|13| "To be a Chisaki..To be a Bakugo"

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Another two weeks has passed, and you wake up with a small headache.
"Ughh" you groaned.
"You alright?" Katsuki mumbled as he turned around in the bed to face you.
"I'm fine. Just-"
"You sick? You sound-"
"Stuffy" the both of you said.
"I blame your children" you whined as you put a hand to your forehead.
"Heh. Sixteen weeks and they've been causing hell for more" Katsuki laughed.
"Sixteen weeks too long" you said.
Katsuki chuckled before getting out of bed and walking over to your side of bed.
He held a hand out to you and you grabbed it, using your other hand to take the sheets off and push yourself up.
You sat up and Katsuki chuckled as you put a hand on your swollen belly.
"What?" You asked as your cheeks began to heat up.
He pointed to your stomach.
"You've got a little bump. Well, it's little but big" he said in a light chuckle.
"It'll get bigger. I'm gonna get bigger and bigger" you grunted as you used his hand to help you stand up.
"And I'll love every inch that you grow. I could never not love every single inch of you~" he said.
You felt your face heat up and you let go of his hand.
"Nothing. You and your little teasing game."
"Not a game."
"Well then you're a bigger tease than I thought" you said, pinching Katsuki's nose.
"I'll be in the shower."
"Don't take too long."
"What are we doing today?" You asked your fiancée as you dug threw your closet.
"Uhh..we gotta go to my parents house and talk about the wedding. That way we know the timing and the damn old hag can get started with our outfits" the blond responded.
You nodded and looked at Katsuki's clothes, seeing a black and orange hoodie hanging.
You sneakily went over to his side and snatched it, before throwing it on and over your bra.
You slipped on a pair of leggings, which you had now outgrown.
You sighed.
"Nothing fits anymore. I wasn't expecting to be this big at sixteen weeks."
"You're pregnant with triplets, you're gonna be bigger than normal" Katsuki said.
"I didn't know it was triplets until I met you again you dumbass. I was shopping for a pregnancy with one child not three" you giggled.
You shook your head as you grabbed a pair of maternity leggings and put those on, and over your baby bump.
You looked in the mirror and say that your little baby bump was still visible with the hoodie on. It looked bigger.
Katsuki turned around,
"Have you seen my black and orange hoodie- what are you wearing? WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY HOODIE!?" He yelled.
You laughed.
"It smells sweet. Like caramel. Like you. Plus, it's warm and soft. And it hides...this" you said as you lifted the hoodie, showing Katsuki the light and short stretch marks on your skin.
He looked at you with soft and loving eyes.
"They're beautiful. You have nothing to hide."
You turned and looked in the mirror, your face blank.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you from behind and moved his hands to caress your belly.
"Thanks Katsuki..."
"For always loving me no matter what happens."
"Love means unconditional. So no matter what dumbass things you do, no matter how many stretch marks, no matter the changes, I'll love them all. Because I love you."
You felt your eyes sting as you leaned into him.
"You're not the same ol' bully you were back at UA. You've changed."
"You've changed me for the better hotshot" he laughed.
"Shall we get going babe?"
"We shall" you said, grabbing his hand.
He grabbed your left hand, which had the shining diamond on it, and kissed it.
"I love you (Y/N) Chisaki. To heaven and back."
"I love you too Katsuki Bakugo. From the day I met you, I knew I was madly in love."
"Same goes for me. You're my everything. Always have been and always will be."
Knock* Knock*
"Hello?" Masuro said as he opened the door.
"Good afternoon!" You said, a bright smile on your face.
"(Y/N) and Katsuki! Come in!" He welcomed.
You and Katsuki both grabbed each others hand and walked into the house.
"EEEEEEKKK!" Someone squealed as you walked into the living room.
You saw Mitsuki speed walking towards you with a big smile on her face.
"If it isn't my future daughter in-law! And the brat!" She said as she wrapped her arms over you carefully.
"Hag" you heard Katsuki mumble, a slight growl in his voice.
Once Mitsuki let go of you, you lightly elbowed Katsuki in his side.
"Hi mother" he said threw gritted teeth and a fake smile.
"Hello...son" she said, opening her arms to him.
He sighed and you pushed him over to her.
He looked over his shoulder as his mother wrapped her arms around him.
"You'll pay for that" he mouthed, before hesitantly hugging his mother back.
"We'll see about that" you mouthed back.
"How have you been? Hope the brat has been treating you good. Or he'll deal with me" Mitsuki said as she let go of him.
You smiled and shook your head.
"He's been an angel actually."
She put a hand to her chest.
"Really?! Never thought I'd see the day someone said he was an angel!" She laughed.
"Well today is the day!"
Mitsuki smiled.
"I'm glad. Well, let me get some drinks ready and we can talk about what we need to at the table."
"Alright. Here ya' go!" Mitsuki said as she handed you a cup of cold tea.
"Thank you ma'am!" You smiled.
"Now then, let's talk about this wedding of yours."
"Well. We haven't really spoken on it, the only thing we have figured out is-"
"It'll be when I'm six months. I'm four already."
"We know. That why we needed to talk about it now" Katsuki said.
"Well let's get on it then!" She said.
"Since you're at sixteen weeks already, and it's nearing the end of summer, your wedding will be in autumn. So the dress can have sleeves if that's what you want."
"That works" you smiled.
She grabbed a small sketch book and began writing and doodling.
She showed you, but kept it hidden from Katsuki.
"I can add this..and make it big. Lace if you'd like. The train size?"
"I've always dreamt of having a long train" you said.
"Long..so something to suit our number one hero..I have an idea for Katsuki's outfit. What are your guys colors?" Mitsuki asked.
You looked at Katsuki.
"Uh.." You both stuttered.
"How about red?" You asked.
"Why red?" Katsuki asked, curious to know your reasoning.
"...it complements y-your eyes."
You saw him blush lightly, and Mitsuki wrote it down.
"Shades of red. I'll make sure to make both of the outfits special enough for our two number one heroes."
Mitsuki finished sketching what she was doing and closed the book.
"We've settled on date and color for (Y/N)'s dress. What about the time of day?"
"Sunset" you and Katsuki said at once.
"Like the sun setting on the time of us being counted as individuals. And the sun rising on the next part of our lives" Katsuki said.
"That is beautiful Katsuki. Okay so sunset in autumn. We have two months time plan it all. Vows are up to you both. Okay, I'll make invitations with (Y/N) later. We have a bunch of other things we need to figure out too!"
Mitsuki blabbered on and on and eventually it was just you and her, while Katsuki and Masuro went to sleep.
"(Y/N)?" Mitsuki asked as she typed on her computer.
"Yes?" You asked.
"Have you both talked about last names?"
You froze and thought for a minute.
"Last time we did, we both wanted to change it. I was going to become a Bakugo, and he wanted to become a Chisaki" you said.
"Oh? You're considering taking his?" She said.
"I don't want the Bakugo last name to die. But.."
"But your own last name will. You don't want either name to die. Katsuki told me you don't want to hyphenate it either. Hmm" she thought.
"As much as I hated my dads last name. Back at UA, Katsuki would use it as an insult. Now..I've forgotten I was ever his daughter. He did so much to me. Abused me and gave me this curse of a quirk. I almost feel like I've forgotten who I was. I think..I've finally washed the name. And I feel at slight peace losing it. But at the same time..I feel like I'm losing a piece of me. The piece of my father. Something I don't want to lose" you said.
"It's a lot to think and consider-"
"That is why I'm taking his last name. To rebuild myself. To grow anew with a new family."
Mitsuki smiled, and turned around to put a hand on your shoulder.
"You will always have a part of Kai in you. No matter the change of name. He's your blood. He's in your blood. The man that raised you to be who you are now" she said as she wiped one of your fresh tears away.
She wrapped her arms around you and you hugged her back.
"Thank you Mitsuki."
"Anytime...my daughter."
"Katsu..you up?" You whispered as you opened the door to Katsuki's old bedroom.
"Hello again my beautiful little demon" a different voice called.
"What do you want this time you bastard?!" You yelled, a tinge of worry in your voice.
"Now now. Calm down. I'm not going to make you do something like you did last time. To think...you became a monster last time we met."
Your hands clenched into fists as Kai walked over to you.
"Shut up" you growled.
"I don't think I will. You see...we aren't as different as you say. And dear old Mrs. Bakugo was right when she said I was forever a part of you. You'll make another stupid mistake. Putting not only yours and Katsuki's life at risk..." He began as he circled around you, before hugging you from behind and putting his hands on your stomach.
"But theirs as well."
You elbowed him and jumped out of his arms.
"Don't you dare touch me you bastard. The hell did you come here for? Stop wasting my time and spill it!" You screamed.
"I came to tell you what I did. You'll make another mistake..putting you and your loved ones at risk. Or maybe..someone will..well..I'll save that for later. You've enraged those who had nothing to do with you" Kai said.
"You'll see in time."
"You-" you said, stopping yourself and taking a deep breath.
You stared at him, until his figure began to fade.
Bastard, you thought as you were brought back into reality.
"(Y/N)?!" Someone said as they lightly shook you.
You looked and saw Katsuki standing next to you, his cheeks stained with tears.
"Are you okay!?" You asked Katsuki as he wiped his cheek with his arm.
"I'm f-fine dumbass. Just had a nightmare..what about you? You were just standing there. For minutes" he said.
You put a hand on his cheek and wiped away a fresh tear as it fell.
"It's nothing-"
"Don't lie to me. We don't need what happened last time to happen again."
You closed your mouth, before sighing.
"It was Kai."
After explaining the encounter with Kai with Katsuki, you and him lay in the bed.
"Can't sleep hotshot?" He asked as he felt you once again turn to face up and lay on your back.
"Nope. This bump makes it nearly impossible to get comfortable. I blame you."
"Me? I didn't do anything."
"You got me pregnant you dumbass" you giggled.
"Haha very funny. You're the one who wanted a brat" he said.
"You too! But I needed you to make one. And your dumbass sperm split giving me three."
"I didn't-"
"Fine fine. Now...cuddle closer" he said as he opened his arm for you to move closer.
You scooted towards him, and he hugged you close.
He rested his hand on your swollen belly and rubbed it slightly.
"I love you four...so so much. With every fiber of my being I do."
"We love you too.."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now