Chapter 2

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Arriving in front of the Inn, Papyrus walked in and said hello to the small bunny at the reception. He asked the small bunny, a child probably? maybe the innkeeper's kid, to go get Miss Peony because they were here for the check-up he asked of her for his brother. The bunny nodded at them and hopped to the back. A few moments later, a taller female bunny Monster appeared and smiled gently at them.

She gestured for them to come to the back with her, and kept glancing at their crater. r00d, they thought to themselves, barely keeping their giggles down.

They always had a problem at laughing at everything they considered funny. Once they had said in class that someone could just say the word 'spoon' to them and they would burst into laughter. So someone did. They walked up to them and said the word 'spoon' to them. And they burst into laughter like they said they would. It wasn't fake laughter, it was real, they really did find everything funny life was funnyhilariousitthrewthemintoastorywheretheywouldbecomeamurder.

"Please sit on the chair, Sans." Miss Peony asked them, breaking through their thoughts.

They took a deep breath, not questioning how a skeleton could breath, and went over to the seat, one of those laying things where doctors usually would have you sit to examine you.

Miss Peony and Papyrus talked for a bit, with Papyrus mentioning your missing memory and his worries over how this might affect your stats, having had 1 HP, Papyrus was worried about how his brother survived, though very thankful they had, and hoped to be able to see if this would have any side effects.

"Hmm, I'll see what I can find." Miss Peony told Papyrus and sat on the stool in front of them. "Now, Sans, you told your brother that you can't remember anything before the Incident?"

"I don't remember what Incident you're talking about," they lied.

"Hmm," she started to carefully poke around his skull, tilting his head sideways to look inside, "there don't seem to be any pieces left inside. Papyrus, were you there? If you were, doo you know if the pieces dusted or not? If they aren't dusted, I might be able to close the hole."

"No, My Brother Appeared On Our Couch In The Living Room, Told Me What Happened And Then Fell Unconscious. I Carried Him To His Bed, But I Think That Any Pieces Have Dusted By Now." Papyrus informed her while shaking his skull at her.

"Very well," she sighed before straightening up her spine and speaking formally, "Sans, do I have your permission to draw out your SOUL for medical purposes, and medical purposes only?"

They narrowed their sockets at her, and vaguely could see a dialogue box popup.

[Wants to help. Has an ulterior motive.]

"what would we owe you?" they asked her suspicious. From what they had seen outside, despite the fact that the Famine hadn't hit full force yet, they could see that some Monsters already could see where things would end up. She was apparently one of those.

She looked startled, probably thinking that because they didn't have 'any' memories, they wouldn't notice. If that had been the case, probably. But they had their memories from time spent as a human, still seeing themself as a human until they had concrete evidence that the Sans they replaced was truly gone. Back when they were human, everyone always said that they were a good judge of character. Guess that'll come handy as they figure out Sans' abilities.

"I want you to help feed us. When the Famine really hits, and it will, I want to be sure that if you get food, then we will gets something edible too." She told them, steel in her eyes.

Papyrus started to immediately agree, but they quickly interrupted him, "who will count as 'us'."

She frowned, "My kid, myself and my sister."

They immediately noticed that her sister was mentioned last. Interesting.

"guess we hare a deal" they grinned before following her lead and saying formally, "you have my permission to pull out my SOUL for medical purposes and medical purposes only."

Papyrus took that as his clue to wait outside the room.

She did a gesture with her hand and a red upside-down cartoon heart, with a white line close to the edge but not exactly the outline, appeared in front of their chest. Weren't Monster SOULs white?

Dr. Peony, she's in doctor mode so calling her Doctor seemed like the best action, saw them looking puzzled at the SOUL, and gasped, "Sans, does that mean that you forgot even the basics? Do you remember SOULs?"

They took the opportunity and shook their skull, "i remember that Monster SOULs are white and upside down compared to human SOULs, and a few things more, but not as much i would want."

She looked scandalized at that and told them that she would explain things.

"yeah please do, i'm all ears" they winked, "actually i'm not, since i don't have any..."

She rolled her eyes at them, "Monster SOULs appear as white to humans, but for other Monsters, SOULs appear as the dominant trait of their SOUL, with only a white line inside. The only SOUL trait Monsters can't normally have is Determination. The Royal Scientist said so, though she didn't say why not. The thickness of the line is usually measured with a special tool, or spell if the person measuring knows it, and shows how much HoPe, or HP as youngsters call it nowadays, one has. Those are the basics, I'm sure you would have some books about SOULs at your house, if you didn't throw all your school textbooks away."

"err, idk, i'll look around, i cant really remember where they might be."

"At least I see that you've got your jokes back," she laughed. "Let's Check you now."

A Check box opened up before them.



HP 5

AT 2

DF 2

* The hit really knocked some health into him

SOUL Trait: Determination


They took a moment to realize the Check box didn't respect the pronouns they were using until they knew for sure if they were Sans. And then they realized what the box said. The box definitely said Sans. So they really were Sans now? Like, they merged with him?

They decided to attempt to check themself when they got back to the house, since they were sure that Sans's Check ability was far superior due to his role as the Judge.

"It seems like the Incident, really knocked health into you! You have 5 times the HP you had before, and you even have 1 more DF and AT! And you seem to have a Determined SOUL... that's weird, your SOUL used to be Patient and Just. I guess the Incident unlocked your Determination to survive." She hummed as she looked their SOUL over.

"thought ya said monsters SOULs cant be determined?" they asked her.

"No, I said that normally Monsters can't have a Determined SOUL. The Incident was a traumatic event in your life, which changed your SOUL down to its core." She corrected them.

"Anyway," she continued, "you're good to go. Remember our deal."

"yeah yeah," they rolled their eyelight and hopped from the seat to the floor and proceeded to walk out the door. "c'mon paps, let's go back to the house"

Papyrus nodded and stuck close to them as they went back, in case they collapse or something. He had noticed their use of 'the' house, instead of 'their' house, but didn't say anything, only quickly grabbing Dr. Peony's notes about the checkup.

Immediately when they arrived back at the house, they told Papyrus that they were going to go take the bath they had wanted to take before he interrupted. And to not barge in before knocking and getting permission. Papyrus sheepishly agreed and went to sit at the dining table to read Dr. Peony's notes on them.

They quickly ran up the stairs, something they immediately noticed Sans' body wasn't used to. That solved the mystery of Sans' fitness, he didn't have any. The super-fast dodges during the Genocide Routes must be him having fast reflexes and teleporting out of the way quickly.

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