Chapter 47

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Surprise! not dead xD

AND TOUCHING, but not anything nsfw
oh also threats of infant murder]

It seemed to be an eternity before his kidnapper returned, but it could've only been an hour the most.

In the meantime, Horror had been desperately trying to look around him and find a way to escape, without any luck. Anything that could've been used to help him escape in some way was either too far away or non-existent. It didn't help that being unable to use his magic outwardly was messing with his mind a bit, making it hard for Horror to think with a clear head.

He had no idea what to do and tears started to well up in his sockets. Even his dead socket starting to tear up, albeit less so than his functioning one.

Horror could feel Froggit moving around somewhere at his lower back, where there seemed to be a small hole in the mattress allowing the small frog to hide.

The light suddenly turned on again from where the kidnapper had turned it off and a figure stepped closer to him. Horror's face twisted in disgust when the man pet his thighs, his ecto having been summoned for quite a few days now. He wasn't even able to dissipate it because of the shackles.

He tried to kick the pervert but there wasn't a whole lot of room to move any and the other easily caught his leg with a hand, stroking his shin with his thumb as he did so.

A shudder went down his spine.

Horror felt slimy, disgusting, where the other touched him. The air itself help horrible and he could sense that it wasn't because of LV or something like that. It stank of obsession, hatred and unhealthy 'love', an unrestrained type of negativity that wasn't normally strong but was more so now because of how it was aimed him.

This 'fan' of his didn't possess even a single drop of LV. It was just him and his disgusting emotions, personality, experiences and life. Horror had never before met someone that felt so- so dirty without having at least a little bit of LV.

Heh, goes to show about how LV doesn't just dictate our behavior, but our choices to...

Crossing over to his other side, the man grabbed a pocket knife from the table next to him and flicked it open. Horror was able to see the other's mouth moving, meaning that he was talking to him, but the only thing he was able to hear was the rush of his magic coursing through his body, trying to escape his body to help him in whichever way it could. But the sound just got louder and louder as its attempts were thwarted constantly by the shackles.

Then there was silence, the creep slicing his shirt open in one swift move from the bottom to the top, the garment being cut in half causing the front of his torso to be wide open.

Horror shivered as the cold air hit his ecto and once more tried to unsummon it to no avail.

This type of shackles were normally used for prisoners, developed specially when Monsters emerged and they were needed for criminals. It was rare for a Monster to go rouge and be therefor dangerous, but occasionally it did happen. However, these were supposed to be really hard, or more like impossible, to get since only cops and those type of facilities had them. Horror had no idea how this human got his slimy hands on a pair of them.

Not to mention that they shouldn't be able to prevent Monsters that had ecto from summoning or unsummoning it, as it should count as internal magic and not external. But Horror couldn't think of any other reason he couldn't.

The dude was staring at his ecto, causing a shudder to go down Horror's spine when he noticed the creep licking his lips. Leaning closer to Horror's body, the kidnapper stroked the fuchsia magic for a moment before suddenly stilling.

A dark expression settled on the other's face as a shadow hid most of his facial features from Horror.

"What... is this," the man spoke, his finger digging into the ectoflesh and pulling a whimper of pain from Horror. Following the other's gaze to a specific spot on his ecto, Horror's eyelight landed on a slightly lighter spot. There seemed to be a white light emitting from it, seemingly from inside him and Horror's sockets widened. It was a bright, white, tiny speck of a slowly forming SOULling, right there in his ecto, a bit under his floating ribs in this middle.

Well... at least this explained his inability to summon his ecto.

"How disgusting," the man said with a voice practically dripping hatred and disgust, showing how utterly revolted he was at what he was seeing. "How dare someone breed you! Touch you, hold you... fuck you, only I am allowed to do that! Was it one of those Monster's you were with? The bearlike one or the maniac? And stay, STILL!"

With one swift move, the pocket knife from before was pointed at the ecto-belly, the pointy end pricking into the flesh and stinging him anytime he tried to move. The knife was pointed directly other the light spot where the SOULling was.

"If you don't stay still... I'm going to shove this into you and pop your ecto like a balloon! See if that disgusting abomination would survive something like that, but I doubt it would be able to. Your ecto would disperse and that thing would shatter like glass."

Despair slammed into Horror. He hadn't even noticed he was pregnant despite all the signs indicating to it and now he was in a dangerous position, unable to help himself to get free. Get them both free.

Horror didn't move a single limb, ceasing to breathe in the unnecessary oxygen as to not accidentally move his ribcage, thereby stilling entirely.

Would anyone even come to save him? Why would anyone even come to save him? No, no they wouldn't save him.

No one would be coming.

It was such a stupid argument too, Horror shouldn't have gotten so angry. At least not enough to leave, maybe if he had stayed with the others this wouldn't have happened.

Did they even notice that he was gone?

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