Chapter 44

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A/N: Updating quickly? Why yes I did.
Finished editing this one today, so here it is~!

Sparkling from the sun shining brightly, the ocean water seemed even bluer then normally. They eating breakfast and since the beach was directly next to their hotel, everyone currently awake was excited about going.

Razz, Sans, Red and Blue hadn't left their rooms, with Razz and Blue texting Horror that they wouldn't be coming with them this time. Their mates were still tired and they doubted that they would be able to wake up in time for them to eat breakfast and go to the beach.

Reassuring them that it was okay and to take their time and eat something after they woke up, Horror informed the others of the change in plans. Deciding that they could all go and do something together in the evening, they finished up once everyone agreed and headed out.

The beach was even more gorgeous up close.

It wasn't a sandy beach, instead, it was filled with tiny rocks and shells, but they found a place a bit away from the hotel and other Monsters and humans. Setting down his stuff, Edge placed his towel and laid down immediately, wanting to absorb the sunlight. Sunbathing, in a sense.

Unlike humans, skeletons weren't able to get a tan, since they didn't have any skin for that to be possible. However, they could still get some benefits from the sunlight as all skeletons had found out after arriving on the surface. Sunlight was good for their bones.

It strengthened their bones and refreshed their magic, something that helped Mars and Jupiter get better when they had just arrived.

Sunlight also seemed to have the positive effect of clearing their minds, extremely helpful to all of them that possessed even a little bit of LV.

Not feeling any need to swim, Stretch set down one of the two sun umbrella's he had picked up and shoved it between some rocks, making sure that it wouldn't fall over from the wind. Placing a foldable chair beneath it, he ensured that the umbrella wasn't obstructing any of the sunlight from his datemate, before starting to play a game on his phone.

Sugar and Jupiter set their towels down and immediately let to the water, grinning at each other before starting a competition on who could swim faster and do tricks underwater.

Papyrus and Mutt also set their stuff down, though Mutt waited to see where Papyrus would go first before placing his towel down by him. Seeing that everyone else was busy, Papyrus shrugged and went into the water with Mutt following behind him.

"You're it," Mutt smirked, tapping his arm and quickly swimming away before Papyrus processed what he said.

"I-," Papyrus laughed and dove after him, "THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL BE VICTORIOUS! NYEHEHEH!"

It was cute, watching them. Especially when Mutt started to compliment the other every time he was 'caught'. Mutt could dodge far better than this, but since this was meant to be fun, he didn't want to frustrate Paps by dodging everything. Papyrus definitely noticed what Mutt was doing, but since it was meant to be a game, Papyrus didn't mention it and just kept going.

Every compliment thrown his way was quickly brushed off and Stretch winced every time Paps did that as he watched the two play around.

As Papyrus kept doing that, Mutt's sadness at the responses slowly became more and more obvious and visible as the rejection started taking its toll on him. At some point, even Papyrus noticed, oblivious goof that he was.

"MUTT? FRIEND, WHAT IS WRONG?" Papyrus asked concerned.

"Heh, nothing Paps, everything's fine." Mutt shrugged it off and grinned at him.

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