|40| "Flaming hot Kisses"

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TW: master? themes. Mistress mentioned
"You're seriously doing this right now?" Katsuki said, crossing his arms as he leaned on the door frame, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Yes! I'mnotleaving!" you pouted, holding onto the triplets for dear life.
"We have to go to work honey. I know, I don't wanna leave them either" he chuckled.
Your eyes stung, before you put them down onto their dockatots, giving them each a kiss.
"I don't want to leave themmmmm I haven't left them in months!"
Katsuki chuckled, walking over to wrap his arms around you.
"They'll be fine, they're in good hands. We'll be home before you know it I promise" he muttered, kissing your cheek as a tear fell.
"B-but..those are my babies-"
"They'll be home and safe I promise. They're our kids, so I know the pain."
"Your children will be in good hands Misses and Mister Bakugo" someone said from behind you.
You both looked, seeing Shinrai standing with a smile.
"Thank you Shinrai."
She walked into the room, and you and Katsuki walked out of the room.
Kazuki and Kosuki began to fuss, their cries filling the room.
"Awww my babies..." you cried, putting your hands to your mouth as you cried.
Katsuki grabbed your hips, pulling you out of the room.
"I'm sorry love, but we have to go."
"I promise, they'll be just fine!" Shinrai said.
"Take me home" you pouted.
You pouted, sitting in the passenger seat of Katsuki's truck, on your way to the agency to report for work.
"We HAVE to go back to work love."
"I don't wanna. I'll retire if I have to" you crossed your arms.
"Retire at age twenty four? What was the point of becoming a hero just to retire so early?"
"Well...I don't want to leave my babies.." you pouted.
He took your hand, and squeezed it, turning to park in his reserved parking lot.
"I don't either....but as their parents, it's our job to provide for them."
He parked the truck, unbuckling his seatbelt.
"Let's go."
Sighing, you took your seatbelt off and opened the door.
"Fineeeeee" you complained, following after him and getting off the truck.
"I'll make it up to you when we get inside~" Katsuki teased, taking your hand and leaning down to kiss your ear.
You shivered as his hot breath hit your ear, sending slight shivers down your back.
You opened the doors, greeted by smiling faces and greetings.
"Welcome back Miss Overhaul!" a secretary welcomed with a smile.
"Thank you."
You walked to the elevator with Katsuki, hitting the button to go up to your office.
I miss my babies..
You sniffled, before the elevator dinged.
You began to walk in, before Katsuki lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" you stuttered, a blush growing on your cheeks as he walked into the elevator with you in his arms.
"I said I'd make it up to you when we got inside...we are inside.." he whispered.
"B-but we aren't in our office!"
"I didn't mean our office silly~"
The doors closed, and Katsuki immediately pushed his lips onto yours, crashing into yours.
You let out a yelp, before he growled, deepening the kiss.
"Is this...legal?" you huffed out, before trailing your fingers up and tangling into his spiky blond hair.
"Hell ya."
You both stumbled out of the elevator, lips still locked as he opened the doors, pulling the covers down and walking over to your desk.
He put you down on the desk, before pulling away and looking into your eyes as they opened.
You opened your eyes, seeing a glint coming from the saliva that connected the two of you.
"What..can I do to please you, Mistress?" Katsuki smirked, panting as he struggled to catch his breath.
"Be my loyal husband.." you whispered, before pushing him down with your legs on either side of his head.
"And serve."
"Overhaul! Ground Zero! Can you both come down stairs? We have an emergency."
Pants escaped both of you as you came down from your high, smiling and sweaty.
"Let's go."
You stood up on your shaky legs, before going to your lockers to grab your hero costumes and change for duty.
You put your costume on, attaching your belt and headpiece.
"Here" you said.
Katsuki looked over his shoulder, catching whatever it was you handed him.
"It's an earpiece, we'll be the only one's on duty today."
He nodded, before attaching it to his ear and buckling his belt.
You looked in the mirror, before exiting the room and going to the elevator.
You pushed the button as Katsuki walked in.
You scooted away from him, before he chuckled.
"Why you doing that, hotshot?" he asked.
"Because. You got frisky last time."
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it" he joked.
"What's the problem?" you asked, walking into the room as others gathered around the table.
"A nomu has been spotted in the central city."
You nodded.
"Anything else?" Katsuki asked.
"A child is in its arms. We have to get them back as soon as possible."
You gulped.
We allowed it to be able to take a child?
I allowed it to take a child...
"We'll get them back. No matter what!"
"I'll send updates when there is something happening, please be careful you two."
You nodded, before you ran out of the doors and outside.
"You sure we can leave it up to those two? She did just return from almost two years off."
"Of course. She's Overhaul after all."
Wiping blood off of your cheek, you growled.
"Any more heroes?!" the Nomu yelled.
It had just swiped its claw at you, slicing your cheek open slightly.
"Shut up!" Katsuki yelled from next to you.
We have to get the kid away from it...or we'll be putting someone else in risk..
"You sure you're in the right place High End? Because you're not the strongest villain I've ever fought" you smirked.
"What are you doing (Y/N)?!" Katsuki yelled as he heard the Nomu growl.
"You'll die!"
The Nomu charged after you, and you stayed still.
"Freeze!" you yelled right before it touched you.
Time stopped, and everything around you froze in time.
You quickly tapped on Katsuki, before running to the Nomu.
You pried the child from its arms, taking her to the sidewalk where bystanders watched.
Katsuki nodded, before you unfroze time, letting everything go into play.
The Nomu missed the strike, and you went into the air, using your wings to go higher.
"Blue Phoenix Ice Whip!" you yelled.
Your wings turned to ice, and you flapped them, a whip of ice being made as you did so.
High End grabbed them both, before pulling them to himself.
You struggled to pull them back, before you got face to face with Nomu.
He threw you over his head, landing you into a building.
You growled in pain as you slid down, glass piercing into your skin.
This reminds me of my fight against All Might..
You got up, before your legs ached in pain.
"I won't let you, stop me!"
You ran back into the battle as Katsuki set off a huge explosion.
You jumped onto his shoulders, angling your hands as Mina taught you once.
You used your hands like a nozzle to shoot ice and fire both at once as Katsuki stood still.
High End wouldn't give up, leading you to get frustrated at him.
You stood across from him as he called you weak.
"I am...NOT weak!" you yelled, running towards him with your hand behind you, ready to use any quirks it took to kill him.
"You fool" he muttered.
You and Katsuki took off, and linked hands.
You used a small explosion to get yourself into the air, and Katsuki did the same.
You both fueled into the air, smoke and small fires surrounding you as you began to spin.
"GZO Fire Wheel!" you and Katsuki yelled, before he threw you towards High End.
As you got closer, you reached a hand out to him, but he dodged.
You grabbed daggers from your belt, before throwing them at him.
He caught each of them, and you kept your composure.
"You let yourself get too cocky!" you yelled, before hearing five beeps.
The Nomu looked down at the daggers, before throwing one away and taking the blast from the rest.
He now stood frozen, the ice from the dagger too cold for him to move or defrost.
You looked to the left, where High End threw the other dagger.
It was going towards Katsuki, who had his back to the fight.
You quickly ran to him, grabbing the dagger as it hit your hand.
You grabbed the side of it with two fingers, and Katsuki looked over at you.
You smirked twirling the dagger in your fingers.
"Thanks hotshot."
You kissed his cheek, before falling to the ground when you took a step.
"You alright?!" he yelled, crouching down to look at you.
"Uh..I think my legs gave out" you giggled.
"Well we did do all...that earlier, so.."
"Not just that, but the fact I was thrown into a building, and got glass in them."
Katsuki blushed, looking away.
"I-I'll help you get the pieces out.."
"Good. Because the last time this happened you just watched."
"Overhaul! Did you finish off High End?"
You sighed, tapping your ear piece.
"Yes. Why?"
"There's another Nomu spotting, around ten miles north from where you are now. Please head there next."
"Work never ends does it?"
"Honey bear. Honey bear?" Katsuki asked as he pulled into the driveway of your house.
It was eleven, near midnight when you both had gotten home, and you had fallen asleep mid drive.
"Wake up honey bear~" he whispered, kissing your lips.
You kissed back as you woke up from your after work nap.
"Sleepy beauty~ let's get you upstairs cleaned up so you can sleep."
You nodded sleepily, before unbuckling and opening the door.
Katsuki rushed over to get to your side of the truck, and took you into his arms bridal style.
"Huh?~" you slurred as your eyes closed again.
"I got you."
He closed the doors and locked the car, before knocking on the door to go inside.
"Welcome to the Zero Estates. Master Katsuki! You are home. And Master (Y/N)! My! Is she alright?" Aimi asked as she answered the door.
"She's fine. Exhausted from work, but nothing she can't handle."
She nodded.
"Would you like me to run her a bath?"
He nodded.
"Right away."
She let the two of you inside, and went upstairs.
"Momma and dadda are home~" Katsuki purred as he saw the triplets playing with Shinrai.
"Welcome home!" she greeted.
"Ahhhhhh!" Kosuki squealed as he saw you.
You smiled sleepily, before extending your arms.
"I want to sing and put my babies to sleep before I go to sleep" you demanded.
"Heh, sure."
Katsuki let you out of his arms, before you walked over and grabbed all three of them.
"Hello my loves~" you said, mother mode switching back on as you held them.
They all looked up at you, and Katsuki put a hand on your shoulder.
"Thank you Shinrai, you are free to go back to your quarters along with maids."
She bowed, before taking her leave.
The maids followed, and soon it was just you five in the house.
You and Katsuki walked up the stairs, holding onto your sons as they began to fall asleep.
"Twinkle twinkle little star..." you started, before placing them into their cribs.
You finished singing the old nursery song, before yawning and closing your eyes slightly.
Arms picked you up as you dozed off.
"Let's just get you cleaned and you can sleep," Katsuki said, before going to your bedroom to bathe.
He took off both of your clothes, and helped you wash in the bath.
You lay your head on his bare chest as you sat between his legs.
Your eyes grew heavy, and you were falling asleep.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you as he felt you relax more.
Slowly, he began to massage your hips and shoulders, only making you more sleepy.
"Good night (Y/N)...I love you."
"I love...you too."

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