Chapter 36

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[WORD COUNT: 1494]

I've got some things planned for ya'll, mwuahahhah.

ALSO, title changed to 'I'm A Fan!', from 'I'm Not A Cannibal!' since the previous title didn't really fit xD


It had been a week since Horror got the computer and he had immediately made social media accounts in ALL of the sites. DeviantArt, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, AO3, Wattpad and of course, Google. He had bought a subscription for Adobe Creative Cloud since now that he had money, even if it was his datemates' money, he didn't need to use the pirated version his school had used when he was a human, and bought Krita too. It was free, but the app in the Windows 10 store could be bought and was updated automatically. It was pretty cheap, and he could support the makers of it~!

He had immediately gotten to work, drawing a profile picture at first before starting to draw a few random characters and started writing some fanfiction for a fandom he liked, and planned out the animation he would have Red make the sound FX for. He also started planning a comic. He practically loaded himself up with work, something he was already starting to regret, but he refused to drop anything.

As Horror stared down at an empty Word document, he suddenly realized he didn't know Razz's job. he totally wasn't actually binging r/cursedcomments videos on youtube.

It was a pretty random thought, but he had managed to figure out everyone else's, all except Razz's.

He promptly abandoned his computer, taking this as an opportunity for a break, and appeared in front of the mansion. It was Saturday, so everyone should be home.

Ringing the doorbell, Horror alternated between putting his weight on his heels and his toes, trying to wait for someone to answer. He didn't want to just barge in, since that would only invite the others to do that to them and he really disliked that idea.

A few moments later, though Horror was already getting impatient, the door opened. Horror grinned when he saw that it was Razz that had opened the door.

"nice! just who i was looking for!"

"What?" Razz looked confused, but Horror ignored that, pushing past him and swiftly turning around and pointing at him dramatically.

"what is your job?!"

"What." Razz looked even more confused at him.

"you know, job? occupation? work?" Horror frowned at him, "why are you being slow today?"

"I Am NOT Slow!" Razz told him indignantly. "You Literally Pushed Past Me, Dramatically Pointed At Me, And Then Asked About My Work! What Did You THINK My Response Would Be?!"

"ah..." Horror scratched the back of his skull. "i might've watched too many r/cursedcomment videos... but tell me anyway!"

"Why Are You Even Asking?!"

"because i know everyone else's, but not yours and it's bothering me!" Horror impatiently rocked on his heels.

Rolling his eyelights, Razz sighed. "I'm A Lawyer. There Happy Now?"

"what?" Horror blinked rapidly, "a... lawyer?"

"Yes, Why? Got A Problem With That?"

"nononono, i just didn't expect that! sorry!" Horror quickly replied, before looking him up and down and nodding, "i can see that actually."

Raising a bonebrow, Razz rolled his eyelights once more. "Was That All Or Did You Need Anything Else?"

"oh- no. that was all..." Horror laughed nervously and quickly Skipped back to his computer.

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