|54| Sparkler

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"Mama!" Kosuki squealed.
You opened your eyes, looking to the side of the bed, seeing Kosuki smiling up at you.
"Mmmmmmmmm?" you groaned, turning to face the other direction.
"Wake uppp! Dadda said you need to get your lazy ass up!"
Your eyes widened.
"He said what?! Kosuki do not repeat anything your father says! I've told you that so many times!"
You got out of bed, before looking to the door, seeing a shadow move out of the way.
You scoffed, using a hydra to go to the door and grab whoever was there.
"Hey! That's cheating dumbass!" Katsuki yelled as your hydra dragged him into the room.
You got up from the bed, walking over to him and pulling his hair.
"Owwwww! What the hell?! What'd I do now?!" he yelped.
Kosuki covered his eyes.
"So?! No one told them to repeat me!"
You hit him.
"HEY! That's not nice!" a small voice sounded from the door frame.
You looked, seeing Katsuro and Kazuki.
"No hit dadda" Kazuki shook his head.
"I-" you stuttered, face heating up.
"Bad mama" Katsuro crossed his arms.
You looked at Katsuki, who was smirking at you.
"You've been naughty" he smirked.
You blushed.
"I-I'm sorry!" you closed your eyes.
Katsuki chuckled, and you heard your children laugh, before they hugged at your legs.
Katsuki wrapped you in his arms, and kissed your nose.
"Love you honeybear..." Katsuki muttered, kissing your lips gently.
"Love you too Katsu" you sighed.
"I love you mama.." Katsuro looked up.
"I love you too little Katsu."
"I love you more mama!" Kosuki and Kazuki chirped.
"Hey! I said it first!"
"No, I did!"
"Thanks for the invite bestie!" Mina cheered as she threw her arms around you.
"Of course! I literally love you guys!" you smiled, pulling Eijiro to join in your hug.
You looked, seeing Katsuki pouting next to you.
You pulled him closer, kissing his lips as you did so.
"Come on grumpy bear.."
"I don't wanna be part of your damn hug! Damn dumbass!" he yelled.
"Uncle Kiwi!!" you heard the triplets yell, running down the stairs.
"Aunt Mimi!!"
The triplets joined in the hug, and you heard your husbands growling get louder.
"Dad you sound like Tadashi and Tamotsu" Katsuro said bluntly.
You giggled, along with Mina and Eijiro, who let go of you all and back away.
You looked at Katsuki, who was blushing and looking blankly ahead.
You heard the soft clip claps for your dobermans claws hitting the floor as they ran to you.
"Shi down!" you commanded.
Tadashi immediately sat down at your words, and his brother soon joined him.
Tamotsu sat down, waiting for their next commands.
"Oh shit they still have their work collars on from the last mission."
You removed both of their collars and set them aside.
"Are you guys gonna bring them to the next mission (Y/N)? It's risky with the placement of where we will be" Mina asked.
"Underneath UA...I know. It's a huge risk even going, and no heroes even know of it. I still need to contact everyone and get teams sorted. This could be the fight for the world. We most likely will bring them, they've joined for every mission so why not."
She nodded.
"You guys ready for that? We only have a month until we make our move" Eijiro said.
You looked down.
"I'm not ready. Not ready at all."
Katsuki pulled you closer to him as your eyes watered.
Your breaths became shaky and you held onto his chest.
"Kosuki, Katsuro, Kazuki, can you give the adults a minute to talk?" you said, still holding onto Katsuki for comfort.
"Yeah.." they all said, before walking away.
"Tadashi, Tamostu, keep an eye on them please" you told the dogs, which barked and followed the triplets.
"What's going on (Y/N)?" Eijiro asked.
You grabbed a handful of Katsuki's shirt, looking up into his eyes, which were also watery.
"We both have had our encounters with Kage. And we both cannot guarantee a safe battle that ensures our health."
You looked at Mina and Eijiro who were worriedly staring at you both.
A tear fell from your cheek, and you silently sobbed, thinking about things you needn't need to stress about yet.
"Shhhh...you're okay" Katsuki comforted, pulling you closer to his chest.
"I'm scared..." you admitted to him.
"I know.."
He turned to the others.
"We'll ask you both when the time comes."
They nodded, before you calmed yourself and wiped your eyes.
"Enough of that, it's the fourth of July! Let's celebrate!"
Mina gave a small smile, still worried about her friend.
"You sure you're alright?"
You nodded.
"We'll worry about it another day."
Eijiro grabbed her hand and walked away, and you saw your father walk into the room.
"Hi kid" Aizawa smiled.
"Dad!" you yelped, before throwing your arm around him.
"Whoa! Hey! Why are your eyes puffy? Were you crying?" he asked, before letting go and looking at you.
"Well...we have a few favors to ask people in a few weeks from now and I just got really emotional about it" you admitted, blushing and looking away.
He put a hand on your cheek.
"Don't stress yourself out before a big mission, just take some time to relax with Bakugo and your family-"
"Grandpa Zawa!"
Kosuki came running, and Aizawa crouched down to hug his grandson.
"Grandma Zashi!" the others yelled, running towards Mic.
You laughed, before hugging Mic.
"I missed you guys" you told him, before your kids attacked his legs with hugs.
"Missed you too kid. Long time no see."
"Well I know you both were filing for retirement so you were busy with all that and the stupid media" you scoffed, before running your hands through Katsuro's hair as he hugged Mic's legs.
"How's everyone been?" you asked.
"Good. Eri just started her job at UA so-"
"No fair! I wanted to tell my big sister!"
You saw Eri walk through the door, a pout on her face.
"Eri! I'm so happy for you!" you smiled.
She blushed.
"Th-thanks...though it's not much of a big job...I just work in Recovery Girl's old office" she shrugged.
"It's a start."
You hugged your sister, before you saw a flash of purple hair behind her.
Eri moved aside and you saw Shinsou looking at you.
"Awwwwwwwww! My BROTHER!!"
You threw your arms around him and held him tightly.
"W-why so cuddly?!" he yelped.
"No reason!"
You laughed, before you let go.
"Missed you sis" he said, putting a hand behind his neck.
"Missed you too!" you smiled.
He smiled back, before he walked away.
"Your fiancé is upstairs waiting for you" you teased.
He glared at you.
You winked at him, before walking away to the others.
"Tamostu, heel" you commanded.
Tamostu ran over to you, and stood by your side, looking up at you from the height of your knee.
"Good boy."
You walked with him by your side, and Katsuki walked over to you with Katsuro in his arms as more guests arrived.
"Why's Tamostu at your side? Gasp....you're not pregnant are you?" Katsuki whispered.
You smiled.
"What made you think that?" you asked.
"W-well..the last time you were pregnant h-he.." he stuttered, before his eyes got watery and he looked at you.
You put a hand on his cheek.
"I know baby...I know."
You put your forehead on his as a tear fell from his cheek.
"I-...just can't...I" he stuttered.
You grabbed Katsuro from Katsuki and placed him on the ground.
"Go play with your brothers my love" you told him, running a hand through his hair.
"Is dadda okay?" he whispered.
You nodded.
"Papa will be alright, Katsu."
Katsuro walked off to his brothers, and you sent Tamostu after him to follow.
You wrapped your arms around Katsuki, who broke down crying in your arms.
He cried.
You tightened your arms around him, and remembered why he was sensitive to this.
"I'm sorry you guys but...(Y/N), you're unable to have any more children. It's a miracle you were even able to carry your triplets" Akito sighed.
"B-but how?! And how were we able to get pregnant easily?" you asked.
"Getting pregnant was never the problem, it was keeping the child. The drug your father gave you all those years ago affected your organs and unfortunately, your uterus has lost its ability to expand enough to support a pregnancy. Your triplets were surely having a rough time due to this."
You looked at Katsuki, who was staring at Akito.
"What does that mean for this one?" he asked, grabbing your hand.
Akito sighed.
"Unfortunately your options both end in harm. You could wait for another miscarry, or you can go down the road of abortion. One way or another, you'll lose the baby."
She looked at you as you looked down, thinking about your options.
"I'll give you a minute to think about it."
Akito left the room, leaving you and Katsuki to your devices.
"What do you wanna do love?" he asked.
"The choice is up to you."
You looked at him.
"I know. Both ways are...horrible but...I think...I wanna go with abortion.."
"Abortion?! Why that love?"
"Just to get it over with. Staying pregnant for much longer might actually kill me..." you sighed, eyes watering.
"I know...b-but...I can't watch you suffer anymore..." he cried, a tear falling from his eyes.
"I know baby...it's almost over..."
You held him closer.
"I remember how hard it was for you to watch it...to watch me go through it...the depression it caused...everything...and I know it was hard for us to accept we'll never have any more children of our own.."
He sobbed into your chest, leaning down to be able to do so.
"I love you.." you whispered, kissing the top of his head and letting your face rest on top of his spikes.
"I l-love you too honeybear.."
You lifted his face up, and placed a gentle kiss to his trembling lips, and his breaths shaky and stuttery as his eyes closed.
"Now let's go get the fireworks started" you smiled, wiping his tears away.
He smiled smally, before holding onto your hand.
"Don't let me go honeybear.."
"I won't ever I promise you.."
You held in laughter as you watched your husband struggle to light a sparkler without turning it into ash.
"Come on dadddddddd" Kazuki whined.
"I'M TRYING!" Katsuki yelled, face hot with anger as he tried again.
You watched as his explosion turned it to ash once again.
"I think that's enough of that for you-" you tried to grab the pack of sparklers from him, before he moved it away.
You put your hands up in defense and back away.
He put his hand to it again, readying to put an explosion, before it was snatched out of his hand.
"I've got it" Shinrai smiled, putting a lighter to the top and lighting it successfully.
Katsuki stared blankly to where the sparkler was in his hand, before his eyes looked up as Shinrai handed the sparkler to Kazuki, who smiled and grabbed it from her.
"Thanks Auntieeeeeeeeee!" he smiled, before running to his brothers.
"No problem Kazu" she smiled, before she took the hint to get away from the fuming Katsuki.
"She.." he said, before just slouching and pouting.
You pet his head and smiled.
"Sure you could've honey, maybe in the next hour or so" you joked.
He growled and looked up at you, before looking back down.
"Didn't mean to yell or scare you.."
You kissed his cheek, before leaning on his shoulder as you sat on the tailgate of his truck.
"It's fine my love."
You sighed, before you watched your children and family have fun at the small party you put together for the holiday.
Katsuro and Kosuki made their own explosions and fireworks with their quirks, while Kazuki joined them as he played with a sparkler.
"That was prettyyyyyy!"
Shinsou grabbed the next firework, setting it in the center of the courtyard.
"Ready for the next one?" he asked.
"Yeahyeahyeahyeah!" Kosuki and his brothers cheered, before running back to you and Katsuki, where you were sitting on the truck of Katsuki's truck.
They jumped up and climbed onto the tailgate and sat next to you as you leaned on Katsuki's shoulder.
"Hurry up Uncle Soup!" they yelled.
"Alright alright" Shinsou laughed, before lighting the firework and ran towards you.
Just as he took off running, the firework shot up into the air, and Kosuki let out a short 'whoa'.
You watched as they went off in red and purples, ending with a white.
"More!" Katsuro clapped.
"Auntie Raiiiii?" Kazuki whined.
"Yessss?" Shinrai smiled as she brought a small tray of frozen lemonades.
"Can you light more sparklers for me pleaseeeeee?" he asked.
You giggled as you grabbed the tray from her.
"Sure Kazu" she smiled, before she looked up at you.
"Thanks for giving me the day off ma'am" she bowed.
You smiled.
"Of course. I wanted to give you time with everyone before things get hellish. So why not? Plus your fiancé is here for once-"
"I never visit because of you you know" your brother muttered.
"What was that?" you snapped, turning your attention to Shinsou, who decided to cough to avoid the question.
"That's a lot of smoke I said" he lied.
You squint your eyes.
Abruptly, something cold was stuck into your mouth and you yelped as it began to dissolve on your tongue.
"Did you just put frozen lemonade in my mouth?" you asked as Katsuki snickered beside you.
"Yes. Stop picking on your brother meanie" he smirked.
"Thanks man" Shinsou laughed.
"Anytime. All you have to do is involve food or embarrass her and you've won" Katsuki snickered again.
You snuck your hand behind you both, pinching a bit of his butt, catching him off guard.
"D-dumbass! W-why would you do that?!" he yelped, his face getting hot.
"No reason" you shrugged, before grabbing the spoon from him and getting more of the lemonade.
He pulled you closer to him, before resting his head on your shoulder.
"My firework. Prettier than the ones in the sky...more special than the fourth of July...mine."
You laughed, before giving him the spoon to get some for himself.
"Next one or...?" Shinsou asked.
"Hmmmmm what do you think Koko?" you asked.
"Yessssssssssss" he hummed as he ate his frozen treat.
"Katsuro?" you asked.
"Mmmmmhmmmmmm" he hummed as well.
"That's a yeah 'Uncle Soup'' you teased again.
"Hey. Only they get to call me that. Not you" he pointed, before turning around to put the firework down, only to bump into Shinrai.
"Oops! Sorry babe" Shinsou blushed, before trying to walk off in a rush.
"Ah ah not so fast" she smiled.
She stood on her tippy toes, putting a kiss to his lips and causing his face to light up.
You put your hands together and applauded, causing them both to turn to you.
You smiled at Shinsou, before he glared at you.
"Fuck off."

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