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TW: Sexual Themes, Mention of bulimia, Bulimic Themes and Actions
You yawned, sitting up from the bed as you woke up.
You looked to the side, seeing it empty, remembering that Katsuki had returned to work that morning.
You stretched, yawning as you stood up.
Let's get the day started.
You walked to the restroom, grabbing your toothbrush to brush your teeth.
You looked in the mirror, turning on the lights.
You noticed that your stomach had gotten a bit bigger than a few days ago.
You sighed sadly, grabbing your stomach.
I've let myself go...
You brushed your teeth, before looking in the mirror again.
There's no way I can go back to work looking like this.
You heard your stomach growl as you turned the light off.
It won't hurt to skip meals today..
You fed the triplets, before putting them all down for a bit of playtime in the morning.
Mitsuki was still asleep and you'd let her sleep in as a thanks for helping out.
Katsuro let out a small, "goo-ah", as he saw a toy lion sitting next to him.
He clapped his little hands together.
"(Y/N)? You're awake?" Mitsuki asked, walking over to you rubbing one of her eyes.
"Yeah. I start mornings early."
She nodded, before taking a seat next to you, watching the triplets make little noises and smile as they looked around at all the babies.
"They've gotten so much bigger" she said.
"I know...two months old."
Your stomach growled once again, and Mitsuki looked at you.
"Why don't you go eat some breakfast? I'll stay and watch them" she offered.
"I'm fine thanks. I don't need to eat."
She eyed you.
You looked away.
You leaned towards Kazuki, smiling as he smiled as you approached him.
"Hey baby~" you said in a high pitched voice, reaching a hand out to him as he let out a little squeal.
"It feels so weird to not have Katsuki here" you admitted.
"You miss him?" she asked.
"I do. He hasn't been to work in months. Almost a year, and I miss him."
She put a hand on yours.
"He'll be home later I promise" she said.
You nodded, eyes stinging.
"Ah bluehhhh~" Katsuro blew a raspberry at you both, causing you both to giggle.
"You're so precious!"
He pushed himself over, to be on his back.
You smiled, before tickling his little tummy, earning a small squeal.
You lifted him up onto his feet, holding onto him to make sure he wouldn't fall.
He looked confused.
Mitsuki helped Kosuki to stand, earning a little confused baby noise from him.
Katsuro moved his little arms around as if dancing.
You giggled.
"That's it Katsuro! Go! Go!" you cheered in your motherly voice.
He squealed, before you lifted him up and brought him to your face, kissing his cheek and putting him down.
You picked up Kazuki to do the same, until you saw the time.
"Playtime is over. Nap time~" you said as you saw Kosuki yawn.
Mitsuki helped you get the dockatot ready, and you placed them all in their own little one.
After they fell asleep with their binkies in their mouths, you grabbed stuff to start working yourself out.
You went to the workout room you and Katsuki had made together.
You started with your normal situps and crunches, moving onto your pushups.
You barely managed to do fifty without breaking a sweat.
I've gotten weaker? That's not going to happen.
You kept going, pushing yourself to go as much as you could.
After hitting the number you were consent with, you did burpees and mountain climbers.
Next, you moved onto hitting a punching bag, kicking and using your fists.
You grabbed a quick gush of water, before moving to weight lifting.
You lifted small free weights before moving onto bigger and heavier weights.
Squats and a short stretch before ending the workout with a balance stretch.
You got onto a beam, balancing in a handstand with both hands, until you removed one hand and balanced.
After you finished, timing yourself with everything, you stopped the timewatch, which was at an hour and fifteen minutes.
Damn..I've gotten a bit slower..
You sighed, before drinking more water, your aching muscles shaking as you lifted the water bottle.
Your stomach growled.
No. No food.
You took a shower while you still had time, cleansing your body of sweat and grim.
You hated being naked, even if it was just to shower.
You felt disgusting, looking at your body.
How does Katsuki manage to even love something like me?
You rinsed your hair, before turning the water off and wrapping a towel around you.
You looked at the mirror, before your eyes watered.
He doesn't deserve to have to live with me. I'm not the person I was when he married me. When he proposed. I'm nothing like who I was.
You wiped the foggy mirror, looking at yourself.
Maybe something new will make me feel better?, you thought.
You decided that you'd call the girls, and treat yourself to a girls day.
"Hey Mitsuki, wanna come with me and a few friends? I need a girls day..I'm not feeling too well about...stuff" you asked.
"Hmm? Oh, no but thank you. I'll let you have your fun! What's wrong hun?"
You looked down.
"I just...don't feel..comfortable with my body" you admitted.
"Oh...honey you're beautiful. You're a mother now, embrace it! We mothers are proud and strong!"
She wrapped her arms around you.
"I wouldn't lie to you. You look beautiful."
You nodded, before she kissed your cheek and let you go.
"Go ahead and get dressed, I'll pack a diaper bag and get these little guys changed and ready" she said, nodding over to the little miracles that lay awake and smiling at you.
"You're the best Mits. Thanks mom," you said, before putting a hand to your mouth.
"I'm so s-sorry."
She smiled.
"Don't be! I said it was alright for you to call me mom!"
You blushed, before walking back to your room to change.
You put light makeup on, before changing into leggings and a turtle neck cropped sweater.
You looked in the mirror, this time smiling.
This is kind of cute!
You turned to look forward, before you saw your shirt showing a bit of your midriff.
You tried to pull it down, only for it to keep going up.
Hmm. My breasts are too big..
You went back into the closet, looking for a new shirt to wear.
"What do you think you're doing?" someone said from behind you.
You dropped whatever was in your hands, and looked behind you.
"M-Mina?! When did you get here?!" you asked.
"Just got here, Mitsuki let me in" she pouted, marching over to you, picking up the item you dropped.
"No need to change! You look beautiful!" she said, putting the item back on the hanging rack.
She grabbed your hand, taking you out of the room to look in the mirror.
"Look at how beautiful you are!"
You looked down.
"I...don't look like anything," you said.
She sighed.
"We have a lot to work on don't we? Well come on, let's go!"
You pushed the stroller that held your three sons as you walked down the streets.
You made sure to have them covered and bundled up since it was getting colder.
"They're so cute (Y/N)!" Momo told you.
"Thanks Momo."
She nodded, before you all went inside a shop.
You walked inside, browsing at what they had.
You found a few shirts you liked, and even some jeans.
You got new bras, and some for nursing.
You walked with Mina to the dressing rooms, and you tried on everything you found.
"Hmm..I like this top" you said, smiling as you looked down at the top.
"Look in the mirror!" she said, turning you around.
You looked up, before nothing appeared in the mirror.
"There's nothing there" you mumbled.
You put a hand to it, before looking away.
"We'll make something show up in the mirror by the end of today!"
You smiled, before changing back into your clothes and opening the door.
You walked outside, pushing the stroller in front of you.
"Excuse whoaaaa~ look at you two fine ladies~" a man said, checking just you out.
You got uncomfortable, and it must've shown.
"Excuse me?!" Mina yelled.
"Who do you think you're talking to?!" Momo yelled also, stepping in front of you and the stroller.
"Think again buddy!" Ochako shouted.
The three girls glared at the man.
You smiled as your friends chased the man off.
"Thanks guys" you said.
"Hmph. I heard what happened at the agency three weeks ago, and it was disgusting!" Mina pouted.
They moved out of the way, before you heard crying from the stroller.
You looked and saw Kazuki crying.
You grabbed him, and Mina grabbed a baby carrier for you.
You put it on and over your head and shoulders.
She secured it in place, and you slid Kazuki into the carrier.
You kissed the top of his head gently, and he looked up.
"It's okay baby..momma is here" you whispered, earning awes from your girlfriends.
"W-what?" you blushed.
"You're such a good mom!"
You blushed, before continuing your way to the checkout.
"I am NOT going in there" you said sternly as you all stood in front of a lingerie shop.
"And why nottttttt?" Mina asked.
"I already feel like shit in my own body. Why make it worse by trying hard to look sexy!" you argued.
Kazuki smiled and clapped his hands together as you accidentally cursed.
"Oops! I really do need to stop cursing in front of them.."
"Trying hard? Woman you are the definition of sexy" she argued back.
You blushed.
"Please?" Momo asked.
"We'll all buy something you like!" Ochako smiled.
"Fine" you pouted.
You browsed around, looking at all the lace and fancy clothing for intimate times.
You blushed, embarrassed to be there.
You stopped as something caught your eye.
You looked and saw a (F/C) set of lingerie.
You looked at it, seeing all the detail.
"See something you like?" a store clerk asked.
"Yeah, is this set in multi sizes?" you asked, pointing at the set you liked.
"That set is actually made out of a special fabric that can fit any body size."
You nodded, smiling.
"I think I'll take it" you muttered, grabbing a small pouch that held the set.
"Good choice! Let me know if you need help with anything else!" she said, before taking off to help another customer.
"Think daddy will like this Kazuki?" you asked with a smile, before putting the set into your basket.
I'm asking my two month old son for something so grown up, you thought, giggling.
Now a little more confident, you went through the other aisles, grabbing stuff you liked, and things you thought Katsuki would enjoy ripping off.
You had never worn anything like this for sex, so it would be something new for the two of you the next time you had a chance to have fun.
You grabbed some thigh high socks to keep your legs and feet warmed.
You grabbed a few simpler lingerie clothing.
Your eyes landed on a feathered robe that was long and made out of sheer fabric.
You looked at it, before noticing there were none in your size.
Damn...oh well...I'll come back when they restock their items.
You looked up, before stopping and seeing Momo and Ochako waiting for you at the checkout.
"Got what you wanted?" they asked.
You nodded.
"Yep! I got a few regular bras since I heard they're comfortable here."
They smiled, before you all went to check out together, even Mina got some clothing.
The last stop wasn't intended to count as a 'girls' day shopping, but you all stopped at a baby store.
Mina, Momo, and Ochako decided they wanted to spoil your sons with new toys and clothes.
You went to the restroom to change your sons, doing it fast to get out of the restroom.
You were washing your hands with the stroller next to you.
"Eww look at her..is she a mother? Bringing her sons into a women's restroom? How irresponsible" two teenage girls gossiped in the corner.
"She sure does look like a mother...big enough to carry three ugly little brats" the other one laughed.
Anger filled your veins, but you bit your tongue as you went to dry your hands.
"Hey bitch, hurry up and get your brats out of here" they said.
That's it.
"Watch who you're talking to" you heard someone else say.
You looked over and saw their mother looking at them furiously.
"Sorry mom.."
"I am so sorry about that ma'am."
You nodded.
"Apologize this instant" she told the girls.
They rolled their eyes.
"Everyone and anyone is welcome into the restroom. I was a mother when you two were that young as well. People did that to me too, do you think that made me feel good about myself?" she asked them.
"But you're OUR mom."
"Doesn't matter. Every mother should feel welcome and comfortable where they go. Now apologize or you're both grounded" she said sternly.
"Fine. We're sorry" one of them said angrily.
"Not good enough" you said, putting a hand on your hip.
"You insulted me and my sons. I will not accept a half-assed apology."
They stared at you, before one of them gasped.
"Th-that's Overhaul!" she said.
You smirked.
"Ohmygods...I'm so so sorry!" they both said, bowing down.
"Oh just because you know who I am, you're going to truly apologize? Nice try. Now have a good rest of your day."
You pushed the stroller out of the restroom and back into the store.
Every single one of your friends had multiple bags with items.
"We're done!" Mina smiled.
You nodded, before walking out of the store with your head down.
Me being a hero...is a warning to people to respect me?
The girls made you eat something before you got home, and then dropped you off.
They put all the bags of stuff they bought you on your couch, before leaving and thanking you for the call.
You fed your children, before going to the restroom and looking in the mirror again.
A mother? Big and ugly enough to carry three babies?
You looked at the time,
And your phone rang, Katsuki's contact showing up.
You ignored it, and made your way to the toilet.
Insecure and over the way your body was different, you stuck two fingers down your throat, gagging as you did so.
You didn't stop until you vomited the food you had eaten, and the food from the day before.
You heard heavy footsteps from down stairs.
This is the only way..
Bakugo's POV~
"Hello! You've reached Overhaul, leave a message at the tone!"
She didn't pick up?
With words stuck in my throat, I drove a bit faster in a rush to get home.
Is she okay?
What if something happened?!
And I'm not there to protect them?!
I should've never left.
I looked down, seeing my mothers contact show up on bluetooth.
I pressed the button to answer on the steering wheel.
"Mom?! What's going on?! Why didn't (Y/N) pick up the phone?"
"I- I'm not sure..but I hear her vomiting upstairs..I looked in the room but she locked the door.." she said in a panicked voice.
"I'm on my way, I'm going as fast as I can. I'm almost home."
I hung up, before going faster, pushing the pedal hard.
Could she be pregnant again?
No...I've been wearing condoms every time..
But they could've failed..
But she was just on her period...
There's no way she could be ovulating already, so soon..
What's going on?
What's wrong with my wife?!
Your POV~
You heard the door slam shut, hearing rushed footsteps come up the stairs.
You spit into the toilet bowl, moving your hair back.
Knock* Knock* Knock*
"(Y/N), it's Katsuki, let me in" a voice sounded.
"Go..go away" you tried to speak, throat on fire as you did.
"No. I'm not leaving you. Please..just let me in" he begged, voice cracking and full of panic.
You reached a hand out to the door, unlocking it.
He quickly opened it, before kneeling at your side.
"What's wrong? What happened? Are you alright?" he asked.
You coughed.
"What made you sick?"
You looked down at your fingers, which were glistening with saliva and vomit.
He looked too.
"W-what? Why are you doing that?!" he yelled, before grabbing a towel and wiping your hand.
"Let go!" you yelped, yanking your hand away and stumbling.
Your eyes watered.
"Why are you doing that?! Answer me!"
You yelped as he yelled, his yells echoing in your ears.
I'm not good enough!
You cried, making his expression soften.
"I...I'm not good enough for you! I'm fat and ugly...not who I used to be! Even teenagers made fun of my body...I can't look at myself in the mirror and be happy at how I look!" you yelled.
He listened.
"My body isn't the same...I'm so much bigger than I ever was...and I hate it! How can you love someone so....so...ugly and stupid!?"
You looked up at him.
Tears were in his eyes.
"Your looks never mattered to me. It wasn't your body or your looks that made me fall in love with you."
He offered a hand out to you.
"You've always been beautiful to me..nothing will ever change that. Not if you gain more weight, lose weight, or anything."
You took his hand, and he helped you up, before taking you into his arms.
"Who cares what some teenagers say? What do they know? They know nothing. What you've been through, the hell we have been through, all those miscarriages you've had, they know nothing. Don't let something get to you. If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't as strong as I was nine months ago before the whole stabbing incident happened. I've gotten a lot weaker..so if you'd like, we can work together until we love who and how we are again okay? I refuse to let you starve yourself and become bulimic. Please..promise me...you'll never do that again."
Tears fell from your eyes and your lovers.
"I love you too much to ever say goodbye...doing things like that..can kill you. Please...honey bear...I'm begging you here. I don't want to lose you. Whatever you're going through, you're not alone. If you don't like something about yourself, I stand by you. But I don't like that you bully about it. So, whatever it is, let me help you feel better. I know, deep down you love yourself. But your insecurities are burying the self love. So let's work together to make you comfortable again" he smiled.
You nodded, and he wiped away one of the tears that fell from your eyes.
"I love you."
You smiled.
"I love you too."
He put you down on the bed, before going to grab something he put down before he found you in the restroom.
"Here, I bought this for you when I heard from Ashido and my mother that you weren't feeling too good."
He put down a bag in front of you, before you looked inside and your eyes went wide.
"It's...the robe...I saw in the store!" you said with a smile.
"You saw it earlier?" he said.
"Yeah when I was with the girls shopping."
He smiled.
"At least I know you like it."
You threw your arms around him.
"I love it...and I love you..how did I get so blessed to be able to marry someone so..so kind and sweet."
He wrapped his arms around you as well.
"I was blessed with you...I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you..."
You pulled back and kissed his lips.
He took a deep breath, before letting it out as he moved and laid you flat on the bed.
"I wasn't done praising you.." he whispered, before he kissed you again.
The bag holding the robe fell to the ground as you two kiss more passionately.
"Tonight is all about praising you...and making you feel better baby.." he said, moving his lips down to your neck.
"This..beautiful neck..the perfect size and everything..." he said, before kissing your neck and licking it so gently.
"I'm going to spoil you~"
"What about the kids?" you asked, before trailing off in a quiet hum.
"My mom is here...so we have alllll night."
He moved to kiss your collarbone, and you closed the door with one of your quirks.
You added a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign to the knob, before kissing Katsuki's lips with passion.
"Let me make love to you tonight."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now