|56| No More Ground Zero

573 17 14

TW: mentions of suicide. Suicidal actions. Heavy angst.
"You're fucking with us.."
You collapsed to the ground, coughing and gasping.
"We need to get back to the surface, and f-fast" you coughed, covering your mouth.
You quickly tried to stand, only to fall back down and land on your face.
Katsuki ran to you, a piece of cloth covering his mouth and nose like a mask.
You coughed into your hand, before looking at it, seeing blood.
"Shit.." you stuttered, before you looked up again and your vision went blurry.
"We need to get her to the surface."
Katsuki crouched down, taking you into his arms, then running towards the start of the tunnel.
"We've...got to keep going...can't..let her..get...away~" you slurred, dozing off.
"We'll get her at a later time..for now, you need to rest."
The light from the sunset lit up the sky as you resurfaced, breathing in fresh air.
"P-put me down now" you snapped.
You growled, before kicking yourself out of his arms, landing with a thump as you hit the ground.
"What the fuck!" Katsuki yelled.
"I said let go," you growled.
"You can't even walk, how do you expect to take down Kage like this?!"
You coughed, before standing on your weak legs.
"I'm going back...we have a m-mission to do," you said, taking a step before you nearly fell.
"That is a suicide mission. Are you craving death for dinner?!" Katsuki yelled.
Tears filled your eyes.
"I want to go home. I came to do this mission, and now I wish I didn't. This was a suicide mission from the beginning but I am here aren't I?"
He stared at you, before walking over to you and scooping you into his arms.
"Wh-what are you-?"
He pressed his lips onto yours, and you shut up immediately.
"I understand. Because I feel the same way. But you're insane if you think I'm going to just stand here and let you do this alone. We're in this together. Nothing else. We either go home together, or die together."
You smiled, before leaning onto his chest as he embraced you.
"I love you....no matter what happens...no matter the outcome. I fucking love you (Y/N) Bakugo."
You looked up at him.
"I love you too, Katsuki Bakugo" you smirked, before placing a kiss to his lips once again.
"Ewww none of that here" Mina gagged playfully.
"Sh-shush" Katsuki blushed, before looking away.
"Awwww come on man, we're just teasin'" Eijiro winked.
"S-shut up dumbass" he stuttered again.
"You know how cute you two are," Mina fangirled.
"Okay now y'all are trying to kill him" you laughed, before he set you down.
"Well, we have some sleep to get to, so we're gonna head to our tent. Goodnight guys!" Eijiro chuckled, before walking off.
"Yeah, you get sleep too (Y/N). Don't be a bunch of bunnies tonight" Mina winked, before following Eijiro.
"Bunnies.....BUNNIES?!" you yelled.
"I meant what I said!" Mina blew a kiss, before walking into her tent.
A blush crept onto your face, before you whined.
"I still have so much energy," you complained.
Katsuki smirked, before he pulled you closer to him.
"Maybeeeeeee I can help with that" he smirked.
"K-Katsuki....do not say it-"
"Wanna fuck like bunnies?"
You closed your eyes and blushed.
He took your hand, walking towards your tent.
"No buts. Let's go."
You covered your face.
"B-but t-the others-"
"I don't give a fuck about anyone but you my love. Tonight could be our last night to hold each other closer than anyone could even fucking dream. So let me have this" he said, eyes watering slightly.
You looked into his eyes.
You nodded.
"One...last time..I need to be the one, who stays in your mind, your heart, your everything" you smiled, before putting a shaky kiss to his lips.
"Shall we?"
He nodded, before lifting you and pulling you closer.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pressing your lips to his again, before he walked into the tent, eyes closed as he closed the tent flap, enclosing the area from any peering eyes.
"Rise and shine heroes of Japan. Today, we fight to live and we live to fight. It's do or die at this point, and right now, we'd all prefer to live. So let's get down there and kill us a bitch" you yelled out, capturing everyone's attention.
"I want her head on a platter!" Mina yelled.
"Make that two!" Eijiro yelled alongside her.
"Look, we'll spread out, go inside every tunnel, looking up and down for Kage. We end this, here and now."
You put a fist up, standing tall.
"As the Symbol of Peace, it is my duty to ensure everyone's safety. I'll protect this world, as a team, we can do it!"
Others put their fists up.
"Let's do this!"
Everyone dispersed, and you grabbed your gloves and headgear.
Today...we end this..
Today...I avenge my father...my husband...
"Let's do this my love" Katsuki said, snapping you out of your own thoughts.
"Yeah ...let's do this" you sighed.
He pulled you closer.
"I fucking love you...and I'll be by your side the whole way."
He kissed your lips, and your eyes watered.
"I'm not ready..."
He kissed the top of your head, before pulling you into his chest.
"I know...."
"Don't make me do this Katsuki...please...let's just go home.."
You gripped onto his jacket.
"Don't make me do this."
"I'm sorry honey bear...but...we have no choice."
Silent tears fell down your eyes.
"Mirio! Tamaki! Are you sure?!" you yelled, blood falling from your forehead.
"Go on without us!"
Your eyes watered, before your hand was grabbed and someone dragged you away.
"No!" you screamed.
"We have no time to waste," Katsuki said.
"M-Mirio...Tamaki.." you muttered under your breath.
"We have to find Kage."
Your eyes gleamed with hatred as you began to run alongside your husband.
You looked ahead, seeing a small group of heroes ahead of you.
"Why is everyone stopping?" you asked, running past them, before your eyes landed on a giant robot, much like the ones they used for the exams to get into UA.
"Shit! How'd she get a hold of these?!" you yelled.
You looked around, before you saw a woman with short pink hair, blood leaving her chest, and a man with navy blue hair and broken glasses.
"Mei...Tenya.." you breathed out.
You saw stab wounds on their chests, a K carved out in blood.
Anger filled your veins, and you ran.
"(Y/N)!" Katsuki yelled, staying still as he watched you.
"Overhaul, don't be reckless!" Shoto shouted.
You jumped, using your wings and igniting them on fire, getting you up higher.
Without hesitation, you went straight down to the ground, causing the whole underground to rattle and shake.
The robots shook, missing their shots as they fired at the group behind you.
"Ouch!" Mina yelped, before falling to the ground.
You looked behind you, gaze softening before you felt a zap hit your arm.
Your glove burned, cindering into ash.
You ran through the legs of each robot, gliding a finger to graze them, turning them into dust.
Once they were all gone, you took one of your largest feathers, igniting the flame brighter.
You looked over your shoulder.
"Let's get going" you growled, before sending smaller flame lit feathers to light their path.
You passed the bodies of Tenya and Mei,
You crouched down.
You sat them up, intertwining their hands.
You put your hands together, as if praying.
"Rest in peace, my friends."
You made a blanket, covering their corpses.
"Someone get a recovery team down here. Pinpoint their location and tell them, we were too late."
You stood, before wiping your eyes and walking forward.
I'll avenge you both...
She won't get away with this.
Hours and hours passed, walking down the dark tunnel light only by your feathers, until you came to a stop, different entries to different paths lay before you.
"Should we split up, Overhaul?" Izuku asked.
"I think, it's best we split up. Less lives at risk for the people who do happen to encounter any villains."
You turned around, counting each hero, landing to a total of seventy.
"Split as you please, but no one will accompany me and Ground Zero" you told them.
Everyone nodded, before you both stood at the entrance of the main tunnel.
Your hands clenched into fists, before Katsuki grabbed it.
"Let's end this, once and for all."
You looked at him.
"Let's do this."
You both walked down the passage, letting the quiet darkness surround you.
"If we aren't to return, escape immediately and call for rescue services" you telepathed to everyone.
You and Katsuki walked in silence, hand in hand.
As the fight of your life began, memories of the times spent together went through your head.
"You are NOT stupid (Y/N). You just have things you need to face. You're super smart, kind, pretty.." Bakugo said.
You stare into his glistening crimson eyes.
Did he call me..pretty?
"So are you two dating or something?" Eijiro asked.
You looked over at Katsuki, who had turned his head to look at you two.
You smiled, and he smiled back.
"Something like that."
Just before your eyelids fully shut, Katsuki pressed his lips onto yours.
"(Y/N)..I love you.."
"Well you thought wrong. Because I don't love you. I never did" Katsuki spat.
You put a hand to your mouth and closed your eyes.
Katsuki stormed off into the crowd and you collapsed to the ground.
"Yes..I promise..right here right now..that I will change. So I can be unapologetically myself..I promise you.." I said.
"My world..my love...my..everything. Will you do me the honor.." He said, putting his other hand on the top of the box.
"..of becoming my wife?"
Moment of truth..
With shaky hands, you turned the test over.
The words;
Read across the test.
You breathed out and gasped staring at the test.
You put a hand to your mouth as shaky breaths left your mouth.
You dropped the test and put your other hand to your stomach.
I'm pregnant!
"Katsuki I'm-"
I looked up at the shining ring that was glistening on the counter. A visible crack getting larger in the diamond..until it cracked into two.
What have I done?
"I..well..uh..I've been meaning to do this..but I wanted to give you time. So..now..I'll do it. I know..that we've both done some stupid shit in our past. Like saying things we didn't mean, or doing something we never wanted to. But...no matter how many ups and downs we may go threw..no matter all the pain, all the hurt, know that I promise to always be there" Katsuki said as he placed something on the bed in the middle of you.
You gasped and looked back at him.
"I promise to cherish and care for you, no matter what. I promise..to devote my everything to you. And never hurt you like I did again. I promise..to be the best damn husband and father to them and you. My family is what matters most..not my hero work, not my reputation. But MY family."
He opened the small box.
"So..will you take my promise? And..become my beautiful wife?" he asked.
"By the power invested in me, by the city of Musutafu..it is my honor and privilege to announce you..as husband and wife" he said.
He looked up at the two of you, closing the small book he held.
"You may now..kiss the bride."
"I should be the one thanking you. You gave me the world. You..and them...Katsuro, Kazuki, Kosuki. You all mean absolutely everything to me."
"You gave me everything I could ever dream of. And more.."
Every moment in your life, leading you to where you are now.
You saw a dim light in a big area as you approached the end of the tunnel.
Come out and fight you bitch.
You walked into the room, letting go of Katsuki's hand.
You looked around, seeing nothing and no one.
A single throne-like chair lay in the middle, pushed to the very back.
You looked to the center of the room, a body hanging from the top, causing a foul odor.
"Who..is that Kage?" you asked, lighting a feather and putting it up to the body, pinching your nose as the stench grew stronger.
Suddenly, you heard a gate slam, and you looked behind you, candles being lit in an orderly order from above you.
"What the hell is going on?"
You heard whispers, before you looked back to the body.
A snip, and the body came crashing down, hitting the floor, and you heard the bones break.
You put the flame to the face, seeing a plague mask on the body.
You took in the clothing, the features.
A green coat, purple fuzz at the hood.
"No..." you breathed, before you walked back, tripping and falling on your behind.
You looked around, before you felt tears burn your eyes.
"Daddy...NO!" you screamed, shaking the caves walls.
"(Y/N), calm down" Katsuki said, before he was cut off and he disappeared into the shadows.
"Katsu? Katsu!" you stuttered, before standing and backing away.
"Come out and face me you coward!" you screamed, getting into your fighting stance.
"Your wish is my command" a voice said from behind you.
You jumped, jumping across from where you were.
The cave grew lighter, and you saw Kage smirking, holding Katsuki with a dagger to his throat, blood dripping down it as his hands, mouth, and legs were bound by shadows.
"Long time no see Misses Bakugo" she cackled.
"Let him go you bitch" you yelled.
"Hmmmm I don't think I will" she growled.
She lifted Katsuki, before throwing him across the room.
You eyed him, before turning your attention to Kage.
"I've waited...six years for this battle" she smiled, taking off her coat and dropping it.
You watched, before she disappeared again.
"Face me head on Kage! Don't be a pussy!"
You felt a boot come into contact with your back, pushing you away.
You jumped, before using your wings.
"Awww come on now, I thought you said head on? Now look who's being the pussy" Kage whined.
You sent your wings on fire, lighting up the entire cave.
"Bright" Kage hissed, covering her eyes.
You dove down straight to her, grabbing her head between your knees and flipping, throwing her with all your might into the hard ground.
She screamed out in pain, before you shot feathers over to Katsuki, freeing him of his shackles.
You landed, before grabbing the back of her throat and lifting her.
You squeezed the back of her throat.
"You dare.."
You threw her, hearing her crash into one of the walls.
You teleported next to her, pushing her further into the wall.
"Kill my husband!"
You grabbed her hair, pulling it and hearing her screams and seeing tears fall from her eyes.
You launched her up into the air, flying and kicking her around with talons like a hawks using Manifest.
You grabbed her, holding her by her throat.
She put her hands on your hand, trying to get you to let go.
"You hang my fathers dead body underneath the school I graduated from!"
You were going to throw her, before she threw her leg up, kicking the underside of your jaw.
You dropped her, before falling to the ground, holding your jaw as your vision went hazy.
"You....ruined...my life!"
You looked, before Katsuki grabbed your hand and helped you up.
"You took everything from me!" Kage yelled.
You panted, watching as she cried on the floor, grabbing the dirt.
"You took my lover from me! You took everything!"
You stared at her.
"Kai never loved you" you said, before you saw Katsuki shift beside you.
Katsuki walked away, leaving you alone for a minute.
He walked towards Kage, approaching her ever so slowly.
"We did not hurt you..we were trying to save you from a life under the soil.." he said, reaching a hand out to her as she stood up.
She backed away, a hand behind her.
"Katsuki.." you muttered.
You walked after him, slowly and unnoticable.
"You followed after Chisaki...blinded by your rage and hate for those who took him away.."
She backed herself into a wall.
Katsuki stopped.
"Look around you...do any of us look violent? Like we just want to kill everyday and ruin others happiness?" he asked.
Her eyes filled with fear, and she looked at you with tears.
"Let us...help you. We won't hurt you if you surrender and give up..let the light surround you" he said, reaching a shaky hand out to her.
"Turn yourself in...you're not beyond redemption.."
She shook her head, looking down.
"Heroes...all they do is smile and be happy...protecting others...but the one person I had I couldn't save him! I-" she cried.
"Damn you!"
Your eyes went wide as time suddenly slowed.
A glint from something in Kage's hand shone, and you lunged.
She lunged, a black dagger in her hand.
You lost control of your body, and you pushed Katsuki.
You took his spot, before putting a hand out, covering Kage's face with your hand.
You felt a sharp pain enter your chest.
You gasped, before you heard her cackle.
Her body turned to dust, and you stood there, not daring to move a single inch.
"(Y/N)!" you heard a muffled voice.
Your vision went blurry, and you felt yourself fall.
What....did she do to me?
Arms caught you, and you looked up.
"(Y/N)! Baby...honey bear...wh-what happened?!"
He looked down, seeing the dagger lodged into your chest.
You felt something change inside of you, and you felt...the urge to kill.
"K-Katsuki" you gurgled, black blood leaving your mouth.
"My love? What...?"
You took the dagger out of your chest, shakily staring at it as you held it.
Kill him....
Kill him....
You jumped out of his arms, dropping the dagger.
"What is wrong with you?!" he yelled, standing up.
"You...have to kill me" you breathed out, your voice becoming distorted.
"Wh-what?! N-no...I won't do that!" he shook his head.
You whined, grabbing your head as thoughts of killing took over.
"I...don't want to hurt you-"
Kill him...
"There's a monster in me!"
You gurgled, blood leaving your mouth again.
"I-...I can't! I l-love you too much!" he cried, tears falling from his eyes.
"P-please....I BEG OF YOU!" you yelled.
He crouched down, picking up the dagger, looking at it shining with your blood.
Your hand turned into a claw, and your veins began to turn black.
No control left in your body, you ran at him.
Katsuki...I- I loved you...with everything I was..
Tell...tell the kids I love them for me..
You felt the dagger pierce your skin once again as your claw made contact, leaving scratch marks on his chest.
You heard the fabric rip, and felt your heartbeat stop.
Katsuki now stood, in sorrow and pain as his lover's body fell lifelessly to the ground.
He watched her twitch, until she went still.
The room went heavy with the scent of blood.
Katsuki fell to his knees, tears continuously falling from his eyes.
I..killed..(Y/N)..my love...I-
He cradled his head, screaming as he eyed her dead body.
He screamed over and over, grabbing her and laying her in his lap.
"B-baby..come back to me...don't leave me.."
His hands caressed her cheek, before his hands went to the knife in her chest.
He yanked the dagger out, eyeing the black blood that stained it.
"They're in here! Don't worry Ground Zero, Overhaul! Help is here!"
His eyes went from the door to the dagger.
With no hesitation, his eyes moved up as he put the dagger to his throat.
Tears fell from his eyes.
Let me see her..
Let us be reunited...
16 Years Later~
Three men walk through the gates of the Zero Estates.
All tall, muscular men in their twenties.
Two of them had piercing red eyes, and the other had (E/C) eyes, all filled with tears.
They had spiky blond hair and (H/C) hair.
They crouched down at a grave in front of a grand pool.
They placed more flowers in front of it.
They sat, staring in silence as tears fell from their eyes.
"Happy anniversary, mom and dad."
Thank you so much everyone for reading. I really hope this book meant as much for you as it meant to me...
And with that...the No More series, comes to a close.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, and don't worry this is not the last you'll see from me.
This book was magical and so much fun...thank you for pushing me to continue.
Once again, thank you all so so so much for reading. I am so sad it's over...but thank you.
Signing off for now-

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