|26| Flat Line.

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A silent tear fell from your eyes as you looked through the glass that blocked you from entering the room your lover was in.
The tear made contact with the floor, making a loud and echoing noise in the silent halls of the hospital.
You clenched your shirt with a tight fist, sobbing ever so loudly, squeezing your eyes shut.
His body was covered in red stained sheets, a breathing tube and mask over his face.
His eyes were covered with a single cloth.
You could hear the very faint heartbeats that sounded on the monitor.
Every heartbeat was about three seconds after the other, and they were getting slower.
Tubes and bands were wrapped all over him, things going inside his stomach.
It hurt you so much to see him like this.
We were too late...my love. I wish I could've saved you...why'd it have to be you laying there..I wish it was me..
"WHY COULDN'T IT BE ME?!" you screamed, banging on the glass and sobbing.
Hands were wrapped around you as you watched with tear filled eyes.
You screamed angrily the more you watched him.
Mina whispered sweet lies to you, trying to comfort your once whole heart.
"Why...why couldn't it be me laying in that bed? This is all my fault..if I had just-"
"It isn't your fault (Y/N). You didn't know he was alive."
You sobbed into Mina's chest as the hospital door opened.
"Are you Misses Bakugo?" the doctor asked.
You immediately let go of Mina and wiped your eyes, looking at the doctor.
"Y-yes.." you hiccuped.
The doctor sighed, before kneeling down to grab your hands.
"I'm so sorry..Mister Bakugo has fatal injuries to his stomach. He was pierced and it caused some acid to leak into other areas."
You cried more, looking down as you heard her words.
"If something isn't done immediately, he'll die."
"Isn't he dead already? He's living on machines..."
You bit your lip.
"Just pull the plug."'
"Excuse me?"
"I can't live seeing him like this. It breaks my heart to know I could've done something to save him! I'll have to live with that burden for the rest of my life! I don't want to see him if he's only alive because of machines!" you yelled.
"(Y/N), think hard about this! He's your husband! He can get better! Please reconsider! I know you don't mean those words! His life rests in your hands!" Mina argued.
"I know it does! But would you be able to live knowing that you could've done something to save your lover from death?! He's on his deathbed Mina! Look at him...I can't bear to lose him but I can't bear to see him like this!"
You cried, hot tears falling down your cheeks.
You looked up at the doctor.
"What are the options here?" you asked.
"Well, he'd had to go through an immediate surgery. The more time wasted here, the less time we have to save him. Other than that, all we can do is try our best to keep him alive with no surgeries or anything. He'll die."
You wiped your eyes, looking back down.
"If I give consent...you have to try your absolute best to save Katsuki."
"We will. I promise you."
You looked up.
"Then...please! Please, I beg of you....save my love. Save Katsuki!"
She smiled, before grabbing her pager.
"I need my best surgeons and nurses to room four-twenty. Immediately. And someone get Recovery Girl on the line."
You cried hopeful tears as the doctor turned back to you.
"I promise I will not let you down Miss Overhaul. "
You smiled.
"Would you like to come see him before he goes in?"
Your smile faded, and you bit your lip.
Should I?
You took a deep breath, before looking back to her.
"I'd like that."
You followed her into the room, putting on a required mask before you took in the sight before you.
Oh Katsuki..what have I done?
You slowly walked over to his side, taking one of his lifeless hands.
"Look at you..what have I done to you my love? I've betrayed everything I stood for. And now you paid the price."
You gently ran your fingers over his forehead.
"Please...do everything you can to save him."
The doctor bowed.
"I vow I'll do everything I can," she said.
"I wish I could help you all, I really do. I'd help with my own quirks, but I'm afraid I can't."
You began to walk out of the room.
"My name is Doctor Ishi. Please let me know if you have any concerns at all" the woman said.
"I will."
"I'll be sure to contact you after it's done. And what is the end result. It'll take six hours to a day for it to be complete."
You smiled.
"Thank you."
Once you stepped out of the room, you changed.
You weren't the same depressed (Y/N) from before.
Your eyes glowed an angry (E/C), and you glared ahead of you.
You grabbed your phone, dialing the number of the Pro Hero's Association.
"Miss Overhaul?" the person asked when the phone was picked up.
"I'm calling for a reason so don't ask. Put me on call with every Pro Hero."
The line went silent, until you heard a sigh.
"Stop sighing and put me on the fucking line."
"Right away ma'am. You'll hear three beeps, then you'll be connected with all the Pro's in Japan."
You took a deep breath.
There is NO going back.
Kai, you've messed with my family..
For far too long!
"Hello, this is Overhaul, your number one hero. As you may have seen, I've vanished from the media, and my job due to my pregnancy. I am asking for EVERYONE'S help. Your other number one, Ground Zero has been fatally injured. He is in the hospital on his deathbed, living by machines. The person responsible for this? Kai Chisaki. Eight years ago, he was thought to be dead, death by fire. He faked his death and caused destruction to the 'peaceful' society. He killed thirty people tonight at the Zero Agency. Ground Zero went after him, resulting in his near death. Although it doesn't seem to concern you, he is after my family. Eraserhead, Present Mic, Shinsou, Ground Zero, and myself. Killing us off one by one, torturing me to the bone. If this isn't enough, I'm certain he'll come after the lot of you when he's done with me. We need to put an end to his reign of terror, and kill him. If you'll comply, meet at the front gates of the Zero Estates. I'll be arriving shortly. Thank you."
You hung up and began to run, when someone appeared in front of you.
"Where are you going?!" Mic asked, putting his hands on your shoulders.
"You should know! I just announced it."
"I mean where do you think you're going running?" he smirked, waving his keys to you.
"Thanks dad."
You both smirked, before running to the truck.
"Hold on! I can't be seen like this!" you gasped.
You took off running to the agency that was yours, now covered in blood.
You ran through the doors, splashing in the thick blood, going towards your office.
You opened the doors and ran to the small closet that held all of your costumes.
Including one specific for your pregnancy.
You slipped out of it, slipping on the cold fabric.
Luckily it wasn't too tight, nor too loose.
You grabbed a pair of boots, sliding them on and over your legs up to your thighs.
They were flat on the ground, no heel like normal.
You slipped gloves over your swollen fingers and arms, before taking off back to the car.
On your way, the police officer inside the building bowed, before you walked out of the building.
You arrived at the front of your house, closing the car door behind you as you walked into view.
You were surprised when you saw nearly every Pro Hero standing at the gates, talking amongst themselves.
"Look! Overhaul is here!" a hero said.
Everyone bowed, catching you by surprise.
"W-whoa! No need for that!" you chuckled, a blush on your cheeks.
Everyone stood up straight as you took a breath.
"I want to thank everyone for coming. But that's not important."
You crossed your arms, putting them to rest on your baby bump.
"Let's get straight to it."
Mina walked up to you, before turning around to face the large crowd.
It was true, you and Katsuki had chosen Mina and Eijiro to be your sidekicks, the next to take over the agency you and Katsuki built together.
"As stated earlier by Miss Overhaul, Ground Zero was nearly killed by the villain Kai Chisaki. Commonly known as Overhaul. I saw Ground Zero in the hospital with my own eyes when I accompanied Miss Overhaul. In order to put her and our fears to rest, we have to stop Kai immediately. We'll divide into groups. Groups will be decided by Overhaul, who she will put in a group will meet her expectations."
You stepped forward.
"Group A, Deku, Uravity, Ingenium, Shoto, Froppy, and Tail Man. Group B, Pinky, Red Riot, Sugarman, Tsukuyomi, Tentacole, Earphone Jack, and Chargebolt. Group C.."
You listed every group, grouping the strongest people with each other, until all the groups were done.
"Group A will go straight to where Ground Zero was attacked, Rasha Park. They'll patrol every area there, even the surrounding cities. Group B will patrol by the agency, checking everywhere for any clue on Kai's whereabouts. Groups C, D, E, and F will search everywhere else. Use your quirks. The police have offered their help. If you find him, use your quirks, make him use his. If he has company, lookout. Never go anywhere alone. Use buddies."
You turned your back to them, before looking over your shoulder.
"You have your mission. Go."
Third Person POV~
"Damn it!" Ishi screamed, pounding her fists on the counter.
She listened as the heartbeat on the monitor went flat once more.
"I won't fail Miss Overhaul.."
The nurse behind her gasped as Ishi turned around with tears in her eyes.
"She entrusted ME with her husband's life! And if I can't do it, no one can."
She took a deep breath, before walking back over to the now dead body.
"Use the defibrillator. Bring him back."
The nurses tried over and over again to restart Bakugo's heart, but it wouldn't work.
Ishi got nervous.
"Move!" she yelled.
She placed her hands on Katsuki's chest, beginning compulsions to bring him back.
Come...on! I have never had a patient die on me before...
And I won't let you die!
She pushed for dear life, sobs escaping her mouth as she panted, putting every effort into this.
"Ma'am! You'll pass out if you don't breathe!" one of the nurses tried, only for Ishi to look over at her.
Her hair had fallen from her bun, and it was all over her sweaty forehead and neck.
"If you keep talking, we'll lose him for good."
The nurse went silent, and Ishi continued.
She squeezed her eyes shut as she pushed once more.
Then the heartbeats came back.
Thump* Thu-thump* Thu-thump*
She smiled.
"His heartbeat is back! Let's continue this, girls! We've got at least four more hours of hell to do!"
Everyone cheered, before getting back to work.
I won't let you die Ground Zero.
Kai's POV~
"They're coming after you sir" Kage said.
"Let them. (Y/N) can't do anything as long as she's pregnant. Besides, no one cares enough to help her with this. It's her own problem."
Kage smiled as she put a hand on her hip.
"Did ya hear?! Ground Zero flatlined!" she cackled.
"It's not funny," I said.
For what felt like the first time, my heart panged.
Why do I feel..guilty?
She deserved to lose the one she loved..
Didn't she?
She killed my lover...
Was it wrong of me to kill Ground Zero?
"What? What do you mean it isn't funny?!" Kage yelled.
Anger filled me, and I grabbed Kage's neck, bringing her up into the air.
She gasped for air, putting hands on my hand to free herself.
My golden eyes once filled with hatred, filled with tears.
"I mean it isn't funny Kage."
She whimpered.
I let her go, and she dropped to the ground and into a coughing fit.
"Point taken" she coughed.
I looked back out, seeing police car lights flashing.
Turn myself in?
Go to (Y/N)?
Save Ground Zero?
I didn't know what I felt, how I felt.
I had mixed emotions.
Was what I did...cruel?

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