Chapter 31

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The nice cream bunny from the Underground had apparently opened up a shop, which he named Nice Parlor, where he sold nice cream. He had even expanded and now sold gelato, sorbets and more. Luckily, the mall had one, so they went to sit grab a nice cream there.

There was space to sit inside, as well as outside, and since the weather was sunny they decided to sit outside. All five of them sat at a round table and were eating their nice cream in peace. There weren't enough chairs, so instead of grabbing some from a different and empty table, Red sat on Blue's lap and Horror on Mars'. Dust was the only one sitting alone on a chair.

Only Mars and Horror had the same flavor nice cream, chocolate, all the others had different flavors. Red had strawberry, Blue had blueberry and Dust had pistachio. Horror, never having had pistachio before, asked Dust if he could get a taste.

"oh yeah, you always can taste my nice cream," Dust smirked suggestively.

Horror blushed but ignored Dust's tone and leaned forward for a taste. His face scrunched up a bit and he quickly licked his own chocolate nice cream to get rid of the taste.

"aww, you didn't like it?" Dust asked.

Horror shook his head quickly.

"oh well," Dust shrugged and licked his nice cream, "more for me i guess."

Laughing, Horror kept to his own nice cream. One of the nice things about nice cream, bar the nice things said on the wrapping, was that because it was Monster food, it wouldn't melt if you didn't want it to, so they didn't have to worry about that at all.

Blue let Red taste his nice cream occasionally, stealing a lick or two from Red's and Horror had to hold back a squeal from how cute the two were together.

All good things had to end though, and just when Horror was about to finish his nice cream, a random human lady pushed towards them and slapped it out of his hand.

Shocked, he stared at the nice cream on the ground, and the only thing going through his head at that point was 'she wasted food'. Mars had stood up, holding Horror close to him, and Dust stood in front of both of them, ready to summon anything needed to protect his Anchors.

Red had paled when the human appeared and hidden his skull under Blue's chin, Blue, on the other hand, looked ready to stand up too. The only reason he didn't was because he wasn't as big as Mars, so he couldn't hold up Red in the same way Mars was holding Horror, especially since Red was taller than him.

"You Monsters are so disgusting! Two men shouldn't be together!" she yelled, gesturing at Red and Blue, before turning her attention to the trio, "And you! A lady shouldn't be with TWO men! No one wants to see a whore in public! There are children here! How dare you show such disgusting behavior in public and in front of children no less!"

Horror's face slowly turned horrified as he thought to himself, 'oh stars, i've finally met a karen...'

"shut up, karen!" Horror yelled over her, making her close her mouth in shock for a few moments.

"How dare you- I have never- How do you know my name?!" she shrieked out and Dust was sure that if they had ears, she would have damaged them with her shrill voice. Dust could see several people wincing and grabbing their ears. A lot of people rolled their eyes at her, but no one moved to help.

"oh stars, your name actually is karen? Your poor parents practically predicted your behavior in life." Horror sneered at her. He pats Mars' arm and he let him back down on the ground.

He stepped towards her, forcing her to take a few steps back, and said: "i have no idea how you were taught that it was okay to go up to people and yell your prejudices at them, but no one cared before you suddenly came up to us and opened your big mouth."

"They were just afraid to speak up in the presence of Monsters," she ground her teeth, "See?! Everyone agrees with me!"

No one agreed with her.

Horror stared at up at her for a few moments, a shadow having fallen over his face, which made his eyelight glow menacingly.

"let's leave," Horror huffed, rolling his eyelight at her and turned around, "i don't want to be around trash like her."

Blue nodded and stood up, letting Red stand on his own, and they quickly started to walk away with Mars and Dust.

"oh," Horror turned back towards her for a moment, "i'm no lady, i'm male, thanks."

She sputtered for a few moments, and two kids appeared at her side, trying to tug her away and telling her that she shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

As they left to finish their shopping, Dust's eyelights glinted for a moment and he seemed to say something to the empty air next to him. He nodded and sped up to catch up to the others.

They bought a bunch of shoes at a shop and Mars gave his credit card to Horror to buy underwear and socks. The others waited outside the store for Horror to finish and when he came out, they all quickly went to the car and back to the mansion. From there, they split up and Mars, Dust and Horror left to the cabin.

It was pretty late and dinner was already ready. Horror placed the shopping bags in their room and went down to eat with Jupiter and Sugar.

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