Chapter 7

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Crying for the entire night worried his brother, so Sans managed to dry his tears in the morning. He immediately went to the basement and started to sort through everything. He even went by the Shed and looked through all the stuff they had laying around there. Taking multiple things back with him, he decided he needed more storage room so that nothing would just be laying on the ground.

Sans realized that he needed to visit the Dump at some point, but decided to do that at a later date, no need to endanger himself yet.

Everyday he started to pass by Grillby's, the Innkeeper and her sister the Store Owner, and at some point the Mayor Bear having been upgraded from Politics Bear started to drop by to be sure he was truly okay. That's when Sans remembered that in the original story, Mayor Bear had tried to barge in to save the previous Sans, but had been terrified when he had found only dust. It was weird, since it seemed as though Undick spearing him had happened a lot earlier, since the Famine was only just starting to begin.

Sans managed to get acquainted with most of the population of Snowdin Town fairly quick, most of them worried about him. All of them seemed to have heard from Dr. Peony about his amnesia, and they were therefor all offering information in hopes that it might make him remember something. He managed to act as though it worked sometimes, saying that he remembered some things. he would talk about things deduced from the game, and everyone noticed that he didn't seem to remember anything from his and Papyrus' childhood. a lot of people pitied Papyrus.

Sans was rather awkward with Papyrus, wanting to get that wonderful bond the previous Sans had with him, but remembering his relationship with family in his human life stopped him. He had an okay relationship with his dad until he died, which prompted him to try to get over his depression to help his mom who became depressed. His relationship with his half-sister however... it had been weird. He barely ever saw her, her having her husband and child and her work, and him seeing her as a stranger due to the many years they had been apart.

He wasn't sure if he was able to have a close relationship with his brother, someone he still had a hard time seeing as his brother. But he needed to. It was Papyrus, and honestly, sometimes he wondered if he actually was just Sans gaining a human's memory and losing his own because of the hole. But then he remembered the note saying 'the original owner' of the body, and that made him remember that Sans probably just died and whoever wrote the note shoved him in this body before it dusted but after Sans' mind was already gone.

He choses *Ignore once more and decided to waste less time.

Sans started to study all the books he had on hunting, edible plants, and some on how LV affected a Monsters mind, body, and magic. He started going out to the forest and trying to teach himself how to track, using the things he learned from the books which wasn't a lot, since it seemed like no Monster ever even tried to eat meat. the closest would be snails and the water sausage previous Sans used to sell as hotdogs and hotcats.

He got slowly better, and decided to try to spend some time with Papyrus. Maybe Papyrus could help him make traps for animals?

The conversation had been weird, Papyrus seeming to be slightly scandalized at the thought of eating anything living, but in the end agreed since animals weren't sentient in the same way humans and Monsters were. Sans had no idea how he actually managed to convince him, but he would go with that explanation and leave it at that.

As the days went by, Sans was able to catch some animals, and he transformed a part of the basement into a place to butcher the animals. He made the basement bigger, since not everything fit, and he made a freezer in one of the spaces he made. The freezer took him a long time, but in the end, he recruited Papyrus for help. Papyrus seemed to be a mechanics prodigy, learning everything very quickly and proclaiming that it would widen his puzzle capabilities. And he seemed glad to be able to spend some time with his brother.

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