|55| One Last Time

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"I wanted to personally thank everyone for coming today," you began, standing from your seat at the head of a very long table.
Every hero from Japan sat in your agency, waiting for direction of what was happening.
You were in full costume, as was everyone else.
"Thank you for willingly putting your lives on the line for the world. And without any further waiting, let's get this show on the road. Pinky, if you could."
You sat back in your seat, heart racing as anxiety rushed over you.
Katsuki reached for your hand, grabbing it and squeezing it.
You looked down, eyes watering.
You saw Mina stand from her seat beside you, along with Eijiro.
"As said before, thank you for coming everyone. Now, as you all know, our agency has been after a villain going by the name of Mystique, whose name is Kage. She was responsible for the death of Ground Zero, six years ago. She had been on the run, going from city to city looking for a place to call home and safe. Recently, we've sent teams out searching for any trace, slowly leading up to find her. Our team of search experts, including Earphone Jack, and Tentacole, have located her."
"We all know of the famous UA High, the school of heroes. And that is no longer a safe place. Lives have been at risk for months now, as we planned our move. We now have a map of the place, and have pinpointed Kage's safe haven" Eijiro added on.
You growled, before standing, causing everyone to look at you.
"Her hideout is underneath UA. Directly below it. And surrounding her hideout, include mines and bombs of class five. The danger is immeasurable and it'll be a long and gruesome battle."
"Wait...UNDERNEATH UA?!" Izuku asked.
You nodded.
"Maps will be handed to each and every hero in this room. Lives will be lost, and we cannot ensure everyone's safety. We cannot ensure our OWN protection" you said, looking at Katsuki, who stood up next to you, grabbing your hand.
"With the help of every fucking hero, we have a chance at saving the world. This is more than protecting my loved ones, this is about protecting the world from Kage and her plans. No one knows her full capability, nor anything else of her. So we must put an end to this, here and now" Katsuki added.
"Comply, and we are forever thankful. Refuse to help, then walk out of the door now."
Your eyes moved all around the room, not a single person daring to move.
You closed your eyes.
"Retired heroes including Eraserhead, Present Mic, All Might, Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Hounddog have offered their help, but I must reject."
"Why?" Aizawa asked from the corner, where he stood crossing his arms, along with the rest of the retired heroes.
"I refuse to let you put your lives on the line for more than you already have. Your generation has concluded, and it is our turn to continue what you have done for us."
"B-but kid-" Mic tried.
"LISTEN TO ME. You will not be involved with this mission. I'M IN CHARGE HERE" you snapped, anger making your face hot.
Aizawa stared at you, before he closed his eyes and looked away.
"We'll take a break for now. We'll start again in an hour. There's a feast being prepared for later, for it may be the last meal we eat."
You hugged Katsuki, crying into his shoulder.
"I'm so scared," you shook.
"I know...I am too."
He lifted your chin, looking into your eyes.
"I want you to know, whatever happens to me, or whatever happens to you...I will never stop loving you."
He wiped a tear away, before kissing the top of your head and bringing your head to his chest.
"I-...I'm not ready! I don't want to do this anymore Katsu!" you sobbed.
Sobs escaped his mouth, but he kept a firm grip on you.
"P-promise me that if something happens to me, you'll run" he sobbed.
"Wh-what?" you asked, pulling back.
He looked into your puffy (E/C) eyes with his gleaming red ones.
"Promise me...that if I die...you'll run" he repeated.
You slapped him.
"I will never leave your side, do you hear me?! Don't do that self-sacrificial bullshit. Don't you dare do that to me!" you yelled.
He looked back at you.
"Whatever happens to one of us, happens to the both okay? You die, I die" you said, cupping and healing his cheek.
He leaned into the impact.
"Please promise me that Katsuki...I can't live my life without you."
"I pr-promise."
You leaned your forehead on his, before the door to your office opened.
"Hey...can we come in?" Mina asked.
You looked up, seeing your entire family, including Katsuki's parents, Shinsou, and Shinrai there.
"Sure" you sniffled.
They walked in, everyone waiting for a chance to talk to you.
You and Katsuki walked over to Mitsuki and Masaru first.
You wrapped your arms around Masaru.
"Please make it out alive...please make it out safe" he told you.
"No promises" you cried.
He looked at you.
"You made a fine hero, (Y/N)."
You smiled.
"Thank you sir."
You looked over at Katsuki and Mitsuki, who Katsuki was holding Mitsuki as she sobbed.
"P-please be careful..don't...don't leave Katsuki!"
You watched as tears fell from your husband's eyes.
You joined in their hug.
"(Y/N)! Please....be safe..don't go! Don't leave us!"
You cried with her.
"It's our job as heroes to keep everyone safe."
She let go of you both.
"Mitsuki, promise me something" you told her, taking her hands into yours.
"Promise me that you'll be part of the kids' lives no matter what happens to us."
She looked at you.
"I promise."
You smiled, before moving on to the next people, your family, along with Mina and Eijiro.
You threw your arms around your two fathers, bringing them to the ground with you.
"Kid!" Aizawa yelped.
"You alright?" Mic asked.
"Not at all.." you whispered, holding onto them tighter.
"I'm s-so scared...I'm not ready! I don't think I will ever be!" you cried.
Aizawa wrapped you in his arms and held on tight.
"I don't want to lose you kid...please be safe out there.." he said.
"Please...come home safely.."
You cried, now screaming in pain from how much your heart ached.
"I don't want to do it! I don't want to leave!" you screamed.
Shinsou crouched down beside your little huddle, his eyes red from tears.
"I- can't do it anymore! I don't want to..I can't!"
He put a hand onto your head, catching you off guard.
"Sh-shin?" you asked.
He opened his arms, and you jumped from Mic and Aizawa, to Shinsou, knocking him down.
"I...I..." you cried, before sobbing into his chest.
"I know...it's okay (Y/N)..everything will be okay.." he muttered.
Once you calmed down, you began to talk to your family, when Shinsou brought something to your attention.
"Let me join you on this mission," he said.
"Why not?"
"Because, I already have thousands of lives on the line, the least I can do is have my family live" you snapped.
"Let me help you," he argued.
"Stop being so stubborn."
"Let us help you (Y/N), we all know the risks," Aizawa added.
"I'm not being stubborn, I said no. That's final" you growled.
"I have another request from all of you. Aizawa, Hizashi, and Hitoshi."
"What is it?" Shinsou asked.
"Anything for you kid," Aizawa added.
"Tell us what's on your mind."
You looked to Katsuki, who was on his knees beside you.
You moved to him, taking his hand and looking up at him.
"You can do it.." he mouthed, before kissing your forehead.
"We wanted...you all to make us a promise...and not just any promise..you have to put your life on the line here, and it's a blood promise" you said.
They all stared at you.
"Promise us, that no matter what you feel, no matter what goes through your head, and no matter what happens to me and Katsuki...promise me that you'll watch over our kids...that you'll finish raising them...that they'll grow up into the fine men we've taught them to be...promise me you'll take care of them as if they were your own."
You bit into the corner of your hand, making a small cut, that blood seeped out of.
You made a small flask, letting your blood drip into it.
"What are you doing?!" Shinsou asked.
"Blood promise."
Once you let it fill up the bottom, just a bit, you pass it to Katsuki.
You gave him a small razor blade, before he shook his head.
"No need."
He bit into his hand just the same, making it bleed.
You healed your hand as you watched his blood seep into the flask.
He finished, before passing the flask to Aizawa, who did the same, then passed it to Hizashi, who followed.
Last, was Shinsou.
He was to fill the rest of the flask.
Without hesitation, he bit into his hand, and let his dark red blood fill the flask.
You healed his hand after everyone finished their promises.
You grabbed the flask, and used a small flame to seal the top of the glass.
You broke off the rest of it, and held the warm blood in your hands, each blood being a different color as they sat on each other, not daring to mix.
You put the flask to your chest, right to your heart and cupped both hands.
You made three of them, with no extra blood being needed.
You opened your hands.
"Take one each, and keep it on you at all times. If you ever break your promise, the glass shall shatter, and the blood be spilt."
They each took one, and held it in their hands.
You looked at Katsuki, before making another flask.
"Actually...one last thing" you muttered, before biting your hand open again.
"What is it?" they asked.
You dripped more blood into this flask, filling it up halfway.
"I want...you to give the kids this when they turn eighteen. Something they can carry and use to see us again if something is to happen."
You handed it to Katsuki, and he did the same, filling the rest up with his own blood.
You sealed it once again, and made three, each attached to a chain.
You gave them to Aizawa.
You made a small box, and put them inside, sealing it
"When they turn eighteen....give them these."
He nodded.
You stopped, before you stood up and walked to Mina and Eijiro.
"You ready?" Mina asked you.
"Not at all..." you laughed, before wrapping your arms around her.
"Can you two make us a promise?" Katsuki asked.
You moved to him, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Anything Bakugo."
"Watch over them for us" Katsuki said, nodding his head towards the triplets, who were waiting patiently with Shinrai to talk to you.
"Why? You're both coming back alive" Mina said.
"That's the plan..but...we cannot promise anything" you said.
They nodded.
"We promise to make sure they know everything their parents did for them and the world!" Eijiro smiled, putting his fists together.
"Promise" Mina smiled.
You nodded, before walking over to the kids, before your arm was pulled to the side.
"K-Katsuki!" you yelped, before he put his lips onto yours.
"Wh-what is it?!" you asked.
"Let me hold you tonight, closer than anyone this entire fucking world. For what could be our last time together....let me hold you in my arms.." he said, before putting his lips back on yours.
"I-" you tried.
"Too bad I wasn't asking you" he smirked.
You stopped him before he could go feral in front of company, and looked into his eyes.
"Let's get this over with...the hardest ones of them all.." you told him, taking his hand and walking back to the kids, whose eyes lit up with sadness.
"Mom, dad, don't go!" they all cried, running to you with tears falling from their eyes.
"W-we.." you tried, trying your best to stay strong in front of them, but failing and falling to the ground.
"Please...don't leave! Don't l-leave us" Kazuki cried.
"I-I'm sorry honey..but we have to" you cried.
You kissed the top of his head, and held him close.
"B-but.." he stuttered, before sobbing into your chest.
"I know.." you whispered.
Katsuro cried, trying to wipe the tears as they fell.
"I-I d-don't w-want to l-lose you!" he yelled, before Katsuki wrapped him in his arms.
"We don't want to lose you guys either...that is why we are going on this mission in the first place..to protect you all from that crazed woman" Katsuki told him.
Kosuki stared at you all, and you and Katsuki both opened your open arms out to him.
Katsuki wrapped you in one of his arms, and used the other to huddle everyone close together.
"D-don't go mama.." Kosuki cried.
"Dadda...don't l-leave.." he cried to Katsuki.
You looked at your husband, who looked at you.
"Whatever happens to mommy and daddy, please never forget how much we love you..." you cried.
"Mama?" Kosuki asked.
"Please never forget how much you mean to us" you cried again.
"We love you with everything we are. I love you all so fucking much it hurts me to even leave for a second."
Katsuki cried alongside you.
"Never forget how much your parents love you. We love and cherish you forever, no matter what.." Katsuki said.
"D-dad" Katsuro choked.
"D-don't leave us!"
"Don't g-go!"
"Please don't leave mama and dadda!"
You sit on the floor of your office, with Katsuki holding your hands as he sat in front of you on his knees.
"You sure you can bring me with you?" he asked.
"I want you to meet them. And I want my uncle to meet you."
He nodded, and you surrounded the two of you in a bubble and closed your eyes.
"(Y/N). It's good to see you again" Mirai greeted you with a smile.
"Sir...i missed you" you smiled, wrapping your tall uncle in a hug.
"Who's this?" he asked as he let you go, nodding towards Katsuki, who bowed.
"This...is my husband," you smiled.
"Katsuki Bakugo, Sir Nighteye" Katsuki bowed.
"No need for formalities. It's Mirai" Mirai smiled.
"It's nice to finally meet my niece's other half," your uncle said, pushing his specs up, then reaching a hand out to Katsuki to shake.
Katsuki reached his own hand out and shook his hand.
"Of course. It's nice to meet you too."
You let them talk, before you grew impatient.
"Uncle Mirai, is Unmei coming or not?" you asked.
Sir sighed, before sitting down and crossing his legs.
"Unmei told me she was on her way when you first came."
You looked around.
"Where is she?"
Your head snapped in the direction of a familiar male voice.
You saw someone standing tall in a green jacket with purple fur at the hood.
"D-daddy?" your voice cracked.
His arms opened, and you saw a smile on his face.
Kai, wasn't wearing a mask.
"Come here....my little angel" he said softly.
You ran, throwing yourself into his arms.
"I missed you so much dad.." you cried.
"I missed you too, my little angel.." he sighed softly.
"You've changed.." you muttered.
"Well...it's thanks to your mother that I was able to see the good in everything again."
You looked up at him and gasped.
"You called?" a woman's voice sounded.
You both looked in that direction, seeing a woman standing with a smile.
You stood up, and Katsuki joined your side.
The woman had long, (H/C) hair with green streaks like your uncle, (E/C) eyes, and (S/C) skin.
"Unmei" you muttered.
"You just gonna stand there, or you gonna come give your mama a hug?" she smirked.
You ran into her arms.
"Is it really you?!"
"It is baby.." she held onto you.
"We missed you so much.."
'I-...I missed you so much.." you cried.
Kai wrapped his arms behind you both, and smiled.
"Finally reunited after so many years."
You sniffled, before wiping your eyes.
"Oh..mom, there's someone I want you to meet," you smiled, walking over to Katsuki and taking his hand.
"Ohhhhh? Who's this?" she smirked.
"Katsuki Bakugo, your daughter's husband and the father to her three children" Katsuki bowed.
"Why didn't you introduce him earlier (Y/N)?!" your mother joked.
"He's hot" she mouthed to you.
"Back off, he's mine" you pouted, hugging Katsuki, kissing his cheek as you did so.
"I know I know. But seriously, take care of my daughter."
Katsuki nodded.
"Of course. I've put up with her for fourteen years and I still am madly in love with this one person" he snickered.
"You two are adorable. But how about your triplets? I see they've gotten big" she smiled.
You nodded.
"I would love to bring them, but they're back home with my family and friends."
Your mother reached for your hands.
You gave them to her.
She used her quirk, looking into your future.
Her face stayed blank.
"What is it Unmei?" Kai and Mirai asked.
She shook her head, before letting go of your hands.
"Nothing. Now be on your way my loves. You have a family to protect" she smiled.
You let go and looked at everyone, before smiling.
"I'll come visit you again when this is all over" you said, before you and Katsuki left.
"Why'd you lie to her Unmei?" Kai asked.
"Because she deserves to have a little bit of hope."
They stood there, before Mirai confronted her.
"Was her future the same as his?" he asked.
"You saw his?" she asked him.
Mirai nodded.
Unmei looked forward again, to the blank horizon.
"We'll see them both sooner than they think."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now