|23| Adding Fuel To The Fire

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"It's so boringgggg Katsuki!" you yelled as you lay down in your bed, doing nothing more than trying to keep yourself occupied.
"I know love."
He walked into the room with water and a towel draped over his shoulders, his shirt missing and his body glistening with sweat.
You took a sniff, smelling the sweet caramel scent drifting from your husband.
"Mmmmmmmmm..you smell so fucking good!" you groaned.
"Heh..I'm surprised you're not grossed out by my sweat, since you're such a germaphobe" he chuckled.
"Yeah no, you can stay over there. I said you smell good, not 'come over here and hug me.'"
He smirked, before putting his arms out.
"No! You stay! I can hold your sweaty ass hands but I refuse to be hugged with you drenched in sweat" you playfully gagged.
"Really? You don't seem to mind it after we-"
"STOP THERE! DON'T SAY IT!" you blushed.
He broke out in a fit of laughter, while you pouted.
"You're naughty. Now go shower!" you said, throwing a pillow at him.
"Ack! Okay okay!" he chuckled.
"But be ready for a kiss attack when I get back.." he smirked, closing the restroom door.
You blushed as you giggled, before turning your phone on and looking through the news.
Earlier this week, at Takoba beach, a grand wedding took place for our very own two number one heroes, Overhaul and Ground Zero. Overhaul, known to be his baby momma, now becomes his wife. How many months pregnant is Overhaul? What will this marriage and family mean for Japan? Will one of our heroes have to retire? Will we lose our number ones?
You rolled your eyes.
I'm not a baby momma..I'm more to him than just that.
You felt something warm fall down your cheek, before you put a finger there.
Right? He truly loves me..otherwise he wouldn'tve have married me..
The door to the restroom opened, and Katsuki walked into the room with a towel around his waist.
"You alright? Your eyes look glossy."
You nodded.
"Yeah. I'm fine, just reading articles online" you lied.
"What's really wrong?" he asked.
You sighed.
"I said I'm fine."
"You can't hide anything from me. Your husband knows when you're not telling the truth. You can tell me (Y/N)" he said, sitting on the bed.
"Well.." you started, before handing him the phone and letting him read it for himself.
"Oh. Fucking media idiots" he scoffed, before standing up and walking to the drawers to grab some clothes to put on.
"The marriage won't change shit. It was just us finally tying our love. Neither of us are going to be retiring. We'll work together with our family, and we both have super supportive families. I'm sure the damn hag would be more than happy to help us."
You smiled.
"I love you. Never forget that."
"I won't."
He smirked, looking at you, before crawling onto the foot of the bed.
"Now.." he said.
You looked into his beady eyes, before a sudden flash of blond hit your eyes and lips were placed on yours in a rush.
"I-" you stuttered, before Katsuki began to attack your face and neck with kisses.
Your cheeks were kissed many many times, your forehead, eyelids, nose, ears, lips.
"Wh-what's gotten into you!" you giggled as he kissed your neck, peppering it in gentle kisses.
"I told you to be ready for a kiss attack.." he said smugly.
"Guess you didn't expect it did ya? Your reaction makes me want to tease you.." he teased.
You blushed.
"Wh-what are you going to do?" you asked.
He smirked, before kissing your lips and smiling on them.
"You'll see~" he whispered.
He began to kiss his way down, pinning your arms downing gently at your sides.
He kissed at your neck, before biting and sucking as gently as he could, leaving a little love mark.
"Whoa! H-hey! Why'd you do that?!" you yelped.
"Your skin is so sweet...you're going to make me crazy~" he mumbled, continuing his way down your chest, and stopping at your stomach.
"Look at how cute your tummy is~" he teased.
You blushed, closing your eyes in embarrassment.
"So beautiful..so gorgeous."
You opened your eyes and saw him placing a kiss on your stomach.
"Do you think we can hear their heartbeats?" you asked.
He looked up at you.
"Only one way to find out.." he said, before placing his soft hair and ear to your bump and closing his eyes.
The room went silent, and you watched him with careful eyes.
He listened closely, his head putting a little more pressure so he could hear.
His hand searched for yours, before enlacing his fingers with yours.
"Do you hear it?" you asked.
He opened his eyes, staring up at you with tears in them.
"I can hear them.." he smiled, a single tear falling from his eyes.
You smiled, squeezing his hand as he continued to listen.
"They're so gentle..gentle beats..like music to my ears.." he sighed softly.
You closed your eyes, enjoying this blissful moment.
That was until you felt a flutter, a kick, and Katsuki lifted his head off.
"Hey! They kicked my head!" he pouted.
You giggled, running a hand through his soft hair.
"That's their way of saying, 'get off of us daddy!'" you laughed.
You looked back up at the pouting Katsuki, who had his cheeks puffed slightly.
"They're going to be little devils aren't they?" you asked.
"If they take after you, no. If they take after me however....I won't answer that" he chuckled.
You smiled at him, before he laid back down and listened for a bit longer, getting kicked many times from your sons, and making sure not to hurt them.
You played with his soft hair, before you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
You dressed yourself in a (F/C) maternity dress, one that was long and flowy.
You slid your ring onto your finger, before looking at yourself in the mirror.
Arms wrapped around your waist, hand holding onto your stomach, and a face being hid in the crook of your neck.
"You look so beautiful," Katsuki said, muffled as he put his face further into your neck.
"You look rather dashing yourself" you said, lifting his head up by his hair, pulling it up softly.
"You ready to go hotshot?" he asked.
You walked to your nightstand, grabbing the necklace your father gave you and put it on.
Can't forget about you mother..
You smiled, before turning around.
"Now we can go" you said, walking towards him as he walked towards the door to the room.
He took your hand, and began to walk to the door and out of the room.
And the two of you went out for dinner.
You sat down at the table for five, and Katsuki sat across from you.
"Thank you for taking me out for dinner Katsu," you said, making your husband smile from across the table.
"You're welcome."
"What made you want to go to dinner anyways?" you asked.
"I just wanted to take my beautiful wife to dinner. That a problem?" he smirked.
"Of course not."
"Hello ma'am, sir. What can we get for your drinks this evening?" a waiter asked as he approached the table.
"A water for me" you smiled, holding onto Katsuki's hand.
"I'll take water too. Please" Katsuki seconded.
"Alright, I'll be right back with those."
Third Person POV~
A loud howl sounded from the shadow as it approached its master.
"Well Shaw? Did you find her?" Kage asked, walking up to the shadow, twirling a knife in her fingers.
The shadow cackled, before disappearing.
"Kai, he found her. At a restaurant in the main city."
Kai walked towards her, putting gloves on over his two metallic hands.
"Perfect. Is she with Ground Zero?" he asked.
His golden eyes filled with hatred.
"Good. He's the one that took her from me. The one for making her soft. It's time to reclaim what's mine. Let's go Kage."
Kai's plan, to take you away from Katsuki.
And make him suffer.
Your POV~
Your water was placed in front of you, and you thanked the waiter.
"So you return to the agency again this week?" you asked Katsuki, taking a sip of the crisp water in front of you.
"Tomorrow. I've been on leave for a while. Kirishima and Ashido will be happy. They don't have to run it for me anymore."
You squeezed his hand.
"They understand. I wish I could go back to work.." you sighed.
"Heh..I'm sure you do. But you have to stay home. It's safer for you. You'll go back to work when you can."
You smiled.
"Will you be alright at the estate by yourself? I don't want you to be afraid" Katsuki admitted.
"Uhm..it'd be nice to have some company.." you blushed.
"I'll call my mother. Maybe you two can go shopping or something?" he asked.
"That sounds like fun!"
You both smiled, before your plate was placed in front of you.
"Any interns from UA going in tomorrow?" you asked.
"Uhhhh I'm not sure..I think we have a few coming in. Your father sent them in."
"I see...well, I'll be looking forward to having you back at home tomorrow!" you smiled.
He looked at you, before looking down.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"I don't want to leave you. You're more important to me than work.." he blushed.
"With the media and everything..I don't like the thought of you being left alone. Or with anyone but myself."
"You have to go back to work honey..I'm sorry, and I know you don't want to. But I promise you, I'll be fine!" you said.
"I just don't want to lose you (Y/N). I can't handle the thought of it..and I'm trying not to think of the worse..but you can't trust people...and it scares me."
Your heart melted.
He wiped his eyes.
"Promise me you'll stay safe, you'll be alright.."
You looked into his glassy eyes.
"I promise."
He had a soft smile, before eating his meal.
"Mmmmm! That was so good!" you said, sitting back after you finished the last bite of your food.
"Heh..it was. Let's go pay, so we can go home."
You both stood up, before a loud, blood curdling scream was heard.
"What was that?" you asked, your heart beginning to race.
More screams were heard, and you saw smoke.
A fire..but the kitchen isn't in that area..
You thought, until you snapped out of your thoughts.
"(Y/N)! RUN!" Katsuki screamed.
You both took off, hands linked together.
You raced to the door, where people were pounding on it, screaming and crying for help.
Someone bumped into you, and you used both hands to push them off of you.
The smoke began to spread, and it clouded around you all, filling the entire restaurant.
"Katsuki..where are you?!" you cried.
You took a deep breath, and held it as the smoke burned at your eyes and lungs.
We're all going to die here..
Where are you?
Bakugo's POV~
Now is not the time to panic..I have to find her.
And fast.
I began to run towards the door, until I froze in my spot.
Come on...move damn body!
"(Y/N)!" I yelled, my eyes starting to prickle with tears of worry.
Damnit...I won't be able to see her through all this smoke...and the screams will drown her out..
My body was refusing to move.
I looked to my shoulder, seeing a black shadow like hand on it, until it disappeared.
What the hell?!
What was that?
I took a step, before I realized I could move again.
I called out to her again, getting no response.
No no no no no!
Your POV~
You couldn't hold your breath any longer, and you gasped for air.
Smoke filled your lungs, and you choked.
Shit..shit shit shit! This is bad..the exit is locked..and blocked..
Too..much s-smoke..
Suddenly, the people in front of you all fell one by one, passing out from all the smoke.
Is this the end?
You coughed, falling to your knees, before you looked up with lazy and watery eyes.
You saw a tall man standing in the smoke ten feet away from you.
"Did you miss me little devil?" the man asked, his voice muffled.
You squinted, spotting a bird-like mask on his face, and his eyes glowing golden.
Kai?! H-he's back?!
A panic within you started, making your breathing go faster, causing you to inhale more smoke.
"N-no..you're d-dead.." you stuttered, holding onto your throat.
"No my child. I faked my death."
"N-no..you couldn'tve.."
You coughed, before you felt your consciousness slip.
Bakugo's POV~
I ran with tears escaping from my eyes, watching (Y/N) collapse to the floor.
Before she could touch the floor, I grabbed onto her, picking her up.
I put a hand to her neck, feeling for a pulse.
It was weak.
I'm not losing you.
Not today.
Not ever!
Angry, I ran to the front doors, and broke them down, the few conscious people following outside.
"Call for an ambulance. NOW!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.
A few seconds passed, and fire trucks and ambulances arrived, everyone rushing out to help everyone.
"Medic!" I shouted, catching the attention of one of the men.
He ran over, looking at the woman in my arms.
"What's happened?" He asked.
"A fire started in the restaurant. I'm unsure of the cause, but many of the people inside collapsed from smoke inhalation."
He nodded, before looking down at (Y/N).
"She's passed out. Her pulse is weak. She's twenty seven weeks pregnant with triplets."
"Alright. Take her over to the stretcher!" he ordered.
I nodded, before running over to one of the many cars.
The stretcher was already out, with medics surrounding it.
I lay her body on the stretcher, and they put an oxygen mask on her immediately.
"Injuries?" one of the women asked.
"Nothing more than smoke inhalation. But she's also pregnant with triplets..could they be hurt as well?" I asked.
"It is a possibility. Her pulse is weak! We should get her to urgent care! Sir, if you could call her doctor so we can get her checked out" she said, before she turned to get help to lift the stretcher into the truck.
I quickly called Akito, before hanging up and climbing into the back of the car.
"Sir, you can't-"
"I don't fucking care. I'm not letting my wife out of my sight."
Kai's POV~
I watched from a short distance as the ambulance with (Y/N) left in a rush, Ground Zero climbing along.
"We did it! Hahaha!" Kage cackled.
"Now's not the time to celebrate."
"And why not?" she scoffed.
"Oh? Because that was only phase one."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now