|45| Never Enough.

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"Y-you're leaving me?!" Katsuki whined as you slipped your headpiece on.
You were going to work...on his day off.
"I'm sorry...but I have to go to work, Katsu. I'd love to stay home and play with the triplets, but I can't. You'll do just fine!" you smiled weakly.
"B-but this i-is my first time on my own!"
You kissed his head, before cupping his cheek.
"I know....and I know you'll be just fine...I know you will. You've been a great dad so far...so consider this like a test!" you smiled.
"A-a te-test?!" he stuttered.
You sighed, and kissed his lips, before grabbing your phone and wallet.
You knew you should leave right away, or you'd only make him more nervous.
"I love you. Be safe alright?" you said, petting his hair.
"Call me if it's an emergency."
And with that, you left the house.
Bakugo's POV~
She left!
Uh...what do I do now?!
Feed the kids...right.
Uh- what do they want?!
Panic arose in me as I rushed up the stairs to the nursery.
"Dadda!" Kosuki clapped, giving a cute, toothless smile.
I felt my heart melt, and I relaxed.
This shouldn't be too hard...right?
"Katsuro...open!" I said in a somewhat, higher, toned voice.
"Mm mm!" he refused again, looking away.
Shit! What....what do I do?
He doesn't seem to want to eat...
"Ahhhhhh!" I tried again, opening my mouth as if to show him.
"Hmph!" he pouted.
"Katsuro...please" I growled, getting a bit frustrated.
He just looked at me.
Then turned away.
Don't get frustrated and scream...
I'm better than that...
Think Katsuki...think!
Uh...what would (Y/N) do?
None of that...I'm me...not (Y/N)..
But she's so much better at this than I am!
"You're a bad father! You don't know how to feed your own son?!" her voice said in my head.
She'd never say that...
Shaking my head, I looked back to Katsuro, and put a smile on my face.
Feeling a bit shy and embarrassed, I stuck my tongue out in a 'cute' manner, a blush on my cheeks.
I watched Katsuro smile and squeal, opening his mouth for a spoon of his cereal.
"There you go!" I smiled, giving him his food and letting him eat.
I did it!
"Bath timeeeee~" I hummed, getting Kosuki unclothed.
"Dadda!" he squealed.
"Hey there little prince" I smiled.
They're so precious..
I put him into the tub next to the others, and let them sit in there and play.
I kept an eye on them, watching as they played with the tub toys me and (Y/N) got for them.
"Duck!" Kazuki said, lifting a small rubber duck up at me.
I smiled.
"Bubblews!" Katsuro smiled, lifting up some bubbles from the water
"Bubblews!" the others smiled.
Don't cry....
Don't cry...
"Ah blehhhhhhhhh!" Kazuki smiled.
Too damn cuteeeeee!
"Alright...I need to get you all cleaned" I smiled, wiping my eyes.
I reached in, getting ready to wash them.
"Momma.." Kosuki pouted.
"Momma?" I asked.
"Want momma!" he yelled.
I looked down.
"I know...I do too...but she'll be home later."
My eyes watered.
They're really attached to her...
"I know...it's alright Kosuki. Dadda's here" I tried.
"Dadda.." he muttered, his little eyes watering.
He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hi there, little Koko~" I purred, reaching my hand as he reached one out to me.
He grabbed one of my fingers, and I smiled.
Your POV~
"So...another big scale villain?" you asked.
"From what we can see, yes. We have no info on their quirk or quirks, so that's why we aren't sending any heroes out after them. So you don't go in blind."
You nodded.
"Do we scout today then? See if we can get any info on them?" Mina asked.
"That's exactly what we do. You and Pinky can go to the south of the city, and Red Riot and I will head to the north."
You clapped your hands.
"Then let's not waste anymore time. Let's head out."
You and the teams broke apart, and you walked to your locker to get your gloves.
"You left Katsuki alone today? I could've sworn you were going to take the day off!" Mina laughed.
"It was his day off. And I want to see how it goes with him all by himself with the triplets."
"What about your babysitter?"
"I told her she can take the day off."
She gasped.
"Poor guy..he's probably so stressed.."
You looked blankly ahead.
"He'll be fine...he's been the wonderful father like he promised thus far."
Bakugo's POV~
"Damnit! Come back!" I yelled, chasing after Kazuki as he crawled away.
It was changing time...and...he was naked...
"Weeeeeeeeee!" he said, crawling away and giggling.
I crouched down and picked him up, putting him in my arms.
"No! Nonononononononononononononononono!" he pouted, his hands making their way to my bangs.
"No...don't you dare do it..." I muttered.
He whined, pulling at the spikes.
I walked a bit faster to the room, and changed him.
Let me get their bears...
"Give them th-the stuffies we made?" I asked.
"Yep! That's why we made them!" (Y/N) smiled.
She grabbed the three teddy bears we had made earlier this year.
She handed one to me, and I blushed.
She walked over to the triplets, their smiles making her smile.
"Hello my little princessssssss" she purred.
"Momma!!" they cheered.
I stepped next to her, and they all turned to me.
"Dadda!" Kazuki squealed.
I smiled.
She lifted the bear rup in front of Katsuro, and he reached out for it.
"It's a teddy bear! Can you say bear?" she squealed.
"Be-ary?" he tried.
"Beary!" Kosuki giggled when he was handed his.
I reached the one in my hands out of Kazuki, who immediately grabbed it from my hands.
"Dadda!" he smiled.
"You're welcome."
I smiled, before pulling (Y/N) closer.
"They love them.." I muttered.
"They do....I love you Katsu" she yawned.
My heart melted at her words.
"I love you too, my love."
Once they all had their bears, they had fallen asleep.
I sighed, before I saw Katsuro looking at me.
"Momma...." he muttered.
"I know..."
"I left you alone with them for one day, and you can't even care for your own children?!" (Y/N) screamed, angered.
"H-honey bear, b-but I-"
"You're a horrible father! Now I can't even trust you with them?!"
Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I clenched my fist.
"I-I'm sorry! I tried...but-"
"You're not the father you promised you'd be..."
"You're not the man I married!" she yelled, before taking off her wedding ring and throwing it, then running out the door.
All I could do was stand and reach my arm out.
Hurt, I fell to my knees and placed my hands in front of me.
My face went blank as more tears fell from my eyes.
"I...I can't live without you.."
I shot out up, sitting straight up as tears fell from my eyes.
I put a hand to my head, running it through my hair.
Just a dream...
I looked at the time,
I have to start dinner!
"How was everything? Did they behave?" (Y/N) asked from the other side of the phone.
"Pretty much so yeah! It wasn't too bad!"
"I'm glad! Well, I'll be home in say...half an hour?"
"Alright then. I love you, be safe."
"I love you too."
I sighed happily, before continuing dinner.
I looked over my shoulder to see Katsuro, throwing his food at his brother, who were also throwing food at each other.
"Katsuro! No! That's a big no-no!" I said calmly, walking over and taking their food from them.
"No!" Kosuki yelled, before kicking around and fidgeting in his high chair.
"Dadda!" Kazuki yelled, before he bursted into tears.
"Kazuki, don't cry-'
"NO!" Katsuro screamed.
He pulled at his hair, and I took his hands.
"Calm down Katsu-"
"Grrrrr! Damn!" he screamed.
"No cursing!"
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shinrai walk past us.
"Shinrai! Thank god you're here! Can you help-"
"Sorry sir! I'd love to help, but Miss Overhaul gave me orders to take the day off" she bowed, before walking off.
I looked back over, seeing chaos still unfolding.
What do I do now?
Damn you!
I'm...not the father I promised her I'd be...
I have no right to even call myself a father!
My eyes stung as tears threatened to fall.
I don't deserve to be here....
"Katsuro, Kazuki, Kosuki, please calm down!" I tried, walking over to them again.
My breaths became short as panic arose in me.
I'm no good...
I'm not good enough!
Your POV~
You put the keys into the keyhole, turning to unlock the doors.
You were so happy to finally be home.
But when you opened the door,
"No! No! Damn!" you heard your children screaming.
Katsuki was panicking as he tried his best to calm them, but he was losing himself.
You walked over.
"Momma!" Kosuki smiled.
You gasped as you saw the mess they had made.
Katsuki looked over at you, before you grabbed your children and took them upstairs.
"Aimi, please go clean up the mess downstairs. Shinrai, if you could, please clean these three up and put them to bed. They've misbehaved for far too long."
"Right away ma'am" Shinrai bowed, before taking the triplets and leaving.
Aimi bowed, then made her way downstairs.
You sighed, before putting a hand to your temples.
What a mess...but I know he was trying...
"Aimi, send Katsuki up here as well."
"Yes ma'am."
You leaned on the door in silence, crossing your arms over your chest.
Katsuki sat on the bed, eyes red and puffy.
You weren't angry with him, nope.
You were upset at your children, but proud of your husband.
"I'm sorry" he muttered.
"For?" you asked.
He looked down, and you watched as he began to shake.
"I'm...not the father I promised you I'd be....I promised so much...AND I CAN'T EVEN LIVE UP TO IT!"
A tear fell from his eyes.
"I thought I could be the father...the one I never had but as soon as you're gone, I can't hold my own! I can't even take care of my own children!"
He shouted, looking up at you as he did.
You walked over to him, before sitting down on your knees, and taking his hands.
"You are the father you promised me. You're more than that...I don't blame you for what happened tonight, or anything. They're at the rebellious stage...and I don't blame you for not knowing what to do. The panic rises and takes over...don't worry about it."
He looked up at you, and another tear fell.
"I can't help but feel...I didn't do my job as a father..." he cried.
You put a hand to his cheek and wiped his tears away.
"It was my fault to not help you...I should've done better.." you sighed.
"But you're more than a good father...you're the best...and I know how hard it is to be the only person here to care for three little monsters...."
You looked at him and smiled slightly.
"You're the best I could ever ask for...so don't let those insecurities take over...I know very well what it feels like to feel like you're not enough. But please...let me take those thoughts away..." you whispered, before laying a kiss on his lips.
He let out a shaky and stuttery breath, before he melted into your embrace.
"You...are everything and more for me."
You ran a hand through his hair, and he slid off the bed, putting his face in your chest as comfort.
"I promise, I will help you become the father that YOU want to be."
He looked up.
"I won't let you doubt yourself...the most perfect man I've met and seen...if there's something you need, or are insecure about, let me help you like you help me."
A tear fell from your eyes and you sniffled.
"It pains me to see you this way...I love you too much to lose you" you cried.
You kissed him again, shaky.
"Nothing is too much to ask for.." you mumbled.
"And you'll always be perfect in my eyes..."
He looked at you, a small smile playing on his lips.
"C-can I get cuddled?" he asked shyly, a blush beginning to play on his cheeks.
"Of course" you smiled, kissing his forehead, and then standing up.
You quickly showered and changed, before you got ready for bed.
You got into the bed, and so did Katsuki.
He snuggled up to you, facing you, and putting his head in your chest.
"I love you...and I always will.."
He sniffled.
He just wrapped his arms tighter around you.
You smiled, before running your hand in his head, which you knew he loved when he needed comfort.
No words needing to be spoken, you comforted one another with your actions.
"I love you too...honey bear."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now