|42| BlackJack

176 8 21

TW: degrading, sexual assault, mature themes.
"Get out of my house!" Katsuki growled, pointing to the door.
"B-but" you stuttered with tears going down your eyes.
"Get out!" he growled, before slapping your cheek and pinning you to the wall.
"Shut up. Slutty bitches like you.."
He began to undo his belt, and you worried.
"Katsuki n-no! Please!" you begged.
"Shut up!"
He slapped you again, and you fell.
"Now suck" he demanded, pulling your hair.
"St-stop! I don't want this!"
You cried as Katsuki slapped you around and called you degrading names.
Tears fell from your eyes, and you felt yourself getting shook.
"S-stop! P-please.." you begged again.
Your eyes opened, hot and steamed from the tears that fell.
"A-are you alright?" Katsuki asked from beside you.
You looked over at him, seeing his hands on your arms and his face worried.
"Don't you touch me! Don't you dare!" you screamed, slapping his hands away from you.
"Whoa! Wh-what?" he asked.
You scooted away from him, scared of him to hurt you.
"G-go away!"
"But I-" he tried, reaching a hand out.
"Stop! Or do my pleads mean nothing to you?!" you yelled, slapping his hands away again.
"Pleads? What? Honey bear, it was only a nightmare" he sighed.
"I-it....felt so real...I thought...you...you slapped me..and..called me names.."
Your eyes watered, feeling a familiar sting on your cheek.
He hurt me...
"I would never, even think about doing that to you! Not in a lifetime! Why would you go and think that you-" he raised his voice, only making you flinch and whimper in fear.
He noticed this, and immediately regretted his decision.
He softened, before looking back at you.
"I-I didn't mean to...look at me.." he said, bringing a hand to your chin, pulling it towards him.
You shook your head away, looking away from him.
"Please..look at me.."
You closed your eyes, squeezing them shut tightly as tears fell.
"I didn't mean to raise my voice to you....I never meant to make you feel this way...forgive me, my love."
You looked over and threw your peripheral vision, seeing his head bent down in a bow.
"Won't...you tell me what's wrong?" he asked, looking at you with pleading red eyes.
"W-well...in the dream y-you...said...for me to get out of the house...and then slapped me, pushing me to the ground and....p-pulling my hair...y-your pants were undone and..you..told me to..I-" you hiccuped, before breaking into a silent sob.
"Hey..hey now.." he said softly, before scooting over to you.
He nearly put his arms around you, but instead looked at you.
"Is it alright if I hold you?" he asked.
You nodded slowly, before throwing yourself into his arms and crying into his chest.
"It was so scary.."
He wrapped his arms around you, before closing his eyes and holding you tightly.
"Please know..that I would never do something like that..ever...I only want you to be happy...so let me take away those bad thoughts...let me hold you so tight, that you forget about the nightmare...you're my everything. No one can ever mean what you mean to me. I can't bring myself to degrade someone that means so much to me...someone so perfect...I don't ever want to lose you....ever...you're the most precious thing I've ever had.."
He ran his fingers through your hair.
"I will NEVER hurt you....ever..trust that..I love you...more than anything in this world. I could never reduce you down to something like that."
You hugged him.
"I love you...(Y/N) Chisaki."
You looked up as he used your last name.
"NOTHING will ever change that."
You nodded, before you shifted to lay back down.
He hugged you, and you put your head in his chest, finding comfort in the close reaffirmation.
You both made your way down the stairs after a few hours of sleeping, looking for something to eat before the triplets woke up.
You walked past a wall full of pictures you or someone close to the family had taken of you both.
You saw some going back to your first year at UA, and some that were more recent.
You had full family pictures, ones with you, Katsuki, Kosuki, Kazuki, and Katsuro.
Your eyes landed on one in specific, your wedding day.
"That was the most...the best day of my life" you muttered, looking at the picture still with glossy eyes.
"Our wedding day? Tch...it was the best day ever wasn't it? Getting to marry you~ I couldn't ask for anything better~" Katsuki purred, taking a hold of your waist, putting his head close to yours.
"You know...I wouldn't trade this life for anything... nothing in the world means more to me than you.." you said, booking over to him and kissing his cheek.
"We never...went on a real honeymoon...I still owe you that.." he blushed.
"It was my fault we couldn't do anything."
"No. You were pregnant because of me" he defended.
"But-" you argued.
He quickly pushed his lips onto yours, in a way, shutting you up.
"No buts."
He looked back at you, before squeezing you tighter.
"Where do you wanna go for our honeymoon honey bear?" he asked.
You thought.
"Hmm...depends...will it be just us or...all of us?"
"What do you think? Should we take them?" he offered.
"I don't know...one part of me says to leave them, but a bigger part says to bring them because I can't bear to be without my babies" you blushed.
"Heh..sounds very motherly of you. But the dad in me, can't leave them here either. I know we have the maids and Shinrai..but...I don't know..wouldn't feel the same without them."
He stuttered and pouted as he finished his sentence.
"You sound like a dad Katsuki. Oh wait, you are a dad! So.." you said, before turning to face him, looking up into his eyes.
"...what are you gonna do about it?"
He smirked.
"Tch...first...I'm gonna kiss you.." he mumbled.
He leaned in for a kiss, before you began to play coy and dodge every single one of his kisses.
"Stop...dodging..my kisses!" he yelled.
He pinned you to a wall, his hands pinning your wrists to your sides.
He looked into your eyes, growling, before smirking and making his famous, 'tch', sound.
"You asked for this dumbass.."
He began to attack your face with kisses, making you giggle as he kisses.
"You wanted a kiss attack didn't you?! Is that why you pissed me off?" he cackled.
He finished his little attack with a kiss to your lips, before looking back at you with his eyes open.
"..now...let's figure out where we can go for our little...family honeymoon."
"Ma'am, I believe Fiji has the safest spots for families of five or more. Of course, we could look for better options or places."
You looked over at Aimi as she read your options.
"What do you think love?" you asked as you put your hands under Kosuki's arms, helping him stand upright so he could dance.
"Hmm...what do you think?" he asked, looking back over to you.
"I asked you!" you pouted.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" Kosuki squealed, moving around, as if dancing in your hands.
"What do you think Kosuki?" you asked, looking at the baby boy as he squealed.
"Momma?" he questioned, stopping his dance and looking at you with a questioning look, his mouth making a small O.
"You're so damn cuttteeeee!" you said instead, feeling your heart melt the longer you stared at him.
"Damnnnnn!" he copied.
"No! That's a no no word!" you replied quickly.
He looked back at you, confused.
"No no!" he repeated.
"Good boy. Now how do you feel about going to Fiji?" you asked in a high voice.
"Awoooogahhhhhh!" he squealed, smiling and dancing again.
"That's a yes from Kosuki! What about the others?" you smiled, before looking over at Katsuki, who was playing peek-a-boo with Kazuki and Katsuro.
"Alolololo!!!!!" Kazuki squeaked, before plopping onto his butt, before looking up with a smile at you.
"Yayayayayayayaya!" Katsuro joined in, crawling over to his brother and looking up at him.
"Creepy crawler~" you purred as he looked up at you and smiled.
You blushed, hearing Katsuki chuckle as your son said your name.
You giggled when all three of them turned to Katsuki as he chuckled, his face turning red as they did.
"Dadda! Looks like they want you!" you laughed.
"Th-there's only one of me! A-and th-three of them!"
You helped your sons to crawl towards Katsuki, placing them on top of his chest and stomach.
"Da...da!" Kosuki said, before pulling Katsuki's bangs, making him yelp.
"Dadda!" the others joined in, before pulling his hair and attacking him, bouncing on his stomach.
"(Y/N-N)! Help me!" he cried.
You whistled, before standing up.
"I gotta..I gotta go pack!" you said, sticking your tongue out and leaving with a giggle.
"Y-you...you meanie!!!"
After packing for a week trip, both for you and Katsuki, and your kids, you got onto the private plane you and Katsuki had, ready to leave home.
"We'll take good care of your house Masters. We won't let anything happen."
Aimi and her sisters bowed in front of you.
"Please feel free to call Mister Eijiro and Miss Mina if anything goes wrong."
"We will, please enjoy your honeymoon."
The doors closed, and the flight began.
"Bye home.." you said.
"Hellooooooo beautiful~" Katsuki murmured, putting an arm around your shoulders.
You looked at him, before laying your head on his shoulder.
"Get some sleep...it'll be a while till we get there."
"Blackjack" you said, flipping the card over, your cards adding to a total of twenty one.
"Damn it."
He lost again, before grabbing the cards and shuffling them again.
"Wanna make a bet?" he smirked.
"To untie this tie we have?"
"And what are we betting?" you said, fluttering your eyelashes.
".......a kiss?" he offered.
"You're on!" you smirked.
He passed out a card to the two of you, facing it down so the number wasn't showing.
He placed another, this time revealing the number.
You had a six, and he had a ten.
You both flipped the other card over, revealing a two for you, and a seven for him.
"Hit or stay?" he asked.
"Hit me."
He gave you another card, before you flipped it, revealing an ace.
"Nineteen, I'll stay."
"Good choice."
He flipped another card, revealing a two.
He gave more cards, and he revealed a face card, worth ten.
His other card was a ten, giving him twenty.
He can't risk going for an ace...
You flipped your over, revealing an ace.
...the other card you had was a queen.
"Blackjack" you smirked.
"Damn it.."
He put his cards down as you stood up.
He turned to the side, letting you sit on his lap.
You took your time, teasing him as you lowered yourself to sit.
He growled, grabbing your hips and shoving you down, pulling your lips to his.
"Cheater" you growled, before kissing him.
You bit his lips, before he opened them, letting your tongue slip inside as he blushed.
You easily won as he backed down on the tongue fight, and you ran your hands along his chest.
That was before...your little heated kiss got interrupted by the cries of your sons.
"They're hungry" you sighed.
"D-damn.." he stuttered, before his face got even redder.
"What?" you said as he covered his face.
"L-little Bakugo....may have gotten excited.."
You giggled, before getting off his lap and going to your children.
After getting settled into the Fiji private resort, you lay in the beds, your sons asleep in the same room, blankets covering their little bodies to keep warm.
"Katsu~" you hummed, slightly bored.
"Happy honeymoon!" you said, before smiling at him.
He smirked, before grabbing your arms with both his hands and shifting his body.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" you yelped as Katsuki pinned your arms by your head, hovering over you, practically feral.
"Honeymoons..." he began, before leaning down and going to your ear.
"Are for baby making~"

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