|47| An Improper Rematch

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TW: Miscarriage, rape mentioned and more.
"Fucking damnit.."
You growled as you hit the table.
"They're screwing with us."
"They're the villain, so of course they will," Eijiro said.
"Eijiro, if you want to keep your head, shut it."
You sighed, slinking down into your seat at the head of the table.
"Sorry Eiji....I'm just really stressed....we don't know anything more than this person's quirk. Nothing on their whereabouts. And it's frustrating..."
"It's fine (Y/N)."
Why did I get so angry at Eijiro?....I didn't mean to...
You felt a hand on your back, and looked to see Katsuki rubbing your back with a gloved hand.
"We'll find them eventually love" he reassured.
You sighed before standing up.
"We'll go for a small lunch, then we have to get back to surveilling the area."
"Yes ma'am!"
Everyone at the table stood, leaving with their own groups and friends to the lunch room in your agency.
You grabbed Katsuki's hand, before going up to your office to eat your lunch alone with him.
But before you took a step you were hit with a small wave of nausea, and you stopped.
"You alright love?" Katsuki asked.
"I th-think so.." you admitted.
Could I be...?
No way....
"How do you think the kids are behaving for Shinrai?" you asked, shaking off your worries.
"Err....not sure. They're not little angels that's for sure."
"Oh trust me, I know they aren't little angels."
You pulled him in by his turtleneck, bringing him closer to your face.
"They are your children" you smirked, before placing a soft and quick peck to his lips.
"Huh...." he asked, watching as you walked into the elevator.
You smirked as you pushed the button for the second floor.
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" he yelled just as the doors started to close.
"Byeeeeee~" you taunted as the doors closed.
You laughed as you heard him growl as you began to go to the next floor.
Shinrai's POV~
"Katsuro.....PUT THAT DOWN!" I said sternly as Katsuro lifted a small glass vase up into the air.
"Blahhhhhhh!" he yelled.
He threw the vase to the ground.
I gasped, snapping my fingers before the vase had the chance to touch the floor.
In less than a second, the vase was in my hand.
Phew...one disaster avoided.
"Mommmmmma!" Kosuki screamed, pulling at his spiky bangs.
"Kosuki, don't do that dear-" I said, taking his hands away from his hair.
"Where dadda?!" Kazuki whined.
"He's at work baby-"
He threw his binky at me out of anger.
"Whoa!" I yelped, ducking down.
Their separation anxiety is worse than I thought...
I quickly grabbed a binky, duplicating it into three using my quirk, then cleaning them and giving them to the triplets.
"Please calm down Katsuro.." I begged, putting the binky near his mouth.
"Hmph!" he pouted.
"Raiiiiiiiiii!" Kosuki yelled, throwing a block.
"Owww!" I yelped as it made contact with the back of my head.
"NOOOOOOOOO! DIEEEEEEE!" Kazuki screamed, throwing a toy at his brother.
My goodness...they're worse than normal..
Your POV~
"Overhaul, do you copy?"
You looked over at Katsuki who stood across the conference room table.
"We've located the target. She's-"
Bang* Crash*
"Come outside you cowards!" you heard a voice yell.
"Overhaul! The agency is under attack!" someone screamed, running into the room.
"Get everyone evacuated to the streets using the back doors. And use the emergency locks on the entire building. Get the police on the line."
You put your headpiece on, and made it into goggles.
"Pinky, Red Riot.."
"At your side!" Mina said sternly.
"Ready when you are Ground Zero" Eijiro smiled, putting his fists together.
"Let's this fucking show on the road" Katsuki smirked, before nodding at you.
You crouched down, putting a hand to the floor.
"Hold onto your skirts ladies."
Using Overhaul, you rearranged the ground to surround all four of you, and traveled underground to get outside.
"Break!" you yelled, the ground surrounding you shattering and falling to the ground.
Near immediately after, you watched as two shadows rushed past you and Katsuki and towards Mina and Eijiro.
You gasped as they tucked their heads and protected themselves with their arms making an X.
"Pinky!" you yelled.
Growling, you turned back to the main attacker, who was in the alleyway right in front of you, leaning on a wall with her arms crossed.
"This is the bitch you were trying to protect? Pfft..how pathetic!" she cackled.
"Show yourself!" you yelled, getting into your fighting stance.
She walked slowly with her head down, before getting a few feet away from you and lifting it.
"It's...y-you.." Katsuki gasped, his stance faltering.
"Mmmhm. Name's Kage, lover boy" she winked.
"Who the fuck are you?" you asked.
"Were you not listening? The name is Kage, bitch. So try me."
You growled as she smirked.
"Ya know....I thought I had finished the job last year...guess I was wrong huh?"
You looked over at Katsuki, who had lost all the color in his face.
"You were supposed to be dead."
It suddenly came back.
"It was all her! That woman! She is the one responsible for his death!"
You looked around, seeing a woman on the floor with blood all over her.
"She's already dead."
"You!" you screamed.
"So you finally figured it out? Took you long enough."
You snarled.
"How DARE you kill him! All for what?! To prove yourself to my father?!"
She cackled.
"Whaatttt? Nooooooo. I just enjoy killing people."
You dug into her thoughts using your headpiece.
"You were in love with Kai....how pathetic."
She gasped.
"You don't know anything."
"I know that you tried to rape my father!" you screamed as you saw a memory of her trying to get Kai unclothed while he was asleep.
"That's it!" she screamed, grabbing daggers and throwing them your way.
You attempted to dodge, before you felt your cheek get sliced.
"(Y/N)!" Katsuki screamed from next to you.
"Shut up you!" Kage screamed, throwing daggers at him.
He didn't move in time, and got dragged to the nearest wall by her daggers.
She quickly ran and tied him to the wall, stuck and unable to move.
"Now....you get to watch as I kill your wife....or as she kills herself..." she whispered, before cackling and running back to you.
"NO!" Katsuki screamed.
You spit blood out of your mouth and wipe your cheek, glaring daggers at Kage.
"Awwww sorry did I ruin your pretty face?" she taunted.
"I actually think I made it look better."
"You BITCH!" you screamed, charging forward towards her using your wings.
You grabbed your biggest feather, and readied smaller ones at your side.
Just as you striked, Kage jumped, and glided over you.
You stuck two daggers into your shoulders.
"Fuck!" you screamed.
Now more angry, you grew your hydras in replacement of your wings, having them follow her every move.
You charged your electricity as she began to inch closer to you.
She can't escape this...
You looked out of the corner of your eye to Katsuki.
I'm risking hurting him....but I won't hold it long enough to inflict pain, only to stun her.
"Take this you motherfucker!" you screamed, releasing your electricity.
She yelped out in pain as you let it out.
You used your hydra to grab her.
And then you stopped.
"Why'd you do it?!" you screamed, raising a hand and tightening your fist.
She stayed quiet.
You let her come crashing down, and then used Overhaul to nearly impale her.
You got up close to her, and she opened her eyes.
She grabbed onto your ankle, and pulled.
You fell.
She then tackled you, putting her hands around your throat.
"What a sad way for a hero to go down...being choked to death on duty...."
She put a dagger to your throat.
"Do it" you choked.
She put pressure, digging into your skin, and smiled.
"Say hi to your father for me while you're in hell."
A tear left your eye.
I'm sorry Katsuki..
Think (Y/N)!
What would I do?!
"If you direct your lightning into the opponent's chest, then go in with your Crackling Overhaul, you'll have a definite win" Aizawa's words echoed.
But I'm pinned with a dagger to my throat...
"If your pinned, whether the person be male or female, the genitals will always hurt to be kicked in. So don't be afraid to kick!" Miss Midnight smiled.
"Once on top of the enemy, find a way to get back standing, even if it means putting your own safety at risk. Let them strike first" Shinsou advised.
Using all of your strength, you kicked Kage, right in between her thighs.
"FUCKKKKKK!" she screamed.
You quickly wrapped a leg around her, and twisted, to where you were now on top.
"You really went for the underhanded means didn't you?" she cried.
You quickly slapped her face, causing her to spit blood after,
You used your wings to get yourself off and up.
She took her time standing up.
"Why won't you give up!" she screamed, before running at you.
You took a deep breath, charging two fingers with electricity and concentrating it at the tip of your fingers.
"Bright and Bold Lightning Bash!" you yelled, directly pointing your charged fingers at her chest, and launching it.
You used the remaining electricity you had charged to travel behind her as she stood stunned and in pain.
"Owwww!" she hissed as the lightning hit her chest.
You fueled yourself towards her with explosions, and grabbed your belt.
You went above her, then struck her back with an explosion.
"Chainmail Chain Lock!" you screamed, whipping the belt around her arms and waist.
You landed, crouching.
You swiped her legs, causing her to fall and hit her head.
"Shaw!" she yelled.
"Shaw?!" you asked, before you were pushed, hard.
You flew back into a building, the cement around you breaking.
You fell to the ground in pain.
"Kill her."
You watched as a big shadow, much like Fumikage's Dark Shadow, came rushing towards you.
You raised a weak hand, and used Explosion to create a big flash.
The shadow disappeared.
"Die you bitch."
You teleported yourself to her again, crouching above her as blood began to pool around her head.
"You're weak. And don't deserve to be alive for what you did" you spat.
"Welllllll I'll be living for quite a bit longer."
You watched her.
She began to sink into the ground.
"What the hell?!" you yelled.
"Byeeeeee! Until we meet again...Overhaul."
And just like that, she was gone.
"(Y/N)!" Katsuki yelled, now free of his restraints now that Kage was out of sight.
You just crouched there in awe, a hand over your arm, covering your scar.
What....just happened?
You quickly snapped out of your amazement and stood.
"Are you alright my love?" Katsuki asked.
"Yeah...I'll be fine.."
"Miss Overhaul!" someone yelled.
You looked.
"It's Red Riot."
You gasped, but before you could take a step,
You collapsed.
"She'll be just fine sir."
You opened your eyes and looked at the sights around you.
"What's going on?" you asked.
"(Y/N)!" Katsuki gasped, crouching down and taking your hand.
"You were losing too much blood from the battle, so you fainted. But nothing to worry about."
You nodded, before you tried to sit up, only to be hit with a hard pain to your head.
"Owwww.." you groaned, before sitting back down.
"If it's okay with you Mister Ground Zero....we need to talk with Miss Overhaul alone..." the doctor said.
"Yeah...that's fine."
Katsuki stood up and walked away, your hand now feeling cold now that he was gone.
"Ahem...Miss Overhaul...there is no easy way to tell you this...but..."
You looked up at the doctor from the couch.
"What?! What's going on?" you asked, panic starting to build in your throat again.
"You...we did some tests back at the hospital...and it turns out...you were pregnant."
You put a hand to your mouth, eyes watering.
You put your other hand to your stomach, and gasped.
"So is that why I got nauseous and angry for no reason earlier?" you muttered.
"And well...we're sorry but...you were two weeks into your first trimester. And you miscarried..."
You broke when his words hit you.
"N-no...please tell me this is a joke..."
You sobbed.
"B-but we can't- no...please!"
Katsuki came running towards you, throwing his arms around you.
"NO!" you screamed.
"I'll give you both your space. Contact me if anything comes up."
The doctor left, leaving the house.
It was just you and Katsuki.
"I-" you stuttered.
"I...lost....another one.."
He held you tighter.
"It is NOT your fault (Y/N)."
"But it IS! I'm the one who killed it! Not you, not Kage, not Kai, no one! It's my fault!"
More tears fell from your eyes, and you held onto him.
"I.....killed another one...that makes seven!" you cried.
"It isn't your fault....honey bear...you didn't know. So don't blame yourself for something that you didn't know."
He pulled back.
"I know it hurts. But we both did this. If you blame yourself, then I should be blamed as well. It is my responsibility just as much as it was yours."
He put his forehead on yours.
"I'm so sorry Katsu....all I do is kill...and hurt..."
He cupped your face.
"It isn't your fault in any way, shape, or form. You're strong..and I know we'll get through this....because we're stronger together.."
He kissed your lips.
"So don't hurt yourself over it."
You smiled weakly.
"Let's get you home....we have three little miracles waiting for us to go."
You stood up weakly, and Katsuki put an arm around you to help you balance.
"I love you....and nothing is going to change that...ever."
He kissed your temple.
"No matter how many bad things you go through, my love will never fade or falter."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now