Chapter 43

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Staring up at the iron gate in front of the carnival, Horror smiled before turning to look at his datemates.

Grabbing each of their hands, he dragged them with him as he speed-walked under it. Horror had a large grin on his face as his eyelight snapped from side to side in an attempt to take everything in and also find the others. Mars and Dust let their little mate drag them without any fuss, glad to see him happy.

"there!" Horror stopped, pointing at the opening of a tent where he could see Sugar and Jupiter from how tall they were.

"nicely spotted, sweetheart." Dust smirked, promptly picking him up bridal style and slowly walking towards the others. "let's go to them!"

"hey! dust- put me down!" Horror laughed, waving at his brother and the others when they looked over to see what all the ruckus was about.

Sugar waved back happily, gesturing at them to come closer. Speeding up to normal walking pace from the snail-like one from before, Dust came to be in front of them soon. Mars followed behind them, smiling and fiddling with the beanie hiding the hole in his skull.

"HeLLo, bRotHeR!" Sugar smiled at him, it turning into a grin when Dust didn't set him down. "It sEEmS tHaT ThE HumAns aRe HAVinG a 'MaGIc ShOW' iN hERe!"

"nice, bro!" Horror smiled up at his brother before hitting Dust's sternum repeatedly, taking care not to use any strength. "let me go~"

"sure." Dust smirked, which was the moment Horror realized his wording and immediately regretted it as Dust slowly let go of him. A shriek left his mouth as he felt himself fall, only to be caught mid-fall by Dust's Blue magic.

"don't scare me like that, dusty!" Horror cried out, trying to seem stern but failing at it. His eyelight twinkled and a laugh could be heard in his voice.

The line in front of them slowly started to shrink. Stepping inside the tent, Dust finally set Horror down onto his feet, without any tricks. Horror pouted at Mars, who hadn't done anything to help, but he just shrugged at him with a grin. It had been pretty funny and Mars was aware that Dust wouldn't do anything that might've injured Horror.

"Ugh, Shut Up With Your Lovey-Dovey Crap," Razz huffed at them, "Not Even Sans And I Are This Bad. The Show Can Start Any Moment Now."

Rolling their eyelights, the trio found a place to sit together, causing them to split from the others. The others followed suit, except for Razz and Sans.

"really, Razz?" Sans deadpanned at his datemate. "you do know that we were doing stuff like that constantly when we started dating, right?"

Razz blushed and rebutted, "Yeah, But They've Been Together For Some Time Now And-"

"Razz, love, we were like that for the entire first 2 years of our relationship. And some would even say that we never grew out of it."

"I-, Shut It," Razz pouted, turning to look at the stage, where the curtain finally parted and the spotlights turned on. Two humans were behind it, with one of them starting to talk before the other got into a... box?

Sans grinned and hugged Razz, snuggling into his arms as he watched the show with only one eye open.


Meanwhile, Jupiter and Sugar had taken a seat near the back, unwilling to obscure the vision of anyone else. It didn't matter a lot to them where they sat, they could still see everything due to their height. Their hearing was also focused on the stage, making them able to hear what was being said without any problems.

While it did bum them out a bit when they were able to easily see how the 'magic' was getting preformed, they shrugged it off. Jupiter quietly told his taller counterpart that it could be considered 'magical' how easily these humans could perform the tricks, without using any kind of magic.


Settling to watch the show, Blue and Red were able to snatch up some seats right at the front, making them able to see and hear everything that would be going on. Red was fascinated by the tricks they human was doing on stage. He knew that there was no magic in their actions, but the fact that all of this was being done without any magic was incredible to him.

Blue smiled happily at his mate, seeing his other-half happy made him very glad that they came to the carnival in the end. He watched as the humans on the stage wheeled out the previous act and the next one appeared. The human on stage, this time, made the other one 'float', even showing a hula-hoop around the other human, 'showing' that nothing was holding them up.

He was glad that none of the dangerous 'magic' tricks were being performed, as Blue had looked them up on the internet and mostly the dangerous ones appeared at the top. Watching quite a lot of the fail compilations, he had observed that they always ended badly... and sometimes even bloody.

Few of the skeletons ended up actually enjoying the show the same way the humans seemed to do, who were clapping and applauding. All of them had been able to see that there was no actual magic and it were all visual tricks. Still, it was somewhat enjoyable to them as they could try and figure out how these things were being done.

Horror was a tiny bit disappointed, but it didn't matter! It was getting pretty late anyway, just about time for them to head back to the hotel to catch some z's!



So, I'm alive!!! Surprise xD

I haven't uploaded for so long, and i apologized on Twitter, but since not everyone follows me, I'm just gonna say it again here!

I am so sorry for not uploading for so long, I know I said just October bc of my Kinktober fic, but there had been sometime between my prev upload (19 Sept) and October, and even some between end of October and now. I had written this chapter for some time but neevr had gotten to editing it, so i sped past it quickly rn.

I've been busy with school and I've been drawing a bunch! ... and getting distracted a lot xD

I've grown out of sync with this fic, but because of how close it is to the end, I'll try and finish this in this month xD

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