|53| Katsuki and Kosuki

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Boom* Boom*
Your eyes opened, landing on the curtains, where no sunlight hit them.
It's early...why the hell is that idiot training so early?
You yawned, sitting up, before you heard someone snoring beside you.
You saw Katsuki, who was still sound asleep.
Sighing, you got out of bed, and grabbed your robe to tie around and hide.
"Who is making so much noise so early?" you asked, before walking out of the room and closing the door to let Katsuki sleep.
You walked to where you heard the noise, before seeing small flashes of lights coming from the triplets room.
You looked to the door, seeing it still locked.
You rushed to their room, thinking that someone had broken in.
"The hell is-" you yelled, hands ready to fight, when your eyes landed on Shinrai, who was attempting to console a screaming Katsuro and failing miserably.
"What's going on?" you asked her.
"I-I don't know! He was playing with his brothers when his hand burned Kosuki, and when he let go a small explosion went off" she explained.
You face palmed.
"Of course HE had to get Katsuki's quirk" you sighed, before walking over to Katsuro.
"I'm sorry mama! I didn't- I didn't mean to hurt Koko!" he cried.
You smiled, before putting a hand out and making your own explosions.
"It's alright Katsu honey. You have your daddy's quirk" you smiled.
"Dads?" he asked.
You nodded, before taking his hand and lifting him up.
"You guys are getting too big for me to lift you" you laughed.
After that, you walked Katsuro, who was still silently crying for hurting his brother, to your room.
You opened your bedroom door, and looked at Katsuki, who was still asleep.
He wouldn't even know if the house was falling down.
"Wake up!" you yelled.
You puffed your cheeks out, before you put Katsuro down.
"Go jump on daddy Katsuro" you told him.
"He won't be angry?" he asked, holding onto your leg.
"If he is, I'll just smack him" you smiled, running your hand through your son's spiky hair.
He let go and went to Katsuki's side.
"I'll show you!" Kazuki yelled, running into the room and taking you by surprise.
"Weeeee!" he said, jumping onto the bed and getting on Katsuki.
"Wake up! Wake up!"
You giggled, leaning on the door frame as your sons woke up your husband.
You looked down, seeing Kosuki whose face was stained with tears.
"Yes baby?" you said, crouching down and looking at him.
"Uhmm..." he cradled his right arm.
You looked, taking his hand off.
"Ouch!" he yelped.
You took your hands and healed his burn, making it to where it didn't hurt.
"Thanks mama," he sniffled.
You kissed his forehead, before rustling his hair.
Your moment with your son was interrupted as you saw Katsuki getting up and putting his robe on, his sons taunting him.
"I-it was mama's idea!" Katsuro yelped, before running for the hills.
"GET BACK HERE DAMMIT!" Katsuki yelled.
You laughed, watching him chase after Kazuki, the energetic four year old much faster than his father.
"Haha! Too slow old man!" Kazuki blew a raspberry at his dad, before taking off.
You broke out laughing, as did Kosuki.
"Grrrrr what's so funny?!" Katsuki growled.
You tried answering, only to fall to the ground with laughter.
"H-hi dad!" Kosuki waved, before running off with his brothers.
"Katsuro said that was YOUR idea grrrrr" Katsuki growled as you stood up.
"Well he needed to wake you up to tell you something but I didn't expect Kazuki to jump in" you laughed.
"Hmph. Not funny bully" he pouted.
You stopped laughing, before booping Katsuki's nose.
"Oh no you didn't" he stared at you.
"Oh...but I did," you winked.
You walked away, before he scooped you into his arms.
"Not so fast" he smirked, before looking at you and lifting you higher.
"Dumbass, I love the hell out of you" he smiled.
You looked up at him.
"I love you more mi amor" you purred, leaning down to kiss him, when you heard clapping.
"Get it mama!" Katsuro laughed.
"Go dad!" Kazuki smiled.
"Yayyyyy!" Kosuki giggled.
Katsuki blushed, before putting you down.
"G-go away now" he stuttered.
You placed a kiss on his cheek.
You giggled, before grabbing his face and kissing his lips.
"D-dumbass! Not in front of the kids!"
"EWWWWW" the triplets said in sync.
"Shut up, you know you love it."
"Why'd you wake me up in the first place?" Katsuki asked, putting a shirt on over his head.
"Oh. Katsuro!" you called.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Show daddy what you can do" you smirked.
"Oh! Sure!"
He walked over to Katsuki, who crouched down to look at his son.
Katsuro held out his hand, starting small sparks of explosions.
"Mama said I got your quirk!" he smiled.
"Damn right you did!" he laughed, picking his son up.
"You have Explosion" Katsuki cheered.
"Great another blasty boy," you sighed.
"Hush" Katsuki and Katsuro told you.
Katsuki showed his son his own explosions, before they geeked out over their powers.
"I'm glad you're bonding."
Katsuki looked up at you.
"At least this way we can double training. Since you have your own explosions. Tch. Damn copycat" Katsuki 'tched' you.
"If anyone is a copycat it's your little twin" you pointed to Katsuro.
"It's not nice to point mama!" he whined.
You blushed.
"Your children are using your words against you."
You reached a hand out to Katsuki's chest, pinching his nipple and causing him to yelp.
"Yeah yeah I'll shut up" he pouted.
"Mama mama mama!"
You looked, seeing Kazuki panicked beside you.
"What's wrong love?" you asked.
"Hey that's my name," Katsuki snapped.
You looked over at him.
"You shush" you told him, before turning back to your son.
"I-...Shinrai...I-" he tried.
You lifted him up, sitting him on the bed.
"Slow down, what happened?" you asked.
He looked at his hand.
"I...somehow saw her and Uncle Soup! Like....in the future or something! All I did was touch her hand.." he shook.
"Is something wrong with me?"
You thought, before getting up and walking to your bookshelf, grabbing the book labeled, Quirks.
You flipped to Foresight, looking into the details.
"Looks like you have Uncle Nighteyes quirk" you said, handing him the book.
"Whoa...his quirk sounds cool!" Kazuki smiled.
You looked at him.
"You can look into someone's future for one hour, then you can't use your quirk again for twenty four hours. That's how your uncle explained it."
You took his hand.
"You were blessed with a great quirk Kazuki."
He looked at you.
"Thanks mama."
He ran off, before you sighed, sitting on the bed again.
"He got Sir Nighteye's quirk? That's something" Katsuki said.
"I know. I need to call my dads and get on the line with Akito."
You dialed your fathers number, putting him on speaker.
"Daddddddd" you whined.
"I need your help."
"Welllllllll two out of three kids have gotten their quirks. And it's hard to not blink all day."
"Sigh. What are their quirks?"
"Katsuro got Explosion like his father, and Kazuki has Foresight."
"Good gods, another Explosion? I'll be there soon then. And Hizashi and I'm sure your brother and little sister will want to join."
"That's fine. Me and Katsuki have to take the triplets to Akito to get them checked out anyways. And to see if Kosuki will get a quirk."
You finished your conversation with your dad, before calling Akito and making an appointment with her.
"Kids!" you called.
"Get changed, we need to go somewhere."
You heard the triplets giggle, before they went to their rooms.
"It's crazy that we have three four year olds now," you told Katsuki.
He chuckled, before he grabbed your arms, pinning them next to you.
He pushed you down, and hovered over you.
"Wh-what are you doing?" you asked.
He leaned down, putting his lips on yours.
"I love you" he muttered.
He kissed you again, this time more passionately.
"...so much..my beautiful wife.."
You kissed him too, his grip on your arms loosening.
You took the chance to put a leg over his waist and flip you on top of him.
"Switching things on me huh?" he smirked.
"You know I fucking love it when you take control."
You smirked, before kissing him again, his hands traveling down to grip your waist.
"Alright frisky, we have somewhere to be" you smiled, grinding your hips gently on his crotch.
"A-ah~ hey! Don't do that then just leave!" he whined as you got off of him.
"Eh. I'll solve your 'little' problem later" you winked, putting air quotes when you said little.
"Why'd you do that with the word little?"
You just gave him a look.
"O-oh...that's what you meant."
"Congrats little Katsuro! You indeed have your fathers quirk!"
Akito praised Katsuro, who was beaming with joy.
"Yay! Hey dad! Does that mean I can train with you and mama?!" he asked.
Katsuki nodded, smiling.
"We'll need to teach you the ropes before anything. Or you might hurt someone or get hurt" you told him.
"Kazuki's results came out the same, looks like he also has a quirk!"
"Foresight. My uncle's quirk" you told her.
"Ahhhh. A non physical quirk. It's still an amazingly powerful quirk. Congratulations little Kazuki!" Akito cheered, before she was handed a paper.
She looked at them, before looking up with a sad expression.
"I-I'm sorry...but it looks like little Kosuki won't be able to weld a quirk" she said.
"Wh-what?!" you asked.
Your son stared at Katsuki, tears in his eyes.
"He has that extra joint in his pinky toe. B-but I could always run a different test" she tried.
"No..it's fine. I don't want a stupid quirk anyways" Kosuki said, before standing up and running.
"Kosuki!" you called, before looking at Katsuki, who was shocked.
You growled, before running after your son.
"Kosuki! Come back!" you called again, before you saw his spiky (H/C) below you.
He sat on the curb, holding his knees.
"Koko...are you alright?" you asked, sitting beside him.
"Why'd it have to be me?" he asked.
"I know how much dad doesn't like quirkless people....and he already doesn't care for me like the others."
You gasped.
"Kosuki, your father loves all three of you with all his heart. Don't say things like that."
He looked up, looking at you with his bright red eyes.
You looked at him.
"M-maybe Akito's scans were wrong. Maybe you will get a quirk. Give it time hun" you told him, wrapping an arm around him.
"How will dad react if I'm truly quirkless..."
"Quirk or not, you're still his son."
You both jumped out of fright, before looking behind you, seeing Katsuki and the others walking towards you.
"D-dad.." Kosuki choked, holding onto you tighter.
He's afraid of Katsuki..., you thought, before holding him closer.
"I want you to know that this changes nothing. I love you, so much more than you think. Quirk or no, you're my son and I couldn't lose someone so special over something so simple."
"R-really?" Kosuki asked, his grip loosening.
Katsuki nodded, before opening his arms.
You ran a hand through Kosuki's hair, and he looked up at you.
"Go give your dad a hug" you said, kissing the top of his head.
Kosuki let go, walking slowly to Katsuki.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around the young boy, and held him close.
"Don't ever think I don't love you okay? I love you and your brothers so fucking much it hurts. It kills me that you think I don't love you as much."
Katsuki's eyes grew watery, and tears fell from his eyes.
"I love you Kosuki Bakugo."
You watched with teary eyes as your husband held onto his son.
"I love you too dad."
You felt someone tug at your sleeve, and you looked down.
"Mama...dad cries?" Katsuro asked, genuinely surprised.
"Yes of course your father cries, he's human. And he truly means his words."
You wiped your eyes, before you joined in their hug.
"Group hug!" Katsuro cheered, hugging you, with Kazuki hugging Katsuki.
"Alright everyone. Let's get home so Grandpa Zawa and Grandpa Mic can come over."
Everyone let go, and Katsuki sighed.
"Actually, you guys go ahead love. I wanna take Kosuki somewhere" he smiled.
You smiled at him.
"Sure. Get home safely. Katsuro, Kazuki, go ahead and get in the car" you told them.
They went to the truck, opening the doors and getting in the back seat.
Katsuki threw his keys.
"We'll be home soon."
You smiled.
"Have fun."
"Thank GOD you're here" you sighed in relief as your father stepped inside the house.
"Grandpa Zawa!" Katsuro cheered, rushing down the stairs and running to Aizawa.
"Hey kiddo" he smiled, before crouching down to hug Katsuro.
"Grandpa!" Kazuki gasped walking down the stairs.
"Ah Kazu."
Kazuki walked over to hug Aizawa, then moved on to Mic.
"Eri.." you gasped.
"Hey sis" she smiled.
You hugged your sister, looking at her.
"You grew up to be a fine young woman," you told her.
Eri was now eighteen.
She moved aside, and you saw Shinsou.
"Shinnnnnnn I missed you" you said, hugging him.
"Missed you too," he smiled.
"Those flowers for your girlfriend?" you teased, seeing the bouquet of flowers he had in his hands.
"Well.." he blushed, putting a hand behind his neck.
You ruffled his hair.
"Don't worry Shin. I'm happy for you."
He looked at you.
"Thanks sis."
"Uncle Soup!" Katsuro came running to Shinsou.
Shinsou face palmed.
"How'd I get stuck with Uncle Soup?"
You giggled, before he picked up Katsuro.
"How've you been little buddy? You've gotten so big. I'm surprised your bunny parents haven't given you all a younger sibling" Shinsou laughed.
You blushed.
"Bunnies?!" you said through gritted teeth.
"You heard me."
Katsuki and Kosuki joined you all, Katsuki wrapping an arm around your waist.
"How'd it go with Koko?" you asked him.
"All good. He's a happy boy now" he smiled, kissing your cheek.
"Us time?" he asked.
"Katsuki! My family just got here!"
"Horny jail" you pointed up the stairs.
"AGAIN?!" he whined, before reluctantly letting go and going towards the stairs.
"If I calm down, can I come back?" he pouted.
"Sure. Why not."
"Sure" you smiled, going to the fridge to get the rice paper out for dinner.
"Mama..." Kosuki came walking towards you.
"Yes Koko?"
"Uhm....can I talk to you?" he asked.
"Oh? Sure" you smiled, washing your hands before walking after Kosuki.
"What's wrong?" you asked, closing the door behind you.
"I-I was playing with Katsuro and Kazuki but...when I grabbed my toy it just turned to dust" he explained.
"Dust?" you asked.
"Did you try to bring it back?"
He nodded.
"Did it work?"
He nodded again.
You smiled.
"Can you open your hand and try to use explosion?" you asked.
You taught him how to do it, and when he tried, small explosions left his palm.
"Whoa.." he gasped.
"Looks like you have mama's quirk" you told him.
He looked up at you.
"You have Plus Overhaul."
He looked back at his hands.
"You were blessed" you smiled, before picking him up and opening the door.
"I thought...Auntie Akito said I-I couldn't get a quirk?" he asked.
"It's like I said Koko. Give it time."
You walked out of the room and walked down the stairs, where Katsuki was looking for you.
"There you two are. I was looking everywhere" he sighed.
You walked down to him, before looking at him.
"What's wrong?" he asked, before turning his attention to Kosuki.
Kosuki's grip tightened again, then loosened.
"No need to be afraid Koko" you and Katsuki said in unison.
"D-dad?" Kosuki asked.
"What's wrong buddy?" he asked.
Kosuki looked away.
You tried, but he just wouldn't speak.
"Kosuki has a quirk," you told Katsuki.
"Really? What quirk?" he asked.
"I have mama's.." Kosuki muttered.
"Oh wow. Blessed with her quirk" Katsuki smiled, before taking Kosuki from your arms.
"I'm happy for you Kosuki."
"Th-thanks dad" Kosuki mumbled, before Katsuki kissed his cheek and let him down.
"You can go play with your brothers."
Kosuki ran off to his brothers with exciting news, before you turned back to the main boom boom man.
"I see you're trying" you told him.
"He's my son. Even if he never got a quirk I'd love him just as much as the others."
You nodded, before taking his hand.
"You're still a great dad. And I know it's hard when there's three of them."
He looked at you.
"I thought I was being horrible to them" he admitted.
"NO. You're not. I'd tell you if you were" you smiled.
You leaned to kiss his cheek, when a spatula came flying towards you.
You hit it away, looking in the direction of where it came from.
"None of that!" Mic smirked.
You looked away.
"This is MY house!" you fought.
"And I'm your dad! I don't wanna see that!"
"Oh so I had to witness you and Aizawa kissing growing up?!" you yelled.
"I-" he tried.
"Good point."
"Grandma Mic!" Katsuro cheered.
"I'M NOT A GRANDMA!" Mic whined, going back into the kitchen defeated.
"You look like one though" you heard Aizawa snicker.
You scoffed, before walking away towards the kitchen.
"Hey! You're not going anywhere" Katsuki pouted, pulling you back to him.
"I never got my kiss."
You smiled, before kissing his cheek like planned, only resulting in him pouting again.
You stopped.
"You brought out the p word."
He nodded.
"Pleaseeeeeeeeee" he whined, getting cut off by your lips.
"Better?" you asked.
"Ehhhhhh not quite."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now