|7| Peaches and Cream

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You smiled as you walked into the small apartments first floor, a week later.
"Hello! Welcome to the Hitachi Luxury Apartments! How may I help you today?" The receptionist said as you walked in the building.
"I'm here for an apartment!" You smiled.
"Great! Let's get you checked in!" She said as she typed on her computer.
"Any form of payment?"
You dug out a debit card and handed it to the woman.
She swiped it, and the money was accepted.
Bakugo's POV~
I was pacing back and forth in the train, when I felt my phone vibrate.
"Purchase complete!"
My nose scrunched up in confusion.
"Uh..Kiri did you buy something with my card?" I asked as I kept an eye on my phone.
"Huh? No..why?" He asked, tilting his head.
Confused, I tapped on the notification and read more of what it said.
"Purchase complete! $76 at Hitachi Luxury Apartments!"
An apartment?
I looked at the notification one last time, before gasping and grabbing Kirishima.
"Kiri!" I yelled, before putting my phone screen right in front of him.
"You've found (Y/N)?!" He yelled as we walked to the room where everyone else was sitting.
I slammed the door open, and everyone turned to stare at me.
"I've found her."
Everyone stood up from their chairs.
"Where is she?"
"How are you so sure?"
"We've been on a train for three hours, how'd you find her!?"
"I got a notification earlier about a purchase in Hitachi City, which is at the end of Japan. A purchase of an apartment. The only other person that has my card is-"
"(Y/N)!" Ashido finished.
"Exactly. So she's in the city, and I don't think she's leaving" I smiled.
"A month and two weeks. Six weeks total, we've been searching for (Y/N)..looking threw four cities. Today, we've found her, and we will save her!" I said.
"You've done it Bakugo!" Ashido said as she joined me and Kiri in the restroom to change.
Of course she was only grabbing her suitcase to change. Her boyfriend was in there sure, but I didn't need to see one of my best friends naked. I only need to see my loves beautiful naked body.
"I know..I finally get to see her again..after six weeks of searching..I just hope..that nothing is wrong with her" I said as I slipped my tank top on.
"Nothing is gonna happen to her" Kirishima said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded, before putting my mask on and grabbing my gloves.
"What are we doing here? Just searching the streets?" Kirishima asked.
"Finding her, and alerting me. Don't act suspicious or she'll hide. If she's in danger, save her or I'll kill your ass" I said.
"Zero" I heard someone call as I walked out of the restroom.
I saw Aizawa leaning on a door down the hall.
"Hmm?" I asked as I walked towards him.
"Thank you. You've found her. My baby girl is still alive.." He said.
"I know. Thank the heavens she's alive..I'm so glad..that the villains didn't hurt her.." I said, crossing my arms.
"..me too" he blankly answered.
"I get to hold my love one last time..I don't have to say goodbye..I wish I never did."
"Bakugo.." Aizawa said.
I looked at him, and he looked like he wanted to say something.
"When this is all over..I hope I'll still be able to call you my son one day" he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"What makes you say-" I asked, before he left.
Your POV~
After showering, and throwing up multiple times, you grabbed your phone and wallet, and left the room.
Shopping! Let's get some dresses while we're here. I'm here for the rest of my life so may as well get things I need.
You walked down to the nearest shop and went in.
You grabbed a few extra pairs of leggings and shirts.
You walked toward the dress section and browsed what they had.
You grabbed a dress, it was light purple, and had a floral design on it. It was a high-low. High in the front, and low in the back.
That's adorable...
You took it off the hanger and put it in your arms.
You browsed threw the rest of them, only grabbing two that you really liked and you walked towards the register.
After purchasing them with cash, you made your way to the apartment and changed into one of the dresses.
You looked in the mirror, and noticed your lower stomach was very bloated.
You moves your hands to your hips and stared, until your phone was ringing.
Bzzzzt* Bzzzzt*
"Hello Ms. (Y/N)! It's Dr. Akito!"
"Oh hi! How was your vacation?"
"Great! Relaxing like I needed. Anyways, how about you? I hear you're pregnant again!"
"What's wrong? You didn't lose it did you!?"
"No no! I still have the baby. I do need a checkup though."
"What are your symptoms?"
"Terrible terrible TERRIBLE nausea and cravings. Breasts hurt, and I'm super bloated."
"I see..different from the rest of your pregnancies?"
"Hmm..well I'm on my way to Hitachi City if you wanna meet me there with Bakugo."
"I'm already here..and he's not here right now.."
"Awe..that's no fun. Well, you can come by later this afternoon. How far along are you?"
"Six weeks."
"Well, come by the hospital later on love, and we'll get you checked out. Make sure to take vitamins, eat healthy. No fish, cheese, undercooked eggs. Eat foods with folic acid, iron, and iodine."
"I will. I have been."
"That's good! I'm so happy for you! You've finally gotten a baby!"
"I know! My little miracle..."
"Awe that's so precious!!!!!!"
"Well, I'll see you later honey, be careful!"
"I will, thanks Dr. Akito!"
"Anytime! Buh bye!"
You smiled and finished your makeup, before grabbing your stuff and going back out to walk around for a bit and grab some lunch.
You walked down the street to a small café.
You ordered a salad, no cheese, and a water.
Walking outside to eat, you sat at a table and began to eat.
Mmm! This dressing is yummy!
You ate as you checked the news on your phone.
Nothing new..
You put a hand on your rumbling tummy.
You put another forkful of salad in your mouth, when you smelt ham.
Mmmmmmmmmmm...smells like..sweet..and salty ham..
You shook your head.
Nonono! No giving into these senses!
You put more salad in your mouth and chewed.
After your lunch, you walked around a small area of the main city, a beautiful water fountain in the middle, shining with the water.
You went over to it, and grabbed a penny.
I wish...for my baby..our baby..to meet you again, you wished, closing your eyes and tossing the penny into the water.
"Make a wish baby!" Katsuki said as he held a penny out to you.
You smiled and took the penny, closing your eyes as you made a wish.
After you opened them, you gently tossed the penny, making it leave little ripples in the water.
"What did you wish for my love?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"This..just..us three.." You said, leaning into his chest behind you and closing your eyes.
You stare in disbelief at the toilet as you turned to flush it, seeing blood cloud up the water.
"Babe?" Someone said from behind you.
You didn't turn around, and instead just broke out into tears, covering up your face with your hands.
"What's wrong!?" Katsuki yelled as he ran into the room and covered you in his arms, his head turning to the toilet and his eyes going wide.
"I-I'm so sorry!" You screamed, and he wrapped you tighter in his embrace.
"Oh (Y/N)..my love.." He said, his voice cracking slightly.
You threw your arms around him and sobbed into his chest.
"I..I'm so sorry...so sorry..I've f-failed you both.." You whispered in between sobs.
"It's okay..you're okay..it'll be okay..I love you..nothing is gonna change that.." He said, running his hands up and down your back.
"B-but..I lost..our..child.." You sobbed.
"Shh shh shh..it's okay.." He whispered, putting a finger under your chin and lifting it up so you could look him in the eyes.
"We can try again..I'll love you forever..no matter what happens..I'll always love the beautiful person I'm engaged to..always."
You sighed as you snapped yourself back into reality.
You walked away from the fountain, and began to walk back to your apartment.
As you walked to the apartment, you saw a bunch of people gathered around, dressed in what looked like hero costumes.
You panicked slightly, but continued to walk towards the building.
"Red Riot! We need to you over in the main city!" A familiar voice called out.
You looked up from the ground and saw Mina in her hero costume yelling at Eijiro.
The entire group was there, all of Class 1-A.
You made your way to the doors without being spotted, but that's when,
As you reached for the handle, you let out a breath.
You slowly turned your head and saw Katsuki in the corner of your eye.
"M-my..love" he stuttered.
Your hand fell, and you turned all the way around.
"I've missed you."
Without controlling yourself, you ran towards him and jumped into his arms, which he safely caught you in.
"I'm so..so so happy you're safe..I thought..something would've happened to you" he said as his voice cracked and warm tears stung at his eyes.
"No..I'm s-safe..and..in your arms!" You said as you hugged him tighter.
Other heroes left, leaving you two alone.
Tears of joy fell from Katsuki's red eyes, while tears of fear fell from yours.
Why did I run to him!? I can't..I've done too much already!
"The villains didn't hurt you did they? They didn't touch you right? I'll kill them!" Katsuki asked as he let you go and looked into your eyes.
"I need to tell you something.." You said.
He put a finger under your chin and looked you in your eyes, nodding slightly.
"..there was never a villain.."
"What?" He said, his expression changing slightly.
You opened your mouth, then closed it, before taking a deep breath.
Tell him..
"It was me."
He let go of you, a light push away from you.
He took a minute and looked away from you.
Bakugo's POV~
Did I hear correctly? S-she..just said it was her? She's the one that stabbed me? I felt anger boiling up inside of me. She risked my life..for what? She nearly killed me..and ran away. For SIX WEEKS. She couldn't even face what she had done.
"I'm..I'm sorry.." She stuttered as she stepped back slightly.
My hands crunched up into fists, tight fists.
"Why are you sorry? If you were sorry, then you'd never had done it. Why (Y/N)?"
Your POV~
You stood staring at him as his eyes glared dagger at you. You've never seen him like this.
"Why'd you do it!?" He yelled, stomping in front of him, making you yelp.
"Answer me damn you!"
You looked away, tears falling down your cheeks.
"WHY!?" He screamed, stomping up to you and pushing your shoulders at and angle, making you turn around and fall.
You caught yourself, your hands getting scraped, you landed.
You screamed and gasped.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH, ANSWER ME!" He screamed, stomping over you.
You put a hand to your stomach and your eyes widened.
"I need to go to the hospital" you said.
"Huh?!" He scoffed.
"And why's that? You're running away you coward!"
Having enough with his nonsense, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer.
"I need to go to the hospital..NOW KATSUKI!"

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