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Hello everyone!

It's been 3 years, huh? How time flies.

First of all, I have to apologize for just leaving without a note or anything, that was very unrad of me.

I had, somewhat, left the fandom, having gotten absorbed in various other ones, and with my writer's block, I decided to just update once I felt better.
And then I didn't.

I'm somewhat back in the fandom now, kinda metaphorically tipping my toes back in, you could say, heh.

Considering this story was meant to be just one more chapter and then an epilogue, I tried to reread the story to refresh myself on where I was at before, but... I can't help but cringe a LOT while reading it.
The pacing, the grammar... Well, I mean, with the grammar it's mostly that I had edited it before posting it and now reading back I can see so many mistakes.

Also, I am pretty sure I accidentally made Horror a MarySue lmao.

Anyway, my point is that I don't think I can rewrite it without changing everything, but I remember how proud I had been at this creation, and seeing some people still giving kudos to it and commenting... yeah, I'm deffo not deleting it, but I also have no interest in it anymore? If at some point I get my groove back on for writing, I would want to make something new instead of revamping this fic.

INSTEAD, I decided I'm going to share what was meant to happen in those last 2 chapters, and then move on from the fic.

Thank you, sincerely, for enjoying this story.
And I hope to be able to entertain ya'll once more at some point.

Byebye, loves~!

Chapter 49 - comfort bc he (Horror) thought they wouldn't come and reassurance that of course, they would bc they love him

he (Horror) shows that he's pregnant and it's theirs, since the dude didn't get with anyone else before and the fucker that kidnapped him didn't get to do that before the rescued him.
they leave soon and return home, Horror decides to go to therapy to help him
some fluff with baby.

Epilogue - everyone is looking over at the, now grown, baby playing with a friend (who is the cherryberry kid that was born somewhere between last chapter and this one)
everyone looks happy
mutt is pregnant
they all look at each other while thinking that 'we'll be alright'


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