Chapter 20

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I am so sorry for the shorter chapter!

On their free day, they didn't do a lot, truly taking it as a relax day. Jupiter and Sugar spend some time together, exchanging recipes and cooking some new food.

Dust would go to his clearing, getting it ready for the ritual and feeding his flowers some excess magic, not as much as he would normally give them since he was trying to save up on magic for the ritual, in case something didn't go to plan. Be prepared and all that.

Mars was playing with Froggit, playing a bunch of children's educational games, slowly trying to get a grasp on how smart the frog was. It seemed to have the same level of intellect a smart 5 or 6-year-old would have. Whenever the frog managed to finish one game, Mars would go to Horror excitedly, showing him the finished product and all-around acting like a proud dad. It was pretty adorable.

Blue didn't do a lot, he exercised and tried to come up with even better puzzle ideas, having started a bit of a competition with the Horrortale Papyri. He made sure that the human wouldn't be alone with the others, and while it seemed to annoy her, she didn't actually do anything inappropriate.

Horror... Horror seemed clingier, constantly being in contact with Mars or Dust, sleeping a lot and Sugar was getting a bit worried, but he knew that if Horror didn't tell him on his own, he would never be able to get his brother to tell him what was wrong.

The day went by fast, and soon it was morning once more.

This was the day, or night to be more accurate, that they were going to steal the ring from Marcy. The plan wasn't very complicated, because of their ability to shortcut/Skip they would be in and out quickly. They just needed to decide who would go.

Only 3 of them had been in the human's room before, so one of them would have to go. Dust wouldn't be able to keep quiet for long enough to get the ring, his magic was constantly cracking and lashing out around him, making a lot of sound. He was trying to learn how to control it, but he was only able to keep his magic quiet for 3 minutes at the moment. His magic wasn't harming everything around it anymore though, so that was already a large improvement from when he first arrived in this world.

Horror volunteered to go but was dismissed. He was told to try and gather his strength since he seemed to be tired so much. Horror wasn't able to persuade them to let him go, so Blue was the only one that could go, having been there a couple of times to distract Marcy with puzzle making.

The day was normal, not a lot was happening, and it was a lot like their free day. When it was night, Blue snuck into her room, and gently tried to tug the ring from her finger. It didn't work and Blue was getting irritated, but he continued trying not to wake her up. he would really like to grab Horror's cleaver and hack her finger off, but that would surely wake her up so he couldn't do that. maybe after the ritual...

Having an idea, Blue disappeared from his spot and reappeared within seconds with a small bit of olive oil. He dripped some on her finger and tried to get the ring off of her finger once more. This time it worked, and Blue quickly placed the oil back in its place and the ring in his INV.

Letting out a sigh, he quickly went back to his room to sleep.

In the morning, they all gathered in the cabins living room and Blue grinned at them, smacking the ring onto the table. Everyone started to celebrate, now only the ritual was left and the mission would be finished.

Dust and Jupiter went to the clearing to set up the last parts of the ritual, having it so that they wouldn't waste any New Moon time. The others, meanwhile, could hear Marcy panicking and raging in the mansion.

Dinner was tense, all of them worried that something might go wrong, but they all needed to get as much magic as they could in case Marcy ordered the others to attack them.







Horror's SOUL hurt.

Time 'til New Moon: 3 hours



(you can vote out of these or something else, but these are the one's already voted for! at the end we will see what ships win)

Red x Stretch | 3

Red x Blue | 13

Sans x Blue | 3

Sans x Blue x Razz | 2

Sans x Red | 9

Sans x Razz | 15

Sans x Red x Blue | 8

Razz x Human | 5

Razz x Edge | 3

Edge x Stretch | 13

Edge x Mutt x Stretch | 7

Edge x Sans

Jupiter x Sugar | 11

Jupiter x Sugar x Paps | 2

Paps x Human | 4

Paps x Mutt | 10

Paps x Edge | 6

Mutt x Stretch

Remember! The next chapter will be the last one people can vote on! So take the time to vote for which one you would want to see! You can vote more than once, so don't worry about that!

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