|31| "Papa Bear.."

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You shook your leg as you sat in the back seat of Katsuki's truck, waiting for Mitsuki and Katsuki to get in.
You looked at the clock as the door opened.
"You doing alright honey?" Mitsuki asked, looking back at you as she sat on the passenger side.
"Y-yeah.." you stuttered.
Katsuki opened the drivers side door, before sitting down in his seat, closing the door.
"You ready (Y/N)?" he asked.
"Not really.."
He looked back at you, before opening the door and joining you in that backseat.
He wrapped his arms around you, and you cried into his chest.
"Hey.." he comforted.
"I'm so scared.." you shook.
"I know.."
You held onto his shirt with a death grip, not wanting to let go of him.
"Please..I don't want to do this anymore...I'm so scared!"
He pulled you closer to him.
"It'll be over before you know it I promise.." he said.
"I just..don't want anything to happen to any of them...this isn't too early? What if they're premature?! What if we can't hold them, what if-"
"(Y/N)..please...Akito scheduled you for today, it's safe for them to come out. She did it to reduce health risks for you and them. They might be a little premature, but it's nothing major..okay? Everything will be okay...they'll be here...we get to hold them for the first time in seven months..aren't you excited for that?" he said calmly.
"Then just focus on the good..not the bad.."
You nodded, before you smiled softly.
"We get to meet them all today...and hold them.." you leaned your head on his.
"Ready to be a father?" you asked.
"Nope. You ready to be a mother?"
"Not at all."
You both giggled and chuckled, before he kissed your forehead.
"Let's go now?" he asked.
You nodded.
You pulled his face to yours before he got up and kissed his lips.
"One last kiss for good luck" you snickered as his ears tinted pink.
"D-dumbass!" he stuttered, getting up and walking back to the driver's seat.
"Let's get going. Today, we meet our sons."
"Room four twenty for Mister and Misses Bakugo plus guests! You will have a little while until your doctor arrives! Akito reached out saying she was trapped in traffic. So it'll be a little bit till she gets here and preps you for surgery! The surgery is only about forty-five minutes. And most of that is stitching you back up. Any questions, please feel free to ask us" the nurse said as she pushed a wheelchair to you and you sat down.
Katsuki got behind you and you both followed the nurse to the operation room where you'd be staying.
Once you got there, Katsuki put your bags down and you walked to lay on the bed.
"You will be moved to a recovery room after the surgery is done, you can be alone with your children, or you can have up to one guest with you. You'll be in there until you're feeling better and we can allow more guests. Days required to stay are four, unless you are healed fully. You can wear what you like after you're bandaged up and cleaned."
You nodded, before she left the room.
"You ready honey?" Mitsuki asked.
You tilted your head.
Katsuki took a seat next to you, grabbing your hand.
"I'll be here..I'm not leaving this spot."
You sighed and smiled, turning your head to look at him.
"How was I so blessed to be able to marry someone like you?" you whispered to him.
"I was blessed too...being able to hold you in my arms everyday..see that beautiful face...those eyes that I get lost in...kiss those sweet lips" he said, before leaning over and kissing your lips.
"Blessed...with a family of my own...and a beautiful wife to call my own.."
You smiled on his lips, trying to stutter something out until you felt him smirk.
"What's wrong (Y/N)? Cat got your tongue?" he teased.
"Or is it more like Katsuki got your tongue?" he laughed.
You pulled away from him and smiled, a blush on your cheeks.
"You're stupid" you giggled.
He laughed with a blush playing on his face.
"Ready to be a grandmother Mitsuki?" you asked as you turned back to see Mitsuki with her phone angled at you and Katsuki.
"Hmm?" she hummed, before looking directly at you both.
"Oh! Yes!! I can't wait any longer!" she said with a smile.
Me neither...I just want to hold them...and..hear them..
Your heart raced as images flooded your mind.
I can't wait...I won't be like them...I won't be anything like either of them..I will care..and love each of you no matter what.
You closed your eyes.
I vow..that no matter what...I'll always be there for you all. Through every single thing...
Then the door opened.
"Gooooooddddd morninnggggggg! Ready to be a momma?" Akito asked as she walked inside the room with a huge smile.
"Yes. I...I'm so excited!" you admitted.
"Glad to see you're doing much better than you were! Nothing to worry about!"
She walked over and got her items ready and prepped.
"I'll hook up an IV, a catheter, and what meds would you like if any at all?"
You thought.
"I guess a spinal block..so I'll go with that" you said.
"Alrighty, I'll do a spinal block then. You won't be able to feel anything from your chest and down until after the surgery, and after your healed up. We have Recovery Girl, and more healing specialists with us, so nothing to fear. You are free to use your quirk once they are safely out and the umbilical cord is cut, which Bakugo can do for all three if he'd like. You can heal yourself although you may still have a scar."
"I'd like to have a scar to remember..." you admitted as she put a small needle into your arm.
"Alrighty. This works near immediately so I'm going to get Bakugo and Misses Bakugo to change and wash up since it'll only be a few minutes or so until we can start."
She waved for the two to follow her, and Katsuki squeezed your hand.
"I'll be right back I promise...after that...we'll be parents.."
"You'll be a father..you ready for that?" you asked.
"No...but I can't wait for it."
He kissed your head, before following Akito to the other room.
A small tingle sensation started in your chest, and you put a hand to it, pushing lightly, not really feeling your fingers but only the slightest amount of pressure.
Damn..that was fast..
Bakugo's POV~
I washed my hands as instructed as Akito got ready.
"You ready to be a father?" the hag asked.
"Yes...I've been wanting this for six years...I can't wait to experience everything with (Y/N)...to be able to parent with her...and raise our own children...damnit..it feels so strange to be able to say...our children...we've tried for so many years...and now...today...we get to have not one but three babies...my heart is overfilled with love for that woman.."
She smiled.
"You really love her don't you?" she asked.
"With...everything I am...more than I loved anything in the world...she is my world.."
My eyes stung, but I stayed strong.
I put the gloves on that Akito handed to me and a mask.
"It'll only take a little while, maybe around twenty minutes to get them all out. So I trust in you to keep (Y/N) ready. I will try my best to get it done as fast as I can."
I nodded.
"Everything will be alright okay? I won't let any one of them get hurt on my watch" she said.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome Zero."
She smiled, before turning to all the other nurses present in the room.
"Alright everyone, let's get this c section done so we can get the happy couple to a recovery room with their babies. It is our job to make sure every single one of them, including Miss Overhaul gets done safely. Make sure to weigh each baby correctly, and measure them."
She opened the door, and we all followed.
"Here we go son.."
I held onto my mothers hand, feeling a bit childish, but secure and reassured.
Your POV~
You watched as everyone got into place, and your breaths got faster.
"You'll be fine" Katsuki muttered as he held onto your hand.
You nodded as the curtains that would cover your view to your stomach were placed over you.
"Alright, I'm going to try to talk you threw everything that is happening okay (Y/N)? That way you'll feel a bit more comfortable."
She sat in the middle of everything, looking up at you.
She grabbed your hand.
"Everything..and everyone..will be safe."
You nodded.
You put your head back as you felt a small bit of pressure on your stomach.
"I'm going to make a small incision right at your pubic hair line.."
You kept your eyes open as you felt what felt like a zipper being opened, only it was your skin being cut open.
She walked you through everything she was doing, and you could slowly feel what she was doing.
A slight burn felt on your skin, and you flinched.
"Can you feel that?" she asked immediately.
"A l-little.." you said.
"Alright, I'll try to go a bit faster so we can get it done."
You felt slight tugging and cutting, and you closed your eyes as a tear fell from the side of it.
Katsuki bent down, hovering above you with his hand in yours.
"Hey...I know it probably doesn't feel the best..but..one of them is almost out..they're just getting fluid out...everything will be done soon I promise.." he said.
He smiled when you opened your foggy eyes.
"You're so brave..so strong..doing this like a champ..."
You smiled very smally, until cries sounded in the room.
Nurses awed and smiled through their masks as they clapped.
"There's one!" Akito cheered, lifting up the small but big baby so you could see.
You wiped your eyes and smiled at the sight.
"Oh my god.." you stuttered, crying again as your baby cried.
"Hey there little one..."
Akito handed him to one of the nurses and got the umbilical cord and everything else out for that baby.
"Bakugo..would you like to cut the cord?" she asked.
Tears and soft whimpers escaped from your husband's mouth and eyes.
He nodded, before walking over and listening to what she told him.
She held onto your child, and Katsuki snipped the cord, disconnecting you from the baby.
"One down, two more to go, this shouldn't take much longer!"
Akito handed the baby off to another nurse, where she took him to a different area of the room to weigh and clean him.
You held onto Katsuki's hand as he walked back over and crouched down to you.
"One of them...they're coming honey bear...they're really coming.."
You smiled with tears in your eyes.
"They're here Katsu...forever more..."
Akito ended up having to cut your open just a bit more, just to get the next one out.
More cries filled the room, and she lifted the baby up once again.
"Baby number two is here! 'Hi momma'" she voiced for him.
"H-hi baby" you choked out.
Katsuki cut the cord again, and your baby was passed to another nurse.
You cried as overwhelming happiness filled you.
Your heart was so full.
"I'm..so happy..." you muttered as Katsuki walked back to you.
"Oh wow, he wants out" Akito said as she pulled out the last baby.
"Andddd that's all of them! This little guy wanted out right away!" she laughed as she held him up to you.
"Look at you...precious.."
You saw Mitsuki wipe her eyes with a tissue.
"Congrats you two! Welcome to parenthood! Let's get you cleaned up (Y/N), that way you can bond as a family."
Your last baby's cries filled the room as others smiled.
The cord was still intact and Katsuki walked over to cut it.
You sat up, causing the two to stare at you.
"C-can I help?" you said.
Akito nodded, and you placed your hand on the clampers, Katsuki putting his hand directly on top of yours.
He guided your hand to the cord, and you both cut it at once.
"Okay! All three were safely delivered! Grandma, you can go to the back and see them if you'd like. Bakugo, you can stay with (Y/N) or you can go with your mother" Akito told them.
"I'll stay.."
She nodded, before grabbing your hand.
"You did great love. Congratulations on becoming a mother. I'm so very happy for you..both of you..(Y/N) dear, you can use your quirk if you'd like to heal up faster."
"Don't overdo it," Katsuki said.
You smirked.
"I won't. I'm not even tired."
You began to heal all the damage done to your uterus, healing the incision and the skin.
You began to sweat as it took all of your effort to heal everything that was affected.
You managed to close the wounds, and everything, except for moving your organs, which the babies had moved around while they were developing, back to normal.
You took a deep breath, letting it out in stutters.
"Alright! Don't overdo it! You've healed everything else! But that'll take a bit longer to heal on its own. For now, lets get you to a recovery room and cleaned."
Someone took out your IV, only for a second until they got you into the next room.
They started to push your bed out of the room, and Katsuki followed.
"Go..with the babies honey" you told him.
"No. I'm not leaving you."
You smiled as your eyes grew heavy.
You nodded.
"You can rest now (Y/N)...you did good..you deserve some rest" Akito said.
"No..I want to see them first.." you said.
"Get rest while you can, cause they ain't gonna let you sleep at all once they come."
You shook your head.
"I've waited for months to hold them, I'm holding them. Screw sleep."
Everyone with you laughed as they opened the doors for you.
You were pushed into a nice room, a bed off to the side of Katsuki to sleep, and three small pushable beds for the babies.
"They'll be coming in like...ten minutes..you can go shower in that time."
You nodded, getting out of the bed you were in.
You nearly fell, if Katsuki hadn't caught you.
"No surprise there. Well, I'll let you get situated, let me know when you're ready to see them" Akito said, before exiting the room.
You and Katsuki walked over to the restroom in the room, and got in the shower.
"You did so good baby.." he muttered to you.
"You're a fighter....so brave...so beautiful."
He turned the water on as you took your robe off.
"I won't have a bump anymore.." you said as you patted your stomach.
"Nope. It was fun while it lasted."
You gave Katsuki a 'really?', look, before he laughed.
"I'm so glad..they're all here.."
"I saw you crying you big softie" you teased.
"H-hey!" Katsuki stuttered.
"I c-couldn't not cry! It w-was a precious m-moment!"
You stuck your tongue out at him and he pouted.
"Always making me blush like this.."
He shook his head and you giggled, before you began to wash off any dry blood.
"You realize you have to stay naked right?" Katsuki asked with a smirk.
"Y-yeah..that means no frisky-ness for you" you teased, making him blush again.
"Always trying to turn things on me.." he said in his pouty tone.
You laid down on the clean bed, before putting a clean and sterilized blanket over you.
Katsuki had called for Akito, that way she could bring the babies and check up on you.
The door opened, and in walked Mitsuki with one of the babies in her arms.
"(Y/N).." she said, walking over to you.
You looked at her.
"I'm sorry.."
You began to get worried from her words.
"What? What happened?!" you asked.
"...they look nothing like you.."
You heard Katsuki chuckle.
"All of them have his hair..not all the same color...but they're all spiked."
You face palmed, before she handed the one in her arms to you.
You took him into your arms, seeing his small scrunched up face as he wriggled in your arms.
"Hi there little one...it's mommy..." you whispered as tears pricked at your eyes.
"You're so small..so cute..."
You looked at his hair, which was blond like Katsuki's.
"I wouldn't be surprised if they had my eyes too" Katsuki laughed.
You couldn't even be mad at him, but you looked down in your arms while your baby squirmed.
"My...precious little boy.."
The door opened and Akito walked in, followed by a nurse that pushed two little carts with your babies in them.
"Heyyo! I'm back, with..a few extras" she smiled, walking over to you with a baby in her arms.
You held your arms out to grab him and bring him to you.
"I'll put an IV back into your arm, for the rest of the time you're here, then I'll let you have time with your husband and kids."
You nodded, before looking at this son as you held the other in your arm.
He had (H/C) hair.
"He has my hair color but we'll see about my eyes" you said.
Your heart melted as you put a finger to one of them, and they gently grabbed it.
"Oh...my baby boys..." you muttered.
"Katsuki, you realize you can hold them right?" Mitsuki asked.
You looked at him.
"Skin to skin contact is somewhat required so you'll need to remove your shirt Bakugo" Akito said, putting a small needle into your arm with tape attaching it to stay.
You giggled at his outburst, before shushing him.
"Shhh! You'll wake them up!" you said.
He took off his shirt and stared at you.
Mitsuki sighed, before walking over to him with one of the boys in her arms.
"Here, hold them like this, DO NOT DROP HIM KATSUKI OR I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS" she whisper-yelled.
He growled, before she put him into his arms.
He held him so gently, careful not to hurt the small bean.
"A-am I doing it right?" he asked with a blush on his cheeks.
"Yes..you're doing just fine Katsu" you giggled.
You grabbed your phone and took a picture of the precious sight before you.
You changed your lock-screen to that picture and watched the two babies in your hands.
My precious babies..my family..
You thought for a second.
"We need to put names to faces" you said as you held onto the ones you had.
You looked at each of them, looking at their detail.
Two have blond hair..and one has mine...I guess we can do names once their eyes open..
You looked down and saw one of the ones in your arms with his eyes opened.
You looked into his red eyes, as they made contact with yours.
Your heart melted as your baby looked around, before bursting out in tears.
"Oh no don't cry...don't cry little baby.."
Then it clicked.
This one looks just like Katsuki..literally his hair and everything, even his eyes.
They looked at you.
"His name will be Katsuro..it's the name Katsuki picked out, and since he looks just like him, it's only reasonable to name him what Katsuki picked."
"Awww Katsuki you picked the name Katsuro? That's adorable...considering that was going to be your name when you were born" Mitsuki snickered.
She nodded and you looked back at your son as he yawned.
"Katsuro Bakugo..."
You looked at the other one, the one with your (H/C) hair.
His eyes were open, and they were also the bright red that Katsuki had.
"You really had to make two that have your eye color?!" you said to Katsuki.
"You gave me three boys, and not one of them looks like me!" you said.
"They have every feature you have!"
You sighed as you looked at the little boy in your arms.
"Kosuki...the name means rising sun...he'll be Kosuki.."
You smiled as the baby met eyes with you as his nose scrunched up.
"Kosuki Bakugo."
You looked over to Katsuki as he looked down at the baby in his arms.
"That makes him..Kazuki."
Katsuki leaned down to show you him, and his eyes opened.
"Finally! (E/C) eyes!!" you celebrated.
"He still has my hair-" Katsuki chuckled, cutting your little celebration short.
You pouted as the babies all closed their eyes again and fell asleep.
You handed them off to Mitsuki, so she can hold or put them in the cradles provided by the hospital.
"Get some rest honey bear."
You nodded as you dozed off in the bed.
Katsuki put Kazuki down into his own little bed, before pulling the blanket up and covering you up.
"Goodnight...my little momma bear" Katsuki said, putting a kiss to your head.
"Goodnight...papa bear~"

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