|32| "Katsuro, Kazuki, Kosuki"

358 16 7

TW: Breastfeeding
"Morning mama bear~" Mitsuki whispered as your eyes fluttered open the next day.
"Mm..what time is it?" you slurred.
"Five. You can go back to sleep honey" she said.
You shook your head and sat up, now pretty much awake.
"No...I'm up normally at this time for work and-"
"You haven't worked in seven months hun, you had a long day yesterday, you can sleep."
"I'm up like this everyday..we start our mornings early in our household."
You looked around the room, before holding your arms out.
"Give me my babies" you said.
Before Mitsuki walked over to get one, you heard a soft snore.
You looked to the corner of the room and saw Katsuki in the bed provided for him with one of your sons laying on his chest in his arms safely.
Look at them...I can't interrupt that..
"You know what Mitsuki, I'll wait for him to wake up so they don't cry and wake him up.." you whispered.
She nodded.
"They fell asleep with each other..Katsuki was so happy last night...praising you...just full of love and utter care for you."
Your heart warmed and your cheeks heated up slightly.
"I'm sure he is so happy to finally have them here.."
You laid back down, trying to close your eyes, before you grabbed your phone and took a quick picture of them together.
You couldn't tell who was in his arms without seeing the baby's eyes.
I love them...
"Welcome to motherhood (Y/N)."
You looked over at Mitsuki who was looking at you lovingly.
"You'll be the best mother in the world I'm sure of it. I apologize if Katsuki isn't the best parent...he didn't have the best childhood we could've provided to him..I'm honestly surprised he wanted his own family.." she said.
"Don't apologize Mits. He's the best man I've ever met in my entire life. His heart is full of love and pure happiness...he will be without a doubt, the best father I could ever ask for. Although he has to go back to work soon, I'm sure he will do everything in his power to do what he can. I only want to give him the best life anyone could ask for. Thank you for raising him the way you did...I love him for who he is, not who he could've been. I can't wait to raise and care for our sons with him. You have nothing to apologize for" you told her.
"You're so sweet.." she said.
You smiled.
The soft snores you heard earlier had stopped, and you looked over to see Katsuki staring at you, his red eyes piercing through the dark room.
"Morning sleepy head" you teased.
"Morning~" he yawned.
You smiled as you watched your sleepy husband look down into his arms, seeing your sleeping son still sound asleep.
"What time did I fall asleep ma?" he asked.
"Around eight."
He nodded, before Mitsuki went to turn the light on.
Knock* Knock*
"You awake?" a voice sounded on the other side of the door.
"Yes you can come in" you said.
Akito opened the door slowly, being sure to not wake up the three sleeping cuties.
"I'm just gonna check on (Y/N) real quick, and I'll get out of your hair" she said, walking over to you.
"How are you feeling?" she asked as she made her way to you.
"Fine, my breasts hurt a little. They're very tender and engorged" you admitted.
She nodded.
"As expected. You should be able to produce milk now."
"B-but isn't it two to three days to be able to do that?!" you asked.
"For normal humans, yes. But because of your DNA, and quirks, and that drug that was injected into you when you were younger, it may have sped up the process. Plus you have triplets. I'm not surprised."
You looked down, before puffing your cheeks out in a pout.
"Don't worry, I'll walk you through the basics. If everything goes fine, it shouldn't hurt, and they should latch on real easy. But we'll see what happens" Akito laughed.
"Everything for you seems fine, so we can wake up your sons and feed."
You nodded, before getting yourself sat up and ready as Akito told you.
"You can feed two at once, or one at a time. Then of course burping and all that fun stuff."
You thought.
"Hmm...I'll do one first and I'll go from there" you said.
Akito nodded, before walking over and grabbing a baby from his bed.
She grabbed Kosuki, the baby with your hair color and Katsuki's eyes, and brought him over to you.
She handed him to you, and you held him in your arms.
"First, we need to wake him up. You can do this by running your pinky finger down from his forehead, to the tip of his nose until he wakes up. It's not a startling wake up so he shouldn't cry" Akito told you.
You nodded, before you did as she said, putting your pinky finger very slightly on Kosuki's forehead, and trailing down to his nose.
Your smile grew as you watched your sleeping sons eyes open slowly.
"Good morning baby.." you whispered.
You kissed the top of his head almost instinctively.
Akito walked you through the basics, helping you learn to breastfeed your child.
You did as she said and guided, until Kosuki latched onto your breast, slightly sucking on your nipple.
"There you go! That's it hun!" Akito said as your son began to suck a bit more.
You smiled as you held onto him carefully, his red eyes looking up at you as he drank.
"Hungry aren't you?" you giggled.
Katsuki walked over to your side, smiling softly as he watched your baby boy.
"What you eat in a day can affect your milk (Y/N). If you drink coffee, the baby will get the caffeine too. There are some things to look out for so be sure to watch your diet. I'll get out of your hair now, if you need me, call me please" Akito said, before walking to the door and closing it behind her, leaving the room to the six of you.
You smiled down at your son, before pulling your blanket up slightly to cover a bit.
"He's so cute.." Katsuki mumbled to you.
You looked over at him.
"He looks just like you."
"That's why he's cute," he snickered.
You scoffed, before giggling slightly.
Katsuki's eyes never left your chest, and you blushed.
"Stop staring" you pouted.
"Why? You look beautiful~ so motherly" he teased.
He chuckled, before leaning down and kissing your cheek.
"You're the best woman in the world, you know that? No one could ever mean what you mean to me..you're the only one I need..the only one I want. I wouldn't look at anyone the way I do you...they're just extras. You're my one and only honey bear."
Your heart panged with love for Katsuki as he said those words.
"You gave me three little boys...a family of five...'"
"YOU gave me that Katsu...you gave me everything I could ever want in this life...I've never been more happy" you said.
He leaned down and kissed your lips, before you pulled away to help Kosuki.
You helped him away from your breast, and put him onto your shoulder, which had a towel over it and ready.
You patted his back gently.
"I thought it would've been too early for them to come out..it's only been seven months."
"Akito knew it was time, it would've been risky to keep them in still for any longer. She did it so you all were safe. And to our surprise, they seem to be the proper weight and size for being premature" Mitsuki said.
"How much did each one weigh anyways?" you asked.
"Kosuki was four pounds, four ounces. Katsuro was four pounds, seven ounces, and Kazuki was five pounds exactly."'
You smiled.
"So light...but I mean that's how it'll be since there were three of them in there...plus they were born really early" you sighed.
"Eh. Katsuki was nine pounds, eleven ounces when he was born, and he was born around the same time as yours. Only a month later than now."
"Damn, he was a heavy baby" you gasped.
"H-hey!" Katsuki said.
"All he did was cry when he was born, he didn't even want to eat" she laughed.
You laughed, until you heard your son hiccup slightly.
"You burped! Good job Kosuki!" you smiled, bringing your son back to your view so you could wipe his face.
You handed him to Katsuki, who rocked him until he fell asleep.
"Think you can do two at a time?" Mitsuki asked, grabbing another baby for you.
"I think so" you said.
"It feels weird...not something I'm used to."
"It'll be like that until you get used to it."
Katsuki walked to put Kosuki down and grabbed your other son.
"Now these two...I don't know who's who without their eyes being open."
You blushed as Mitsuki giggled and Katsuki chuckled.
"There's nothing else different from them!"
You blushed as you pulled the blanket all the way down to get both of your sons on your chest.
Mitsuki glared over at Katsuki who was staring at you.
Mitsuki growled.
"It's okay Mitsuki."
She stopped, before you pulled the blanket over yourself and watched to make sure the babies would be able to eat.
You helped them along, and one of their eyes opened.
"Katsuro..need some help, little one?" you asked as you helped him find the nip.
He latched on, and you smiled.
You looked at Kazuki, who was already eatting.
"Oh he's a natural" you laughed.
You laid back with a content sigh, closing your eyes.
"Akito stopped by last night, she said if you want to call a few visitors to see them you can, since all of your open wounds are closed and healthy."
You opened your eyes.
"Let me call my dad then" you said, asking for the phone with an open hand.
Katsuki grabbed your phone and dialed Dadzawa.
"Hello? (Y/N)? Are you alright?" he immediately asked as soon as he answered the call.
Aizawa's POV~
"Mic!" I yelled as I kept (Y/N) on the phone.
"How did everything go? You healing alright? Are the children okay?"
"Dad! Yes everyone is alright! I healed myself after they were out!"
"You're so...you're my daughter alright. I'm glad to know you're doing alright.."
She giggled on the other side of the phone.
"I'm still healing though, I'm in a recovery room with them. They all have names and everything. We want-"
My eyes went wide as I heard a loud cry that sounded like a baby.
My eyes watered.
"Err..sorry dad. Katsuro is being difficult-"
"It's fine kid. Cut yourself some slack, you just had three babies. No need to apologize. What were you asking though?"
"If you, Mic, Shinsou and Eri would like to come meet them?"
"I would love to..what time?"
"Around...five or six? I just fed them so they'll nap before dinner so they can eat while we eat. I-if you don't have a problem..a-also so we can get ready and all that.."
"(Y/N) Bakugo."
She gasped as I said both of her names.
"Don't apologize or anything. I'm not disgusted or anything, I'm your father and I'm more than happy to hear how happy you sound. We'll give you the time you need. We'll be there at six, take you time."
"...thanks dad."
"Mmhm...now go spend time with your sons. Don't worry about us."
I hung up and put my phone down.
"How was she?" Hizashi asked.
"She said everything was alright."
I stood up, walking towards Eri's room.
I walked inside and Eri looked up at me as she worked on school work.
"Wanna come with us to see your big sister? You're an aunt now" I smiled.
Her face lit up as a smile printed on her face.
"Really?! Yes yes yes! I'd love to! Is big brother coming too?!" she asked.
"I'll ask him right now. Be ready by six."
I left the room as she squealed, a smile on my face.
I walked over to Shinsou's room and knocked on the door.
"You can come in, dad," he said.
I opened the door and saw him on the bed, laying down on his phone.
"Your sister just gave birth. She asked if we wanted to go later to meet them. Do you wanna come with?" I asked.
He sat up in a hurry.
"Is she alright? Did they all make it into this world safely?" he asked.
"She said everyone is doing just fine."
He sighed.
"Thank god. I can't believe I'm an uncle now.." he muttered.
"You're getting old" I laughed.
He glared over at me.
"You're one to talk, you're a grandpa."
I pouted.
"Watch it kiddo."
We both laughed, before he nodded.
"Yeah I'll join you. I'd like to meet the little guys" he said.
"Alright then. We leave at five thirty."
I walked out of the room and walked down the hall with my hands in my pockets.
I smiled.
I'm a grandfather now.
Your POV~
After feeding and burping Kosuki, Katsuro and Kazuki, you decided to take a shower and change before your guests arrived.
"Owww" you groaned as you attempted to put a bra on.
Frustrated, you gave up on trying to put one on.
I'll just wear a goddamn robe. My dad said he didn't mind anyways, you huffed, before walking over to grab a robe you had packed.
You put the sleeves on, looking in a mirror at yourself.
You noticed your bump and stretch marks were slowly going back to normal.
A light scar was right where Akito had cut to be able to get your children out safely.
You ran your fingers over it with a smile.
Something to remember them...forever..I never want to forget yesterday..or any day at this point.
You tied the robe, looking in the mirror to make sure you looked presentable.
"Hey there beautiful~" Katsuki purred as he walked into the restroom.
You blushed as he checked you out from the door frame.
"Look at how beautiful you are. Those hips..those breasts..that...everything. You're perfect~"
He wrapped his arms from behind you and nuzzled into you neck.
"Thanks Katsu."
"You gave me those three little beans in that room...I'm forever grateful for them."
You brought his head up so you could kiss his cheek.
"You've given me the world...and nothing can ever replace that. You're the reason I'm so happy...I'm so loving...now I am a mother to three baby boys that mean the world to me."
He blushed as you kissed his cheek again.
"I'll let you shower now."
You walked out of the restroom, and saw Mitsuki with her hand in one of the beds.
You walked over and saw Katsuro holding onto one of her fingers as he looked around.
"They're so quiet..." you whispered, sitting next to her.
"This little guy does not want to sleep. He just wants to look around and around" she laughed.
You smiled, before you stood up and picked him up.
He was so light and small in your arms, and you feared hurting him.
Your fear must've shown, cause Mitsuki said something.
"He'll get bigger as he gets older."
You nodded, before you walked around the room with Katsuro in your arms.
You rocked him slowly, humming lowly as he stared.
You sang a short little song to try to get him to sleep, which seemed to be working.
You smiled as he closed his red eyes, falling asleep in your arms.
You sighed as you finished your song, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"It's so hard to just pick up and hold one when there's three to worry about."
You got up to put him down to sleep, covering him with his blanket.
You walked back to the bed and brushed your hair, putting it half up and half down.
"I can't wait for my dads to meet them..." you said.
"I called Masaru to come and meet his grandchildren. He'll be over at the same time as your family."
You nodded.
"They'll grow up with only one grandmother..unless you count Mic as a grandmother" you giggled.
"I wish my mother would've lived to see them.."
"I'm sure she's watching over them (Y/N). Excuse me for saying this, but I'm sure Kai is happy to be reunited with her. And I'm sure they'll love seeing them from above."
You sighed.
"I just wish I didn't have to kill him. I wish he wasn't the bas-..the monster he was."
You stopped yourself from cursing.
"What'd I miss?" Katsuki asked as he walked into the room with a towel around his waist.
"Nothing much" you said.
You looked down.
"What's wrong, love?" he asked, walking over to you.
"Nothing..just wishing I didn't have to kill my father.."
He wrapped his arms around you.
"I know. I kinda wish it didn't have to be that way..but he was a bastard..and look at what he did to you."
You held onto him, eyes watery.
He chuckled softly, and you could feel his abs pressed up against your stomach, making you blush and pull him closer.
"Can you feel my abs against your tummy?~" he teased.
A poke from below your waist gave you a warning.
You looked up to see Katsuki looking away with a bright blush on his cheeks that you could clearly see with the sunlight hitting his cheeks.
"I'm trying to have some wholesome hugs with you and you get horny. Go to horny jail Katsu" you giggled.
"A-again with that horny jail thing?! Y-you're making me flustered!" he stuttered.
You let go of him and pointed.
"Go get dressed! Your mother doesn't need to see that!" you said in a laugh.
He walked over to his bag and got clothes to put on.
"It's not like we've never done worse so-"
"Huh?" Mitsuki asked.
"You get horny everywhere we go Katsuki, so I wouldn't be surprised if she knew."
"It wasn't the first time we had sex there either."
"Wait what? You did what in my house?!"
You walked over to the babies, who looked all wide awake and looked around.
"Let's get you all changed and cleaned" you giggled, picking up Kazuki, getting his bed out of the way so you could change him.
Katsuki walked over and grabbed onto your hips.
"Changing them?" he asked.
"Yep and you're going to help" you said.
He let go of your waist.
"Uh...I think my mom is calling me-" he tried, slipping away before you grabbed his hair.
"Uh-uh. You're helping."
You pulled him back, and he yelped the whole way.
"Ow ow ow ow ow."
You walked over to grab the extra small diapers Akito gave to you before she left and grabbed three.
You handed one to Katsuki.
"You wanted kids so you're going to help me care for them. I won't be around all the time to help out. I'm no housewife, I'm a hero and I got work. So you need to know how to change a diaper."
You walked him through it, wiping and cleaning the baby before putting another diaper on.
"There you go! Just like that!" you smiled.
"Now you do Katsuro on your own."
You watched as Katsuki moved over to change Katsuro, watching as he did as you taught.
"My question is how you learned to do this?" he asked.
"Mitsuki gave me some pointers."
You looked away for a second, looking over at the time.
You looked back over at Katsuki and Katsuro, only to see him with his eyes closed and his face scrunched.
"What happened?" you asked in a giggle.
Mitsuki broke out laughing, laughing uncontrollably. as she stood next to him.
"Katsuro..hahhhahhahahah! He-.. hahah!" she tried to tell you.
You looked at Katsuki, who looked a bit angry.
"Your son....PEED ON ME!" he pouted.
Your smile grew bigger as Katsuki pouted and blushed.
Mitsuki and you laughed at the pouting Katsuki, who finished changing Katsuro.
"I'mgonnagotakeanothershower.." he pouted.
"Not before we put clothes on them! Then you can go take a shower."
He grumbled.
"This is what you signed up for when you got me pregnant" you laughed, before grabbing three onesies from the bag.
Two were little Ground Zero onesies with an explosion in the middle, the tip of the sleeves and bottom of the footies, were the same orange Katsuki wore.
The other was purple and black, with an O and an H in the middle for Overhaul.
These are so cute..
You walked back over, handing one to Katsuki, who looked a bit calmer.
"You alright?" you laughed.
"I can't stay mad at him...they're all too damn cute."
You smiled, before you dressed Kazuki in one of the Ground Zero onesies, and Kosuki in the Overhaul onesie.
Katsuki dressed Katsuro in the other Ground Zero onesie with a smirk.
"They really are our children aren't they?" he asked.
You put down Kazuki and let him fall back asleep.
"True that."
Knock* Knock*
Two knocks sounded at the door, and you smiled.
"Come in dad!" you said.
He opened the door and smiled at you.
You were holding Kazuki in your arms.
"How'd you know it was us?" he whispered.
"You always only knock twice. I lived with you for twelve years and it never changed."
You giggled as he walked in, followed by Mic, Shinsou, Eri, and Masaru.
You were about to stand up, before Aizawa stopped you.
"No. Sit."
You pouted as you relaxed back down.
"I can stand up you know.."
He walked over, putting a bag of takeout down on a table and walking to wash his hands.
You looked down at Kazuki, who was still sleeping peacefully.
Aizawa walked over to you and Katsuki, who was holding Katsuro and Kosuki in his arms.
You held your arms out, signalling for your father to put his arms together and ready to hold Kazuki.
You gently handed him off to him, making sure your father felt secure when he was holding him.
Once you helped him, you looked up at them.
Aizawa looked down at Kazuki, lovingly watching the baby.
"He's so small..so fragile."
You smiled.
"That's Kazuki."
He looked up at you.
"You both already chose names?" he asked.
"Yeah we did a few weeks ago. Sorry I didn't tell you. Things got really busy and hectic while we prepared for the birth."
"I told you to stop apologizing."
"Sorry- err okay."
Your dad chuckled while you blushed.
You heard a small whimper, looking back at Kazuki, who was opening his eyes.
You smiled.
"You're a grandpa now" you said.
Aizawa moved one of his hands to Kazuki as he looked around, opening and closing his small little hand.
He grabbed onto his finger, making Aizawa blush a little.
"He's so cute.."
He looked at his red eyes.
"He has your eyes," he said.
He held onto him lovingly, going to a seat to sit down and hold one of his new grandsons.
"Kiddo!" Mic said as he walked up to you.
"How'd it go?" he asked.
"Great! All of them are safe and here. I'm doing just fine too!" you said.
He went to wash his hands, and joined Aizawa with Kazuki.
You smiled, until you saw a flash of purple.
"Shinsou!" you said, getting up and throwing your arms around your brother.
"Whoa! Miss me?" he chuckled.
"Yes! I missed you! Thank you for everything you did during the battle. You and Hama were so much help!"
He blushed.
"Glad to see you're both doing alright."
He looked over at Katsuki.
"Good to see you're alive, brother" he said to him.
"Thanks fuzzy head."
You laughed, before going to Katsuki, kissing his cheek and grabbing Katsuro from him, bringing the sleepy baby to Shinsou.
"This is Katsuro. He's Katsuki's little twin I swear" you giggled.
Shinsou looked down at him, smiling.
"He's even wearing a Ground Zero onesie" he muttered with a smile.
You motioned for him to get ready to hold him, which kind of caught him off guard.
"Hold him" you said.
"A-are you sure?" he asked.
You nodded, before he cradled his arm and you placed him into them.
"Whoa he's so small..."
You smiled, letting him hold your son.
He went to sit down in a seat next to Aizawa and Mic, who looked over at him.
Katsuki's dad was talking with him, holding Kosuki.
Everyone gets time with a baby.
You looked down and saw Eri smiling at you.
"Congratulations on being a mom!"
"Congrats on becoming an auntie!" you said.
"They're all so cute!"
"They look nothing like you" Shinsou added, making the room laugh a little.
"Yeah I know. They all look almost exactly like Katsuki."
"Jealous hotshot?" Katsuki snickered.
He laughed, before Shinsou walked over with Katsuro, crouching down onto a knee for Eri to see.
"Awwwww! He's so cute!" she squealed.
You helped her get her arms ready, but she didn't trust herself enough to hold him, so she sat in your lap as you helped her.
"What's his name?" she asked.
"This is Katsuro."
You gave him one of your fingers, and he held onto it, until he broke out into tears and started to cry.
You picked him up and Eri got off your lap.
You looked at the clock, marking six thirty.
"Dinner time."
Everyone handed your kids to you and Katsuki so you could feed them.
You covered yourself with a towel as you fed two at once.
"Dinner...food" you said, mouth watering.
"We brought enough food for everyone."
You smiled.
"I don't have to eat for four anymore! Only one person!"
Everyone laughed as they got plates for their own food.
After around ten or fifteen minutes, you fed and burped each baby, before putting them down for sleep.
"That should last for a while."
You grabbed a plate of food and ate, eating like you hadn't ate in days.
"FOOOOOODDD" you said.
The room went silent as everyone enjoyed their own food.
Your family took off after dinner, that way you could rest before your children woke up again.
You thanked them for the food and now relaxed in bed.
Katsuki was sitting in it with you, letting you snuggle up to him.
"I got so many good pictures of them with everyone."
You scrolled through your photos, until you heard and felt your stomach rumble.
"Still hungry?" Katsuki asked.
You put your phone down, resting your head on Katsuki's chest.
"Before we do anything else, I have something for you," he said.
You picked yourself up and looked at him.
Mitsuki walked over, handing him a bag before going back to her bed and reading.
He opened the bag, revealing a semi-large box.
He handed it to you, watching you with loving eyes.
"What's all this for?" you said, taking the box and holding it.
"To thank you for holding our children. For bearing through every hardship. For being the mother to my children...it's called a push present. I wanted to do one for you. You did carry three afterall."
You opened the small box and saw a silver bracelet.
It had four bears engraved on it.
One was bigger than the others, and the three little bears followed behind the big one, one after the other.
"For my little momma bear. And her three little cubs."
You closed the box, and put your lips to his.
"I love it."
He grabbed another gift out of the bag, opening it to you.
It was a necklace, it was a heart.
It had a family tree as the middle of the heart, having the names engraved on it.
Along with the birthstones.
"Oh my..it's beautiful.."
You looked up at him and kissed his lips again.
"Thank you Katsu. This means the world to me."
"I should be the one thanking you. You gave me the world. You..and them...Katsuro, Kazuki, Kosuki. You all mean absolutely everything to me."
"You gave me everything I could ever dream of. And more.."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now