|24| Death Wish

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WARNING!; Mature language, mention of suicide
Bakugo's POV~
"Is she going to be okay?!" I yelled, speed walking with the doctors as they pushed (Y/N) to the nearest hospital room.
"We'll let you know what happens sir. Please try to remain calm" one of the nurses told me.
I growled as the door shut, hearing it lock.
I ran over to the glass to see what was going on, seeing the doctors attach wires and a mask to (Y/N)'s unconscious form.
One of them went to close the blinds to the glass, blocking my view of what they were doing.
"No.." I mumbled.
Damnit...this wasn't how today was supposed to go..
"Bakugo!" A voice yelled out.
My head snapped, and I looked to see Akito running towards me.
"Is she in there?" she asked, pointing to the door I was next to.
"Yes. Please make sure none of them got hurt."
"I'll do my best," she answered, before opening the door and walking inside of it.
What started the fire? Who started the fire is the real question..
I looked at my phone, before putting it down and putting my head in my hands.
"What have I done? What if she doesn't make it back okay? What if something happened to the kids?! Gods...please! Please tell me they'll all be alright!" I screamed, tears falling from my eyes and streaming down my cheeks.
My love...please..I can't lose you..
I sniffled, before feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket.
I grabbed it, seeing that it was Aizawa that was calling me.
I flinched, pulling the phone away from my ear as Aizawa screamed.
"Shota calm down!" a different voice sounded.
"What's going on Bakugo? What happened?"
"A f-fire started in the restaurant we went to...I-I don't know who or how it started..all I know is (Y/N) passed out, smoke inhalation brought her down. She's unconscious for now. I'm not sure of anything else at the moment.."
And then the tone went silent, and nothing was heard.
"Aizawa? Mic!"
Aizawa's POV~
"Call him back Hizashi...NOW! NOW DAMN YOU!" I screamed.
"Shota! Please calm down! You don't need to be so angry!" he yelled back.
I stayed silent, biting my tongue, making the taste of iron fill my mouth.
"I can't lose her. I refuse to let my daughter die. Why couldn't he protect her?! He's the one I entrusted with her! Damnit!" I said, punching the door with the side of my fist.
"Have faith in them please! She's your daughter, the woman you raised for her whole life! She's stronger than anyone we know. It's just like you told me, you really think she'd be dead? She's a fighter! And I know for a damn fact that Bakugo tried! He tried to help her! So calm the fuck down! I know it's hard, seeing your kid going to the hospital. But you have to stay calm. I know she's alive..and I know they'll be okay."
Tears of frustration filled my eyes, and I wiped them.
"You better be right Hizashi. Or I'll kill him. I don't care. If he let her die, it'll be the last thing he does."
Hizashi turned and looked at me, before looking back at the road as he drove.
"I can't lose her. I can't lose my only daughter."
Bakugo's POV~
I paced back and forth in front of the room, hearing voices inside the room, yelling for help.
Damnit damnit damnit!
I should've tried harder! Maybe then she wouldn't be in there..if I had just fought to save her....How can I dare call myself a hero when I can't even save someone who was right in front of me?!
Suddenly, the door opened, and my breathing stopped.
"Are you Mister Bakugo?" the doctor asked.
I stood straighter.
He pointed to the room, before walking away.
I gulped, taking a deep breath for the sight I'd see, and walking into the room.
I looked and saw Akito sitting next to (Y/N), holding her hand.
I saw an oxygen mask on her, and needles poking into her skin.
I assumed this was to help get oxygen to the babies.
Also to keep her lungs working.
"How was she?" I asked, taking a seat on the opposite side of the bed, grabbing (Y/N)'s cold hand.
"She's fine. Oxygen levels are slightly lower than normal, but nothing too fatal from what they could tell. They said she should be up in a few hours" Akito said, looking at the monitor across from her.
She looked at my tear stained face and grabbed my hand.
"She'll be alright.." she comforted.
I nodded, before clearing my throat.
"Only one thing left to do.." she sighed, before standing up.
I looked up, staying silent as she walked to the counter.
"I have to make sure they're unharmed."
I gulped, knowing she was talking about the three fetuses inside of (Y/N).
Please..please let them all be okay..
She got everything prepped..and she began.
"Alright, they all look like they're healthy and good! Just gotta check their heartbeats and a few more things!"
She put a finger to her mouth as she closed her eyes, listening to the heartbeats.
"Okay..there's one.." she whispered, before moving slightly over and listening again.
I gulped.
She opened her eyes and smiled.
"That's two! Those ones seem to be fine. Last one."
She began to listen again, hearing the small but fast heartbeats.
A cold sweat dripped from my forehead and down my cheek as we sat there, waiting..and waiting..and waiting..
A few stilled seconds passed, and she sighed sadly.
"Come on little guy..I know you're there.." she whispered.
My heart stopped.
Can..she not hear one of them?
I stared at her, tears pricking at my eyes,
She lifted her head away, before looking up at me.
"I-..I'm so sorry Bakugo.." she said, eyes watery.
"No..please no! You have to try again! Please!" I yelled, standing from where I sat.
"I'll try one last time..but if I don't hear anything.."
I shook my head, before she lowered herself again.
The time seemed to stop, and everything else faded from view.
The sound of my own heartbeat overwhelmed me.
My hand gripped my chest, grabbing the fabric that hid the scar I received earlier this year.
She gasped, before opening her eyes and smiling, a tear falling from her eyes.
"There he is.."
A smile dawned on my face, tears falling from my cheeks.
She stood up, and I put my hand on my heart.
"Gave us quite the scare didn't he? I'm glad to say they're all alive and seem unaffected by the smoke your wife inhaled."
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I yelled.
I bowed as tears fell from my eyes.
Akito smiled at me, before grabbing her stuff and exiting the room.
I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and brought it to my mouth, placing a kiss to it.
"They're alright (Y/N)..they're going to be okay.."
Your POV~
"You motherfucker..HOW DARE YOU!" you screamed.
"Oh shut up!" Kai yelled, pulling at his hair.
"Why'd you do it?! Why are you trying to kill me?!"
"You ruined my life you damn bitch! That's why! I want to ruin yours! So I put your greatest weakness at risk."
"Fuck you! I won't let you hurt my family anymore you bastard! Even if it kills me, I'll protect us all!" you screamed, before the world around you disappeared.
Damn him...I'll kill him with my own bare hands!
Your eyes hazily opened as you took a breath.
You looked around the room, and laid eyes on the figure next to you.
"Katsuki?" you muttered.
The head snapped up, and red eyes met yours.
"(Y/N)! You're awake!" he yelled, putting his arms around you.
"I missed you! I thought I'd..I lost you.."
You put your arms around him.
"Please tell me they're all okay!" you yelled, putting your hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes.
"Yeah..they're fine. Akito checked earlier."
You let a breath out that you didn't know you were even holding.
"Thank gods.."
He wiped away a tear that had strayed from your eyes.
He took your mask off, before kissing your lips and putting it back on.
"Heh..I missed that.."
After getting the okay to take off your oxygen mask, more visitors arrived in your room.
"(Y/N)!" your father yelled, tripping on his feet as he tried to run to you.
You sat up as Mic walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you when he got close enough.
"I'm so glad you're alright.." he sighed happily.
"Thanks dad.." you mumbled.
You let go of your dad, before you watched as Aizawa struggled to walk to you.
"You're...okay. I'm so glad you're safe.." he yelled, putting his arms around you as he cried.
"Of course I'd be alright! Why wouldn't I be?" you asked.
"W-well.." Aizawa stuttered.
"Someone lost hope."
Aizawa stood up and glared at Mic, who was whistling after his last comment.
"I think you owe someone an apology Shota" Mic smirked.
He grumbled, before walking over to Katsuki.
He bowed.
"I am sorry for jumping to conclusions Bakugo. Please forgive my childish behavior" he said.
"Whoa wait what's going on?!" you questioned.
Katsuki just stared at your father, his arms crossed.
He closed his eyes.
"It's fine."
You questioned what was going on, before shrugging your shoulders and going with whatever was happening.
"Well, give us a call if you need us, we'll be taking our leave!" Mic smiled.
"We will! Please be safe on your way home!" you waved as your parents exited the room.
"So..what happened? Who started the fire?" you asked as you changed your clothes.
"They haven't caught anyone or seen any signs of who is responsible."
You glared.
"Do you know anything?" he asked.
"It was Kai."
He looked up at you.
"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"
"I saw him before I passed out. He was standing there in the smoke."
You looked up at Katsuki as he stared at you.
"Why?" he asked.
"He said I ruined his life earlier, and he wanted to ruin mine. So he exploited my greatest weakness. My family."
Katsuki thought for a second.
"I'll hire guards for our house and to follow you."
"I do not want you to be at risk anymore. So I'll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe, no matter what that means."
You swallowed.
You gasped as Katsuki's phone rang, and he checked it.
"It's from the agency. I'll be back, do NOT move an inch" he said, before putting his phone to his ear.
You watched as he walked out of the room.
You took a shaky breath and let it out in stutters.
Bakugo's POV~
"Ground Zero, what the hell do you need?"
"Hello, Katsuki Bakugo."
I froze in my spot as the voice registered in my head.
"The fuck do you want you bastard?!"
"Heh..no need to be aggressive."
"Answer my question Chisaki. How the fuck did you get into my agency?!"
"You don't need to know that..mind your tongue. Answer this..how did you feel when you saw (Y/N) in that hospital bed? Helpless? Scared?"
I growled.
"If you want no harm to come to her, then stay out of her life from now on. And I won't hurt you. Refuse and I'll kill you alongside her."
"I will NEVER leave her side you fucker!"
"Thought so. If you truly love her, then you'll leave her to die."
"Like hell. I'll kill you."
"Then why don't you try hero? Oh wait you won't. Because you can't just leave your wife."
"No matter, whatever you choose to do, you'll both die in cold blood."
The line went silent, and I growled.
"If you truly love her, then you'll leave her to die.."
No..I'll never leave her to die..NEVER!
I placed back and forth, thinking of a plan to kill Kai, and forever save (Y/N).
Then it clicked.
I can't get the help of others..
I'll have to do this alone.
Your POV~
The door opened, Katsuki walked in, and you flinched.
His vibe was completely different, his bloodlust seeping from his body, making you cower in fear.
"S-so what happened?" you stuttered.
"I have to go. Urgent mission. Sorry for the late notice."
His words were laced with poison, suffocating you, paralyzing you.
"Call your parents. They'll come to get you."
You nodded, before he turned to leave the room.
He looked over his shoulder, his crimson eyes filled with the lusting for blood, meeting yours.
"I won't be back until the mission is done. Do NOT try to follow me."
And with that, he left.
You put a hand to your heart as it raced.
You quickly called your father.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?!"
"Dad...I..I think Katsuki is going to kill himself."

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