|15| Blessings.

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You stand in the kitchen at the stove, making eggs to finish the breakfast you were making.
Just need to finish these eggs and start the bacon.
You yawned and shook your head, before taking the eggs off the pan and putting oil in it to make the bacon.
You turned up the fire and walked with the eggs in hand to serve them to different plates.
After you served both plates, you smiled and walked to the sink to put the plate in it, when arms around you and you were being lifted up.
"Whoa!" You said, gripping the plate tighter.
"Good morning (Y/N)" someone said in a sleepy voice.
You looked behind and saw spiky messy hair.
You giggled as Katsuki put you down and hugged you from behind.
You heard him yawn and you turned around to look at him, seeing a small drop of drool at the corner of his mouth, his hair slightly messed up, and his sleepy expression.
You smiled and wiped his drool away, making his ears turn a slight pink.
"What are you making? WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU COOKING!?" Katsuki yelled.
You flinched slightly, blushing in embarrassment.
"I wanted to surprise you.." You admitted.
He looked over at what you had made and smiled.
"I'll finish up the bacon, you go sit your butt down and rest" he said.
You puffed a cheek out in protest and crossed your arms.
"I can do things you know" you pouted.
Katsuki flipped the bacon, then turned to look at you.
"I am fully aware you can do things. But, as long as I'm here, you ain't touching a thing in this kitchen."
You stayed where you were until he sighed, putting the tongs down and walking towards you.
He pulled off the 'Kiss the Cook' apron you were wearing and put it on himself, before lifting you up bridal style and walking you to the living room.
"H-hey!" You yelped.
He carried you and placed you on the couch, and even put a blanket on you, kissing your stomach.
"Stay" he said, walking off to the kitchen.
"I'm not a dog!"
"Here, eat" Katsuki said as he handed you a plate of the breakfast you made.
You took the plate and immediately began to eat, groaning in pleasure as the taste of eggs and bacon filled your taste buds.
"Hungry?" Katsuki chuckled as he took a seat next to you.
"Starving" you corrected as you put more food in your mouth.
"I mean you are eating for four so" he said, eating his own food.
"Little suckers" you mumbled.
After you finished eating the rest of your food, you sighed and put a hand on your stomach.
"That was yummy! Thanks Katsu" you said.
"You made it not me dumbass."
He sat on the same couch as you, and your feet were on his lap.
You closed your eyes, when you felt a small kick.
"Your children are kicking me again."
Katsuki began to laugh and you put the blanket over your head.
"STOP LAUGHING!" You blushed.
He stopped laughing and then smirked at you as you put your eyes over the blanket to look at him.
His hand made his way to your feet and he began to massage them lightly.
"W-what are you doing!?" You said, face heating up even more.
"Your cute little feet! They're getting bigger~" he teased.
You hid under the blanket again.
You tried to pull your feet away, and he tickled them, holding them in his big hands.
"S-s-stop it! Leave my feet alone!" You cried, eyes watering as he tickled you, making you squirm.
"Not until you say you have cute feet!" He said.
"Fine fine!"
He stopped and stared.
You took the blanket off of you.
"My feet are better than yours" you said.
"That's- WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY FEET!?" He yelled.
"Your feet are ugly! Like someone took a bite out of them" you said.
Katsuki lifted his foot up and looked at it.
You looked away and pushed it off with your own foot.
"Get it away. GO PUT SOME SOCKS ON!" You sighed.
Bakugo's POV~
Watching my beautiful fiancée grow, watching her become a mother slowly but surely, being there and comforting her when she needs it, I've loved every second of it. And I can't wait to finally marry her, my gorgeous little teddy bear..
"Babyyyyyyyyyy~" I heard someone call out from a different room.
"Yes love?"
"My back hurtsssssss~" (Y/N) said.
Laughing, I stood up to walk towards her when a small glisten in the corner of my eye shone and distracted me.
It was the broken diamond on the countertop from months ago.
Six years ago
"What? Oh- Bakugo? What are you doing here?" Aizawa asked as he opened the door.
"I needed to speak with you and Present Mic" I said, sweating more than normal.
He must've noticed because he quickly let me in and lead me to their room.
"What is it?" Aizawa asked, closing the door to the room as he walked in after me.
"Shota? What's Bakugo doing here?" I heard Mic ask.
"He said he needed to speak to us. I have no idea what about but it seems important" Aizawa answered, sitting on the bed next to him.
I looked down and I felt a cold sweat form on my forehead.
"Um..I am uh..here to ask you both..something I've been thinking about for the past few years.." I began, my face heating up as I got more worried.
"What is it?" Mic asked.
"You wanna marry (Y/N) don't you?" Aizawa said, a straight face and low tone.
I looked up, surprised in what he had said.
"How'd you-"
"Your expression and how you're acting gave it away" he said quickly.
"I see.."
I just stood there, blushing and shy.
I sighed.
"Well..since you know what this is about..would you give me..your blessing to marry your daughter?" I asked.
"Hmm.." Aizawa hummed.
I gulped.
"As long as you promise to care and cherish her...she deserves nothing more than happiness...and I think, she looks happiest with you. I want that to last forever. So..you have my blessing" Present Mic said, a smile on his face.
"Th-thank you..so much."
I bowed slightly, then we both turned to Aizawa, who looked like he was glaring at me.
"Shota?" Mic asked.
"Bakugo" he said sharply.
"Promise me. That you will..never hurt her the way you did two years ago. That you will never hurt her again. That you will protect her, love her, and...give her the best life you possibly could" he said, looking directly in my eyes.
He just stared at me, until I swallowed and opened my mouth.
"I..I promise to never hurt her again..to protect her, to love her, and to give h-her the best damn life I can offer. I will never make he go threw the hell Kai put her threw" I said, my voice serious.
"On. My. Life."
Aizawa looked at me, before putting a hand behind his neck.
"Then...you have my blessing. Please treat her well, and..make sure my daughter never falls out of love" he sighed.
I smiled.
"I won't let you down sir. I promise!"
"Great" Mic said.
"So I'm guessing you have a ring picked out?" 
"Um...y-yeah actually.." I admitted, pulling out the small box from my pocket.
Aizawa chuckled.
I nervously laughed.
Snapping out of what I was thinking about, I continued to walk towards where (Y/N).
Your POV~
"KATSUUUUUUU~" You called out again, still waiting for your fiancée to come to the room.
"Yesssss?" He answered as he walked into the room.
"Food?" You asked in a high pitched voice.
"Again?" He laughed.
"I'm hungry! And you won't let me cook" you said.
"Tell you what, what do you want to eat? I'll make you four some food."
"OOOOOOOOOO! HMM...How about rice balls?" You asked.
"B-but I've never made those before.." Katsuki said.
"Well, now you get to make them! Let's go to the kitchen!" You said, getting off the bed and walking to the kitchen.
"Alright..so uh..how do you..m-make your famous rice balls?" Katsuki asked as he made it in the kitchen where you were gathering the ingredients.
"I actually invited..someone to come and teach you! Family tradition!" You said, a big smile on your face.
"Who did you invite-"
Knock* Knock* Knock*
You walked over to the door and opened it, revealing your dads and your sister.
"Hi dadzawa and dadzashi!" You said.
Aizawa smiled and hugged you, while Eri slipped inside your house.
You let go of your dad and hugged Mic, then let them both go and walked inside, welcoming them.
"I heard that (Y/N) wanted me to teach you how to make onigiri?" Aizawa asked Katsuki, who was still in the kitchen.
"Yeah. She said it was a family tradition and since..I'll be part of your family soon..she felt I should know how to make it" he said.
Your dad nodded, and he turned to you.
You were getting a pan out of the cabinet.
"The hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelled.
You yelped and placed the pan on the stove.
"G-getting a pan out.." You said.
"I've tried telling her to sit down. But she doesn't listen" Katsuki chuckled.
"She's stubborn. Gets it from his side of the family" Mic laughed, pointing at Aizawa.
"But dad-"
"NOW (Y/N)!" Aizawa yelled, pointing to the table nearby.
You sighed and walked to the table and sat down.
"Sorry I had to go all 'Eraserhead' on you. But you have to sit down. Take breaks. Save your energy for the wedding in six weeks."
"Six weeks..it's all happening so fast..to think..I won't be a Chisaki anymore" you mumbled.
Aizawa turned on the fire to cook the rice, then walked over to the table.
"You're taking his last name?" He asked.
"I've been considering it.."
"We don't have a clear decision quite yet. I want to change mine for her" Katsuki said.
"I see...you both are running out of time. But I trust you'll decide on a name" Aizawa said.
"We will."
"Anything else going on?" Mic asked.
"We are getting a house built! Best builders in the city! We just got the order in a month ago!" You said.
"Thats exciting! When do you think it'll be done?"
"They said sometime next week."
"I bet that was expensive.." Aizawa whispered.
"Couple millions but nothing is too much for my family. Besides, money isn't our concern" Katsuki said.
"Damn..millions. Well..at least it's something trusty and roomy for the five of you."
"Big sister!" Eri said as she walked towards the table.
"Hi Eri! How are you?" You asked.
"Great! How are you and the babies?" She questioned.
"We're fine..."
Before you finished your sentence, you realized something.
But you shook it off.
"You did it!" Mic said as they finished making the onigiri.
Katsuki brought it to the table and served you all one.
"No fish flakes. We made them without. Just for you~" Katsuki said, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Thanks...my love."
You grabbed your chopsticks and began to eat, savoring the delicious flavor.
Your family laughed at you, and your face heated up.
"Eat as many as you'd like (Y/N)..we made plenty for you four."

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