Chapter 29

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After dinner, Dust went down to the basement to gather up the human's remains. Dust knew that humans didn't dust, he had killed the kid plenty of times to know that and could see that their body didn't dust before they Reloaded, so he needed to get rid of the body before it would start to stink up the place. Thankfully, because of the air having a considerate amount of magic, the body had yet to start decomposing, so he didn't need to deal with the smell yet. However, if he didn't move it today, then tomorrow it would start stinking.

Dust tried to think of ways to get rid of it. He could disintegrate it with a Blaster? But that would make a lot of noise and he didn't want to disturb anyone in the cabin.

He could take the body to the clearing and Blast it there? That would get rid of it entirely and no one would be disturbed by the noise it would make...

Dust decided on that action and grabbed a hold of the corpse's shoulder, no hesitation at touching something dead and pretty gross in his movements and shortcut to the edge of the clearing. He had decided to try not to appear in the middle too often, he didn't want to accidentally hurt any of his precious plants.

Lifting the corpse with his magic, he started walking down the path he had made towards the middle. It was almost a day after the ritual they had done and Dust could see that his plants seemed to have absorbed any and all excess magic they had shed while doing it. It was pretty easy to see since they seemed to be taller, bigger... more menacing looking. Dust grinned. He liked the change, though he was a bit concerned that it would negatively affect their health.

He had just dropped the body on the ground and summoned a Blaster when he noticed a... vine? Root? Creeping towards the body. Dust stopped his Blaster from charging and dismissed it, staring at the root, wanting to see what it would do.

A few seconds later, the root had reached the corpse and started to wrap itself around it. Dust crouched down close to it and watched it with curiosity.

The root tightened around the body and another root appeared to help the first one. The second root stopped in front of Dust and rose up to be right in front of his face. Dust kept still, wondering what it would do, but the root only touched his face for a few seconds before patting his head and going back down to help the other root drag the corpse to the other roots of the plant.

Dust rubbed his cheek where the root touched him and let out a chuckle of amusement. Of course he would manage to turn normal plants semi-sentient and somehow have their diet include meat.

The body was still a bit visible from where he was crouching, so he stood up and walked a bit closer. It seemed that the plants were somehow turning the corpse into magic and then absorbing it.

'huh,' Dust thought to himself, 'this would make a great body-dumping site... would take care of both corpses and my plants at the same time.'

Dust watched as the corpse slowly was turned into magic particles and absorbed into the roots. A few minutes later, he had fed the plants some of his excess magic and was about to leave, when he realized that some of the roots had surrounded his tibia's and were wiggling there. Dust couldn't help but compare them to sad puppies, and he crouched down to pet them. The roots slowly untangled themselves from his bones and leaned against his hands as he pet them. Dust smiled at them and reassured them that he would be back tomorrow.

Sulking, the roots left him and went back to their resting places. Dust straightened himself and shortcut back to the cabin.


After Mars had finished dinner, he had decided to bring Froggit to the creek, he had found out the correct word from Horror, and let him play with the other frogs for a big. Like... a playdate! Yes, like a playdate. Mars nodded to himself and smiled at Froggit as he walked towards the creek.

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