Chapter 9

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WARNING! I don't know how to use warnings. Also the rather gruesome description
of a... human, and the eating of said human. Not as tasty as Hannibal makes it look.

Sans hid behind a house.

He watched the human as they wandered about, looking at everything, at everyone. And everyone stared back at them, not seeming to know what to do.

The feel of the town had shifted to... ominous over the weeks after the Core failed. The buildings had stopped getting repaired, something needed to be done every week because of the weather, so they looked run down and water snow damaged. The artificial sky that used to be the ceiling had failed, since it was no longer being powered by the Core, and because of that the classic red haze of Horrortale had appeared, making the atmosphere even more creepy. Sans wasn't sure if the human was confident, or stupid, to just walk into a place like the town had become.

A few moments of staring at the human from his hiding spot, Sans started to hear barking and growling.

The Dogs had arrived.

Looking around, Sans sees that one of the newspaper Monsters had called the guards. Sans watched as the Dogs grabbed ahold of the human, and started to drag them away. He sighed, and disappeared back to his room. He didn't care. It would be for the best to gather human SOULs as quickly as possible, getting out quick would help with his 'no eating human' goal.

This, of course, meant that Sans didn't see the human struggling in the Guards grasp. Didn't see one of the Dogs get fed up with it and following their instincts and biting their biceps. The human screamed in pain and shock. Feeling the flesh in his mouth, the Dog tears away from the human, flesh still in his mouth, and he swallows.

In shock, the other Dogs let go of the human, but Doggo held on tight and the human didn't manage to get away.

"Edible." Lesser Dog barked at the others.

"Edible?" they wondered.

"Edible." Lesser Dog nodded excitedly.

The Dogs grabbed ahold of the human's upper arms and dragged them away.


Meanwhile, Sans had gone down the stairs to watch Papyrus make sandwiches he didn't want to use too much of their ingredients, which is why he made sandwiches. Papyrus smiled at Sans, and continued making a few more sandwiches. Once the sandwiches were done, they sat down and started to eat them. After a few seconds of focusing on their food, Papyrus' phone started ringing. Surprised, Papyrus looked at who was calling and picked up his phone. Sans glanced briefly at who had called, but ignored it and continued to slowly munch on the sandwich he was holding. Papyrus finished his sandwiches in big bites, and stood up from the table.

"SANS! I AM GOING TO HELP TASTE TEST SPAGHETTI! EAT YOUR FOOD AND REST, YOU HAVE BEEN VERY BUSY THESE WEEKS, AND YOU ARE STILL SMALL!" Papyrus informed him. He had been confused when his body changed, when everybody changed, but didn't let that stop him from being the Great Papyrus! He was concerned about his brother though, who didn't seem to have changed at all, and he was worried that that meant something bad.

"sure bro. these sanswiches are pretty sansational. i'll be sure to not go sans a rest." Sans grinned tiredly at him.

Papyrus threw his hands up in exasperation and stomped out the front door.

Sans sighed, and stared at his last sandwich. He was starting to feel guilty at not helping the human.

He stood up and walked to the window, staring out in thought at the snow as he nibbled on the sandwich. Finishing the sandwich, Sans decided that the human would still be in Snowdin, since there was a snow storm going on, and the Dogs wouldn't be able to bring them to Undick in this weather without the human dying. He might be able to sneak them away.

Sans left the window, putting on a warmer hoodie and walking out the door. He tried to find out where the Dogs had gone by listening in on other Monsters, and finally found out where they had put the human. They had put them in a shed by Dogaressa and Dogamy's stations.

Frowning, Sans set off to there, shortcutting as close as possible before walking the rest of the way, since he had never passed by their stations.

A few minutes later, Sans saw the couple's stations. Looking around, he also saw the shed the human must be held in, and a large house where all the Dogs lived in together as a pack.

Stealthily, he walked over to the shed and slowly opened the door. Peeking in, he wasn't able to see anything. There wasn't enough light for that, but he was able to sense a living SOUL inside.

"hey, human! i'm gonna get you out of here, ok?" he whisper-shouted into the darkness.

He heard a weird groaning from inside, it sounded painful, which was concerning because he remembered that humans weren't supposed to sound like that. Sans rushed in and slapped his hand repeatedly on the wall next to him as he tried to find the light switch and look around at the same time to see where the human was. Finally, he found the switch and he flicked it on.

Sans scanned the room with his eyes, and he immediately took a step back in disgust.

The human was shackled to the wall, blood pooling around them. Pieces of flesh were scattered around the shed. Sans had backed himself to the wall, staring in shock at the body, and the groaning sound sounded again.

Sans tried to breath, but it was getting harder and harder as panic set in and his eyelight shot around the room.

They tried to reach for Sans, but he flattened himself against the wall. Sans wasn't able to stop looking, taking in every detail of this horrifying scene. The human's left arm was torn from their body, their right leg was shredded to pieces. There were bite marks all over their body and flesh was torn out with teeth. Their chest was torn open, showing their ribs, some were broken, and a piece of one of their lungs was missing. From their head, hair was torn out and scratches were everywhere. Their right eye was hanging from their socket, and the other was missing. Blood was falling from their mouth, and one of their ears were bitten off.

It was horrifying. It was monstrous.

And the human was still alive.

Sans stumbled out of the shed and threw up on the ground outside. don't waste food.

Unable to save the human from their inevitable death, he started to walk towards the tree line. The human was too damaged for healing to be able to save them. Maybe a Healer would've been able to save them, but he wasn't a Healer, and no Monster would help the human.

He had been too late.

Sans suddenly turns around and starts to run to the house, as he realized that the Monster that had called Papyrus for taste-testing had been Doggo. His magic was depleted from throwing up, so he wasn't able to shortcut to the house.

Slamming the door open, he was greeted with the sight of Papyrus eating spaghetti by the dinner table, surrounded by the Dog Guards. Sans was able to see a few blood stains on their clothes, barely noticeable.

"SANS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Papyrus asked him, noodles hanging from his mandible.

Sans let out a barely hearable squeak, staring at the bowl of spaghetti in Papyrus' hands.

There was an eyeball in it.

He was too late.


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