|9| Screwed Up

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About a week after being home and welcomed by your closest friends, you sat in the living room, holding a picture.
You wiped your puffy eye as a tear fell and sniffled.
"You alright (Y/N)?" Momo asked as she walked into the room.
"Y-yeah.." You lied, putting the picture down.
She walked over to where you were and put a hand on your back.
"You really miss him don't you?" She said.
You looked up at her.
"I..just want everything to be okay."
She looked at you.
"Everything will be. Soon, really soon" she said.
"I sure hope so.."
"CONGRATS ON BEING SEVEN WEEKS (Y/N)!" Mina cheered as she walked into the room with her arms up in excitement.
"Thanks Mina" you said.
"No more pouty face! Today is all about you!" She said, booping your nose, making you lightly blush.
"What do you mean?"
"We are shopping for you and the little babies! That way the big dumby back at your estate doesn't have to do it! Well, this'll be mostly for you!" She said with a huge smile on her face.
"So eat some breakfast! We have yogurt in the fridge! Get your butt showered and changed and let's go!"
Bakugo's POV~
As my eyes opened, I felt a strong pain hit my head.
Damn it..feels like I have a damn hangover..but I didn't drink.
I sat up and ran a hand over my face and into my hair.
This is what I get for crying so much.
I got up and stretched before I walked to the restroom to grab clothes and change.
"Morning Bakugo!" Kirishima said as I walked into the kitchen, putting my shirt over my head.
"Mm" I hummed.
I felt everyone staring at me.
"What are you dumbasses doing?"
"We've decided...that today, we are gonna talk to you about the task you have. (Y/N) will be home tonight, and we will be leaving. So it's up to you to make it up to her" Kaminari said.
"What!?" I said.
"You heard him. We will help you out but the rest is on you" Kirishima said.
I gulped.
Your POV~
"Where are we going first?" You asked Mina as the six of you girls walked down the streets.
"Only the best clothing shop! We've got to find some clothes and pajamas for the mother to be!" Mina said.
You looked down and smiled, putting a hand on your bloated but small stomach.
Mother to be..
I never thought I'd hear those words..
"Go inside (Y/N)!" Mina said.
You browsed threw some button up pajamas and grabbed a few that you liked.
You walked over to the T-shirts and looked threw those.
You put one close to you and decided to get it.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" You heard someone yell.
You laughed and looked at the woman that was running towards you.
"Look what Yamomo found!" Mina said, holding three small onezies in front of her.
You looked at them and saw that they were a teal blue, with orange parts at the end of the sleeves and legs.
They even had a small explosion on them.
Your heart melted.
"Ohmygoodness! They're so cute and tiny!" You squealed with a huge smile on your face.
"Gender neutral as well!" Mina added.
You nodded, before grabbing them and hugging them to your chest.
"I haven't seen you this happy in a while. I'm glad you're having fun" she said.
"Thanks Mina."
"Anytime bestie!"
Bakugo's POV~
I carried the last box into the house and placed it on the wood flooring.
"What's all this?" Kirishima asked.
I smirked as I dusted off my hands.
"It's been a week since I've talked to Chisaki-"
"(Y/N). Just because you don't talk to her at the moment, doesn't mean you can't call her by her name" Denki said.
"(Y/N) then. I've been thinking. I was a huge huge huge fucker for saying what I did. I realized that..I didn't seem happy at all when we went to the hospital. I didn't seem too happy about...her being pregnant. With triplets none the less. So..I've decided that one of the things I'll do to make it up to the woman I love most, is building her a nursery" I said, putting a hand on my hip.
Everyone just stared at me.
Kirishima began to clap, and the others followed.
I felt my face heat up slightly.
"T-the hell you clapping for?!"
"That's so manly of you!" Kirishima said with a tear in his eye.
I shook my head and chuckled.
"Let's get these boxes open then and start."
"DIEE!" I screamed as I tried to open a box, but the tape wouldn't peel.
"What are you screaming about?" Sero asked as he crouched down next to me.
"This damn tape won't peel!" I yelled.
He put his elbow to it and cut a slit in the middle.
"There. Now don't blow up anything!" He laughed, standing up and walking away.
I felt my face heat up again.
That..was embarrassing.
I've never really had to do anything like this..everything was bought built..or me and (Y/N) would build it together.
"Baby, you do it like this" (Y/N) said as she read me the instructions.
I listened as her voice hit my ears.
"Got it!" I cheered.
She walked over to where I was and kissed my cheek.
"It looks beautiful" she said.
I smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist.
"You did it!" She cheered with a blush on her cheeks.
I took her hand.
"We did this, together" I said, turning my head and placing my forehead on hers.
I sighed, and began to work on what I needed too.
Your POV~
You and the girls sat down at a small café table with some soba and ramen. Mina and Momo had left elsewhere real fast.
"So (Y/N), how do you feel being pregnant after all these years?" Kyoka asked, taking a sip of her drink.
"It feels..so surreal. The times me and Katsuki tried and failed, and now when I do something so stupid, I get pregnant, and stay pregnant.." You said.
"Not only with one child, but three. It's almost like you're getting three of the six you lost back. Ribbit" Tsuyu said.
You smiled.
"That's a very special way to put it Tsu!"  You said.
She smiled.
Suddenly, a brightly colored bag was put in front of your face.
You shook your head and grabbed it, seeing that it was cotton candy.
"We left to a candy shop to get some! So here!" Momo smiled.
You licked your lips and opened the bag, ripping a chunk of the cotton candy and put it in your mouth, tasting it as it dissolved.
"Mmmmmmmmmm!" You groaned.
Cotton candyyyyy!
After a very long day of shopping and eating junk food, you travel in Mina's car, back to your estate.
"You'll be fine. Just..sit down and talk about the situation. You'll both go back to normal in time. You love him. You know it too" Mina said as she grabbed your hand.
You looked down.
"I'm just so scared of him..not accepting me after what I did" you sighed.
"He loves you. More than anything in this whole world. He'd never lose that love you've had for years" she added.
You nodded, before calming yourself down and letting your eyes stop watering.
Can I mend what's broken?
Bakugo's POV~
I closed the door as I walked into the house, putting my keys on the table and placing a box on the table.
It was a small small box, that held..
Knock* Knock* Knock*
I gasped as I turned to look at the door.
(Y/N) is home..
I gulp and go to unlock it and open the door.
"Take care of her please. She's already been upset since we got in the car" Mina whispered as (Y/N) walked inside.
I nodded.
"And apologize! She's a wreck!"
I closed the door and walked behind (Y/N).
She turned around to look at me, a blank expression.
Your POV~
Just..talk now! Say something now! Now now now!
You turned back around and walked towards the masters bedroom.
After a very very awkward dinner and showers, you lay in the big bed at the very edge, while Katsuki laid on the other side.
Come on..say something!, they both thought.

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