Chapter 28

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I made an animation meme!
[Ink Sans] Unfair Meme - it's the vid above =)


Red wasn't sure how to feel.

Before they had met the human, he had been outgoing, making jokes and perverted comments because he thought they were funny not because he was a pervert... though he was sure that everyone technically counted as a pervert if they thought about sex but now after everything, after being violated so thoroughly... he didn't know how to act.

It helped a lot that Blue was with him now, able to hold or talk him through panic attacks. Red could remember everything she had done to him. Red was thankful that Sans wasn't able to clearly remember anything, but that didn't help his own situation of remembering everything. He doesn't know if anyone else remembers anything, not having talked to anyone about it.

He had been let out of her thrall mentally during the times the human would violate him, his body moving according to her commands but his mind awake and somewhat clear. Unable to do anything.

The thrall was only half-lifted during the 'sessions', so everything he clearly remembered was about what she did to him during those times. He didn't remember what she or he was set to do outside of those times.

Red hates her. He was glad that she died in such a painful way, but now he needed to heal and he didn't know how he would manage it.

He felt lucky to have Blue, cheering him up and trying to get him to a mentality that would let him get professional help. It was a bit impressive that Blue managed to already manage to get him to admit that he needed help in the first place within 2 days, but that was Blue.

Speaking of Blue, he appeared in front of their bed with a bottle of mustard for him. Non-alcoholic, but still tasty.

Red took the bottle from him and took a big gulp from it.

"i'm not ready to talk about it," Red informed Blue when he went to open his mouth. Blue sighed but nodded in understanding. Red asked after a few moments of silence, "tell me about what happened while we were under?"

Blue looked unsure, but after an encouraging nod from Red he started talking.

"She Acted Like Everything Was Hers And She Was Some Sort Of Queen," Blue sneered for a moment before continuing, "She Was Going Around Calling All Of You Her 'Soulmates', And Had Convinced Dust, Mars And Jupiter That It Was True."

"wait, but SOULmate is the Monster term for married couples?! how did she convince them?" Red interrupted with a frown.

"She Said That It Must Be Only In Their Universe So And That 'Clearly' The Human Meaning Of It Was The Correct One. I Don't Know The Details, But They Seemed Convinced, So She Must've Been Really Convincing."

Red let out a grunt and took another gulp from the bottle in his hands.

"When Horror And Sugar Arrived, Horror Figured Everything Out Really Quick And Decided To Help," Blue grinned, "It Was Cool Watching Him Think! And We Went To The Person She Bought The Ring From And Got The Recipe From Them. They Were Creepy Though. I'm Glad We Don't Have To Go Back There."

Taking yet another big gulp of mustard, Red nodded at Blue to continue.

"All Of Them Seem To Have Calmed Down A Lot, Especially Dust," Blue continued, but his words made Red laugh.

"oh yeah, very calm," Red chuckled, remembering Dust's crazed eyelights light up with glee as he stabbed the human over and over again before killing her.

Blue Rolled His Eyelights, "I Meant In General, He Seems Less Creepy Now Than He Used To Be And He Is Very Considerate And Nice To Horror."

Hearing Edge call them down for dinner, Blue startled at having forgotten the time. Red stood up from his seat and stretched, finishing the mustard quickly and offered his hand to Blue.

Red felt a lot better after talking with Blue.

Taking his hand, Blue gave Red a big kiss on his mouth, and then shortcut them to the dining table before he could respond. Red blinked a couple of times before letting out a laugh. He knew that Blue wanted to announce their relationship to the others and Red was slowly warming up to the idea, but he knew that currently with the way things were, it wasn't a good time. They would need to wait until things settled down a bit.

Red sat next to Blue and filled his plate with lasagne. Now was eating time.

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