Chapter 15

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They had to find a way to get Marcy out of the house, afraid that if they didn't and went to the appointment, she would take the opportunity to do something without something distracting her.

All of them suggested something, most quite violent, but they decided to go with Jupiter's suggestion at the end. Blue would mention that they would need to clean the house and since Marcy disliked the smell of the cleaning products, he would ask her if she wanted to go shopping while he cleaned the house.

It was super effective, and she immediately organized to go shopping with the others that day. They would return 4 PM, so the trio would have 2 hours to get information and get back to the house.

Blue seemed a bit nervous at the time limit, but since Horror and Dust didn't seem concerned, he tried to calm down. To go there. they had decided to look as unintimidating as they could. Blue didn't really have to do something, just dress in casual clothes and he looked normal enough. And the only thing off about Dust were his eyes, which he decided to hide with a pair of sunglasses. Horror just put on a beanie to hide the hole in his skull and a pair of glasses to lower the intimidation factor of his red eyelight. No one knew if the glasses were fake or prescription glasses, and he didn't mention it.

Jupiter, Sugar and Mars would clean the house while they were out so that when Marcy came back, nothing would look weird. Mars would help the two Papyri by being on the lookout in case Marcy came back early since he would just get in their way while cleaning. yeah, mars was average in cleaning, and compared to jupiter and sugar who were practically speedrunning through the cleaning...


The day had arrived, and Blue waved at Marcy and the others as they left. The moment they were out of sight, he ran to his room to get changed and appeared in front of the cabin, a serious expression on his face.

It didn't last long, however, since he had to laugh at Horror when he found him hopping on one foot, trying to put some boots on. The glasses were askew, and the beanie sank into the hole in his skull, all of that combined with the practically dead look on Horror's face, it made for a very funny image.

"why laughing. tired." Horror mumbled as he managed to put his boot on correctly, straightening his glasses and trying to get the beanie to not fall into his injury.

Blue cackled and tried to calm down. "IT IS 1.45 PM, HOW ARE YOU TIRED?"

"life is sinking me man, trying to just float."

Blue laughed harder.

"what's going on?" Dust asked, appearing next to Horror.

Blue wasn't able to answer, laughing too hard, and just pointed at Horror.

Dust stifled a laugh, "c'mon we need to go."

Calming down, Blue grabbed Dust's hand and then Horror's and yelling out, "LET'S GO!", while shortcutting close to the address.

"It Should Be A Shop Named... 'Cloak N Magic'? What A Weird Name..." Blue said, trying to lower his volume.

"i see it!" Horror said, seeming to wake up. He pointed at a building across the road, where very little light came from a window lined with black curtains. It looked like a stereotypical magic shop, all dark and mysterious. It had a sign at the door proclaiming this to be the shop they were looking for.

"NICE!" Blue said, wincing when he realized he forgot to lower his voice.

They walked towards the shop and started to look around. There were crystals, herbs, a few weird bottles and vials and some small figures and candles being sold, and Horror let out a 'ooh' at some of the gems he found with pretty colors. he really liked their pretty colors...

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