Chapter 45

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Sorry for being gone for so long! It's... kinda getting a bit hard to gather motivation xD

Once it was evening, all of them set out to the city, planning on going to a karaoke bar they had found the first day while exploring.

Horror was holding onto the hands of his two datemates, swinging their hands as they walked. The building slowly appeared in sight, the sign declaring the bar's name already lit up in pink-coloured neon lights.

The bar was open only after 9 PM, so they had all already eaten some dinner before going to it. Everyone had gone, excited about their plans and about spending time together. Not that most of them would freely express that, but those that did were loud enough without everyone adding to it.

At the door, the bouncer asked for their ID's, making Horror glad that they had remembered to go get registered as citizens. That was where they were given ID's and all the other necessary documents to make a living in Sans' universe. Showing their ID's to the bouncer, 'guard' as Edge put it, they were let inside.

Horror frowned a bit, the bar looked a bit more like a strip club than expected, but without any poles and such. He guessed that it was mostly the lighting that made it appear like that, reddish lighting was always used to show strip clubs in movies and tv series after all. Shrugging it off, Horror didn't say anything. Blue brought them here after all, he must know what he was doing. Probably.

Dust tugged him a bit closer to him as they had to push through a lot of people to get to a medium-sized table in a corner. There weren't enough chairs for all of them, but they were able to grab a few extra chairs from some empty tables. It seems that most people were just dancing, leaving a few tables unoccupied.

Once everyone was seated, Mutt took it upon himself to go to the bar itself and order for everyone. They weren't going to order anything alcoholic since the bar didn't seem to have any with magic in them, but Dust was able to drink human alcohol so he decided to get some whiskey for himself to taste it. Everyone else just asked for other, non-alcoholic beverages that did have magic in them, like juice, soda and plain water.

Right when Mutt got back to them with their drinks, a human walked onto the stage, which was almost on the other side of the room. The human grabbed the microphone from its stand and called out.

"Guys, gals and everyone in between and away!" the human grinned, "The karaoke will be starting in a few minutes! If anyone that wants to hasn't signed up yet, now's the time! It's right by the DJ here-o," they pointed at a masked dude standing behind him, who held a thumbs up for all to see, before saying their 'see ya later' and walking off stage.

The crowd dancing cheered and a few of them could be seen splitting from the group and going to sign up. Seeing this, Razz stood up, holding a hand out to Blue. "Let's Go, Blue! We'll Show Them Who The Greatest Are Here!"

"YEAH!" Blue cheered, smooching Red's cheek quickly before standing up and following behind his Fell counterpart.

"bet they're going to do a ridiculous song," Horror immediately said once they got farther away and wouldn't be able to hear him.

"No way that Mister High And Mighty will do that, 5 G they won't," Red grinned, slapping the amount said onto the table from his INV.

Edge frowned at him, "There Is No Way They Would Do That! Red, I Think That For Once I Can Agree With You."

"Aww, thanks, boss."

Stretch and Sans bet they would, but the others were going to stay out of it.

Until Dust, who seemed to be set on emptying the entire bottle of whiskey he had been given, grinned and bet something different. "they won't choose a song, but the randomly chosen song will be ridiculous."

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