Chapter 41

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[WORD COUNT: 2119]

Informing everyone about the trip, Blue was glad to see everyone be excited. Especially excited were Dust and the Horrortale skeletons.

Having never before been to a beach, it was understandable for them to be excited. They hadn't been able to go while the human had been around and while Horror had memories of getting sick of going to beaches from when he had been human, even he was looking forward to going to the beach.

Horror hoped that it would be more enjoyable to go as a skeleton since he not only wasn't human anymore, he also would be going with people he liked, with his significant others and would probably actually have people to talk to and spend time with there.

One thing he was looking forward to the most, however, was the carnival. Even as a human, he had never before been to one, so he was very interested in seeing how one would look like and what he would be able to do there.

As Horror was getting ready for the day while thinking about the trip next month, Mars was getting ready to go to work.

It was early, 8 AM to be precise. His job would've normally stated 2 hours earlier at 6 AM, but his boss had told him a few days ago to come in later. They would open and close up shop later today since the boss needed to be somewhere, so he wouldn't be able to come by and open the store.

Mars didn't have a problem with that, since it meant he would be able to sleep in a bit. He was glad that his boss was decent enough to tell them beforehand since he knew that some others wouldn't have cared to.

Almost all of them had to ask for vacation days from their bosses, with only Dust, Red, Blue and Horror not needing to. Since they didn't ask for vacation often and were essentially only asking for a week off, their bosses had been okay with giving them a paid vacation. The week off was for a month later anyway, which meant that they more than fulfilled the 2-week notice all jobs asked for.

Blue didn't need to ask for time off since that had already been arranged for him and Dust was his own boss, only needing to inform his employees to take care of the flower shop while he was gone. Horror and Red worked together and from home, so they only needed to post a notice that they would be vacationing.

Lowering his hand towards Froggit's enclosure, Mars let him hop onto his palm and then onto his shoulder, where Froggit nuzzled against Mars' cheek for a moment before snuggling into the fur of his hoodie. Mars stroked his head gently with the tip of a phalange and grabbed his bag to leave. Popping in on Horror to kiss him bye, Mars left the house and appeared in front of the store, scaring his coworker who had been sweeping the front of the store.

"Ah jeez, Mars!" His coworker exclaimed, before laughing a bit and entering the store with him. "That always surprises me."

His coworker put the broom away and went to stand behind the counter. Mars shrugged and without saying a single word went through the door to the left of the counter. Appearing in a hallway with three doors, Mars entered the one to his left, where the changing rooms where. He placed his bag on a chair and then lowered Froggit on his bag after taking out his work clothes from the bag.

Going one of the stalls, he changed out of his regular clothes into his work clothes, which he knew would get stained and dirty from blood.

Upon hearing Froggit croak at him from outside the stall, Mars left it and folded his clothes to place them into his bag, which he promptly made disappear to his INV. There was no need to put it in a locker, his INV was lots handier.

Froggit had already hopped onto his shoulder. He seemed pouty, being unable to snuggle into the soft fluff of Mars' usual hoodie. Mars smiled slightly, he missed his hoodie too, even though he just took it off not only a minute ago, but he had no wish to try and remove bloodstains from it.

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