|46| "It's hot sauce, hotshot..."

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"GET BACK HERE!" you yelled as you chased one of your ten month olds with a towel in your hands.
"Ah blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mommaaaaaa!" Kosuki squealed, running as fast as his little legs would go.
"Who would've thought your first walks would turn into your first runs?!" you giggled, before watching as Kosuki landed on his butt, looking up at you as you walked over.
"You get Katsuro and Kazuki, Katsuki?" you asked as you wrapped the towel around your naked son, lifting him into your arm and balancing him on your hip.
"Grrrrrrrr!" Katsuki replied, before he walked to you with Katsuro on top of his face.
You broke out into laughter when you noticed how red Katsuki's face was.
"Please. Get his penis out of my face" he begged.
Kazuki squealed in Katsuki's arms.
You took a quick picture, before taking Katsuro off of Katsuki's head.
"How did that even happen?" you asked, out of breath from your laugh attack.
"I don't even know."
He opened his eyes, then looked down at you.
"You look so cute~" he muttered.
"Wh-what?! You were embarrassed just a minute ago! Now you're-" you tried, before he cut you off with a kiss.
You growled, before he broke and looked at you.
"Let's go shower now."
"You can't just-" you pouted.
"Yes I can."
He kissed your cheek, before walking back to the room.
Hmph...he can't just go and change my bad mood so easily....but damnit!
H-he's too cute...
"Honey bear.." Katsuki said as he walked into the room, putting a black tank top over his head and onto his body.
"Yeah...?" you asked, drying your hair with a towel.
"Erm..." he stuttered, before looking away, his ears turning pink.
"What is it?" you asked, sitting on your side of the bed.
"I know I never ask...but...could...c-could you do my eyeliner?"
You smiled.
"Really? You never ask for help!"
"Y-yeah...b-but I ran out and I know you have some...." he blushed.
He walked over as you made an eyeliner pencil, and sharpened it.
He sat down in front of you, and closed his eyes.
You stuck your tongue out to the side of your mouth and began to draw his eyeliner like he did.
You had drawn a straight line to your pleasant surprise.
But without warning, you took your hand off, and Katsuki opened his eye.
"No- grrrrr!" you growled.
You hit the top of his head, and he growled.
He closed his eyes again and you wiped away the screwed up wing.
"Now don't open your eyes until I say so."
He hummed okay, before you did his eyeliner once again.
"Okay, don't open your eyes again or I'll hit you."
You counted for a few seconds, blowing on his eyelids and waiting for it to dry.
Before letting him open his eyes, you grabbed the pen again, and drew a small heart on the corner of his left eye.
"Hehe..." you giggled under your breath before blowing on the eyeliner again.
"What are you up to?" he smirked.
He opened his eyes after feeling the dry liner, looking up at you.
You handed him a mirror, and he looked into it.
He turned his head, eyes landing directly on the heart you drew.
"(Y/N)...WHY'D YOU DRAW A HEART on me?!" he asked, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"Hehehhehe! You look cute!" you laughed.
"Take that back!" he growled.
You quickly stood up from the bed.
"You see I would.....but....." you said, before taking off running.
"Hey come back!" he yelled, before chasing after you.
You squealed, running down the stairs, your robe following after you.
He chased after you, and you went around the coffee table in the living room.
"Catch me if you can!" you taunted.
When you tried to run in one direction, he quickly caught you in his arms.
"Gotcha!" he smirked.
"Now what are you gonna do? Try to escape, but you'll never out run me!"
You pouted in his arms, before he lifted you higher.
"Look who the cute one is now~"
You leaned down to kiss him, putting your lips to his and smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you more..."
He kissed you again, keeping you in his arms as he let you down.
"You're so beautiful...so....wonderful.." he muttered, kissing you softly again.
You sighed in content as you melted into his embrace.
"The only one for me...the only one I want...the only one I need.."
You broke and looked into his eyes.
"My one and only lover..."
He put his forehead on yours.
"I love you Katsuki.." you breathed out.
"I love you too...I always have."
You walked into the kitchen, looking for a small snack to eat before lunch and dinner, when you saw Katsuki at the kitchen island, drinking something out of a bottle.
"What are you drinking?" you asked.
"Hmm?" he hummed, removing the bottle from his lips.
You looked at the label, before snatching it out of his hand.
"Because I want to?!" he yelled in defense.
You face palmed, before smirking and taking a swig of the hot sauce in your hands.
"Wait-" Katsuki tried, reaching a hand out to you, only to realize it was too late.
"What? I can handle a little bit of spice!" you laughed, before you suddenly felt your face getting hotter.
Katsuki started to fight a smirk as one began to creep onto his face.
You looked at the label on the bottle.
Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce
You were about to scream at Katsuki for drinking something so spicy, before your mouth and tongue felt like an intense fire was set ablaze.
You opened your mouth, setting the bottle down and fanning your tongue as your eyes watered.
"Heh...told you, hotshot."
"FUCK! THAT'S HOT! TOO HOT! HELP!" you started to scream.
Katsuki stood laughing at you as you ran around the kitchen for something to help cool you down.
You made your fingers cold, putting them to your tongue.
"That's not going to help dumbass, here" the laughing Katsuki offered a cup of milk, which you gladly took.
"Bite me" you said, sticking your tongue out at him, then drinking the milk in a hurriedly fashion.
"Thank you.." you pants, placing the now empty cup on the counter.
"Heh. Of course."
You looked at him, before putting a kiss to his lips.
"OWWWW OH I REGRET KISSING YOU" you scowled, before looking at him as he snorted.
"Well...guess you could say that was one HOT kiss.."
You growled, hitting the back of his head.
"I never agreed to let you do this," Katsuki grumbled.
"But you love me.." you pouted.
"That...I do very much so" he said, putting a kiss to the underside of your chin.
You smiled and blushed, before you grabbed another spike and began to braid it like you did with some of the others.
You had somehow convinced Katsuki to let you braid his hair, much like how you did back at Nabu Island.
"Do you miss life before all of this?" Katsuki asked abruptly.
"Life before...?"
"Before the triplets...before all the media drama...back when we were sixteen, young and stupid. Careless..."
"Sometimes....but the life we have now, is something I would never want to change for anything...because I have you with me, and our three little miracles right over there" you said, nodding your head at the bed and looking at the triplets as they napped.
"I wouldn't change this for the world...because I have everything I could ever want..."
You sat yourself on his lap, before wrapping your arms around him.
"...right here in your arms."
You sighed, letting yourself melt into that embrace.
"I love you..."
"I love you too.."
"And why did I agree to let you do this?" you asked.
"Because it's my turn to treat my loving wife to some homemade dinner."
You puffed your cheeks out in protest.
"You treated me the whole time I was pregnant to homemade dinner" you argued.
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Ah blehhhhh!" Kosuki blurted at you as you held him upright.
"Heh...cutie" you giggled, kissing his cheek as he lifted a small toy up.
"Whoa! What's that baby?"
"Dadda!" he smiled.
You broke out into a laugh, before you looked over at Katsuki, who was staring at the four of you.
"Guess you're a toy car now Katsu!" you laughed.
"Sh-shut up dummy!" he stuttered, before getting back to making dinner.
"Momma!" Kazuki said, falling to his butt.
"Yes baby?" you giggled.
"Ah bleh ah bleh."
Katsuro was attempting to walk towards Katsuki, who was watching his son take his real first steps.
"Dadda!" Katsuro smiled, walking a bit faster.
Katsuki crouched down and reached his arms out to him.
"You can do it little guy" Katsuki encouraged.
Katsuro walked a bit faster, before stumbling and landing into Katsuki's arms.
He stood up with him in his arms, and smiled.
"You did so good little guy.." he chuckled, kissing Katsuro's cheek and looking at him.
"Dadda!" Katsuro clapped, before putting his hands on Katsuki's cheeks.
Katsuki walked over to you as he waited for the food to cool down.
"They've gotten so much bigger....I can't believe they'll be one already.." you said, eyes stinging.
"They grow up so fast..." Katsuki said, putting Katsuro down and putting a hand on top of yours.
"If I could, I would rewind everything back to when they were barely born..."
A tear fell from your eyes, and you looked at Katsuki.
"Time is going too fast..."
He pulled you to him.
"I know...but we'll live everyday like the day before, being us to the very end."
He intertwined his fingers with yours.
"And we'll be together for the rest of our lives."
You put your forehead on his.
"I'm never letting you go..."
You and Katsuki giggled and chuckled as you ran to the beach.
You both had Shinrai bathe and put the triplets to sleep, while you went to have a night to yourselves.
"Why'd you bring me out here again?" you giggled, Katsuki still running with your hand in his.
"Heh..." he chuckled.
He stopped, and turned to face you.
He got down on one knee, grabbing your left hand in the process.
"Katsu..." you gasped.
"I know, that we're already married, but that doesn't mean I still can't get on one knee and tell you how fucking much I appreciate you."
You looked into his bright red eyes.
"We've been through hell, ever since we've been together. At age sixteen, I knew nothing about love...and I didn't think I would ever experience it, at least not only once. I wasn't expecting you to come into my life the way you did, or to change me into the Bakugo I am today. You changed the meaning to my life, and I love that. You've given me the world. You've given me an amazing family, a wonderful life, and a love that is immeasurable. And I can't thank you enough for that. You've changed so much that wouldn't have changed on its own. You haven't changed one bit since we met, and I think I love that. That gorgeous smile you get when you're happy...that a-amazing glint in your eye that you get when you're excited...that snarky smirk you get when you're smug about something...I never forgot a thing...I hope the same can't be said about me...I hope I'm like night and day compared to when we first met...and that's thanks to you....my one and only."
He finished his small speech, before kissing your hand.
He stood up and you kissed him.
"And you've changed me...more than you think.."
You kissed him gently again, before you heard the waves crash on the beach you were at.
You smirked.
You backed away, and began to teasingly remove your shirt.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" Katsuki stuttered.
"Well....since we bought this beach, and have it all to ourselves in the middle of the night...."
You removed your pants.
"....why not go skinny dipping?"
I'll do my best to keep up on my typing and editing this weekend you guys :( my phone took a crap and I don't think I'll be getting a new one at all. If posting stops, I'll let you know. I'll do my best to keep you updated on everything. I promise you, I will do my absolute best to keep typing and posting. I love you all, and thanks so much for your support. See you Monday :))

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