Chapter 34

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The next day, during his break, Dust left his employee to manage his store and went to the store to pick up and pay for the computer. Klover seemed extra enthusiastic as she showed off the computer, telling him all sorts of technical things that went in one earhole and out the other.

Dust paid for it, a whopping 5k, which, after looking it up, was VERY expensive for a build pc. She must've really put all the goodies into it... He shrugged and put the pc in his INV, quickly popping up at the cabin to drop off all the things he had bought yesterday. He hadn't given them yet, wanting to have the PC first, but now he could hand them out.

Horror was extremely happy, though he had to convince him that it was okay for it to cost this much and once again tell him that because of the G to human money conversion, pretty much all Monsters were rich AF. All without even crashing the gold market, since no matter what others say, approximately 2,500-3,000 tonnes of gold is added without their G. The only reason why it everyone managed to get so much money from G was that it wasn't just gold, it was also OLD Gold. Apparently, age is also important.

Dust handed out the phones he had bought too, one for all members of the cabin. Now that the bitch was gone, they could all do whatever they wanted and Dust knew that communication was important.

When his break was over, Dust kissed his datemate and left to go back to his store.


Blue was starting his work officially, the past few days he had been taking the workload of a colleague, which let him take Red with him to work, but now that his work was truly starting, he wasn't able to take Red with him.

He would get too distracted with taking care of Red to be a proper guard and that was something he refused! As a security guard, he was being trusted to guard the place, he couldn't slack off during it!

Which is why he had asked Horror if he could keep Red company while he was at work. Horror stayed at home anyway, though he had informed Blue that he would try to make things and sell them. Art, Animations, maybe even manage to write a book! Blue encouraged it, he would look forward to seeing what his friend would make!

Horror had agreed, so long as Red was okay with it. Red agreed, not wanting to be alone. When he was alone, the dark thoughts would creep into his mind, so being with someone would distract him, even if only by having someone's presence there, knowing that he wasn't alone.

Red used to be a DJ at a club in town, but because of the whole Marcy thing, he had been fired due to Marcy not letting him go most of the time. Red had been sad about it, but he understood. Blue had convinced him not to search for a new job before he healed a bit more from what had happened.

A therapist had been contacted and some of the other skeletons agreed to go as well. Sans decided to go, along with Razz and Mutt. Razz had tried to get Sans to go, but he wouldn't go if Razz didn't as well, so in the end, they both went. Mutt went because his brother went. Edge didn't want to seem weak and thus had refused, and Stretch and Papyrus seemed to be dealing surprisingly well on their own. None of the cabin skeletons agreed to go, having been healing from their universes on their own just fine.

Red had gone to one appointment until now and he had been surprised to see Fuku, Grillby's niece, to be their therapist. After the Barrier went down, she continued her degree in the human world and had managed to graduate a year ago. Already she was a very good therapist and Red and the others seemed to like her. she had died in Razz' world, so he was glad to see a version of her alive. he had a soft spot for her.

Before Dust came in with the computer and all the things he had bought, the two had just been lazing around in the living room. They had gotten talking about Red's work, about what Horror was going to try and do, and generally bonding. After hearing that Horror wanted to try and make an animated series on Youtube 'after he got better at drawing', Red offered to do the sound effects for it. Horror was excited at that and agreed.

When Dust came in with all the thingies, Dust helped Horror set it all up. They had started to build the cabin up, wanting to make it fit more things, and during their vacation, they had managed to set up a room that they dubbed the 'Work Room'. Horror had placed a desk and chair there and now the computer would go there. The room also had nice windows letting light in and some bookshelves to place things in.

Setting everything up didn't take a lot of time, two people weren't even needed, but Dust wanted to spend some time with his datemate before he left again. When he left, Red popped into the room with a chair he had dragged over and sat next to Horror as they looked through the things Horror needed to download they didn't even need to pirate anything, they had enough money to pay for them and horror didn't feel too bad about using the money this time, having been thoroughly convinced that it was okay.

Red told Horror that he would get all the things needed for him to make the sound effects and that maybe he could write some music too for the series?

Horror was happy, though he warned Red that it took a very long time plan and animate a story. Red shrugged at that and admitted that it would be an excuse to do something he loved by using his Audio Production degree.

Horror shrugged and agreed. They had finally gotten it through his thick skull that technically, they didn't even need to work, they only did it because they did things they enjoyed doing.


Asgore totally donated a LOT of his money to all sorts of charities to try and make up for killing the humans that fell down to the Underground.

Toriel used her own money to open her own school =)

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