Chapter 48

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two chapters? at once? i must be trying to make up for not posting more in December xD
also, did I say finish the story in 2020? *stares at date saying its 2021* idk, I totally don't remember that one...

[Warning for creep again
and also Horror's bad state of mind]

Light shined from a tiny window in the basement, high up on the wall opposite to form where Horror was tied down. It lit the room up a bit and helped his keep somewhat track of the time. An entire day had passed, making this the 4th day they were all on this trip. Luckily, the creep that had kidnapped him hadn't done anything, seeming to wait for something. Froggit sometimes managed to get out of its hiding spot to nuzzle his cheek and try to comfort him anytime it was safe for it to come out of hiding.

There was nothing the small frog could grab that would help him. The only thing it could do was stay with him and hope for its owner to come and save them. It had tried to see if it could escape from the window and bring it's owner back with it but the window was both closed and too high up for the frog to reach.

Horror was just barely able to hold on to hope. The kidnapper seemed to know what he was doing after all, so Horror doubted that the other would've left any kind of trail leading the others to him.

Anytime a sound came from upstairs, Horror shuddered, half hoping for his mates to appear but fearing for the moments that the creep would come down the stairs to stare at him and stroke his ecto. It was just a matter of time for when the human would assault him, as the other frequently told him.

It was- it was just so stupid! Horror was a Monster with LV, he was feared in his Underground, seen as violent, unhinged, and ready to kill anyone to feed his brother and himself. But here- chained up like a dog in this basement? He felt powerless! Oh, the irony!

A laugh bubbled up from his throat. It had barely been a day or so and Horror could already barely hold on to the shreds of sanity he had managed to regain throughout the past couple of months.

He had been holding on, slowly but surely healing, but now- now Horror could feel it to be the end. If nothing saved him soon, Horror could feel that he would break, his LV would then take over...

The disgustingly human kidnapper came down to the basement every now and then, touching him all over without actually doing anything and it made him feel constantly terrified of when the creep would deem it not enough and do something.

More than anything, however, Horror was scared for the tiny SOULling growing in his ecto. These were no circumstances for it to grow healthy after all, and with the way the creep was talking about the little life- like it was something revolting, disgusting, abnormal-

It scared him.



Blue scrambled to for a piece of paper, quickly jotting down the address that appeared on this monitor. Finally a clue to where Froggit, and hopefully Horror, had been squirrelled off to.

"GOT A PING!" The blue-clad skeleton said to his hooded companion, spinning the laptop to face the larger skeleton. There, in the middle of the screen, a bright red dot had appeared with an address written right below it.


Dust quickly looked it up on his phone and it popped up as been rather close to the carnival they had gone together to. Blue quickly called the others and notified everyone to meet up with the group scouring the place there.

Immediately after Blue did so, Dust was about to rush over to there as quick as possible, but Blue managed to stop him.


Dust yanked his arm away from Blue, an iciness in his gaze as he looked away. "you're... right."


Both of them gathered some healing supplies before they quickly shortcut over to where they told the others to meet with them. Mars immediately noticed them and pulled Dust into a hug the moment they arrived, with Red doing the same to Blue.

"THE PERPETRATOR MIGHT BE THERE TOO, BUT LET US FOCUS ON THAT, ALRIGHT? YOU TWO ARE HIS MATES, SO SEARCH THE HOUSE QUICKLY FOR HIM! GOT IT?" Blue asked Dust and Mars, hand on his hipbones and just not bothering to control his volume at all.

The two nodded impatiently and waited for the signal.

Razz nodded at them and started to count down. Upon reaching zero, Blue stepped forward and slammed the door open with his strength, surely breaking it, before yelling loudly.



Froggit managed to hide itself under some of the fluff surrounding Horror's skull from the hood of his jacket. The frog hadn't noticed the demon in human skin coming down until the last possible second and had rushed to hide in the only spot it could think of. Froggit couldn't do anything as the kidnapper slowly stroked over Horror's ribcage and sternum, a pocket knife held lazily in hand ready to stab him if he misbehaved.

The nuzzling slowly calmed Horror down and he could feel himself drifting, an unnerving calm settling over him as he dissociated. Coming back after some time, he almost felt like he was back before he stopped enhancing his body with magic for the first time and exhausted his reserves back in his AU.

That's it! Horror's sockets snapped open at the idea that appeared in his mind. He could enhance his body again and just... break the restraints! Right?

About to do so, he stilled as he thought clearly for a moment. Would him doing so have an adverse reaction to being pregnant? Would it be bad, dangerous, for him to enhance while with a SOULling?

Thinking, Horror decided that he needed to get out. Get free. But he wouldn't enhance his whole body.

Just his arms and legs.

Since the magic was internal, the shackles wouldn't be able to stop him.

The sound of the shackles breaking was loud, but masked by the sound of the door being slammed open upstairs, so the human didn't hear him getting free as he stood up to see what was going on and thereby turning his back to his prisoner.

Quickly, Horror sat up and swung the rather heavy shackles at the creep, managing to surprise him and land a hit on the others head, forcing him into unconsciousness.

"here! anyone! help me, please!" Horror started to yell, exhausted and unable to use anymore magic. Most of it was going to the little one in him after all.

"Horror?!" He heard from upstairs and the sound of a shortcut was the last thing Horror heard as he fell unconscious, Dust managing to catch him right as he fell forward towards the ground.


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