|28| Hearts In Sync

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"S-sorry?" you stuttered.
His hand came up to cup your cheek, rubbing it in a soft circle as he wiped away a stray tear.
"I hurt you...I left you on your own, to defend yourself when I should've been there."
You gasped silently at his words.
He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead, before bringing your head to his chest.
"I will never leave your side again. That I vow my life on" he mumbled, his chest vibrating as he spoke with his low voice.
"You...when I last saw you..you were dead. Really dead. No pulse..nothing."
You lifted your head and Katsuki's hand slid down the back of your head.
"I thought I'd never see you again."
"No way in hell would I let someone like them kill me for good. I have a few things I'd like to do before I officially kick the bucket hotshot."
He looked into your eyes, earnesty shining in them.
"Spending all eternity with you my love."
Your heart melted at his soft words, and you placed a kiss to his lips.
"How I missed your kiss.." you whispered on his lips.
"I...I missed you.." he said, before his chest began to heave.
You pulled away from him and looked into his now teary red eyes.
"I thought...I'd lose...my precious teddy bear...I..I can't imagine a single world that I'd be able to live in without being able to hold you..to kiss you" he cried, putting his lips back on yours.
"Even being in the next world..a new life..it wasn't the same without you honey bear. Nothing felt right. My heart doesn't beat on it's own, it beats in sync with yours...I can't go losing you."
You kissed him as he cried, wanting nothing more than to comfort him in this weak time.
"You won't ever lose me..my love or anything. I'll always be right by your side. I promise."
You pulled away and kissed his forehead in comfort, bringing a hand around his head and bringing it towards you.
"We're married..in every possible life. I'll always be there, holding your hand even if you can't see me.."
Tears fell from your eyes as you held him.
He sobbed into your chest and you held him tight.
I will never let you go again..
"Just..promise me something Katsuki."
He looked up at you.
You moved a hand to wipe away a tear from his eyes.
"We're a team...so from now on..we do everything together. No matter the risks" you said.
"The only reason I went alone was because-"
"I'm pregnant and I somehow managed to kill my father. With a lot of help of course."
He looked surprised at your words.
"So will you promise me?" you asked.
You held your pinky finger out to him.
"P-pinky promise?!" he blushed.
You nodded.
"I promise."
He connected his pinky finger to yours, and you squeezed it.
"Now th-that you're done embarrassing me, tell me what happened while I was gone."
"Damn..I'm really sorry I wasn't there to help you" he sighed after you told him what happened.
"This was something I needed to do on my own anyways.." you shrugged.
"I can only imagine how badass you looked. A sexy thing like you going into battle pregnant with triplets and not a sign of fear on your face."
You blushed.
He booped your nose as you blushed.
"You're absolutely adorable, you know that?" he teased.
Smirking, you puffed your cheeks out in protest.
"I'm not cute, I'm cool~" you protested.
"That's my line damnit!" he laughed.
You both smiled, before you placed another kiss to his lips.
The door to the room opened and Ishi walked in.
"Oh! Good to see you're up Mister Ground Zero!" she said with a smile.
"I've been up for a few hours now. Just talking with this little cutie over here" he chuckled.
"That's good! I'm glad to see you're feeling better! Well I'll check everything for you and I'll take my leave."
You both nodded.
Ishi checked everything, his vitals, blood pressure, IV, oxygen levels, iron levels.
Everything seemed to be good.
She checked his stitched area, his stomach, and she sighed.
"There aren't any signs of infection on the wound. But you'll still need to take some time off. I'd say...around a month off of work? Maybe longer..nothing too major. I've already called the agency, things seem to be going fine over there. They're just cleaning up and painting still. Getting new securities as Miss Overhaul ordered. I called the Pro Hero Association, and Ground Zero doesn't have to work until he's made a full recovery."
You smiled.
"That's great news Ishi. Thank you."
She smiled at you.
"You're very welcome ma'am."
She walked towards the door, before turning around.
"Oh! I almost forgot! There were some people calling to visit. The names were.." she said, before getting a small note out.
"Mitsuki and Masaru?"
"Those are our parents and in-laws! Call them back! They can come for a little while!" you smiled.
"I'll do that right away! Now enjoy the rest of your night!"
She walked out of the room.
"Off of work for a month? Oiiiii" Katsuki complained.
"We have plenty of money, so if neither of us work, we'll still be fine."
"Eh. I guess. I just don't wanna lose our ranking to that damn Deku. But I guess I get more time to spend with you" he purred.
"That you do" you smirked.
"A month...gasp!"
You looked over at him and he turned to you.
"A month! Isn't that when they'll be born?!" he asked.
You checked your calendar.
Your date for your C-section was only seven weeks away.
"A month and three weeks away. So you'll be back to work by then I think" you said.
"Oh hell no. I'm taking two months off then. The association said when I make a full recovery. God knows how long it'll take till then. Plus, my duties as a father will always come before my duty as a hero."
You smiled.
"I can't wait to hold them."
"Me too."
You thought for a second.
"We need to come up with names..I'm sick of calling them just them and babies. They need names."
He put a hand on your belly.
"True. We can do that tonight if you'd like."
"That'd be nice."
"KATSUKI! YOU DAMN IDIOT!" Mitsuki yelled as she stomped into the room with tears falling down her cheeks.
"SHUT UP  YOU DAMN HAG!" Katsuki yelled back.
You watched as the two fought with growls in between their sentences.
"They never change do they?" you asked Masaru.
"No, I'm afraid they don't," he smiled.
Once their fight calmed down, Mitsuki hugged her bratty and fussy son.
"I'm so glad you're safe Katsuki...I thought I'd lost my son.."
You watched as they reunited.
They can be peaceful when they want to.
Mitsuki let go of her son, before walking over to you.
"You, you were so brave. Going after Kai the way you did. And pregnant nonetheless. You knew the risks but you still went after him. If that ain't bravery or heroic I don't know what is" she said, taking you into her arms.
"Thank you Mitsuki" you smiled.
"Anytime dear."
She let go of you, before putting a hand to your bump.
"You ready? Only a few more weeks until they come."
"I'm nervous for the birth..but I'm willing and ready to do whatever it takes to meet them."
"I'm sure you are. Who is going to be there with you?"
You smiled.
"Well, Katsuki of course since he's my husband and the father to them. Then...you. You're the only motherly figure I have, so I chose to have you there with me."
"Oh I'm honored," she said.
After they left, more people showed up to the hospital room.
"Big brother!" Eri yelled as she ran into the room.
She threw her arms around Katsuki.
"I...you..you can't leave us! Never again!" she cried.
"I won't. I promise."
He embraced her back.
"I'm glad to see he's back," Aizawa said as he stood next to you.
"Me too.." you smiled.
"Big sis!" Eri said, walking over to you.
"Eri!" you said, hugging the young girl.
"You've gotten so big!"
"I'm fourteen now!" she laughed.
"You grew up too fast! Be little again!" you laughed.
"Heck no!" she said.
"Eri!" Aizawa corrected.
"Sorryyyyy daddddddd" she pouted.
"He's as strict as ever isn't he?"
She nodded.
"Anyways, Katsuki!" Eri said, before taking your hand and walking over to Katsuki and where he sat.
She stood you right next to her, before reaching for his hand.
"I wanna use my quirk on you to heal you fully!" she smiled.
"Wait..is that safe?" Katsuki asked Aizawa.
"She's in full control of her quirk now, Togata has been training her nonstop for years now."
"Mirio?! How is he?!" you asked.
"He's doing good from the last time I saw him."
"I heard he took over Sir Nighteye's old agency" you said.
Your father nodded.
Good for him!
"Well? Will you let me heal you?" Eri asked.
Katsuki looked over to you, as if asking for your permission.
"I trust my little sister."
"I'll do it then."
Katsuki gave Eri his bandaged hand, and the little horn that had grown so small, began to glow with power.
Her power is so strong..if put into the wrong hands, it could easily be used to kill.
You watched as she used her quirk to heal Katsuki, rewinding him permanently before he was ever injured.
It was only a few seconds before she let go of his hand.
"There..that should be far enough" she said as a tear fell from her eyes.
"What's wrong Eri?" you asked.
"A part of her power is, she can see everything the person went through as she rewinds them. So she probably saw everything that happened to Bakugo" Aizawa stated.
"Oh that's awful."
You watched as Bakugo undid his bandaged midsection, revealing, no blood, no wound, no stitches.
"You did it.." he mumbled.
"Way to go Eri!"
After being discharged from the hospital and paying the bills, you and Katsuki made your way home in his truck, hands being linked together.
No words were needed to be said, and a comfortable silence followed you home.
"Home.." you mumbled as you walked towards the front doors of your estate.
Flowers surrounded the sides of the doors, from those that didn't know Katsuki had survived.
"I feel like it's been so long since I've been home.." Katsuki muttered, holding your hand tightly.
You pushed the doors open and he walked inside.
You followed behind him, closing the doors and locking it.
You walked behind Katsuki, until he looked over his shoulder and lifted you up.
"Katsu!" you yelped.
"What? I can't pick my beautiful wife up?" he laughed, spinning you slightly before cradling you into his arms.
"Let's get you to bed. We've both been through the wringer."
"B-but do you have to carry me?!" you stuttered.
Katsuki closed the bedroom door, before walking over to your bed and placing you down ever so gently and looming over you.
"Look at how cute you've become."
You blushed as he kissed your lips and looked into your eyes.
He put a hand on your bump as he moved down to kiss it.
"No more no names...tonight you all get names..."
He crawled up the bed and took your hand.
"Do you have any ideas?" he asked, looking up at you.
"Hmm...I thought of one a few days ago...when I was waiting for you to wake up."
"What was it?"
"Kazuki. It means 'hope of peace.'"
He thought.
"Why that? It's a good name! But what made you think of that?" he asked.
"Well, when I faced off against Kai, and saw you in the hospital, all I wanted was peace...I hoped I wouldn't lose you."
Katsuki squeezed your hand.
"That's a wonderful name..." he smiled.
"Thank you Katsu," you said.
"How about you? Do you have any ideas?" you asked.
"KJ.." he admitted.
"We are not naming one of our sons Katsuki Junior."
You both broke out laughing, until he went silent.
"How bout..Katsuro?"
You thought about it.
Katsuro Bakugo...that sounds good..
"It means victory...and I thought it matched because we were victorious in keeping the babies...I u-understand i-if you don't- mmmmmmmmmmm!" he said in a jumble of words, before you cut him off with a kiss.
"It's perfect" you mumbled.
He blushed.
"Y-you can't just kiss me out of nowhere d-dumbass!" he stuttered.
"Heh..you're cute when you're all flustered. Now we just need one more name.."
Katsuki took your hand again and you both thought.
Hmm...something with -suki....to keep that going..
Then suddenly it hit you.
"How about Kosuki?!" you both said in unison.
You blushed, looking away from him in embarrassment.
"Great minds think alike don't they?" he laughed.
You looked back over to him and into his crimson eyes.
"Katsuro, Kosuki, and Kazuki Bakugo."
"All K's" you pouted.
"Heh..you know you love us all" he said, kissing your cheek.
"I do...this is our family...the Bakugo family."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now