we can heal them, no sweat."
You dressed your kids in long sleeved clothes, and brought blankets to bundle them up in.
The stroller you were pushing had all three inside asleep, cuddling their blankets and binkies.
You looked out to the shore, seeing a bunch of people out by the ocean in a group.
"What's going on?" you asked as you stepped on the sand, picking the stroller up and making it into a carrier.
You were taken aback as the people yelled, before you realized.
"ALL OF THE OLD CLASS 1-A?!" you yelled.
"We missed you!" Mina cheered.
"That, we can all agree on," Shoto smiled.
"We missed our number one hero! A-and getting to see you both again is a sight for sore eyes!" Izuku stuttered.
"Awww thanks you guys" you said as you placed the carrier down on a blanket that was set up.
"Are those..?" Tsuyu began to ask.
You nodded.
"Our children" you said with a smile, looking over at Katsuki.
You opened the carrier and saw that all three of your sons were awake.
"Hello my little one!" you said, before leaning down to get them out of the carry on.
Katsuki walked over and helped, taking two while you took one.
"See that? That's the ocean! Oh, shh, enn" you sounded out.
"Ohhpbbbbbbbbbttttt" Kazuki attempted to repeat after you, only managing to blow an adorable raspberry.
Some of your old classmates awed at his little action, causing him to giggle.
You giggled, before you put an open hand to your ear.
"Hear it? It's the waves crashing on the sand" you said, before booping his nose and making him giggle.
You did a little wave motion with your hand and wrist.
And he bounced up and down in your arms instead.
You giggled, heart melting as he had fun.
Katsuro and Kosuki were bouncing in Katsuki's arms as well, laughing and smiling.
You walked side by side with Katsuki, walking towards the water.
Once in, you warmed it up with a fire quirk you used from your legs.
You sat down in the very little water there was, Katsuki joining you.
You lifted your son with both hands, before warming the water again and letting his feet dip in.
You held him upright as he bounced a little, happy and splashing in the water.
You had changed the triplets into little wetsuits, that way they could get in.
You stood back up and went deeper into the water, holding onto him tighter.
You went waist deep, still able to see the ground.
"Here" Momo said, handing you something.
"Floaties?" you asked.
She nodded.
"They'll allow them to learn to swim, since they can at the age they are" she smiled.
You thanked her, and she helped you put them on.
She gave Katsuki some for Kosuki and Katsuro and helped, before swimming back to the others, who were swimming and talking.
"It's crazy that we're the only parents in Class 1-A.." you blushed.
"But everyone is so nice!"
"I know. Well, Kiri and Ashido were going to be the next ones but-"
He went silent.
You looked down.
"I know.."
"I heard from that damn Deku that him and icyhot are getting married soon, and are considering adopting a child" Katsuki shrugged.
"Awww! Good! We have to go!"
"I don't think we have much of a choice.."
"Why?" you asked.
"He...asked me to be his best man.." Katsuki blushed.
"AWWWWW! Then okay!" you cheered.
You put your son down into the heated water, and he splashed.
His siblings joined him, and you and Katsuki watched as they splashed around.
Giggling as they laughed in the water.
You got an idea, before whispering it to Katsuki.
You both smirked, before going up the water and grabbing your sons from under and lifting them up, making them laugh and giggle.
"Mommy shark do-do-do-do-do, Daddy shark do-do-do-do-do" you sang to them.
You say Eijiro swim over and boop Kosuki as you held him.
"Kiri shark do-do-do-do-do" he joined.
"Mina shark! Do-do-do-do-do!"
And soon, the entire class joined in, causing the babies to go wild with laughter.
After playing the water for a while, you went to play in the sand with them, digging seashells up and letting them hold them.
Now you sit by a large campfire, letting Mina hold one of your babies.
"So, Izuku, I heard you and Shoto are getting married?" you asked.
"Y-yeah.." he blushed.
"Can't wait!"
"How about a couples dance-off?" Denki asked, standing up.
You looked over at Katsuki, who laid his head on your shoulder, covered in the blanket you made.
The triplets were in the carry on you made earlier, sucking on their binkies after their dinner.
"I mean..sure!"
"Pick lots?" Mina asked.
You made a hat, and papers, and passed it around for people.
You wrote, 'The Bakugo's', on your piece of paper.
Mina shook the hat around, before placing it in front of Katsuro.
"You pick!" she smiled.
He giggled at her, ,before his hand went in the hat and he grabbed a paper.
His binky fell out of his mouth, and he tried to put the paper in his mouth.
Mina quickly put his binky back and took the paper, making him fuss.
"Blehhhh!" Mina said as she made a funny face to cheer the grumpy baby up.
He laughed, and she giggled before opening the paper.
"Looks like...Jiro and Yamomo are up!" she said.
Momo blushed, as Kyoka covered her face.
"You'll do great!"
They danced to a song of the class's choice, and everyone clapped.
They chose the next couple to go, which were Mina and Eijiro.
They danced with their hearts content.
They soon finished, before choosing the next people.
Mina smirked.
"Looks like you're up Misses and Mister Bakugo" she giggled.
You blushed, and Katsuki did too.
As Hanta and Denki picked a song, you and Katsuki stood up.
You waited for the song to be picked, and when it started playing, you blushed.
"REALLY YOU GUYS?!" you yelled, hearing Sway play.
"That song is so old!"
"Dance! Dance! Dance!" the class chanted.
Katsuki grabbed your hips, and you stumbled on the heels you were wearing.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" you stuttered.
"They want a show...so let's give them one," he smirked.
You gained confidence and swayed alongside Katsuki.
You moved your hips along with the music, and Katsuki moved in sync.
You both danced as if professionals, before the song ended.
To your surprise, your dance with Katsuki ended with a dip.
You put a hand on his cheek as he stared into your eyes.
"Beautiful" he muttered, before kissing your lips and helping you up.
The class clapped as you walked back to the fire.
"When we get home...you're all mine.."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now