Chapter 21

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Man, I'm really not managing to hit the word count I want =P

With only a few hours left 'til the ritual, they all gathered around the campfire in the clearing. They placed the potion on a stand that held it above the fire and started to talk amongst themselves while waiting for midnight.

Horror had fallen asleep once more, this time on top of Mars, and Mars and Dust exchanged worried glances. After all of this was over, they would have to check him to fix whatever was making him exhausted.

Blue wasn't present, wanting to keep the others from killing the human when they snapped out of her thrall. He knew that they would regret not dragging her death out, so he would have to be there to make sure they didn't kill her and she didn't somehow manage to escape. he wanted her in agony for what she had done, a quick death wouldn't be enough to satisfy anyone.

Time went by quick, and soon it was time for the ritual.

Jupiter stepped forward, having been chosen to handle it. For everyone, it was like he did it in slow motion. Jupiter grabbed the ring and held it above the concoction, letting go of it and watching as the ring fell in the boiling potion, not making a sound. Slowly, the ring started to sink into the potion, and everyone held their breath in anticipation.




Nothing happened.


"D-Did I Do Something Wrong?" Jupiter asked, almost in tears, afraid that he somehow messed something up.

"no everything should've worked." Dust said, moving to step forward.


"i'm stuck? i can't move!" Dust tried to move once more, but nothing happened. He wasn't able to move his body, not even his head, he was frozen in place.

Hearing this, the others tried to move as well, but again, nothing happened. They were all stuck.

Did Marcy somehow find out what they were going to do and came to stop them? Had they been discovered before managing to save the controlled ones?

And then, amidst their panic, Horror moved forward, unhindered by whoever was holding the others in place. He slowly walked to the potion, walking around the others and soon reaching it.

"Horror...?" Mars said confused.

Horror turned around to face them, having had his back to them the entire time, and they all immediately noticed that his SOUL was summoned in front of him.

"i'm sorry," Horror apologized, "i can't have you interfering."

"what?" Dust started to struggle more, feeling like Horror was going to do something stupid, but stopped in shock when he noticed something glinting in off of the fire's light.

It was a syringe.

Horror lifted it up and after briefly tested the sharpness of the syringe's tip on a phalange. It easily went in and Horror pulled it out, licking the pink marrow that came out of it.

"wait, what are you going to do?!" Dust returned to struggling, not that it helped a lot. They were all held in place by Horror's gravity manipulation, with blue bones in them in case they managed to overcome the integrity magic. So long as they didn't move, the bones wouldn't hurt them, and the integrity magic was making sure they wouldn't accidentally or deliberately hurt themselves.

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