|29| "Little spoon.."

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"KATSUKIIIIII WAKE UPPPPPP" you yelled as you walked into the room, where Katsuki was still sleeping.
"Mmm. Uh-uh! Let me sleep!" he moaned in his sleep, putting the blankets over his head.
"It's one in the freaking afternoon! Wake up!"
You yanked the blankets off of him and he jumped.
"D-dumbass!" he stuttered, seemingly wide awake.
You questioned what he was getting flustered about, letting your eyes wander him.
Your cheeks heated up as they landed on the bulge in his boxer briefs.
He grabbed the blankets away from you and covered himself up.
"S-see I-I told you!"
You blushed, looking away.
"Excited? Having naughty dreams about me?" you teased, looking back to him with a smirk.
"Wh-what?! N-no!" he argued.
"Th-this is so embarrassing.."
You giggled, before walking out of the room and waiting in the hallway.
"You think you'll be fine? No-"
You laughed as you heard the bed shift, signalling he was getting up.
He's naughty...waking up like that..
He went to the restroom and closed the door.
You walked into the room again and grabbed your ring, sliding it on your finger.
"Okay, why'd you wake me up?" he asked as he walked out of the restroom with sweats on.
"Yes it is! I got a call from the agency, we are needed."
His expression changed.
"Let's get changed then."
You both walked to one of the other rooms in your house, getting one of your hero costumes off the hanger and slipping out of your own clothes.
You slipped your costume on and over, fitting it over your bump and widened hips.
You looked in the mirror and turned to the side.
"What's wrong, love?" Katsuki asked as he walked over to you in his sweats and belt, tank top in hand.
"Does..does my hero costume look..I don't know...slutty?" you asked, degrading yourself the more you looked in the mirror.
"What? Of course not! You look beautiful as always~"
He wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed your neck.
"My hips have gotten so much wider...and my breasts...I don't look attention seeking to you?"
"No way in hell...you look fine as ever."
He looked into the mirror, lips still pressing on your neck.
"I don't know...I just feel...big...and sluttish.." you admitted.
"Don't degrade yourself. No need to hate on that person that I love...it may just be the changes that your pregnancy caused...but you're gorgeous. You may never be the same chest size as you were, or have the same size waist as you did. It just makes you more luring...more mine..there's more of you to have.." he said, kissing up your neck and to your ear.
"No. I won't let you hate yourself. You look beautiful and nothing will ever change that. You could never be a slut or anything in my eyes..you're too perfect for that.."
A small smile grew on your face as you listened to him whisper sweet nothings to you.
He peppered your neck in kisses, before finishing getting himself changed.
You put your boots and gloves on, and looked in the mirror again.
"Don't look so sad. You look perfect" Katsuki said as he tied his mask.
"Let's get going hotshot."
"Alright hothead."
You arrived at your agency, walking through the front doors, greeted by new staff.
"Welcome back, Miss Overhaul, Mister Ground Zero" the receptionist said.
"Please, do just call us Miss and Mister Bakugo! It's no big deal!" you corrected.
"Yes ma'am!"
You walked to the sidekick quarters, heading towards the Kirishima office.
Knock* Knock*
"Who is it?"
"Overhaul" you said.
"Come in!" MIna's voice sounded.
You opened the door, revealing your two friends as they worked at their desks.
"How are you both liking the new office?" you asked.
"It's great!" Mina said.
"I have someone to show you both!" you smiled, grabbing Katsuki's hand and pulling him inside the room.
Eijiro stood up, his mouth agape.
"Y-you're...alive?!" they both yelled.
"I've been alive-" he tried to say, before they tackled him to the ground.
"Hahah!" you laughed watching as they hugged their friend.
"I thought I'd never see my best friend!" Eijiro cried.
"You're so manly for staying alive!"
Once they finished hugging and reuniting with Katsuki, they stood up.
"Oh! (Y/N), we got a phone call from UA saying they're removing this agency from their list of internships" Eijiro said.
"Ugh. Let me call."
You walked over to the phone, and dialed UA, hearing the ring until someone picked up.
"Hello! This is UA High School! You've reached Principal Nezu!"
"Good afternoon Principal! This is Overhaul reaching out from the Zero Agency."
"Ah! What do you need?"
"I heard that you were thinking about removing the agency from the list of internships!"
"Yes yes! We were questioning the safety of the agency after what happened four weeks ago! How well do you think the agency is now? Safe enough to send our students?"
"I don't see a problem. The threat was killed, and we buffed our security. Nothing like that will happen again. I'm confident that we will be able to function like normal. If it makes them more comfortable, when your students will be sent for their internships, both me and Ground Zero should be returning to our Agency. Ground Zero is taking time off of work for when our children arrive. But when we can, we'll be returning. I give it a few months?"
"That is awesome! I'll be sure to let the Association know! I'll let students and staff know as soon as I can! Thank you for your words Miss Overhaul. And be sure to take time to rest and heal!"
"I will. You take care!"
You hung up.
"We should be staying on their list. Nezu let me know directly what was happening."
You took your husband's hand and stood.
"Glad to see you two are doing good. Everything is getting sorted out for some of the offices. I believe the builders made your guys offices in the same room" Mina giggled.
"Heh. Great, I have to deal with his horny ass at work too?" you laughed.
"(Y-Y/N)!" Katsuki stuttered.
Eijiro chuckled, a blush on his cheeks, while Mina stuck her tongue out at Katsuki.
"Just don't go having office sex without locking the door!~" Mina teased him.
"Sh-shut up!" he said.
"Or making too much noise!" Eijiro laughed.
"N-not you too K-Kiri!"
Katsuki's face had gone completely red.
"Give us a warning before that door closes!"
He closed his eyes as his face grew hotter than it was.
"Alright! Y'all are going to kill the man of embarrassment!" you laughed.
You grabbed his hand, before leaving the room.
You walked over to the elevator, pushing the button for the third floor.
"And no elevator sex!" Mina added, before closing the door.
Katsuki let out a small whimper, before opening his eyes.
"A-are the bullies gone?" he asked.
He held onto your hand.
"Yes they're gone, little cutie" you laughed.
The elevator dinged, and you both got in.
"Here it is, our office" you said, grabbing one of the door handles.
Katsuki grabbed the other, and you both pulled.
The glass doors opened, and you were hit with a cold breeze.
It smelt like...a caramel candle.
"They did a good job with this!" you said, walking into the room and seeing your stuff neatly on one of the two desks.
Printers and other machines were in there, along with a Chaise Lounge chair in the corner.
Things like a baby monitor and more were also presented in the room.
Smart people..
After taking in all the sights, you were lifted into the air.
"Whoa!" you yelped, wrapping your arms around Katsuki's neck and wrapping your legs around his waist, careful not to hurt your bump.
He held you up with little effort, walking over to the doors and pulling the covers down.
"W-what are you doing?!" you stuttered.
He placed his lips against yours, before walking over to the desk and putting you to sit on it.
"Katsuki-" was all you managed to get out, before he kissed you harder.
You immediately kissed him back, matching his intensity.
Your heated makeout with Katsuki in your office, drove him to get...horny.
You felt a poke on your nethers, and you opened your eyes slightly.
"Katsuki..we should stop...mm..before you can't stop yourself" you breathed out.
He groaned, before pulling away.
"S-smart choice" you blushed.
"S-sorry...I got carried away..." he shyly admitted.
"No! It's fine! But I know after a certain point, there's no going back or stopping you."
He nodded, before smirking.
"Let's get you home."
You got home, and immediately walked to the kitchen, where boxes were piled on top of the counters.
"We should start sterilizing the baby bottles and stuff. We only have three more weeks" you sighed.
You pulled out a hand full of the bottles and placed them on the counter, then walked over to the drawers to get a big pot out to boil water.
"Doing it the old fashion way?" Katsuki asked.
"I trust this more than whatever the new way is."
You got the water running.
"You do realize I'm not going to let you do that right?" Katsuki chuckled.
"And why not?" you asked.
"You've been on your feet too much. You should be resting. We only have three more weeks till they come."
He turned the water off, and pointed to the bar stool you could sit at.
He turned the water back on when you sat down, and finished filling the pot up.
"Is there anything you want to do before they come?" you asked.
"Hmm..not really. I can't wait to spend everyday as a family though. It won't just be us anymore. It'll be all four of us" he said.
"That's sweet."
"What about you? Anything you want to do before they arrive?" he asked you.
"Hmm...nothing more than get as many cuddles as I can from you because I know they ain't gonna let us sleep."
"Damn straight. We can cuddle when I finish all these bottles."
You nodded and smiled.
"I love cuddle time..."
You put a hand on your bump, and thought.
I haven't had a baby shower...
"How about we have a baby shower?" you asked.
"Maybe...a week before I go to the hospital?"
"Hmm..sure. But you're sitting your ass down the whole time. Hell, fuck that, I'll be there."
"But! M-men don't go to a baby shower!" you pouted.
"I don't give a fuck. I'm coming. Our friends are mostly male too!" he fought.
After...hours of cleaning and disinfecting all the baby bottles and everything else for the babies, you could finally spend time with your husband.
"Cuddle me dumbass" he said, curling up in a ball in the middle of the bed.
"You wanna be the little spoon tonight?" you asked.
"I like being the little spoon sometimes.."
"You sure you aren't a bottom?" you joked.
"WHA- yes I'm sure! I've told you I'm a switch!" he blushed.
"Oh right!"
You got in the bed behind him and pulled him as close as you could.
You couldn't lie like that for much longer, you weren't comfortable, your bump was too big.
"This isn't gonna work. I'm too big" you sighed, sitting up.
He sighed, before sitting up next to you.
You both switched sides, and he proceeded to spoon you.
"This...this is better."
"You're my big spoon...forever."
"D-don't say something so damn cute! You'll m-make my heart melt" Katsuki said in his pouty voice.
You moved back, getting closer to him.
He rested one of his hands on top of your bump, before kissing the back of your neck.
"You ready? Only three weeks..."
"I can't believe...we'll be parents finally..with three little boys to call our own."
"Three...how are we going to manage all of them?"
"They're going to be little devils aren't they?" you laughed.
"Eh. They'll get it from me."
"You realize your mom isn't going to leave us right? She'll be living with us for a few months. And your dad."
"I don't mind my old man. But that damn hag..."
You shifted your bottom further into his crotch, causing Katsuki to groan.
"I-I mean my mother.."

𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now