Chapter 25

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They appeared on their bed.

Sitting cross-legged, Dust and Mars sat opposite to Horror, who sat on his knees. Horror took a deep breath and started to explain everything to them.

About waking up after the Incident without ANY memories of before that, with only the memories of a human, someone that had been a fan of something known in their world as 'Undertale', a game of which multiple alternate universes were created of. Loving it so much that after reading a lot of those stories, they wrote one of their own.

Dust's eyelights had disappeared at this point and he was trying to calm down. Mars rubbed his back and Horror didn't try to come closer, knowing that he would have to calm down without his help this time.

"give me a moment," Dust managed to force out his mouth.

Dust used to be a part of Nightmare's Gang, so he knew what a Creator was. He hadn't made the connection though, so he was feeling a bit panicked. He tried to calm down, knowing that Creators weren't as bad as Anons. Anons were the ones tormenting Error, Creators were just the ones that Ink helped make AU's if needed.

Creators were responsible for creating beautiful, but also miserable worlds and the Gang had never decided whether they hated them or were indifferent. Error definitely loved them though, not like Ink who practically worshipped them, but Error loved seeing all these diverse worlds they created.

While Error disliked Ink's making of copies of most AU's and got rid of them, he liked the original worlds the Creators made. Error saw Ink's copies as 'abominations' and destroyed them. In his eyes, only the Creators were allowed to make AU's.

Slowly, Dust calmed down. Creator. Not an Anon. A Creator.

He nodded at Horror to continue, and after a second of hesitation, Horror complied.

Horror told them about slowly gaining some scattered memories of 'Sans's' life before the Incident. About the note he found telling him that they were 'Sans' now and realising which 'Sans' he was. Trying to prepare as much as possible, but not being able to do much. About Doggo and the other Dog Guards forcing Papyrus to unknowingly eat a human.

At this point, Mars was growling. In his world, he had been the one to shove it in his brothers' mouth, because he had been starving himself while giving food to others. It had been needed for survival, but from what Mars understood, in Horror's world Sugar had been tricked into eating human, before it had been a necessity.

Horror continued, telling them about all the food he had prepared dwindling down to nothing. Even the Healing food he had made with the Bridge Seeds and Echo Flowers had been eaten by them in an attempt to go as long as possible without eating human again, for Sugar, or at all, for Horror.

It hadn't worked, and they started to hunt down humans when they fell down. Sometimes they would be able to catch an animal, which made them happy since they wouldn't have to eat human while those lasted. Slowly losing memories of his time as a human as time went on, Sugar having to shove it into his head that it was okay because they weren't eating Monster dust like some other Monsters had lowered themselves to.

About having caught a human the day before they were transported and the machine sparking and blowing smoke. The machine blowing up and being brought to this universe.

Horror closed his mouth, taking a few deep breaths after spewing out all of his story to the two skeletons in front of him. They remained silent for a few moments and Horror nervously looked between them. Then Mars suddenly grabbed both him and Dust and dragged them into a hug, with Dust hugging Horror too, trying to reassure him.

"it's... okay. still... love you..." Mars told him, rubbing his cheek on Horror's skull. Dust made a noise of agreement and cuddled close to them. Horror smiled, a few tears of relief escaping from his sockets. Feeling peaceful in the warmth of their arms, Horror's breath slowed down and stopped after a few minutes, having fallen asleep.

skeletons didn't need to breath, but after being surrounded by monsters who did need to, they had grown used to mimicking it, to the point that it was 'as easy and natural as breathing' in the words of a stupid human who thought he was being funny. once skeletons fall asleep though, they stop the unneeded 'breathing' they do to reassure breath-needing creatures, both monster and human.


Sugar had gone up to the living room with the others, intending to give some privacy to the trio in the basement, and once everyone had left the basement, everyone started to go their own way.

Jupiter and Sugar went to the kitchen, wanting to start making dinner since it would take quite some time before the food would be ready. They prepared some vegetables and meat, and after some time they were done and only needed to occasionally check on the food to see if it needed more water so it won't get stuck.

They had been talking about Jupiter's universe the most, so today had been Sugars turn.

As Jupiter listened to Sugar talk, he started to realize that his brother hid a lot of things about his health from him. Jupiter didn't know about Mars having any fits because of his LV that ended in self-harm and he dreaded that his brother had them and felt like he couldn't share these things with him.

Horror took care of Sugar, just like Mars took care of him, but the difference was that he also let Sugar take care of him when he needed it. Stopping him during these fits, bandaging him up... Luckily, these fits seemed to have disappeared when they appeared in this universe and Sugar thought it had something to do with Horror being with Mars and Dust, who had become his Anchors.

Sugar confessed to Jupiter that he had been terrified that one day, he would be too late and that Horror would have accidentally dusted himself during one of those fits. 5 HP, while 5 times higher than he used to have, is still not even in the double digits. That meant that something like those fits were extremely dangerous to Horror.

The bandages and band-aids Horror's legs and arms are covered in, are filled with as much Healing magic as Sugar had been able to produce while in their universe. Now that they were capable of replenishing their magic so easily, Sugar had filled them to the brim with Healing magic, since for some reason, some of the wounds Horror made to himself weren't able to be Healed directly with magic, and had to be Healed through items.

Once the food was done, they called for their brothers and Dust, who woke the other two up and came down to eat.

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