Chapter 46

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A/N:  It uhm... might take some time again for the next chapters xD
But! I'm hoping to finish the story before the year ends!

It was difficult to fall asleep.

Dust kept turning and fidgeting and turning, at some point, Mars just grabbed him and held him to his sternum to calm him down. Horror hadn't returned to the hotel before they went to sleep.

Despite starting to get worried, they didn't immediately go out to look for him, trying to give him some time to cool down from the argument. Horror could take care of himself, right? They shouldn't have had anything to worry about.

But when they woke up, Horror was still not back.

Practically racing down the stairs towards breakfast, Dust got there in record time, having forgotten to shortcut in his worry. Once there, he was still unable to find his mate and he pulled out his phone to text everyone. This felt urgent to him, so he sent a message to everyone to not skip and to come down quickly.

Mars got down with the others, a jacket and pair of sneakers in his hands. In his rush to get down, Dust had forgotten to put those on and just raced down without changing at all. The only reason he wasn't in his pyjamas was because he hadn't changed into those before falling asleep, leaving the clothes Dust was wearing wrinkled and making him look rather dishevelled.

"did anyone see Horror come back?!" Dust asked frantically once everyone was down, quickly hopping into the shoes Mars gave him. Shrugging on his jacket, he continued with the same amount of frazzledness in his voice, "he didn't come back to our hotel room, did he crash at any of yours?"

"WhAt? BrOTheR DiDN't cOMe bacK?" Sugar frowned, starting to look worried too. "hE diDn'T ComE To OuRs."

Red and Blue nodded, agreeing with Sugar. The others nodded in agreement as well and Dust's expression crumbled. "he- he can- take care of himself, right? nothing bad coulda happened, right?"

Mars tugged his matte to his chest and rumbled. "... sure... he's alright... strong."

"yeah, he- he's strong, nothing happened. but then where is he?!" Dust shuddered in Mars' arms. He had a bad feeling about this. "he would've come back, no matter how mad he was..."

"We Can Split Up To Look Around For Him, Cover More Ground That Way." Razz took charge, assigning everyone a partner that they wouldn't get distracted by and would keep them on the goal.

Meaning that they were all assigned to their brothers, Dust going with Sugar to search.

Hopefully, this way they would be able to quickly find Horror.

"He might've fallen asleep somewhere, a bench or under a tree," Stretch suggested, taking out a sucker from his INV and sticking it in his mouth as he stood up from his chair. This was serious and he would need to focus.

"YeAh," Sugar agreed, though he was a bit doubtful. There was no way that his brother wouldn't contact him, even if just to pop in before he slept to tell him not to worry. With everyone splitting up, Sugar grabbed Dust by his wrist and tugged him to move before letting go. They had a Sans to find after all.


Time passed quickly and by the time it was lunch, they had all once more gathered back up in the hotel to see if anyone had found anything. Texting could only let them talk so fast and in-person talking was far more preferable for everyone involved.

Razz and Mutt had gone to the beach, while Sans and Papyrus had gone to take a look at the area around the small bookstore and figurine shop Mars and Dust pointed out to them, the ones they had visited the first day. Nothing

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