|33| "A nap? What's that?"

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After you got discharged from the hospital, you and Katsuki went home for the first time as a family.
But then hell broke out.
It was noon, a week after you just got home, and you were running up the stairs to the nursery while your sons woke up from their slumber.
You didn't even finish your breakfast.
The two of you hadn't slept in that week after coming home.
One of your sons was always crying or fussy, waking up the others.
You picked up the wailing baby, putting him close to your chest.
"Shh shh shh..you're okay...mommy's here" you whispered in a sweet voice.
It still feels weird to be called a mom...
A light knock on the door caught you off guard.
You turned around, seeing a very sleepy looking Katsuki in the door frame.
"Hmm?" you asked.
"Nothing, just came to check on you."
You nodded, before going to sit down on the chaise while you held onto Katsuro.
"Go nap" you told him.
You looked over at him.
"Why not?"
"It isn't fair that I get to nap while you don't. We're in this together. Meaning we'll be restless together."
You smiled.
"Alright then."
You put Katsuro back into his crib, before sighing.
"I'm gonna go eat a small snack, before I pump milk into a bottle" you said, rubbing your eye, walking out of the room.
Katsuki nodded, before following you.
"My mom should be coming to live with us for a few weeks in a few days. I think my dad is coming too" he said.
"That's good. Maybe we can finally get sleep."
You both made your way downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing an apple to eat before you went back upstairs.
"You go back to work in two weeks?" you asked as you looked at the calendar.
"Ugh unfortunately. I'd like to stay home forever if I could" he groaned.
"Heh. I know. I'll be going back when I can. I give it a few more months. Maybe...when these little guys turn nine months? Or sooner..I don't know. I have to get back into shape and get my hero costume fitted. No way that tiny thing would fit me anymore" you admitted.
"We can start working out here and there if you want. And when we can" Katsuki said.
"That'd be nice."
You smiled at him, before placing a sweet kiss to his cheek as he bit into his apple.
"H-hey! No surprise k-kisses!" he stuttered with a blush.
You giggled, before you bit into your apple again.
Katsuki smirked, putting his apple down.
He grabbed you by the waist, lifting you up sweetly into the air.
"Katsu!" you giggled.
"I love you, you know that?" he smiled.
"I love you more" you smiled.
"Hmm..not possible" he said.
"Then I love you equal."
He kissed your cheek as he brought you down.
"My heart has never been so full...seeing you with all of them...I never thought I'd live to see the day I had a family" he sadly admitted.
You put a hand to his cheek.
"You're alive...and here. There's nothing more I'd want in this moment than to have you by my side."
"We've been through hell and back since the beginning, but don't worry about it. Look how much stronger our love is. It brought us those three miracles upstairs. Although the road to get here was...tough. Full of angst and hell, look at where we are now."
He nodded.
"I'm just so glad I didn't lose you....I-..I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you for good" you said, grabbing one of his hands.
"You won't lose me ever again..I promise" he reassured you.
You nodded, eyes stinging as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Let's go do what we need to. Those extras are coming over later" he chuckled.
You smiled.
"They're not extras, they're family."
He huffed.
"Yeah yeah. Let's go hotshot."
You and Katsuki both took a shower, before going to the nursery to get ready to bathe Katsuro, Kosuki, and Kazuki.
You picked two of them up, them just looking around as you carried them to your room.
Katsuki grabbed the last baby, following after you.
This would be their first bath since birth.
You put them both down on your bed carefully, before going to get their stuff ready in the bathroom for them to bathe.
You walked back to the nursery to grab little onesies for them, grabbing diapers and little towels as well.
Crying was heard from your bedroom, so you hurried back.
Katsuki was already holding the crying Kosuki, trying to calm him down before the others would start crying.
When he stopped crying, you both breathed a sigh of relief.
Katsuki placed him back down.
You got the water to a warm temperature, proper for the babies to bathe in.
You would bathe one at a time, so you took Kazuki first, walking over to the restroom and getting him out of the pajamas he was wearing now.
His little (E/C) eyes opened, looking up at you.
"Hello bubba..ready for your first bath?" you asked in a sweet voice.
You smiled as your baby stuck his tongue out at you.
You giggled with a light blush on your cheeks, before sticking your tongue out playfully.
After getting him completely unchanged, you carefully put him into the bath, propping him up so he wouldn't get water into his little ears.
Katsuki walked over to you, looking down at Kazuki as you washed him carefully.
You walked Katsuki through what you were doing, so he could learn how to do it.
"Alright, I think I get it" Katsuki said.
You smiled as you lifted Kazuki out of the little bath, placing him onto a towel.
You began to dry him, and his blond spiky hair.
You cooed as you dried your little baby, full of happiness and love.
You grabbed a diaper and put it on him, making sure it was secured around his small and fragile body.
You grabbed one of the three onesies you brought with you and began to put it on the squirmy baby.
You giggled, putting a kiss to his small tummy, before covering it with the clothing.
"You're such a little cutie" you smiled.
A kiss was put to your cheek as you stood up straight.
"You both are little cuties" Katsuki teased, putting another kiss to your cheek, before leaning down to kiss Kazuki's forehead.
Kazuki stuck his tongue out again, causing you to giggle and Katsuki to gasp.
"He stuck his tongue out at me," Katsuki pouted.
You giggled.
"He did that to me too."
He looked down at Kazuki again, sticking his tongue out at him with a chuckle.
"Let's get the other two bathed and dressed. Mina and Eijiro should be here soon."
You sat down with a sigh, exhausted.
You pulled a blanket over yourself as you sat down on the chaise, still in the nursery.
You were lifting small weights to get started on building your muscles again.
Although you could get at least five minutes of sleep, you chose not to and stayed awake.
If I can go back to work by the time these guys turn three months, that'll be good. Katsuki and I can get used to what it's like parenting alone. And I've been wanting to use my quirk again, you thought to yourself, your thoughts echoing off the silent walls.
You looked at your hand, setting off a small, quiet explosion.
You gasped.
I wonder what quirks they'll get...we have plenty of time to wonder..but the possibilities are endless. Thanks to the bastard of a father I had, they could have anything now that all the quirks run through my veins.
You sighed, before the doorbell rang.
Your head snapped when you heard the faintest sound of a cry.
You stood up, walking over to whoever was fussing at the sound.
"Shh shh shh" you shushed as Kosuki began to fuss.
You picked him up, cradling him close as he began to cry.
You rocked him slowly, cooing to him as he cried.
"Oh no, did we wake someone up?" you heard Mina ask.
You giggled.
Katsuki walked them up the stairs, and stopped at the door frame.
"They're all...well most of them are asleep" he said, walking inside to let the others in.
"Awwwwwwww! They're so cute!" Mina whispered, walking over to see them as the other two slept.
"They all look like Bakubro. You sure they're your children too, (Y/N)?" Eijiro joked.
You pouted.
"I'm sure. But it's not fair they don't look like me. I carried them for seven months."
Katsuki chuckled, before going over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as you cradled Kosuki.
"They're all so cute!"
"What are their names?" Eijiro asked.
"This one here.." you began, motioning to the one in your arms.
"...is Kosuki. The other two are both blond, so it's hard to tell them apart. But the one on the right is Kazuki, he has my eye color, and the one to the left is Katsuro. He is Katsuki's little twin."
"All K names? That's so cute!"
You blushed.
"Do you want to hold one?" you asked.
Mina nodded while Eijiro blushed and looked at Katsuki.
"Can we?" he asked.
"Sure. But hurt them and I'll kill you."
You stood up, walking to put Kosuki into Mina's arms.
"Here.." you whispered, putting him in her cradled arms.
She took him gently, holding onto him with gentle arms.
"He's so small.." she said.
"Only a week old. They all already got their first week shots. Akito did their little checkup as well. Everything seems to be going good."
"That's because you're a good mother. And Katsuki being here to help you is also a big part. Have you slept at all?" Mina asked.
"Nope. Katsuro keeps fussing and crying every little hour. So I've been in here trying to sleep but haven't."
"If you ever need someone to babysit, you can call me! I'm your best friend, practically your sister! Plus I'm not working at the time! Since Katsuki is going back to work in two weeks, I can take a short vacation! Him and Eijiro will be at the agency so why not!" she laughed.
You smiled.
"I mean you can. Thanks Mina. I'll be going back soon."
"No way! Take your time! Crime rate has been going up since you two disappeared! You don't want to be caught up in all the drama!"
"That's my job. Plus the hero ranking ceremony is coming up. Although we're in the lead by a lot, we still have to go back to work" you said.
She pouted, before looking back down at the 'sleeping' baby.
Kosuki's eyes had opened, and he was staring up at Mina.
"Oh hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" she cooed, giving him her index finger.
He grabbed onto it, his red eyes still looking up at her.
"You're so cute and tiny!" she squealed.
You looked over at Eijiro and Katsuki, seeing Eijiro holding Katsuro in his arms.
You smiled.
You heard a small whimper coming from Kosuki, seeing his little face scrunch up.
You watched as he yawned.
"Whoa! That was a big yawn for such a little boy!" you and Mina said in unison.
You both giggled, before you took Kosuki from her arms carefully, and put him down in his bed.
Katsuki did the same with Katsuro.
The two babies drifted off into sleep, and you four exited the room, closing the door slightly.
"How you do guys like being parents?" Eijiro asked as you walked over to turn the baby monitor on.
"It's hectic. Having a family isn't easy. Especially with triplets. It's...hard work" you sighed, sitting down at the table, joining everyone.
"It is. But there's no bigger blessing than being able to parent with the person you love at your side" Katsuki said, taking your hand.
"Are you two going to try for a baby again?" you asked Mina.
"Well...we'd love to. But with everything being the way it is at the agency, we should really avoid it as much as possible. I think the stress of being there all the time is what made me lose the last one we had."
You felt for your friend, sad that she had to go through what you did.
"It'll happen eventually. And we'll be just as happy for you guys."
Mina and Eijiro smiled at you, before you and Katsuki yawned simultaneously.
"We should leave, that way you two can get some sleep before they wake up again" Eijiro said, standing up from the table and pushing his chair in.
"Thanks for coming guys," you said.
You laid down in your bed, under the sheets and heavy blankets.
Katsuki cuddled up to the front of you, putting his face in your chest.
"You're warm.." he said.
You smiled, before tangling your legs with his, getting yourself lost in his touch.
Then a loud wail sounded from the nursery.
You both groaned.
"So much for a nap.."

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