|10| Infinity...right?

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Monday Evening
After a long day of vomiting and feeling sick, you sit at the table eating a salad, with Katsuki eating one across from you.
As you put another fork full into your mouth, you hear the glass and metal tap, and your eyes look up at Katsuki who's looking down at his food.
"Remember..t-the first time we sat down and had our first dinner together in this house?" He asked.
You smirked.
He's trying..
"Yeah..I remember it. We had the rice balls I make that you've grown to love. With soy sauce and hot sauce. Later that night, we tried to bake a cake but ended up throwing flour at each other" you laughed, putting your fork down.
"Heh..yep. That was so much fun" he chuckled.
The silence that had left, came back.
You both stared at your dinners until Katsuki took a deep breath.
"I think I've ignored the elephant in the room long enough. Listen (Y/N)...I'm sorry. Truly and deeply. From the bottom of my heart..I'm sorry. I never should've said what I did. I know that.." He started, his voice cracking and his lower lip trembling.
"..that I hurt you. I said those things even after...knowing you're pregnant with my children."
He looked into your eyes, a tear falling from his red eyes.
"I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve to be in the same room as you. I don't deserve...you. Or them. What I said..was.."
"Uncalled for. I understand that you've had a lot on your plate, but..lashing out like that..made me never want to come home again. You broke me. Those words..hearing them from someone you love..it hurts" you said, your eyes watering.
"I am..so sorry. No words can ever express how sorry I am..I never should've said what I did..I should've tried to be better, but my damn anger got the better of me" he said, wiping his eyes.
"Look at me (Y/N)"
"Look at me Katsuki"
You both said in unison, making your faces heat up.
"I'm a mess...without you" you both said again.
You looked away from him and blushed as he chuckled.
"I-..I'm sorry too Katsuki. I never should've did what I did. Then none of this would've happened" you sobbed.
"No...because of this..you've made me realize why I've been with you for the past eight years" he said.
You looked back into his eyes.
"..because I never knew what I actually had until I lost it."
Those words sunk deep into your head and heart and you melted.
"I always thought..I'd have your love forever..but when you vanished..I felt..so empty so lonely. Actually losing you..I wasn't able to handle it. Getting you back, and hearing you've been carrying my children..it broke me when I said what I did. I never want to lose you.."
You looked away.
"We both have learned that lesson multiple times..after all those miscarriages. We will learn to never think we'll never lose" you added.
"We?" He asked.
You smiled and blushed.
You looked back at him and he smiled.
"I can't say we will be normal right away. But this was a great start."
"That's what I expected. I'll give you time to think on it" Katsuki said.
You nodded.
Tuesday Night
Bakugo's POV~
I felt (Y/N) twitching and turning in her sleep.
I turned the small lamp on next to me and sat up, watching her as she turned again.
Her face scrunched up and her eyes dripped tears.
I felt bad..and I wanted to cuddle her..be there..but I knew she needed her space.
I turned the lamp back off  and turned to my side away from her.
That's when I felt the bed become a little lower on my side, and I felt arms being wrapped around me and I blushed.
She nuzzled her face into my back and sighed happily.
She's asleep..it doesn't mean anything.
Wednesday Morning
"Morning sleepyhead" you heard someone say as you opened your eyes.
You blushed when you saw Katsuki smiling in front of you.
"D-d-did I cuddle up to you last night?" You stuttered.
"You got scared, and you moved to me."
You scooted a little further away from him.
"I'm sorry.."
He just smiled at you.
"It's alright my love."
Wednesday Night
You lounged around the house all day, cleaning up the restrooms, and not seeing much of Katsuki, until you smelt a pretzel.
"Who has a pretzel!?" You asked.
You looked around the room and saw Katsuki holding a Pretzel as he scrolled threw his phone.
You licked your lips and placed a hand on your stomach.
He took a bite, then looked up at you.
"Want some hotshot? Or you just gonna stare?" Katsuki asked.
You nodded and walked over to him.
He was ripping a piece for you, when you just took a bite from the pretzel.
"Heh..craving pretzels?"
You nodded and blushed as you backed away and swallowed.
He laughed and bite off a long piece and was about to chew it, before he could, you placed your mouth on the other end, making your noses touch.
He blushed and you did too.
You moved slightly and your lips brushed, and you bit and turned your head away.
You started feeling really nauseous in the morning and decided not to eat breakfast.
Taking a shower, you noticed your stomach had gotten more bloated throughout the week.
You put on leggings and stole one of Katsuki's hoodies to hide.
"Are you wearing my hoodie?" Katsuki asked as you walked into the living room.
"N-no.." You said.
"I-it just smelled s-so good..and sweet..so I w-wanted to wear it."
He smiled, before standing up and walking towards you.
He stopped only a few inches away, and you smiled.
You put a hand on his cheek.
You shyly, moved forward and placed a kiss to it, before letting go.
"I love you (Y/N)" he said as he grabbed your hand.
You let him, because you felt...at peace.
You bit your lip.
"I-I love you too.."
Friday Midday
You flushed the toilet with shaky hands and wiped your mouth.
That's the fifth time today..
You got up and walked to the sink to wash your hands when you looked in the mirror.
Your hair was frizzy and messy, and you looked so pale. You looked tired and didn't feel good.
"I look..so so so ugly. The sick and tired look..makes me look..unlovable" you said out loud.
"Baby? Why would you say something like that?" Someone said from behind you.
You looked in the mirror and saw Katsuki staring at you.
He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, making you relax in his arms.
"You're gorgeous and beautiful and everything else. You're everything. Loveable..the most loveable person in the world. Please don't talk about yourself like that. It breaks me to see you like that" he said.
You sighed.
"How can you love me when I look like this?" You asked.
"You're my only love. I love you so so much. Nothing is gonna change that. Don't beat yourself up. You're pregnant, and this is what comes with it" he added.
You turned yourself around and rubbed your nose on his.
"Thank you."
"Did you want me to let go?" He asked.
"No...I want this. Only this.."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now